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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 624
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Chapter 624 To Forgive

Amelia asked Tony to play with Oscar and called Eva into her bedroom.

Casually, Eva asked, “Amelia, don’t tell me you’re going to reveal some of Oscar’s deepest secrets.”

“Eva! Now, tell me how things between you and James are.” Amelia was dead serious with her


That took Eva aback. “I don’t get what you’re trying to ask.” She and James were never in a

relationship. To prove that further, James dumped the food that took her two hours to prepare into the

trash can.

“Eva, I can tell what’s happening, you know?”

“Amelia, if that was the case, why are you asking me? Does it amuse you to see me mortified?” Eva

angrily pressed her lips together.

“Eva, from the way you and James interacted, I could tell that James was trying to push you away. I’m

not against you chasing after happiness, but I can’t agree with the way you did it so forcefully. As a girl,

I think it’d be better for you to be more reserved.” Amelia gave her honest opinion on the matter.

“Amelia, you could just tell me straight that James isn’t into me.” Eva felt defeated.

“If you could tell that he doesn’t fancy you, why are you still fluttering around him like a butterfly?”

“It was love at first sight, and it took me a lot to finally decide to go after him. Don’t be deceived by my

over-friendliness with him. Honestly, I’m really scared to sense any contempt from him. The only way

for me to appear strong and confident in front of him was to act the part.” Eva finally laid her armor


Amelia stroked her head and consoled her. “Eva, if you really wanted to be with him so badly, you

should start by working on your appearance. James is very smart and capable, and it’s only natural for

him to have high expectations of his partner. That’s why you will need to have a full makeover. What do

you think?”

Eva looked down at the clothes she was wearing but didn’t see anything wrong with it. As for her hair,

she quite liked the way it was styled.

“Amelia, don’t you think this hairstyle is pretty cool?”

“It is, but to me, it looks like you went for the cheapest haircut in a salon. It’s lacking finesse and makes

you look like a delinquent. If I were James, I would never be attracted to you.” Amelia was brutally

honest with her remarks and almost killed her cousin with words on the spot.

“Are you really my cousin, Amelia?”

“Only a real family won’t sugarcoat her words. I’ve always thought you were just fooling around with

James, so I didn’t nose around. However, now that I know that you’re serious about this, I have to treat

it seriously too. If you trust me, let me give you a full makeover from head to toe. If you don’t, I’ll stay

out of it.”

“I trust you.” Eva didn’t hesitate.

“Very well then. First things first, we are going to dye your hair back into its original color now.”


“We have no time to waste. Hold on a second, are you trying to say that you like this nest-looking

bleached hair?”

Eva wanted to say yes, but when she thought of the possibility of James falling for her new image, she


After that, Amelia took Eva downstairs and gave Oscar a kiss on the lips. “I’m going to the salon to

have Eva’s hair dyed. Can you take care of Tony?”

Ignoring Eva and Tony, Oscar wrapped his hands around the back of the head of his wife and carried

on with the kissing.

When he was done, Amelia was blushing uncontrollably.

Eva’s jaw dropped when she saw that. “Good job, Oscar!” she whistled.

“You’re a Big Meanie! How could you bully Mommy!”

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Eva flicked her finger on Tony’s forehead and educated him. “Tony, we don’t call this bullying. It’s called

the kiss of love. When you have a wife in the future, kiss her like that, and she’ll be loving and loyal to

you forever.”

Amelia gave Eva a sidelong glance. “There you go again with your nonsense, Eva.”

Eva immediately shut her mouth.

After that, Amelia drove Eva to a hair salon where the former regularly patronized.

The moment they stepped into the salon, A fair, slender, and tall man dressed in the latest fashion

walked toward them in a feminine way.

He then threw Amelia the warmest hug.

“Amelia, it’s been ages since you came. I thought you didn’t want to come here anymore,” He whined.

“Haha, Jimmy, I might forget everyone but never you. I’ve brought my cousin here today and would like

you to get her a suitable hairstyle.

Jimmy Barr scanned Eva from head to toe and gave a subtle but contemptuous scoff.

“Oh my god. This is my first time seeing such a horrible hairstyle! It’s doing disservice to such a pretty

face. What a shame, but you’re lucky to have met me. Worry no more as I will transform you into a

beauty.” After dissing Eva, Jimmy went on to blow his own trumpet.

Eva wasn’t impressed. “Amelia, are you sure he can do the job? He’s a sissy, and I could tell that he

leeches on rich women. Spare my hair, will you?”

“Excuse me? I don’t leech on rich women, mind you!”

“Jimmy, she’s still a kid. Let it be.”

“No man will like a tomboy like her. Her hair isn’t the only issue.” Jimmy vented his anger.

“You wretched lover boy, I was being nice, and this is how you treat me in return? Fine. You want a

fight? Let’s fight.” Eva was as cross as two sticks.

Amelia pulled a long face. “Apologize, Eva.”

A woman didn’t have to be pretty, but she must at least have basic manners.

Eva was reluctant and kept her mouth sealed tight at first, but under Amelia’s baleful eyes, she yield in

and said sorry.

Jimmy accepted her apology with grace.

After three hours of calculated snips here and there, Eva looked like a different person.

She now had sleek black hair that stopped around her ears, making her face look smaller than it was. It

was definitely way better than her punk style.

“Ms. Winters, once we’ve removed the enigmatic makeup on your face and get you changed into

something more appropriate, I guarantee that you will turn heads once you walk out of this salon,”

Jimmy said.

Eva rolled her eyes. “Since you’ve done a good job with my hair, I’ll let what had happened between us


Jimmy then stretched out his right hand with his palm facing upward in front of Eva. “I won’t allow

anyone to destroy my creation. Come, let me rid you of your horrendous makeup and we’ll pick some

suitable clothes for you after that.”

“You offer this kind of service in your salon?”

“You get to enjoy the premium service, exclusive for our Diamond VIP members, only because you’re

Amelia’s cousin.”

Eva ignored Jimmy’s gesture and got off the chair on her own. “Let’s get the ball rolling.”

She then followed Jimmy into a room.

About two hours later, Eva walked out of the room, brandishing a scintillating look that was a world

apart from her previous punk style.

She wore a black jumpsuit with a diamond-studded belt around her waist—the perfect combination to

show off her hourglass figure, looking enchanting in every way.

Yet, she herself ruined the image and crippled the forbidding aura in less than a second.

“Hey, Amelia! This is weird, no?” Eva announced her confusion. It was her first time putting on

something more formal and she didn’t feel comfortable at all. She still preferred distressed jeans with

holes here and there and tops ornamented with trinkets. Something so plain and classy wasn’t really

her style.

Amelia got up, evaluated Eva from head to toe, and complimented Jimmy on the good job he had

done. “Jimmy, this is perfect just like always. Wonderful job accenting Eva’s assets in the best way


Jimmy wasn’t shy about accepting the commendation. “You bet. I styled this whole look, and no one

does it better than I do.”

Eva rolled her eyes at his confidence and walked to the mirror. She was stunned by her reflection.

What a beautiful lady! It was beyond her expectations.

“Amelia, is that really me in the mirror?” she asked in amazement as she had never imagined that she

could look so beautiful.

“Eva, do you like this final outcome?” Amelia chuckled.

Eva nodded her head and unwillingly acknowledged Jimmy’s capabilities. “I didn’t know a sissy like him

was capable of making a transformation like this.”

Amelia didn’t like the way Eva talked about the stylist. “Eva, Jimmy has a name, and he’s not a sissy.

Everyone in the salon says that he’s dashing and plenty of girls out there wanted to be his girlfriend.

Being courteous is the least you can do, Eva.”

“Okay. Got it.” Surprisingly, Eva was submissive this time.

Fully satisfied, Amelia turned to Jimmy. “Jimmy, I’ll transfer you the money directly into your account as

a token of appreciation for giving Eva a whole new image.”

“Haha, Amelia, the pleasure is all mine. I’ll take it as a reward for taking on this experiment. It’s not

easy to turn her back into a human.”

Eva fumed at Jimmy’s comments and would’ve made him pay for humiliating her if it weren’t for

Amelia’s presence.

“Jimmy, you still speak like a maddened witch. Do watch your tongue, though, as this cousin of mine is

a pro in kickboxing and mixed martial arts. I’m not sure if I’d be able to protect you now that you’ve

offended her,” Amelia chuckled.

Jimmy gave Eva a contemptuous look. “That explains everything. I would believe this tomboy if she

said she’s the strongest human on earth.”

“How dare you!”

“Enough, Eva. We’re leaving.” Amelia was holding her laughter in.

Eva sulked as she followed Amelia out of the hair salon.

“Alright now. Stop frowning. Jimmy can be spiteful with his words, but he’s quite a nice person. Being a

famous hairstylist, a lot of socialites from high society flock to him to get their hair done as his magic

hands could turn any woman attractive. You might need his help in the future, so don’t be too rough on

him,” Amelia advised.

Eva pouted her lips

“Eva, don’t go to the hospital before I perfect your look,” Amelia added out of the blue.

“You must be kidding, Amelia,” Eva stared straight into Amelia’s eyes.

“Do you want to leave an astounding impression on James?”

“Yes, Amelia. Have you already found a way?”

“While Jimmy was working his magic on your makeup and clothes, I’ve contacted an etiquette coach.

You’re going to spend an hour with her every day, and I guarantee you that you’ll see a drastic change

in the way you carry yourself in less than three months.”

“But Amelia, I coach rough fighters and brutes, and it’s natural for me to be hoyden and speak loudly.

How am I going to make my students listen if I was transformed into the most graceful goddess?”

“A goddess can do the job too, and I believe it’ll make things easier too. You know, no man would want

to lose face in front of a pretty lady.”

Eva’s cheeks flushed all of a sudden.

“Amelia, you’re making me so shy with your praises,” Eva muttered.

Amelia replied with a smile.

“Eva, you’ll be more outstanding in the future. I’ll groom you into an exceptional woman whom no man

could possibly forget if that’s what you wished for. My only concern was that you might lose yourself in

their ever-pouring admiration and compliments.”

Eva only shrugged. “Amelia, no matter what my image is, be it a dazzling goddess or a punk, I’ll never

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“That’s what I’m hoping for. Anyway, Eva, you have to bite the bullet to achieve greatness. James is a

man of high standards, and you’ll have to up your game to be in his league. Even after you’ve won his

heart, the competition between you and other women, who have their eyes on him, will never end. Are

you ready for that?”

“Hahaha!” Eva cackled.

“Amelia, I’m not that complicated. I simply like him and wanted to go after him. Your life in high society

had made you suspect every intention of others, I guess. As you can see, regardless of the clothes I

wear, I’m still the rowdy Eva. To be honest, I don’t really like clothes like these as it’s too restraining for

me. However, I’m willing to change for James.”

Amelia was taken aback by Eva’s determination.

“Very well then, Eva. Go after James with that spirit, and I believe that he’ll be yours one day. By the

way, I’m going to hire a relationship coach for you so you could learn how to seduce a man.”

Eva couldn’t hold her giggles. “Amelia, let’s not do that. I’m good at being energetic and lively. The day

I turned demure and quiet is the day I’m defeated by relationships.”

“Whatever floats your boat.”

Amelia then sent Eva home.

“Amelia, thanks for sending me back.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick you up for your first etiquette lesson tomorrow evening. You’ll have to go

there on your own after that, and I’ll check on your progress with your coach.” Amelia had everything


“So rush?”

“Move along. I still need to go out with Oscar and Tony. That child had been badgering about going out

the past few days.”

“I see. Enjoy the rest of your day with your family!”

After Eva got off the car, Amelia drove back home.

The next few days were very peaceful for Amelia, and time flew past just like that.

Finally, it was the day of Spencer’s operation. Amelia chucked her work aside and went to the hospital

with Oscar.

The couple and James’ mentor got there right after Spencer was pushed into the operating room by a

group of surgeons and nurses.

They shot the breeze for a bit until the mentor told James that he had to prepare for the operation, and

asked James to go into the operation room once he was ready.

After the mentor went in, Amelia looked at James and laid her hopes on him. “James, Spencer’s life is

in your hands now. Please, make sure he’s safe.”

“Leave it to me. I’ll do my best.”

Melanie was like a cat on a hot tin roof. “Dr. James, please, save my son. I don’t know how I’m going to

live if he died.”

“Mrs. Winters, don’t worry. Saving lives is my duty as a doctor. I’ll give my all to make sure he’s okay.”

After easing their worries, he went into the operating room.

“Oscar.” A gentle voice of a lady was calling Oscar’s name.

Amelia froze in shock and traced it to the source. It was no one other than Olivia.

Little did she expect Olivia to be at the hospital, and Tony was in her hands!

Oscar was also shocked by her presence, but he managed to mask his feelings.

“Dad, Mom, what brought you here?” Oscar asked.

Tony instinctively stretched his arms toward Amelia for her to hug him but was reprimanded by Olivia.

“You little rascal, disposing of Grandma the moment you see your Mom?”

Tony immediately planted juicy kisses on Olivia’s cheeks. “I love Mommy and Grandma the most!” he

declared and that did the trick—Olivia was delighted.

After Amelia took Tony over from Olivia, the former asked, “Mom, are you feeling unwell?”

“I heard that Spencer is going to have an operation today, and that’s why I got Owen to come here with

me,” Olivia spoke in an ice-cold tone.

Yet, Amelia knew it very well that Olivia had forgiven her for being too impulsive in the past.

“Thank you, Mom.”

Olivia softly nodded.