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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 699
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Chapter 699 Futile Regret

Jennifer hastily fled and headed to a location where few people go. She lifted her head to look at the

sky, forcing her tears to cease.

A wave of sorrow washed over her. You should stop appearing in my life if you don’t love me, Carter.

“Don’t you feel bored standing here alone when it’s so lively inside, Ms. Larson?” Behind her, Jennifer

heard a woman’s voice, which startled her.

Instantly, she raised her hands to wipe away the tears before turning around. It was Isabella who had,

at some point, followed Jennifer out.

Jennifer raised her chin. “Ms. Walker.”

Isabella handed Jennifer a cocktail. “Have a drink. It’s a crime that you don’t have a glass of booze in

your hand when the night is as enthralling as it is now.”

Jennifer accepted the cocktail but subconsciously kept her distance from Isabella.

“I’ve heard some of the stuff said about you, Ms. Larson,” Isabella started. She took a sip of her cocktail

and continued, “I’ve also seen the videos circulated wildly online. I’m truly sorry for what happened to

you. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. I’d be more than happy to help.”

Jennifer glanced at Isabella and smiled. “I don’t think we’re close enough for that, Ms. Walker.”

Isabella chuckled as she raised her glass to clink it with Jennifer’s. “We certainly do not know each

other in the past, but we do now. I believe this is fate. We will become friends as we share the same

enemy, don’t we?”

Jennifer gazed at Isabella intently. She asked, feigning ignorance, “What exactly are you on about, Ms.

Walker? I’m afraid I don’t exactly get it.”

After taking a second sip of her cocktail, Isabella raised her head to admire the brilliant moon in the

night sky. The weather that day was spectacular. The sky was clear, creating an inky canvas for the

moon and the constellations.

“Since I came here to find you, Ms. Larson, it’s obvious that I know about your issue,” Isabella started.

“As for your mom’s—”

Jennifer, however, exploded in anger before Isabella could finish her sentence. “Those are our family’s

problems, Ms. Walker. I believe an outsider like you shouldn’t interfere.”

“Calm down, Ms. Larson. I’m merely feeling sorry for you. Not only did your mother’s illness reappear,

but your scandal has also spread on the internet like wildfire. Right, I even heard that your video

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caused a significant decline in Larson Group’s stock price, and many directors even sold their portion

of shares. Think about the potential consequences if people who intend to ruin you and your family had

a hold of those stocks. Your dad’s position as the company’s greatest shareholder might be in danger,”

Exaggerating, Isabella said while grinning.

Isabella’s words stung Jennifer in the heart. The latter felt as if everyone was against her. She had had

enough of them constantly bringing up her scandal and her mother’s illness.

“Could you really accept it as it is, Ms. Larson?” Isabella continued softly.

Jennifer gritted her teeth. “Stop beating around the bush, Ms. Walker.”

“Work together with me. I could invest in your family’s company and bring it back to life,” Isabella

declared firmly.

Jennifer snorted. “Do you think you’re capable of that? It’s not that I don’t believe in you, Ms. Walker.

But all you are is the daughter of a wealthy family. How are you expected to assist me in overcoming

my difficulties? Don’t tell me you want to use that face of yours to establish your capability.”

“You don’t have to be concerned with how I’ll help you; all that matters is that I am capable of doing so.

I merely wish to collaborate with you to get rid of Amelia,” Isabella replied.

Jennifer stared at Isabella as she sneered, “Your words sound pleasant to the ear, Ms. Walker.

However, I must remind you that Oscar is to be blamed for my mother’s current condition. Additionally,

he was the one who first publicized my scandal. I recall you trying to pursue him in the past. Are you

sure you would let me do him any harm?”

Isabella lifted her head and downed her entire cocktail. She answered, laughing, “I’m only trying to get

Amelia. I won’t stop you if you can do anything to Oscar. However, it appears that you can’t. I don’t

think you’ll stand a chance against Oscar even if you work with that foreigner. Hence, I’m not worried

about it at all. You and that foreigner are merely tools I will utilize to eliminate Amelia. Only capable

women should be eligible for the position of Mrs. Clinton.”

Jennifer scoffed. I don’t see how you fit in that criteria, though. You’re merely a fool who’s too full of


Jennifer had no intention of getting involved with Isabella. Thus, she had not given Isabella’s

suggestions much thought.

Getting onto her feet, Jennifer said, “I’ll be going in first, Ms. Walker.”

Isabella, who stood rooted at her spot, watched Jennifer’s diminishing figure as a smirk crept up her

face. “I would like to see how long you can keep up with that worthless pride of yours, Jennifer Larson.”

Jennifer entered the banquet hall and returned to June’s side.

June regarded her with a half-smile. “Where have you been? I saw Carter following you out. What? Did

he want to go back to you?”

Jennifer glared at him, not bothering to answer his question before asking haughtily, “When will we be

heading back?”

“Why are you in such a hurry? We’ve come to witness how happy Oscar and his family are,” June

stated as he lifted his chin. “With that, we’d be able to experience the thorough sweetness of revenge

when we finally push them down from their pedestal. Aren’t you the slightest bit excited about that?”

Jennifer scoffed. “Look at how composed and controlled you are now, June. Those who don’t know

might even think you’re about to succeed. But don’t you remember how many times you were defeated

by Oscar? Are you sure you aren’t the unfortunate rival of Oscar’s?”

June’s expression darkened at that.

“Don’t forget that we’re in the same boat, Jennifer. You’re probably going to create an internal riot

before we even get to the enemy with the way you’re bulldozing your way through your comrades’ self-

worth,” he exclaimed through gritted teeth.

“No. You’ve got it all wrong. I’m just trying to see whether the person I choose to work with is a

scaredy-cat who’s all words and no actions,” Jennifer refuted with a cold smile.

June wrapped an arm around Jennifer’s waist. Stealthily, his fingers managed to pinch a patch of her

skin. “Remember Jennifer. We’ve done it before and not just once. I guess you could say I’m your lover.

I even recorded us doing it on camera. Dare I send them to your dear unrequited love?”

Jennifer smirked. “Sure. Send them if you like. The majority of the men in Tayhaven, I believe, have

seen my body anyway. I’m just a sl*t who has slept with many men. The scandal started with the first

video. Therefore, I see no issue uploading two or three more videos.”

June moved closer to Jennifer’s face. From another angle, it looked as if the two were kissing.

Amelia approached Carter while holding a wine glass in her hand. She observed June and Jennifer’s

interactions. “I’m concerned Ms. Larson will be whisked away by another man if you don’t make your

move, Carter.”

With a bitter chuckle, Carter turned away from June and Jennifer. “What are you on about, Amelia? You

know who I like. Stop trying to play matchmaker.”

Amelia laughed. Carter is such a stubborn person. He has fallen for Jennifer, yet he still refuses to

admit it. I’m afraid Jennifer would already have become another man’s lover by the time he finally

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allows some sense to crack through that thick skull of his. June, on the other hand, does not sit well

with me.

Amelia narrowed her eyes. June did not seem like a good person to her. She had a terrible feeling that

Jennifer would be unhappy if they ended up together.

On top of that, she also had no idea how June and Jennifer got together in the first place.

“I advise you to think things through, Carter. If you keep being stubborn, your woman will end up in the

arms of another man. Besides, I don’t think June is a good person. Despite being engaged to Cassie,

he maintains messy relationships. And now he’s here to get involved with Ms. Larson. I don’t think Ms.

Larson will benefit from continuing her relationship with June,” Amelia stated straightforwardly.

Carter’s hand, which had been aimlessly swirling the wine in his glass, stopped. He said nothing.

“It’s rare for us to meet people we love and who love us back. Don’t hold back if you really have

feelings for her. It will be meaningless when you regret missing out on the opportunity. We didn’t work

out years ago, and it’s practically impossible now. You’re not in love with me, Carter. What you feel for

me stems from the fact that we did not work out. For the past two years, Ms. Larson has been pursuing

you and taking care of your everyday requirements. I don’t believe that you don’t feel a single thing for

her,” Amelia added.

Carter looked at her, a bitter smile on his face. “You’re just so eager to push me to another woman,

huh, Amelia?”

Amelia smiled as she took a sip of her wine. “Please don’t get me wrong, Carter. You’re the one who

had grown to care for her; I’m not attempting to play matchmaker. I just don’t want you to live in regret. I

now have my own family, and I want you to find happiness as well. It’s quite lonely to spend your entire

life alone. You don’t lack for either money or ladies. I know that, but it’s hard to find one who truly cares

about you.”

Carter was deep in thought after hearing Amelia’s words.

“Give yourself some time to think about it. I’m going to find Oscar and Tony.” With that, Amelia left and

went back to Oscar.

The corners of Carter’s lips were upturned at the sight of Amelia leaning against Oscar with a happy

smile on her face. It no longer left Carter feeling a pang of jealousy within him. However, when his gaze

fell on Jennifer, the smile on his face dropped slightly.