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Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 292: Dudosa
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Chapter 292: Dudosa

Ye Cang saw that his rain of arrows had been knocked aside by the black energy. The spot that A’Xiong had fallen was too far, he was still fighting through the warlocks and demons. A pike emerged from Ye Cang’s shadow, and he reached out to grab it.

NalanPureSoul clenched his teeth, summoning a rain of fire. Three waves of fire descended, followed by an explosion which sent many creatures flying. He turned and saw Ye Cang pull out his pike. He’s going to take the front? He chanted a spell and sent a flaming hoop flying towards March. Another black hand came out of the ground and intercepted it.

Wang could only smile bitterly. With so many fire spells flying around, his water elemental was quickly evaporated. Summoning it again would require a lot of time, which was clearly not possible. He once again became a pseudo-spellcaster, shooting out magic missiles.

Ye Cang shadow stepped into the middle of the magic circle, then pointed his pike at the women. NalanPureSoul shouted, “Don’t, it’ll speed up the ritual!”

Ye Cang withdrew his pike, then performed a Straight Thrust, intercepting a spell that March was shooting at FrozenCloud, scattering it. Straight Thrust, Multiple Straight Thrust, Shadow Strike. Black figures appeared from behind him performing another round of Multiple Straight Thrust. March’s invisible barrier rippled.

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The distant Little Ye Tian furrowed her brows. “He even has a barrier, and it seems like the amount of damage it can absorb is not small…”

Lin Le spun like a tornado with his handcart, clearing the way towards March, then followed up with a Handcart Charge. March saw the majestic handcart coming at him, and disappeared from his spot. When he reappeared, he was greeted by an enormous ice spear, immediately followed by flame bullets and an explosion. March had appeared in mid-air and had his hood blasted back, revealing his dried up and wrinkly face. He looked at Wu Na and NalanPureSoul, astonished.

Wu Na was still at the top, following Little Ye Tian’s instructions. NalanPureSoul was amazed that the little girl was able to predict as well as himself. He had done it based on his experience and intuition, but this girl didn’t seem like… He stopped his thoughts there and began casting curses.

Zhang ZhengXiong saw the falling March, and roared, “Get out of my way!!”

Holy Judgement! He quickly smashed open a space, and knocked aside everyone in his way with Barbaric Tackle. The tigerkin Little Ren, in a few leaps, was the first to arrive. In the air, his heavy axe performed four rapid chops. Following that was Ye Cang’s Flame Burst. Lin Le turned back. Like a specter, he dashed through everything. Zhang ZhengXiong looked at March, who had been blasted into a wall by the Flame Burst and was sliding down. He smashed into March, as if to sandwich him into the wall. Lin Le appeared, Zhang ZhengXiong dodged the incoming Sword Drawing, Whirlwind Strike, Armed Destruction, and Wild Blows! Execute! The enormous blade swung creating a continuous, unending arc, before the final attack sent March’s head flying. As March’s head flew in the air, it cruely said, “It’s already begun…”

All the disciples pulled out their daggers and commit suicide, their blood continuously poured into the magic circle, powering it. The bodies of the women began to wither, losing all their blood. The surrounding demons turned into a warm red current, which flowed into the summoning circle. Weak Sauce, who was cheering from the top, shouted out, “Aburaj! Dudosa!”

“Guardian of the third layer of hell, leader of the cerberus, Dudosa…” Ye Cang translated in a grave voice.

A strange and furious bark echoed against the walls. Although it was one voice, it sounded like a chorus.

When the light from the summoning circle faded, a hellhound with one tail, four legs, and three flaming heads appeared before everyone. It was nearly 20 meters long, 10 meters tall, and appeared to be full of power. The stone around it slowly began to melt, and the temperature of the room rose.

“It’s an event boss! Hurry and take the rune stone! This isn’t something we can deal with, get away if you can!” NalanPureSoul shouted. Ye Cang also felt the terrifying aura, like the skeleton demon’s. He waved his hand, activating Tactics – Rapid Retreat. The entire team’s movement speed rose significantly. He seized the opportunity to snatch the rune stone, then activated his shoes’ Shadow Step, appearing beside NalanPureSoul. “Loot the bodies that you can’t. Don’t stop to look back!”

Lin Le reached out and touched March’s body. Without even stopping, he jumped up the stairs, and ran madly for the outside. SpyingBlade and the others all began their escapes. Weak Sauce grabbed onto Ye Cang’s back, shivering in fear. The tigerkin, Little Ren, leaped off the walls and pillars athletically, reaching the top, joining the fleeing crowd. In fact, he ran the fastest.

None of them had the time to look back. They only heard a furious bark and flames began engulfing the tunnel behind them. Ye Cang and NalanPureSoul, who had just reached the exit, dived to the two sides as raging flames jutted out of the cave entrance, slowly melting the stone. Many system messages played, informing them of their party members deaths. Ye Cang saw that the only ones to make it out were himself, NalanPureSoul, Lele, Little Ren and Weak Sauce – who was clinging to his back. The rest were extinguished by that breath attack. He tossed the rune stone to NalanPureSoul, then turned back into the cave to pick up any fallen equipment, and charged back out with Dashing Straight Thrust. He looked towards the other two. The three of them had barely managed to get out.

The three of them still had some fear lingering in their hearts as they listened to the roars echoing through the tunnel. Especially Ye Cang. The price they had paid to help complete this quest was too big. NalanPureSould also knew that he owed another favor. He looked at the rune stone in his bag. “I’ll make up for your losses later. Right now I have to return to Black Rock City. I’ll gather some people to fight the boss. Whatever drops, you can pick two…”

Ye Cang was feeling rather unhappy, but still agreed. What’s done is done, he could only do his best to recoup the losses. Lin Le sadly looked towards the cave entrance. “Brother Lil’White, Brother Lil’White, are they in Black Rock City?”

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Ye Cang had already received Zhang ZhengXiong’s message as well as his ranting, and nodded. “Lele, let’s go back to the village and wait for A’Xiong and them…”

Lin Le nodded with a pout. NalanPureSoul separated from the two, and rushed back without rest to Black Rock City in order to begin preparations.

Lin Hai, seaside cottage, early morning.

“Tch Tch, bro, dieing and getting sent back to town is not bad. The resurrection point is full of beauties…” Zhang ZhengXiong said with a bright smile between drinking soymilk.

Little Ye Tian recalled the resurrection point’s surroundings. There really were many b*tches that had died and for some unfathomable reason, were acting cute around there. There were even some acquaintances among them.

ThornyRose and her people were there looking at Zhang ZhengXiong with a stunned expression. She knew how tough Zhang ZhengXiong was, to be able to send him as well as all the others back – even including NalanMoon and SpyingBlade – it must be an abnormal boss.

ThornyRose had asked curiously, “Playboy, why’re you here?”

“Hah, Sister Rose, don’t ask. It’s so sad, I was like a discarded rag, instantly incinerated. Thankfully, bro and Lele survived and picked up our loot, otherwise we would have died for nothing.” Zhang ZhengXiong sighed.

“We’re about the same. ElegantFragrance luckily survived, so it could be considered a success.” ThornyRose sighed with him, feeling sympathetic.

NalanMoon didn’t say a word and brought the others to begin organizing an expedition. SpyingBlade was also rather bitter. He was just a step away from leaving the cave and leaping to the side. He could only sigh at his lack of speed and movement skills…