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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 613
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Chapter 613 I Do Not Want To Accept Her

Everyone remained quiet as they had dinner. As Amelia grabbed a napkin and wiped Tony’s lips for

him, she asked, “Is the food today to your liking, Mrs. Hutton?”

Eleanor was distracted that day, so she didn’t react to Amelia’s words right away. Instead, she

murmured a response a few seconds later.

Amelia became a little worried. “Mrs. Hutton, are you feeling unwell?”

Only then did Eleanor come back around. She instinctively turned to Oscar and seemed too troubled to

say anything.

Amelia sensed that Eleanor was being wary of Oscar, so the former strategized before turning her

attention to Oscar. “Oscar, please take Tony out for a walk. He ate a little too much today, so he should

burn off some calories or he will become too plump.”

“Amelia, I can babysit for you. I haven’t had the chance to interact much with him, so I’d like to spend

more time with him,” offered Eleanor hurriedly.

Amelia grinned and replied, “There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. I’d like to chat with you

today. Is that okay?”

Eleanor couldn’t help grinning when she heard that. She was so excited that she asked, “Do you really

want to chat with me?”

Amelia nodded.

Oscar inched toward Amelia and pecked her cheek. “I’ll take Tony out. Come join us after your

conversation. All three of us can go to the park together.”

Amelia nodded.

Oscar held Tony’s hand, and they left home together.

Amelia poured Eleanor a glass of warm water, then smiled. “Let’s talk, Mrs. Hutton.”

Eleanor stared lovingly like a mother. “Okay.”

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“I’ll be straightforward, Mrs. Hutton. As of now, I have no intention of accepting you as my mother.

Perhaps we are related by blood, but I will not return to the Hutton family, and I hope you will not do

anything impulsive for my sake,” said Amelia right away to rip out the band-aid.

Eleanor’s expression took a sharp change.

“Amelia, did someone say something to you?” asked Eleanor in a worried tone.

Amelia nodded and answered, “Your husband called me and said that you want a divorce. Your

marriage is yours to deal with, but I do not wish to be the trigger that leads to your divorce.”

“Amelia, don’t overthink things. My marriage is already hanging on a thread, and there is no saving it

anymore,” replied Eleanor nervously to explain the situation.

Amelia shifted her gaze down and thought about it. A hint of complex emotions flashed past her eyes.

“Amelia, is this because I pushed too hard?” asked Eleanor cautiously.

Amelia’s eyelid fluttered a little. She looked up and said, “You are a wonderful person, Mrs. Hutton. It’s

just… You sometimes put a lot of pressure on me. We may be related by blood, but I’m sorry to say

that we have been separated for over twenty years. We’re practically strangers now, and I just can’t

see you as family. I might even feel least about you than I do the other members of the Hutton family.”

Eleanor turned pale. She grabbed a glass of water, but her hands were trembling because she was too

heartbroken. That caused the water to spill all over her hand.

Amelia quickly grabbed a napkin to wipe Eleanor’s hand. “Mrs. Hutton, are you okay? Did the water

scald you?”

Eleanor held Amelia’s hand quickly and insisted, “It’s fine if you see me as a stranger now, Amelia. I will

spend more time with you, and you will slowly get used to me. It’s also okay if you don’t want to call me

your mother. I won’t force you to do that. All I ask is that you not push me away. It took me so long to

find you, and I can’t bear to lose you again because I truly love you, and you are my heart and soul.”

Amelia simply felt troubled. She didn’t feel any love for Eleanor, and if she had a choice, she would pick

the Winters family as her relative. Perhaps that was a result of her craving their attention ever since

she was a kid.

“Don’t be like that, Mrs. Hutton,” said Amelia cautiously.

Eleanor sat back down on the couch and buried her face in her hands. She seemed a little depressed

when she sat there.

Amelia’s lips parted, but she didn’t know what she should say to offer some comfort.

“I’ll head home now, Amelia. I’ll drop by again tomorrow,” replied Eleanor who left the place with a

broken heart.

Amelia stood up from the couch as well. She reached out, but her hand hung midair before she put it

down in exasperation.

Helplessly, she sat back down on the couch and stared absent-mindedly at the water on the table.

That was what Oscar and Tony saw when they got home.

Oscar set Tony down on the floor, and the latter jogged a little. In his baby voice, he said, “Mommy, I’m


Amelia, who was lost in her thoughts earlier, came back around. She tilted her head up and saw her

son’s chubby cheeks. She smiled. “Hey, you’re back. Was it fun to hang out with your dad?”

“It was okay. It would’ve been so, so much better if you were there, though,” replied Tony. He even

nodded to reaffirm his words.

Amelia couldn’t help giggling at that.

“I’ll help you shower now, okay?”


Amelia helped Tony shower, then cooed him to bed. When she left his room, the smile on her face

became less bright.

She returned to her own room, and that was when Oscar approached her and hugged her waist. He

rested his chin on her shoulder and said, “You’re not happy.”

Amelia turned around to face Oscar directly. She put her hands on his face and asked, “Oscar, what

should I do about this?”

Oscar reached out to tap her nose a little. “I told you earlier, didn’t I? If you wish to accept her, then

we’ll go to the hospital and do another DNA test. If you don’t want that, I will kick the Hutton family right

back to Saspiuburg for you.”

Amelia frowned. A hint of trouble flashed past her eyes.

“I don’t know what I want, Oscar. She is so eager and is trying so hard to get to know me. Honestly, I

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am heartbroken for her. The problem is that the Hutton family obviously doesn’t like me, and I don’t

want her to be at odds with them for my sake. I feel so guilty,” said Amelia before she sighed a little.

“Honey, you should know that this is not your fault. If she wants to get a divorce, then that simply

means that there is something wrong with her marriage.”

“I understand that. It’s just…”

Oscar put his finger on her lips and insisted, “Shh… Honey, none of this is your fault, so don’t overthink

it, okay? Let’s go to bed.”

Amelia nodded.

Oscar hugged her on the bed. He could tell that she was still upset, so he turned around and hovered

over her, turning their position to seem somewhat ambiguous.

“Honey, if you can’t sleep, then let’s do something interesting.”

Amelia stared. She couldn’t help chuckling a little before reaching out to caress his face. “Oscar, I want

an uneventful night and to sleep quietly next to you tonight. Is that okay?”

Oscar tilted his head down and kissed her lips. The kiss was soft and loving, and he made sure she

knew just how much he treasured her.

When their lips parted, Oscar leaned on her side and hugged her waist in a caring manner. He cooed,

“Go to bed, my love. I am here, and you don’t need to think about anyone you don’t want to face.”

Amelia nodded and closed her eyes. She thought that her troubles would make her have a sleepless

night, but she ended up falling asleep quickly.

Oscar caressed her hair softly. His gaze became cruel in the dark after she had fallen asleep.

He waited until Amelia was sleeping deeply before he got off the bed to call Hugo. “Hugo, investigate

the Hutton family and learn everything you can. I want to know everything about them by tomorrow

morning. Also, set up a meeting with Mr. Hutton. I’d like to meet him.”

“Yes, boss.”

After hanging up the call, Oscar snuck back onto the bed and hugged Amelia in his arms once more.

He fell asleep soon after, and the married couple had a pleasant sleep.

Amelia was able to sleep well in Oscar’s arms. When she was up, she realized that the fatigue in her

was gone, and her mood was much, much better.