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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 583
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Chapter 583 Defending Her

Dominic and Melanie had an absurd and unfathomable way of thinking. Although they were fully aware

of how they had been unfair to their daughter, the elderly couple still tended to favor their son over her,

tossing their daughter’s feelings to the back of their minds.

Oscar had never encountered such selfish parents before. They had never treated Amelia as one of

their own and kept deliberately hurting her feelings.

“You’re aware that you haven’t been good to Amelia, huh? In that case, why do you still have the

audacity to hurt her time after time again? You’re her mother,” Oscar rebuked.

Melanie fell silent upon hearing that.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Oscar continued coldly, “Amelia is not as cruel as you two, and

she has always been kind. Despite how heartless and inconsiderate you are toward her, she’s still

worried about you. If you find it in yourselves to trust me, then let Spencer stay in the hospital I’ve

arranged for him. I’ll see to it that he’s completed cured. However, I have a condition.”

“What condition?”

“Disappear and never show up in front of Amelia again. She’ll be much better off without such an

unsympathetic family.” Oscar’s words were direct.

The couple lowered their heads, and no one knew what they were thinking.

“If you agree, I can arrange for Spencer to be admitted into the hospital right away. If you don’t, I’ll still

have ways to make sure you and your entire family will never appear in front of Amelia,” Oscar

muttered, “As for Eva, if you don’t want me to lay a finger on her, I suggest you treat Amelia better.

Don’t you dare bully her.”

Dominic and Melanie exchanged glances with one another. Alas, they had no choice but to


At three o’clock in the afternoon, Spencer was taken to the hospital as he got off the plane. Oscar had

arranged for his subordinates to take Spencer to the hospital, and the latter had to undergo a series of

examinations that were ordered by the doctor.

Melanie was anxious and questioned, “Doctor, how is my son?”

“His cirrhosis is still in the early stage and was discovered in time. It hasn’t progressed to liver cancer

yet, and as long as he follows the treatment regimen, there’s a ninety percent chance of recovery,”

explained the doctor.

Hearing that, Melanie was so relieved that she almost burst into tears of joy.

“Is that true, Doctor? Will my son really recover?” Melanie exclaimed excitedly.

“Rest assured, Mrs. Winters. Your son’s condition isn’t that bad, and as long as he follows the

prescribed treatment, he’ll definitely be able to recover in due time.”

“Is that so? Previously, when Mr. Hutton took Spencer to Saspiuburg for a checkup, the doctor

diagnosed him with middle-stage cirrhosis. He also said that if Spencer doesn’t receive treatment in a

timely manner, his condition will continue to worsen. Moreover, he mentioned that Spencer needs a

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

liver and kidney transplant, and Mr. Hutton even asked his subordinates to look for a suitable donor,”

said Melanie.

When the doctor heard what she said, he was in disbelief.

It all sounded rather surreal, and he could not help asking, “Mrs. Winter, are you sure your son met with

a doctor and not a fortune teller?”

Melanie cast an anxious glance at Dominic, and the two exchanged glances. A hint of doubt flashed

across both their eyes.

“Mrs. Winters, either they deceived you, or they have extremely poor medical knowledge. In fact, they

should not be a doctor at all.” The doctor shook his head and changed the subject. “By the way, did you

bring Mr. Spencer’s past medical reports along with you today?”

“Medical reports? We weren’t given any. Dr. Hoffman said he’ll arrange all of the medical treatments for

us if we ever need any. Since we trust him, we’ve never asked for any medical reports either. Are those

documents important?” Melanie flailed her hands about as she spoke.

Upon hearing her explanation, the doctor could not help shaking his head in disapproval. It was not

often that he would encounter such ignorant people.

“I suspect you might have been deceived by that Dr. Hoffman you mentioned. You can file a lawsuit for

medical fraud, and if he is found guilty, his medical license will be revoked,” suggested the doctor. He

paused for a moment and added, “Mr. Clinton is your son-in-law. No one would dare to provoke him.”

However, Dominic and Melanie merely shook their heads.

“Thank you, doctor. If you manage to nurse our son back to health, you’ll be our life savior.”

“Don’t mention it. Mr. Clinton is the one who spent a lot of money hiring us. If there’s someone you

need to thank, it should be Mr. Clinton. I dare not take credit for his efforts.”

After a few courteous exchanges, Dominic and Melanie left the doctor’s office.

“Thank you, Oscar. We, naive and ignorant people, would still be in the dark if it weren’t for you.”

Dominic looked at Oscar, and a hint of embarrassment flitted across the former’s face. I treated Mr.

Hutton as if he was our life savior. Never would I have imagined that our “life savior” would scheme with

the doctor to worsen our son’s condition. No one can truly understand the emotions that we’re

experiencing right now.

“I’ll have someone prepare some food for you and Mom,” said Oscar.

As soon as his words fell, Oscar turned around and was about to leave.

However, Dominic felt a rush of mixed emotions and he could not help asking, “Oscar, why are you still

kind to us even though we’ve been unreasonable and have not treated Amelia kindly?”

“I just don’t want Amelia to be hurt anymore. I won’t feel good if she’s sad, so if you have an ounce of

conscience left, please don’t be so cruel toward her. She might look strong on the outside, but she’ll still

be saddened by your blatant favoritism.” Oscar did not spare the couple another glance and left the

room as soon as he was done speaking.

As he watched Oscar walk away, Dominic fell into deep thought.

“Do we think we made a mistake?” Melanie questioned.

Her query was met with a sigh from her husband.

“I think we have mistreated Amelia over the years. We should be ashamed of ourselves. I would be too

ashamed to come here if it wasn’t for Spencer,” said Dominic. He was tired.

It was impossible for parents to not play favorites, let alone for those parents that hailed from small

towns and had old-fashioned thinking. Moreover, Amelia was not the Winters’ biological daughter, so it

was natural for them to favor their biological son over her. They made it clear she was an adopted child

by treating her like an outsider and forgot that she, too, was human and would feel saddened by her

parents’ neglect.

Although Amelia had always treated them as her parents, they never did fulfill their responsibilities as

her parents, not even for a single day.

Nonetheless, it was not right to say that the Winters family were heartless people. It was just that they

could not see Amelia as their own daughter.

“We were so wrong,” said Dominic in a low voice.

This time, it was Melanie’s turn to sigh.

When Eva heard that Dominic and Melanie were in the hospital, she immediately put her work aside

and rushed over.

“Uncle Dominic, Aunt Melanie, why didn’t you give me a call and tell me you were coming to

Tayhaven? What happened to Spencer? How did he end up in the hospital?” Eva asked anxiously.

Melanie could not hold back her tears.

“Spencer was diagnosed with some issues in his liver and kidneys. However, he has a chance of

recovering if he gets treatment. Eva, how has everything been? Has Amelia been taking care of you?”

Dominic asked, his voice hoarse.

“Amelia has been extremely kind to me, and she arranged a place for me to stay at. Amelia would

invite me over to her house every holiday and cook for me. She seems a little different from how I

remember her, but Uncle Dominic, you sure raised a beautiful and kind-hearted daughter,” Eva praised

and added, “I’m sure she’s the one who arranged for Spencer’s medical treatment as well?”

A complicated look crossed Dominic’s countenance when he heard that.

“Uncle Dominic, did you and Aunt Melanie give Amelia a hard time again?” asked Eva suspiciously.

Dominic remained quiet, and his silence was equivalent to admittance.

“Uncle Dominic, how can you do this? Things have not been easy for Amelia over the years. I heard

from Tiffany that she was blind for two years. If it weren’t for Oscar, who found her suitable corneas,

she would probably still be blind now. She married a good man, but her life isn’t as glamorous as we

think,” said Eva, frowning. Eva had heard about how Amelia was not treated fairly by the Winters

family. However, she was too young back then and was unable to defend Amelia.

“She was blind?” Dominic widened his eyes in shock.

“Not only that but she was also involved in a car accident and almost lost her life along with her baby,”

Eva exaggerated, “Oscar is too perfect. Not only is he handsome, but he is also the sole heir to Clinton

Corporations. He’s rich, powerful, and sought after by many eligible women. Of course, those women

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

would try to harm Amelia to get her out of the picture. Uncle Dominic, Aunt Melanie, if you still have a

bit of conscience left in you, please stop hurting Amelia. It hasn’t been easy for her to face all of those

incidents alone.”

A trace of guilt flashed across Melanie’s eyes. However, she still eyed Eva suspiciously. “Eva, did you

make this up to deceive us? You must be exaggerating because, from what I see, Amelia is doing just


Eva rolled her eyes upon hearing Melanie’s words and refuted, “Aunt Melanie, why would I need to lie

to you? Amelia’s life hasn’t been easy, but if you insist on painting her as the villain and saying that she

has been living well all these years, then there’s nothing else I can do. After all, my words sound pretty

insignificant to you, don’t they?”

Melanie fell silent, and a wave of sadness washed over her.

“Eva, if you see Amelia, please apologize to her in our stead,” said Melanie.

“You can tell her yourself, Aunt Melanie. I’m sure Amelia will be very happy to hear that.”

Again, Melanie was quiet.

“Aunt Melanie, you and Amelia haven’t met each other for nearly ten years. Haven’t you thought about

her?” Eva asked. “It’s been tough for Amelia even though she married a rich man. In fact, she could

only accept all the grievances without support from her own family. She stayed with Tiffany in Beshya

when she was blind. Oscar was not around, and he only found her two years later. At that time, she

was blind and had to raise a child all by herself. It was not easy. I think she will be happy if you could

treat her better.”

Hearing that, Melanie could not help but sigh again.

“You’re right. We haven’t seen each other for ten years, and she has already built her own family. Even

if I want to treat her better from now on, I don’t know where to start, and I’m sure she doesn’t need it

now,” Melanie uttered, “I just want Spencer to recover quickly and go home with us. As for Amelia, we

won’t bother her anymore. We’ve mistreated her in the past, and the best thing we can do for her is to

disappear from her life completely.”

“But Aunt Melanie-”

Before Eva could refute, Melanie cut her off, saying, “I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet, so why don’t you

go grab some food, Eva? The issues between Amelia and us can’t be solved with a few words. You

shouldn’t meddle in our matter either.”

Eva was rather mad at her aunt and uncle. How can they use Amelia and throw her away once they’re

done? This is ridiculous!

However, she did not want to argue anymore and merely said, “All right, Aunt Melanie. I’ll go grab some

food and pay Amelia a visit while I’m at it.”

“By the way, Eva, you should dye your hair back to black. Blonde hair makes you look like a


“This is what’s trendy nowadays. I’m sure you won’t understand, Aunt Melanie.”

As soon as her words fell, Eva turned and left. When she walked out of the building, Eva raised her

head to look at the hospital, feeling frustrated on behalf of Amelia. She had long heard of Amelia’s

sufferings in the Winters family and felt sad for her cousin as a result. It was truly unfortunate that

Amelia had a set of parents that did not care for her.