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Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 301: Lil’Dino’s Choice
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The two sides reached a deadlock. Although the originator of the war, Ye Cang, had more people; the student council and the defence force members were all elites that could fight many against one. The battle only became more fierce. Every sports channel dropped everything in order to broadcast this holy war.

Lin Le hollered till his throat was sore and his butt was itchy. “Go! Go! Strip them! Strip them! Strip every student counsil member you see and leave them naked! You can do it everyone!!”

Lin Le’s commands were almost instantaneously relayed to the front. More and more student council members were being stripped bare, making their morale drop. However, when the instructors brought the fighting major students, their morale surged once again. Ye Cang frowned, “Even the instructors have joined. Little Tian, deploy our trump card.”

Little Ye Tian nodded. They weres still holding onto a important unit. She relayed the order, “Flasher Uncle! Surprise attack the third administrative building!!”

“Roger!” Flasher Uncle smiled, his elephant standing up straight. There appeared to be the trumpeting of an elephant as he charged into battle, several hundred fighting major students following behind him, most of them fans of Flasher Uncle.

Little Ye Tian once again made a call, “Panty Uncle, this is white hair’s daughter speaking. Father requests that you cooperate to take down the third administrative building…”

Even Little Ye Tian had a bit of trouble resisting Panty Uncle’s handsomeness, becoming very polite.

“It’s been a long time since it has been so lively. Say hello to white hair for me.” Panty Uncle’s sharp brows rose as he ended the call. He stroked his top hat, and revealed a cultured smile. Behind him was a horde female students, their mothers, and their aunts. From housewives, to new brides, from college to primary school, many beauties screamed.

Flasher Uncle saw Panty Uncle coming, and vice versa. The both turned away from each other and loudly clicked their tongues. They both charged into the third floor with their individual battle cries.

“Di ZhongHai! I’ll be the one to win!!” Panty Uncle shouted.

“Xian ShiLao!! Stop talking bulshit!!” Flasher Uncle roared.

“East district student news, Shan TongTong here, bringing you first hand news! The one before your eyes, killing all in but a single blow is team T-105’s commander of the 1st army! Zhang! ZhengXiong! He’s already succeeded in stripping at least 100 student council members! The battle is exceptionally fierce! Cameraman! Cameramaaaan!” Shan TongTong screamed as her cameraman was wounded by a stray punch. She grabbed the camera herself in order to continue her work, reporting with every ounce of strength and will she had.

In a park on top of a distant highrise building, a few young men and women were overlooking the crusade. The one leaning against a pine tree was the famous genius - Qin ShaoTian. Not far from him was a girl, holding her hands behind her back, and a smile on her delicate face. The girl, with bangs in a 7:3 split, was Sun Xue. She was one of the main members of Lin Hai’s five school competition fighting team due to her superior superpower. She spoke with a lovely smile, “Brother Qin, which side do you think will win?”

“Doesn’t matter…” Qin ShaoTian said, then left.

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“Such a boring guy.” Sun Xue sighed. She looked at the other guy who was of mixed descent. He had pale blonde short hair, and a sharp gaze. This was the five schools competition vice-captain - Yang Huo. She asked him, “Leader, what do you think?”

“Rebels. That Zhang ZhengXiong is extremely strong, he’s not even giving it his all. I’m afraid he could give ShaoTian a run for his money. The one called Lin Le is hard to evaluate, but he gives me a strange premonition, it’s hard to explain. He’s a bit like the Chrysanthemum Emperor, so intelligent that he appears stupid. Strangely, the most notable is that little girl who calls herself the brains of the group. Almost all the commands and battles are in her grasp, otherwise, the eastern district would have became a useless mob…” Yang Huo muttered.

“Then… what about the leader?” Sun Xue’s pupils contracted as she looked at the distant Ye Cang.

“I don’t know, but he’s not someone to needlessly provoke. To be able to become the leader in a war, how can he be useless? Even ignoring his battle strength, at least he has the power to attract people…” Yang Huo sized up Ye Cang, but was unsure.

“I’ll go meet him…” Sun Xue drew the blade at her waist and disappeared. Yang huo narrowed his eyes. Ye Cang is it? Let me see what ability you have.

Ye Cang greeted the logistics division, in other words, east district’s Night Market. They had delivered a midnight snack. He called Lin Le back, and they set up a special treatment tent.

“Tsk tsk, this war sure is spectacular…” Old Wang smiled. Beside him, the ramen store old man replied, “Whoever wins, this will go down in history. It’s worth celebrating.”

Ye Cang sighed while eating his ramen. “Lele, someone is coming to attack me from the left. Go intercept her. You can also try out your new moves.”

Lin Le’s ahoge stuck up. He quickly chugged his soup and wiped his mouth. Yin Yang symbols and Trigrams began appearing on his two hands. Even though he didn’t know how to intercept this unseeable enemy, he still blurted out, “Evil assassin! Lele will punish you!!”

Sun Xue was alarmed. How did he know about my surprise attack!? Impossible! Even Qin ShaoTian can’t sense me outside of 10 meters! Does this Lele have some sort of perception type superpower!? She looked at the symbols appearing at Lin Le’s hands. Qin family! Is his style similar to Qin ShaoTian? No! Qin ShaoTian’s is more fierce and direct, this one is a bit different. She swung her blade, sending snowflakes shooting out. Lin Le created vermillion bird trigrams: a white lightning symbol in his left hand, and a black fire symbol in his right. Although his Qi was only mediocre, Sun Xue could still sense that he would be problematic. Something in her instincts told her so.

Ye Cang stroked his chin. Although Lele lacked qi, but style wise, his control and understanding were especially impressive. He lifted his bowl to drink the soup, then began eating the noodles.

Wu Na’s band had also come to replenish their nutrients. She happily took out her cellphone and showed Ye Cang, “Look, I have more than 1000 fans!”

Ye Cang pulled out his phone and showed her his own followers. Wu Na looked and saw a blinding 6 digit number, and her heart sank. Why! I’ve created, composed, and worked so hard! It’s not fair! She sighed, and began to eat while muttering all sorts of profanities and the name of reproductive organs.

Qin ShaoTian looked at Lin Le’s moves, surprised. “Hoh~ it’s the predecessor of the Heavenly Dragon Arts, the Heavenly Trigram Technique.”

Ye Cang wiped his mouth, then returned to stand in his spot with his arms crossed, his cape still billowing in the wind, emitting the aura of a great general.

Thanks to Flasher Uncle and Panty Uncle, the instructors were forced to return to the third administrative building. Zhong Yun clenched his teeth. He had underestimated the other side. He never would have thought that out of 10 students, 7 would go to the rebel army while only 3 to his side. This was an east district affair, so the other districts couldn’t provide aide. What could he do? He didn’t have enough fighting strength. The student council’s base had also been occupied.

Little Ye Tian took out her cellphone, “It’s time to deal the finishing blow…”

Several hundred researchers raised their apparatuses, and joined the fight. An old professor came to curry favor with Little Ye Tian, “You can really ensure funds!?”

“Mm, for three proposals. The last one I’ve already started. The east district’s post graduate academy will be getting a huge amount of funding! That is, if we win.” Little Ye Tian promised.

“You lazy butts still not fighting!? What are you waiting for! If we lose, you’re all going back and writing equations! The school is too cruel! For our rights!!!” The old professor shouted righteously, then lead the post-grads and professors to charge.

The next day, early morning.

FrozenCloud’s whole body was sore. She looked at the victory medal displayed in the living room, and recalled yesterdays big fight, as well as last night’s massive celebration. This place was much more interesting than the capital. She turned her head and leisurely watched Lin Le and Zhang ZhengXiong spar outside on the sand. Even if she went back to the capital, she would always be compared to her sister, but now, her clenched fists could finally relax.

Little Ye Tian sleepily received a call from the professors. They showering her with praise for increasing their funding. While she was still feeling muddle-headed, she was given an award, then she quickly ended the call and went back to catch up on sleep. “Big Sister Nana said, girls must get their beauty sleep, otherwise we’ll become disfigured. Good morrow…”

When she hung up after saying that, the old professor froze. He still wanted to thank her for helping with his paper that had won great acclaim, but now smiled bitterly. With ample funding, he was once again filled with motivation.

Third administrative building.

Zhang ShaoFeng recalled last night. Flasher Uncle had surprised Li LiJia with his elephant, and Panty Uncle had stolen his and Li LiJia’s undergarments, and even gave them a assessment. He looked at his own grade… S. He quickly put that pair of briefs into a safety deposit box…

Li LiJia was also there recalling the rebel’s victory last night. In the end, Zhong Yun and the others had their bottoms spanked, then were stabbed by the Mighty Chrysanthemum Rod, making them scream. She had broken out in cold sweat watching this scene. She thanked god that she was just assisting.

As for great general Ye Cang, he was currently fast asleep. Wu Na, having been provoked after seeing the number of Ye Cang’s fans, had dragged her band members to go practice since early morning.

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That afternoon.

Ye Cang woke up, and saw the note Wu Na left, so called for delivery.

Everyone washed their hands, then sat in the living room waiting for food. FrozenCloud looked at the others hesitantly and asked, “Team Leader, Lele, Brother Xiong. What do you think about me transferring to Lin Hai?”

“Do as you wish. Why is the delivery not here yet…” Ye Cang said with a yawn.

“Just pick a guestroom. I’m so hungry.” Zhang ZhengXiong said, smacking the table with his forehead.

“Will you tell me bedtime stories?” Lin Le asked.

Their words made FrozenCloud speechless, but she couldn’t hold back her smile. Right, they really treat me like one of their own. I’m so tired, I don’t want to be in sister’s shadow anymore.

“If only she was half as outstanding as her sister.”

“Husband, don’t say that. She might hear.”

FrozenCloud clenched her teeth. I’m BingYun, not just BingXue’s little sister, and not some defective product. As she thought of these things, tears began to form in her eyes.

Zhang ZhengXiong hugged her against his shoulder. “If you want to go, then go. You’re always welcome here… Now that you’ve change your appearance, who cares if you used to be butt ugly? Right?”

FrozenCloud didn’t know whether she should be feeling moved, or to stab him with a fork, but she still smiled. Lil’Dino, huh? It’s not too bad.

“The delivery guy must have gotten in an accident. I guess I have to cook.” Ye Cang slowly got up, feeling somewhat excited.

FrozenCloud was originally crying and feeling weak, but her tears seem to turn into cold sweat, but feeling just as powerless. She quickly got up, “I have some confidence in my cooking…”

“I’ll do it. You’re a guest, it’s not proper. I must act as a good host.” Ye Cang said, jogging for the kitchen. FrozenCloud quickly stopped him.

Zhang ZhengXiong and Lin Le both sighed.