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Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 326: Renoir
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SpyingBlade peeked his head out and saw an arrow right before his eyes. He quickly turned his head and pulled back, received a scratch along his temple. His heart felt a chill. What kind of speed was that!? Whether it’s aiming speed, shooting speed, just showing oneself could mean death. He was also too far to teleport to. SpyingBlade saw Ye Cang looking over, his eyes asking for ideas.

Ye Cang instantly rushed out from behind the pillar. The moment he left cover, he activated Mirror Image, instantly crouched and began to charge into close range. Renoir’s skeletal jaws clattered. Ye Cang, once again, saw an arrow coming right for his face. He activated his shoe’s shadow step and appear beside SpyingBlade.

“Undead creatures sense you through smell. Although they can also use their eyes, but invisibility and stealth will easily be seen through. They can smell the living.” SpyingBlade saw Ye Cang’s confused expression and explained quietly.

“Bro, I also can’t leave cover. One arrow took out half of my health…” Zhang ZhengXiong’s words made everyone gasp. Damn, isn’t this just one shot one kill? It was necessary for someone to confront him in melee, otherwise the odds of success are too low. There were even some skeleton archers, that hadn’t died earlier, on standby beside him. Lin Le also didn’t dare poke his head out. He took out a molotov and was about to throw it blindly when, shoo, the arrow pierced through the molotov, setting Lin Le’s hand on fire.

“Father, we can only charge together. The arrows are too hard to dodge, we can only depend on you and big brother SpyingBlade to get close with your teleport skills. The rest of us will rush to finish off the surrounding archers.” Little Ye Tian whispered.

“Little Tian is right. I’ll count from 3. A’Xiong, Lil’Dino, you two go first and draw his first attacks. You two should be able to survive an arrow. SpyingBlade, we’re going to go stick to him! Lele, you also come help as fast as you can. The rest of the casters, prepare your spells…” Ye Cang came up with a plan. Everyone nodded. “3, 2, 1! Charge!”

Zhang ZhengXiong immediately jumped out. He blocked his head with his enormous armguard, and was immediately hit by an arrow. The force of impact pushed him back a few steps, but due to the successful block, he only lost ⅓ of his health. He quickly healed himself then continued to charge forwards. FrozenCloud used her qi defensively, and ate an arrow. She saw that she only had ⅓ of her health left and smiled bitterly. If she hadn’t used her qi, she would probably have instantly died.

In that one second reload time, Ye Cang succeeded in arriving at its side. He used a Straight Thrust with his pike, stabbing at the Renoir’s arrow holding hand. SpyingBlade arrived soon after, appearing behind Renoir. His sword swung, creating a destructive sword light, striking at the his bow wielding hand.

Renoir’s movements changed. He released his bow and arrow, and dodge the two’s attacks. In a flash, he had drawn the long and short blades at his waist, and was fighting against the two. The exchange of blade lights and sword afterimages left SpyingBlade alarmed. Even without his ranged abilities, this boss’s melee capabilities were more than strong! His two swords blocked the attack coming at his throat, then slashed back at Renoir’s skull. Ye Cang swung his pike with Multiple Straight Thrust and watched as, shoo shoo shoo, he had deflected them all and could even counter-attack. Damn! Could this boss be any stronger!?

Zhang ZhengXiong swatted the arrows that continuously came at him. He charged into the swarm of skeleton archers and began to wreak havoc. Wu Na cast an Ice Spear at Renoir, but he easily jumped back and dodged the attack. Not only that, he even managed to grab his bone bow, and made a shot mid-jump. She first thought to dodge, but knew it would be in vain. She activated Frost Armor, and the arrow shot her between her eyebrows. Wu Na’s health dropped to 0 and she died.

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SpyingBlade saw that terrifying shot and reaction speed. In that short moment, he had actually completed a ranged attack. “Don’t let him use his bow! Otherwise, we’re all dead!”

Ye Cang charged over with Dashing Straight Thrust. Renoir raised his bow to deflect Ye Cang’s thrust and smiled cruelly, “You’re… not bad, but… still green.”

As he said that, Ye Cang activated Flame Blade and Flame Lotus, attacking with explosive thrusts. Renoir flipped, avoiding it. Mid flip, he once again succeeded in drawing his bow. He landed in a half-squat and shot. His actions flowed so smoothly that it was impossible to stop. The core of Wang’s water elemental was hit, disintegrating on the spot. Due to Wu Na’s death, Wang didn’t dare show his face. He hid behind the stone pillar and began to summon again.

Renoir got up and charged at SpyingBlade, releasing an arrow from close range. SpyingBlade dangerously turned his shoulder and twisted his body in a strange way to avoid it. “Activate your tactics!!”

Ye Cang waved his hand and roared, “Tactics! Rapid Pursuit!”

After that, he brandished his pike and once again thrust forwards with a flame lotus. Renoir seemed to sneer. He rapidly jumped back and dodge the flame lotus. Suddenly, he panicked. His body dropped to the ground performing a flare-like movement. It was this movement that allowed him to dodge Lin Le who had leapt over and surprise attacked with a Sword Draw - Flash. His body continued to revolve and kicked Lin Le into the air. He drew his bow, planning to shoot him dead, when a nimble figure attacked from the side. Renoir was becoming somewhat enraged. He gave up his shot to block the pouncing Little Ren. SpyingBlade and Ye Cang once again surrounded him. Renoir released his bow again, his two swords easily dealt with the three people’s attacks. In fact, it was Ye Cang and the others who didn’t dare be careless. If they were hit, what would follow was a chain of attacks until they died. Blade lights and sword images enveloped the area.

SpyingBlade ducked his head, avoiding Lin Le’s wide sweep, and followed closely behind it with a five hit combo. The final hit of the longswords active ability knocked Renoir back, causing his body to stiffen up. Ye Cang sighed in relief. There was finally a gap in his defence. He ruthlessly stabbed with a straight thrust, but saw the figure in front of him disappear. Not good! He can teleport!

Everyone turned and saw Renoir appear by a stone pillar 20 meters away, drawing his bow. Everyone was planning to scatter. Ye Cang notice that his shadow step was ready! He quickly shadow stepped to Renoir’s shadow, and his pike stabbed into the arrow, snapping it. SpyingBlade sighed in relief. Thank god the scum’s shadow step cooldown wasn’t too long. If that attack hadn’t been prevented, things could have been worse than just losing a member. Perhaps at least half of them would die. This boss was too abnormal. It was intelligent so knew to aim for the spellcasters. Little Ye Tian didn’t dare to show her face. She had been waiting for an opportunity this whole time.

Zhang ZhengXiong was leaning against a pillar after having finished off the skeleton archers. He quickly charged to support Ye Cang who was having a hard fight. With Zhang ZhengXiong joining in, the pressure decreased. Before SpyingBlade could make it over, he saw Ye Cang and Zhang ZhengXiong’s perfect teamwork. With Lin Le added in, the pressure they exerted was was actually able to suppress the boss. SpyingBlade couldn’t help sighing seeing their mutual understanding. Lin Le’s wide swings were too likely to cause friendly fire, but to the other two, it was like they didn’t even need to dodge. The three of them attacked like a single entity. Really New Village’s Three Brothers… really fitting. When he entered the fight, Little Ye Tian could finally cast spells to weaken the boss. She thought that it would be good to buy a resurrection spellbook for Brother A’Xiong. If she were to die, no one else could revive. When she saw the boss once again pick up his bow, she quickly hid behind a stone pillar.

With everyone ruthlessly suppressing him in melee, it was impossible for him to shoot his bow. Ultimately, Zhang ZhengXiong and occasionally Little Ye Tian would weaken him. He was slain while holding his two swords. Ye Cang’s pike had stabbed through his skull between his eyes. They finally sighed in relief. They had to concentrate the entire time so their minds were worn out. They didn’t dare relax for a second, the threat from that shot was just too great. Thinking back, just 2 or 3 people were not enough to suppress him. Only with so many people surrounding him was he barely killed off

“Thanks…” The soulfire in Renoir’s two eye sockets gradually died out.

“Congratulations, you’ve slain Phantom Shooter Skeleton - Renoir. Received 3500 experience.”

“This boss, I’ll…” Ye Cang reached out. SpyingBlade reminded him, “This is an archer boss. Archer boss. If Lele loots it, there will definitely be a good bow, and good skills. Are you sure you want to gamble on it!?”

“Right, what if he forgot to bring his equipment again. No, whether he brings equipment or not has nothing to do with me. As long as I have my divine hand! There will definitely be a godly bow, a skill that can insta-kill bosses, and stuff like that.” Just as the hopelessly dreaming Ye Cang continued reaching out, Lin Le had already looted the corpse. “Brother Lil’White, he dropped…”

Ye Cang’s extended hand hesitated, then smacked Lin Le on the back of the head. “You steal my boss when I’m not paying attention again. Hah, it was going to be a divine artifact, and an insta-kill skill…”

“There’s no such thing…” SpyingBlade and the others broke out in cold sweat.

Litle Ye Tian saw that Lin Le was pointing to her! He was going to frame her again! She quickly hid behind FrozenCloud.

Lin Le hesitated, but he didn’t care. Since Little Ye Tian was gone, there was still Lil’Dino. “Lil’Dino made me do it…”

FrozenCloud rolled her eyes. This Lele…

Ye Cang sighed, and looked at the items that dropped. There were 3: a gold quality bow, a pair of gold quality boots, as well as a skillbook.

Renoir’s Composite Heavy Bow (Gold - Nightmare - Uncommon)

Category: Composite Heavy Bow

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Requirements: 90 Strength, 85 Dexterity

Damage: 27 - 30

+15 Strength

+14 Dexterity

+30 Penetration

+50 Range

Precise Speed - Composite Heavy Bow: +15% Shooting Speed, +8% Accuracy

Renoir’s Eyes: The next two shots gain +100 range and guaranteed crit for 1 minute. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

The speed focused boots were given to Lin Le. SpyingBlade also agreed. However, he didn’t use it yet. Lele’s set would slowly be replaced with gold or dark-gold equipment, but for now, he would hold onto it till he collected more.

As for the skill, it was a bow related skill. It was given to Ye Cang without a single objection. SpyingBlade was surprised, the skill’s rank was actually epic.

Phantom Shooter’s Mobile Shooting (Epic - Beginner Level - Passive): Reduces the difficulty of shooting in any posture and raises the accuracy.

Ye Cang imitated Renoir’s rolling shot. It was something he could already do before, but not as easily. It was like a gene lock had been unsealed, but thinking about it again, he felt it was somewhat useless. He would mostly be using his pike in melee, so why would he need a skill to shoot in fancy ways? However, it could still be used for certain long distance situations. Like when the boss dodged Nana’s Ice Spear, grabbed his bow and shot mid-leap…