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Turns Out To Be a Genius Duelist

Chapter 281: Competitor (1)
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“T-That’s right.”

With the Black Sword Sect Leader nodding blankly, the non-violent conversation ended successfully. Cheon-ma, who was observing quietly, exclaimed as if she had discovered a new aspect of Yoon-seok.

“How can you speak so logically and beautifully?”

Yoon-seok replied shyly.

“…It’s nothing great.”

He meant it. Most Earth challengers with higher education could do this much. Probably. Although Cheon-ma didn’t seem to believe it.

“Huhu. How humble.”

As if she was looking at her great predecessor, Cheon-ma smiled. Somehow embarrassed, Yoon-seok dry coughed and looked up.

“Anyway, do you have any more objections?”

“…Of course not. If only the safety of my family is granted, I will happily cooperate with you.”

It was a positive answer, but Yoon-seok’s forehead furrowed.

“Safety of your family? Did he plan to kidnap your family?”


When Shama Liu couldn’t respond immediately, the Black Alliance Sect Leader grew flustered and said.

“Isn’t this how the world has become? But kidnapping? I was protecting them because he didn’t have time!”

It was just nonsense, but Yoon-seok didn’t want the fight to go on and on.

“Never mind, bring his family here.”

“I-I will.”

Soon after, the Black Sword Sect Leader called people in and gave them orders, and not long after, the servants returned with three people.



A young wife roughly in her thirties and two daughters in their early teens. Yoon-seok glanced at Shama Liu, who seemed around ninety years old. To be honest, looking at his age, he thought it was his daughter and granddaughters at first.

’Is this age gap normal in Moorim?’

It was a completely different reunion than expected, but Yoon-seok accepted it as a cultural difference between dimensions. Soon after the touching reunion, Shama Liu carefully asked Yoon-seok.

“Co-Sect Leader, can I ask you a favor?”

“What is it?”

“I want to entrust my wife and daughters to your sect. If necessary, I hope they can also enter as members.”

Although he was happy to get his family back from the Black Alliance, he must be worried something would happen to them while he was away. Yoon-seok looked to Cheon-ma and soon received permission to do as he pleased.

“It’s okay to enter our sect. Let’s go there with your family later. I’ll inform the demons.”

“…I will never forget your kindness.”

Shama Liu knelt. Because he looked as if he was swearing an oath, Yoon-seok grimaced and raised him.

“You don’t have to do that.”

What Yoon-seok wanted wasn’t a loyal subordinate but a colleague he could trust and rely on.

“Just like I said earlier, you can help me when the time comes.”

“…I will do everything I can to follow you.”

Whether it’s kindness or a grudge, was it the Moorim people’s nature to pay it back a hundred times? The way he spoke was as a loyal subordinate, but it was better to be sure.

“Then let’s sign a contract.”

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Yoon-seok took out the mutual contract he had written with Sharon previously.

—Challenger Choi Yoon-seok safely protects challenger Shama Liu’s family.

Except for this, it didn’t take long because it was the same as Sharon’s contract.

“Please read it and sign here.”

He flinched at the word contract for a second, but then Shama Liu looked over the contents cautiously and signed right away.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

Yoon-seok didn’t know what part of it was a consideration. But, he was content as long as the other party was satisfied.

“Let’s get going.”

Since the situation was concluded, they would head to the Demon Sect as promised. Plus, the pale Black Alliance Sect Leader also looked like he wanted them to leave.

“There’s a carriage on the way, so I think you have a ride. You don’t have to give it back.”

Impressed by the civil conversation, he showed them his generosity. Certainly, they had a total of six people now, so they did need a method to travel by. But…

“…No need.”

They didn’t have the time to travel leisurely by carriage. However, perhaps she felt the underlying intention to the rejection, as Cheon-ma firmly said.

“Just in case, I’m telling you in advance, but Yongyong can’t do it.”

Yong-yong flapped his wings with a noble look as if he agreed. Yoon-seok smiled. He had no intention of forcing Yong-yong to pick up so many people. Even if he could put things in his subspace bag, it’d be inconvenient for so many people to ride on top of him.

There was also a much more convenient means.

’Commander Call.’

The moment Yoon-seok recited his command, the entirety of the Alliance was blanketed by shadow.


Everyone, including Cheon-ma and Yong-yong, raised their heads to the sky.

“Steel flying in the sky… is this what they call an airplane?”


“Then what the hell is that?”

Yoon-seok replied with a smile.

“This is called a spacecraft.”

“It sounds powerful!”

“Yes. There are quite a few useful functions such as near-field automatic intercepts, shield deployment, transparency, emergency acceleration, and nuclear rays.”


Even though it was clear that she wouldn’t have understood anything he just said, Cheon-ma’s eyes were shining. Feeling proud, Yoon-seok said.

“Then let’s go. It’ll be quite comfortable.”

“Yes, let’s get going. I will be the first one to ride it!”

Starting with the enthusiastic Cheon-ma, Yoon-seok guided everyone on board. They each looked a little scared but excited, with one exception.

“Father. I’ll fly on my own…”

After returning to human form, Yong-yong’s expression turned sullen like a worker who lost his job due to advances in technology.

“I can already see it from the outside, but it’s spacious!”

“Yes. There are about 1,000 cabins, so if you’re tired, you can go rest.”

“T-There are 1,000 of them…?!”

Yoon-seok guided the round-eyed Cheon-ma and the others to the captain’s office. He thought it would be more enjoyable if he showed the outside through the screen during the flight.


When the door opened, a silver-haired girl appeared and politely saluted.

—You’re here, captain.

“Who is this girl?”

Saint Lynn, the last weapon creature created by ancient space people. She was included in the spacecraft thanks to the Ego Booster of b Metallurgy}. However, it was better to explain it at Cheon-ma’s level since she liked concise explanations.

“It’s like the soul that controls the spacecraft.”

“Soul? How can a soul move in front of my eyes?”

“I don’t know about that either.”

That wasn’t the only thing he didn’t know. Yoon-seok asked Lynn, who stood in front of him.

“Why are you saluting all of a sudden?”

—It’s a common courtesy to the captain.

“What’s with that uniform-like outfit?”

—I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Yoon-seok was speechless at Lynn’s shameless response. Why was she cosplaying as a soldier…?

’Still, how can I know what she’s thinking?’

It was better to give up trying to understand.

“Anyway, let’s go.”


“Ryokai…? Where did you learn to say that?” (tl/n: ryokai is “roger” in Japanese)

—This is what the vice-captain told me.

Come to think of it, Ashton was a huge SF fan. The famous series he loved was produced as an animation in Japan.


But was that not the only thing she learned from him? Lynn’s journey gradually headed toward completing a point-by-point scene.

—Power operation completed. Destination coordinates confirmation completed. Checking the operation of the automatic interception system. Stealth mode on. Taking off.

She had never recited the process like that before.

Yoon-seok didn’t know what had gotten in her, but in the eyes of others, including Cheon-ma, there was nothing but admiration. Enjoying their gazes, Lynn glanced at Yong-yong while flipping her hair back.

—Consider it an honor. Dragon.

Now Yoon-seok knew why Lynn was acting this way. She overheard that he was envious of Cheon-ma riding Yong-yong.

’Is that why she’s conscious of Yong-yong…?’

—I’m not conscious. How could I be conscious of a low-level flying creature made of flesh and blood?

‘…So you are.’

He was more certain at Lynn’s immediate response. Lynn was jealous of Yong-yong right now.

—…Jealousy is projected onto something superior. That’s far from an inferior dragon called the captain ‘Father’ when he’s not blood-related.

Yong-yong could no longer put up with Lynn’s sarcastic remarks.

“How can you say such insulting things upon first meeting! E-Even if we’re not blood-related, Father and I share the same magic, that’s stronger than blood!”

—Pfft! If magic is thicker than blood, I’m no different from being one with the captain.


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Yong-yong looked at Yoon-seok with shock.

“I-Is that true? Father?”

It wasn’t wrong. Lynn and Yoon-seok’s magic and power were integrated through the synchronization process. However, Yong-yong looked like he would run away from home if he said that.


Yoon-seok faced Cheon-ma with a troubled look. But, Cheon-ma, who had stuck her face up to the screen, was far from being able to help him. In the end, he had no choice but to solve the current situation on his own.

“Lynn, stop it. Why are you so mean?”

—I’m not being mean; I’m just telling the truth.

“Father! Please answer me! Is what she said true?”

Yoon-seok sighed. For some reason, the headache he had was getting worse again.

Surprisingly, the fight between Yong-yong and Lynn (?) ended well. It was because Cheon-ma, who was looking outside, noticed the situation.

“It’s noisy, so stop. Both of you.”



Yoon-seok couldn’t believe it. He could understand Yong-yong’s reaction, but even Lynn, who had great pride, closed her mouth? Did parenting also need strength?


The spacecraft quickly crossed the continent and reached its destination in just twenty minutes, several times faster than Yoon-seok running.

’I mean, it took only an hour to take a lap around Earth.’

He also told her to take her time.

’…Why didn’t I take a ride before?’

That’s what he thought belatedly, but in fact, it wasn’t efficient to use Lynn only as a means of transportation. Now they had b Planet Guardian}, but if Lynn had not protected the Earth before that, there would’ve been too many casualties to count.

Like what happened to Seoul, which was completely ruined.

“I think I’ll be bothered if I go in person, so please put in some good words for me.”


At Yoon-seok’s request, Cheon-ma took Shama Liu’s family and returned to the Demon Sect’s headquarters. To be honest, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to check the place out himself… but thinking there were tens of thousands of fanatics like Sword Demon Jeong Dae-woon, it was a bad idea to go there reveal who he was.

“But is it okay if you don’t follow along?”

“We’ve discussed everything on the way, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

“No, I’m not asking that… I thought you’d be more worried.”

When asked by Yoon-seok, Shama Liu made an incomprehensible expression.

“There is a saying that if you drink poison once, drink it until the end.”

He didn’t know why one would drink it, albeit knowing it’s poison, but Yoon-seok didn’t argue. To interpret it roughly, Shama Liu said that he shouldn’t have any doubts since he decided to believe them.

“Thanks to your consideration, I was able to have a good time with my family. But I’m fine now so that you can tell me. What exactly should I do for you?”

“As written in the contract, there is no need for you to do anything right now.”

If there was one thing, it was to work hard on his growth until he reached the 25th floor and met at the fountain of Union Square three days later.

“If you need anything before that, you will receive a communication request under the nickname Grape Jam, so just accept it.”

“I’ll do that.”

Yoon-seok talked to Shama Liu about his abilities until Cheon-ma returned.

“Demon Brain Jin Yoon-ie greets the Co-Sect Leader.”

With an annoying old man who was looking him up and down sternly.
