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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 718
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Chapter 718 Disruption

The next day, Amelia and Oscar went to the company together. When Isabella saw this, a subtle change registered on her face. “Oscar, why is Amelia here?”

“This is her company,” replied Oscar brusquely. Isabella glanced at Amelia, clearly stunned. Awkwardly, she cleared her throat. Amelia’s smile was every bit decent. “Ms. Walker, I appreciate you holding the fort for us while we were away at Saspiuburg.”

Isabella forced a smile, suppressing the discomfort she felt when she saw Amelia. Just then, Linda came over holding a stack of documents before she greeted, “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton.”

Oscar nodded and replied, “Are all the documents I asked you to prepare ready?”

“Yes, they’re all there. I also called to inform the senior management of each department to come upstairs for a meeting. Are we going to start now?” Linda’s tone was brisk and business-like.

Oscar nodded.

“Amelia, go and sit in my office. We’ll have dinner together after the meeting is done.” Oscar stroked Amelia’s cheek as he said this. Turning to another secretary, he said, “I’ll leave Mrs. Clinton in your hands. Get her anything she needs. You’re not allowed to neglect her. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mr. Clinton.”

Isabella watched this interaction coldly, looking at Amelia with a hint of contempt and disdain in her eyes. What good is this woman for but hiding behind Oscar? She’s just a useless good-for-nothing mooching off Oscar’s care and goodwill!

She really couldn’t figure out why Oscar liked this woman, nor why he was willing to do so much for her.

Drink 1 Cup Of This Before Bedtime And Lose 14 Kg In 2 Weeks

Men Can't Put Their Hands Off This Game


Secretly, she envied Amelia. She could not understand how Amelia caught Oscar’s eye. She was beautiful but certainly not the most beautiful woman of all. On top of that, her family background and personal achievements were very lackluster.

It was precisely Amelia’s lack of prestige that made Isabella look down on her.

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“Oscar, let’s go. Amelia isn’t a child, she can take care of herself,” said Isabella with a smile and clenched teeth.

Oscar merely gave her an impassive look.

Amelia smiled and said, “Oscar, would you mind if I sat through the meeting?”

“You wish to attend?”

Amelia nodded.

“All right, then.”

Isabella was not happy with this. “Oscar, these are meetings reserved for members of senior management. Amelia has never worked here! I think if she attended, people might get uncomfortable.”

“The whole d*mn company belongs to my son. Is there a problem if his mother wants to sit in? In terms of relevance, you’re the actual outsider here,” quipped Oscar ruthlessly.

Isabella paled at the sound of Oscar’s voice.

The assistant secretary standing beside him looked up at the ceiling with a smirk. They seemed to enjoy the spectacle of Isabella being put in her place.

Drink 1 Cup Of This Before Bedtime And Lose 14 Kg In 2 Weeks

Men Can't Put Their Hands Off This Game


Immediately, Amelia tried to pour oil over troubled waters. “Come now, we should go inside. We can’t keep them waiting.”

Oscar nodded.

This was the first time Amelia had attended a high-level meeting of Clinton Corporations, and everyone had a grim expression. As soon as she walked in, she could feel the crackling tension in the air. The executives looked at Amelia as if she was nothing, but they did not dare say anything due to Oscar’s presence.

“Mr. Clinton, this is the plan I came up with last night to reduce investments to the minimum. Please take a look,” said the finance manager as he promptly handed over a stack of papers. Respectfully, he said, “When that man ran off with the funds, I, as his superior, was also at fault. I’m grateful to still have my job, Mr. Clinton.”

Oscar received the plans in his hand, browsed through them briefly, and said, “It’s good, but I hope to reduce the risk of investment to twenty percent. I think you should go back and discuss this further. Hopefully, you can get back to me by tomorrow.”

The manager of the finance department couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, obviously thinking that Oscar was extraordinarily pleasant that day. He did not know if he had Amelia’s arrival to thank for this.

He couldn’t help but glance at Amelia secretly, thinking that she was beautiful and generous. He figured if he was in Oscar’s shoes, he would fall for someone like her as well.

Oscar glanced at him coldly. The man instinctively shuddered and retracted his gaze.

Seeing that Oscar was open to discussing things, the other high-level executives shared their views on the theft of the project. Oscar merely listened without offering input, occasionally nodding.

Amelia listened quietly and mentally sorted out the causes and consequences. When the meeting was over, and the senior management dispersed, she said, “Oscar, I have a suggestion. Would you care to listen?”

Oscar gently stroked her head and said with a smile, “Silly girl. Do we need to be so formal with each other? Just tell me.”

Amelia explained her thoughts in a clear and organized manner. Oscar listened, and his eyes could not help but brighten. He pulled Amelia into a hug and twirled her around the conference room. When they finally stopped, Oscar kissed her on the lips, hard.

This was the first time Amelia had seen Oscar so carefree, and she couldn’t help but smirk.

I didn’t realize he had a cute, playful side to him.

“You really are my lucky star, Amelia. With you around, the company will pull through even if it encounters a bigger crisis. I think your opinion is solid. That being said, the stolen project is nothing really. Given how the company has so many elites from top schools, they somehow still can’t measure up to you. I don’t know what they will make of this.” Oscar gently tapped her on the nose and smiled.

Amelia smiled and thought that Oscar’s words were too exaggerated. All she did was speak her mind. She had never been involved in work of this nature, so it was unlikely to be of much help. Solving this conundrum rested on Oscar alone.

“Let’s go,” said Amelia with a smile.

When the two left the conference room, Amelia said, “Oscar, I need to use the restroom.”

Oscar nodded in response.


Amelia then entered a cubicle. When she came out, she saw Isabella touching up her makeup in front of the mirror.

Given how they were both rivals, the tension in the air was palpable.

Isabella rolled her eyes at her angrily, and said, “Well, well, well, isn’t this a right f*cking coincidence? Can you stop showing up everywhere, Amelia? I can’t stand the sight of you.”

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Amelia walked to the mirror and smiled placidly. “Funny you should say that, Ms. Walker. This is Clinton Corporations, and Oscar has designated part of the shares to me. That makes me an owner, too. As a minority shareholder, I have every right to be here. I don’t think an outsider like yourself has any reason to question this.”

Isabella was furious. She glared at Amelia fiercely and retorted, “Amelia, don’t get too cocky now. At the end of the day, it remains to be seen who Oscar will end up with. There’s no telling that he won’t end up falling for someone else and forgetting all about you!”

Amelia looked at Isabella in the mirror, thinking she was being oddly specific. However, after giving it some thought, she wondered how someone could just forget everything. As such, she didn’t put the woman’s words to mind and merely washed her hands at the sink.

“Ms. Walker, you seem to be a highly educated person, so there’s no need for such cryptic words. I’m honored that Oscar is favored by someone as excellent as you are, but let’s be realistic. He’s already married, so you’d best show some restraint.” Amelia then shook off the water droplets on her hands and added, “I’ll be taking my leave now.”

Isabella looked at the mirror with a grim face. She hissed, “Amelia Winters, the days you can remain cocky are numbered. All I need to do is wait for the drug to take effect. If I find the right opportunity to hypnotize Oscar, he will be mine, and he will forget all about you.”

She had waited for this opportunity for so long that she refused to let anything stand in her way. If her plan succeeded, she could finally win Oscar over.

Amelia naturally didn’t understand what Isabella was thinking. She went back to the office and asked Oscar to hand over some documents for her to look over. Oscar did it without saying anything, and the idea that she would not understand had not crossed his mind.

Amelia was quite sincere in her task. When she saw something she did not understand, she immediately clarified things with Oscar. With the pair working together, they processed most of the documents efficiently. Oscar gave her a wolfish grin, saying, “You really are my miracle worker. You’ve already gone through most of my backlog! Would you like to become my senior personal assistant?”

“I was merely messing around with papers. The fact that you’ve not told me off for disrupting your rhythm is a miracle in itself. How could I be qualified enough to work as your assistant? You’d be staring at me and neglecting your tasks instead,” retorted Amelia with a wink. “I’d rather not end up on the streets with you one day.”

Oscar beckoned to Amelia. As soon as she walked over, he reached out and took her into his arms, he pressed his lips between the curve of her neck, inhaling the faint scent of her body.

“Come and be my assistant, won’t you?” Oscar said in a slightly low voice.

Amelia angled her neck, feeling his warm breath tickling her. With a grin, she said, “Stop it, we’re still at the office.”

Oscar reached out and unbuttoned her clothes, but Amelia stopped him immediately despite the lust burning her eyes. “What are you doing?”

“We’ve been taking care of your mother over the last few days. It’s been a long time since we did it. I want you, can I?” Oscar nibbled a trail along Amanda’s neck, his voice husky.


Just as things were about to get more heated, the door to the office suddenly flew open. Oscar instinctively turned Amelia around to cover her bare chest.

He then looked coldly at the person who came in without any consent. Seeing that it was Isabella, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He picked up the pen holder on the desk and threw it at Isabella, hitting her squarely on the body.
