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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 563
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Chapter 563 Do Not Go There

Kurt stayed at the hospital for a day and insisted on being discharged. After biding Amelia farewell, he

returned to the organization.

Upon arriving at the room, he saw Hugo being confined inside, and they both smiled wryly as soon as

they met.

“Aren’t you injured? Why didn’t you stay at the hospital?” Hugo asked as he stood up from the floor,

dusting his pants.

Kurt replied indifferently, “It’s just a minor wound. I’m fine.”

Then, Hugo pointed at the simple bed and said, “Go and take a seat. You don’t look very well.”

Following his advice, Kurt sat on the bed, his expression dark and grim.

“I have already taken the blame, so why did you still come in?” Hugo asked as he poured him a glass

of warm water.

Kurt, however, only spared him a glance before returning to his quiet self.

“Are you still feeling guilty about Jean’s death?” Hugo went straight to the point.

At that, Kurt raised his hands and grasped his hair tightly.

“All right, stop thinking about it. No one wanted that tragedy to befall her. Actually, Jean had liked you

for many years, but you were never concerned about relationships. Thus, she could only admire you

secretly. I think she willingly took the bullet for you,” Hugo consoled.

Kurt merely let out a pained chuckle.

“I owe her too much,” he squeezed out.

“Don’t beat yourself up now. It was her choice. What’s most important now is to retrieve her corpse. We

can’t let her remains stay in a foreign country.”

Kurt nodded.

“I’ll recover her corpse personally no matter what. For all the things she had done for me, I have to

bring her back so that she can rest in peace here,” he declared solemnly.

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Hugo inclined his head in agreement.

“We can only wait for Boss’ decision. If he’s giving us punishment, let me be the one to take it while you

find a time to make a trip to Anglandur. I believe those people must have taken Jean’s corpse,” he

uttered thoughtfully.

After giving it some thought, Kurt nodded reluctantly.

After investigating the matter thoroughly, Oscar discovered Jean’s death was purely an accident. Other

than ordering his subordinates to recover her corpse at all costs, he concluded the case by punishing

Hugo and Kurt with thirty whips each.

Kurt watched the disfigured corpse with a mix of emotions in his eyes.

The once pretty, charming, and sexy Jean had become a cold body in front of him. He could not even

make out her original appearance with the numerous scars and wounds on her face. On top of that,

somebody broke her arms after her death. The way she looked was heart-wrenching.

Kurt fell to his knees before Jean’s remains. He felt as if he was suffocating inside as he stared at her

corpse mournfully. After a long moment, he murmured, “Jean, I’m sorry. Someday, I’ll avenge you by

killing those who did this to you.”

Hugo patted his shoulder. Suppressing his sorrow, he comforted, “Kurt, don’t be like this. Jean is dead.

No matter how grief-stricken you are, she won’t revive. What you need to do now is to stay alive. Once

the timing is right, we will avenge her by taking those people down in one fell swoop.”

Kurt continued to kneel without a word.

Hugo also went on his knees beside him, his back ramrod straight. “Jean, I’m sorry. Our carelessness

caused your death, so resent us if you want. But now that we have recovered your remains, Kurt and I

can finally feel at peace. Don’t worry. Soon, we will avenge you surely.”

Both of them kneeled for quite a while. By the time they stood up, their legs had turned numb.

“Done with your repentance?” Oscar asked as he stared at Kurt and Hugo, who stood before him.

“Boss, it’s our mistake this time. Your punishment for us is too light,” Hugo remarked.

“What? Are you questioning my decision now?” Oscar asked as he narrowed his eyes.

“I dare not,” Hugo answered with his head lowered.

Meanwhile, Kurt lifted his head to stare at Oscar fixedly. After pondering for a moment, he requested,

“Boss, I want to make a trip to Anglandur. If I don’t kill those people with my own hands, I won’t come


“You don’t have to go, as I have already let others take over your mission in Anglandur. I will never let

them off after they have killed one of my subordinates.” Oscar waved him off as he rejected him without


However, Kurt refused to give up. Standing before Oscar, he lowered his head and pleaded, “Boss, I

would like to go to Anglandur. Please approve it.”

All of a sudden, Oscar rose to his feet. Despite Kurt’s large build, he skidded to the ground after being

kicked by him in the abdomen.

Unable to suppress the pain, Kurt clutched his abdomen and groaned.

It was a deadly kick from Oscar.

“Boss! Kurt is only doing this because he feels responsible for Jean’s death. Please just let him go to

Anglandur! Otherwise, he will be carrying this guilt with him throughout his whole life,” Hugo uttered as

he shielded Kurt by kneeling before Oscar.

Oscar narrowed his eyes as he stared down at Hugo. Gradually, his expression turned somber, and he

pressed his lips together tightly.

“Hugo, are you trying to disobey me as well?” he asked in a casual tone.

There was a change in Hugo’s expression. Then, he replied in a slightly trembling voice, “Boss, I didn’t

mean it that way. I just—”

“Kurt wants to go to Anglandur, is it?” Oscar cut him off by asking a question.

Hugo could not quite follow him.

“Kurt can go to Anglandur. However, he won’t be allowed to return,” Oscar said as he glanced at Kurt,

who was getting up quietly.

The latter stiffened.

“Kurt, I don’t oppose you from going to Anglandur. However, you won’t be my subordinate afterward,

and your friends who have grown up with you will also cut off all ties with you. So, I suggest you think

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carefully,” Oscar uttered harshly. Then, he continued, “Naturally, don’t even think about seeing Amelia

ever again. You better think hard and long about this.”

With that, he walked out, leaving the two men behind.

Hugo got up from the floor before pulling the latter up as well. “Do you really plan to go to Anglandur?”

Not a word came from Kurt.

In truth, Hugo knew that Oscar’s conditions were too harsh. It was incredibly cruel for Kurt to be

forbidden to return to his homeland after going to Anglandur. Regardless of how long they had been

away, most of them would wish to return to their roots when they were old. It was especially true for

people like them who could lose their lives at any time during their missions. They particularly yearned

to live a normal and peaceful life where they eventually got married with kids as they settled down.

“Kurt, don’t go there. Besides, I’m sure Boss will never disregard Jean’s death. He won’t let her die in

vain. You should know what awaits you if you disobey him. It isn’t something you and I can handle.

Think carefully now,” Hugo advised and turned to leave the room.

Kurt was expressionless as he stood alone in the center of the room, seemingly lost in thought.

When he opened the door and saw Hugo leaning beside, he merely walked out in silence while the

latter followed after him and inquired, “You’re not going anymore?”

Kurt inclined his head in reply.

Finally, Hugo let out a sigh of relief. He hurried after Kurt and patted his shoulder, saying, “I support

your decision, and I believe Jean would have shared my sentiments. It seems we will still be each

other’s best colleagues as we go about our missions! Let’s go and have a drink! Since we won’t be

getting any missions any time soon, we should take the opportunity to rest for the time being. Don’t

dwell on the matter anymore.”

Kurt simply followed him without a word.

Shortly, they came to a bar and ordered many liquors. It could be that they both had too many worries

in their hearts that caused them to chug down all the drinks and get utterly wasted afterward. If it were

not for Jolin heading there to fetch the two of them, they would have fallen asleep on the street.