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Tyranny Of Steel-Novel

Chapter 1030 Familial Matters
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Berengar sat in his study with only his eldest son to keep him company. There was an awkward atmosphere as the two of them remained silent, too afraid to broach the subject that needed to be discussed. After drinking nearly three beers, Berengar finally decided he could avoid the question no longer and swiftly inquired about it. 

"How long?"

A shiver went down Hans' spine as he heard his father's crass tone. Naturally, he felt as if he was in the most trouble of his life and thus he looked away as he gave the man an honest answer. 

"About a year..." ɴovelFɪre.net

Berengar silently nodded his head while glaring at his son. His distant gaze pierced through the boy's heart, and froze him in place. After another few moments of awkwardness, he posed the next question that was on his mind. 

"What about the others?"

Hans could no longer endure his father's icy gaze, and was quick to reveal everything that had transpired between himself and his fiancees. 

"Only Anne. In fact, she was my first. On my thirteenth birthday, she gifted herself to me under the condition that I marry her when I come of age. We've been seeing each other ever since. As for Ingrid, she approached me roughly three months ago, thinking that she could win me over by giving her body to me. 

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Ingrid may be a monumental bitch, but she is a great beauty, and when presented with such an opportunity, I didn't have the strength to reject her. I would have never thought that mother would kick her ass out at the first given opportunity..." 

Berengar sighed heavily as he heard this. At the very least, Hans hadn't slept with all of his fiancees. Still, this created some diplomatic issues, not only with the Kalmar Union, but with the House of Wittelsbach, who ruled over Bavaria. After several moments of contemplation, Berengar responded to his son with his thoughts.

"You have put me in a rather uncomfortable situation, but what's done is done. I will get your mother to expose the Prince of Saxony's dirty secrets to the public, so that his engagement to Anne will be annulled. After that fat slob has been arrested and sentenced, I will speak with Dietger personally about your relationship with his daughter and arrange a marriage between the two of you.  As for Ingrid, she is no longer your concern. Just tell me one thing... Did you at least wear a condom with the bitch? The last thing I need is for you to have an illegitimate child!" 

Hans simply scoffed when he heard this question. Though the boy was still too frightened to look his father in his eye, he could at the very least confirm that he wasn't an idiot. 

"Don't worry, father, that won't be a problem..."

Upon hearing this, Berengar sighed in relief before giving his son one last scolding. 

"I will give you one warning. If you dare to get any ideas about Veronika, Noemi, or Natalia, I will transfer your ass to the fucking corps. Lay a hand on any of them before you come of age and you can say goodbye to your nice commission and your flight certifications, because you will be front line infantry for the next eight fucking years!

As for Anne, you have already gone past the point of no return with the woman, so I will look the other way when it comes to her. Just don't get discovered until after I have secured your engagement, you little shit! Now get the hell out of my office! I have a mess to clean up, thanks to you."

Hans flinched when he heard how furious his father was. The very idea of spending eight years in a trench on some far-flung corner of the world made his skin crawl. No matter how tempted he might be to take his relationship with his fiancees to the next level, he would never allow himself to do it.  Just as the boy was about to step out the door, his father called out to him, which halted Hans in his tracks. 

"Oh, one last thing. I thought you should know that you will also be marrying the Italian Princess Klaudia Haselrieder. She's a few years younger than you, but she's a bright girl with a good personality and a pure heart. I will arrange for a meeting between the two of you within the next few weeks. So be on your best behavior when the day finally arrives."

Hans could only sigh as he left the room. Though he did not enjoy being scolded, he felt lucky knowing that his father and mother were willing to clean up his messes. Shortly after the boy's departure, his mother entered the room with a smirk on her flawless face. She was quick to ask her husband just how his little discussion went. 

"So? How did it go?" 

Berengar responded to this by pulling out two beers from his mini fridge, where he handed one to his wife before answering her question.

"It's not as bad as we expected. The boy has some self-control. He hasn't been intimate with any of his fiancees aside from Ingrid. Although, I'm not gonna lie. If I was his age, and had women like Noemi and Veronika throwing themselves at me, I would not be able to resist the temptation.

Though there is one matter we need to take care of. Apparently Ingrid was not his first. That honor goes to Anne, who gave her purity to the boy when he turned thirteen in exchange for a marriage vow. So it would be best for everyone if you take care of that fat Saxon slob once and for all. As for the negotiations with Dietger, you can leave that to me."

After hearing this, Linde was quick to take a sip from the beer before expressing her thoughts on the matter.

"To think my little baby boy would cause so much trouble. Oh, Hans, you are just like your father... Alright, I'll take care of it. The Saxon Prince will be discredited and dragged through the court system for his crimes. I'll make a proper circus of the whole thing.

As a result, Dietger will have no choice but to break the betrothal, where you can sweep in before any other suitors for his daughter line up and secure an engagement for our boy. I must say, I underestimated Anne and the lengths she would go to just so she can marry our son."

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Upon hearing this last part, Berengar smirked at his wife before posing a question he thought would annoy her. 

"So, does that mean you like the girl?"

Immediately after he had said this, a scowl appeared on Linde's face. Though she knew her man was deliberately antagonizing her, she remained silent and drank from her beer. It was only after several moments of awkwardness passed did she reveal her thoughts on the matter. 

"At the very least, I approve of her determination. With the right guidance, she might be a proper fit for Hans. But enough about our son. I have news regarding Frankia."

This statement caused Berengar's brow to raise in curiosity. He quickly sat down in his seat, and placed down his beer, before giving his wife his full attention. When Linde noticed that her man was listening, she began to summarize recent events that happened west of the fatherland. 

"The Dominion of Frankia, as we call it, is currently undergoing a monumental shift. We have established public schools throughout its borders, where German is the only acceptable language. As a result, literacy rates are rising, and the cultural conversion rate is up by 25% this year alone. 

Crime is down by 82% this past year. As we have begun to implement proper law enforcement throughout Frankia's borders. Brigands, highwaymen, and cutthroats have practically been eliminated from the countryside. Allowing the common people to live a relatively peaceful existence. To process these criminals, we have established proper court systems based upon German Law. 

Agricultural yields are up by nearly triple the previous amount. With the introduction of horse-drawn mechanized tools, along with synthetic fertilizers imported from the reich, and the four field system. Frankia is estimated to become agriculturally independent within the next five to ten years.

With fewer people working in the fields, urbanization has become commonplace, and we have begun investing in proper cities. Housing, plumbing, waste management, and ready access to clean water being the primary concerns. 

With our current progress, I estimate that within twenty-five to fifty years, Frankia will be properly converted into yet another German State. Where we can then annex them as an official province of the Reich. For now, our borders remain secure, and any unlawful attempts to enter German soil are met with a swift deportation."

Berengar nodded his head in approval with these results. They were more or less in line with what he had expected. After dealing with this matter, he dismissed his wife, and allowed her to go back to her work. For the next few months, the Kaiser would have nothing on his table, except for war preparations. Something he took very seriously. 


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