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Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 370 - She Is Something...
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Chapter 370 - She Is Something...

'What did she do now!?' Draco grimaced after hearing the name coming from his elder brother's mouth.

Of course, he knew the person whom the King of Rosenhyde had just mentioned.

After all, he was the one who had saved her numerous times in the past.

By keeping her real identity a secret from Prince Fritzen back when he was fuming over the little girl who trash-talked him while they were in the St. Claire fief.

He had also saved her from the King's wrath when the etcher meant for him had escaped and formed a bond with her.

The most recent incident was when he had advised his brother against inviting too many girls to the Palace for Princess Felicia's birthday celebration.

Thus, helping her stay away from the eyes of Prince Fritzen who had come looking for her on that day.

However, now as he listened to his brother saying that he was thinking about the same girl, Draco could not help but shake his head.

'She always keeps getting in trouble. It's as though she attracts troubles everywhere she goes.' He rolled his eyes at the child who had caused him trouble too.

Thinking of their very first encounter, Draco felt an instinctual ache in his back from when she had fallen off the horse's back and right onto him.

That incident could be considered a traumatic memory for Prince Draco as he would always wince when thinking about it.

Even now, his hand reached for his back which had been injured at that time, rubbing the portion which hurt the most.

King Ophire noticed his actions and a look of concern took over his face.

"Does it still hurt?" He queried to find out whether his little brother was in pain.

However, Draco smiled to ease his worries and shook his head in answer.

"The physicians have done a great job and I am all better now." He reassured his brother with a nod.

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'I only feel pain when I recollect that incident.' He thought to himself and controlled the shudder that almost took over his body.

Draco then looked his brother in the eye to prove that he was not lying and chuckled when he saw the King heaving a sigh of relief.

"What were you saying about the girl from the St. Claire family?" He inquired in an attempt to divert the King's attention from his already healed injury.

King Ophire rubbed his chin upon being reminded about the child.

"I wonder where she gets such brilliance from?" He muttered while thinking of various matters.

Draco was confused at first when he heard this but he also felt relieved.

'I thought he had heard about her etcher…' He was glad that his brother wasn't going to punish her.

From the time he had spied on her back in her fief to the fact that she could form a bond with an etcher, Yvonne St. Claire was becoming an intriguing enigma to him.

Therefore, he did not want his brother to punish her for what had happened in the past as that would wreck his plans of knowing what else she was capable of.

Draco had never felt the need to keep tabs on anyone before but for this girl, he had assigned his best men to keep an eye on her activities and keep him updated.

This was also how the only younger brother of the King was well aware of the fact that the little Miss of the St. Claire family was learning under the tutelage of the Captain of the Red Scorpions.

He also knew of the fact that she had a deal with Baron Quinn MacIntyre who owned a bakery.

'But that was partly because her dessert became popular in the Palace.' He justified his reason for knowing this piece of information.

Since she had done many brilliant things which were worthy of earning his attention, he now wondered which instance his brother was talking about.

King Ophire had never concealed anything from his little brother.

If there was something that Draco wished to know about then Ophire, as the elder brother would provide him with that information.

Therefore, the King had no qualms in revealing matters that he was supposed to keep a secret from everyone else.

'Marquess Samed said that the little girl wants to remain anonymous to the citizens for the good deeds she has done.' He recalled the statement that the Royal Tutor had made when they first met concerning the policies of the Kingdom.

The lie that Yvonne had made up to stay out of sight from the Royal family was misunderstood by Marquess Samed who in turn had revealed everything to the King.

This King was now about to spill everything before his brother.

"Remember the policies made during Father's time concerning the plagues?" The King quizzed and was sure that his brother was aware of these.

Draco proved him right by nodding his head.

"Governess Bloom taught them to me." He reminded the King of his caretaker who taught him many things.

King Ophire nodded as he began narrating everything that had taken place from his very first meeting with Marquess Samed to the very last one they had a couple of months ago.

"Have you heard about the Opera groups moving around the Kingdom to showcase a play?" He inquired and once again Draco nodded his head.

"I had watched one." Draco whispered but his brother's raised brows denoted that he was amused after hearing these words.

However, he did not mull over this matter as he had decided to give his baby brother some freedom to do as he pleases.

'I can't keep him hidden forever.' He sighed and continued their conversation.

"Do you know whose idea that was?" King Ophire smirked, pride evident on his face which was now amusing to the little brother.

'He looks so proud as though that girl is related to him.' Draco rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Was it the St. Claire girl?" He humored the King who nodded furiously.

"Not only did her idea to use this play as a means to educate the people succeed, but it has also been working efficiently." King Ophire declared with a wide grin.

He even revealed the report he had received from the Royal Medical Association about the fewer people who had been coming to their hospitals for common illnesses after they learned about these hygiene tips.

To say that Draco was impressed would be an understatement.

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He had always known that there was something unusual about that girl which had enabled her to gain an etcher and his attention.

Now, she had also won the King's favor all while staying out of his sight.

'She is something, alright…' Draco did not know whether this was a good thing or a bad.

Looking back on all of her previous actions, he could sense that she was wary of coming into the Palace to be the playmate of the Princess but now, her actions were bringing her closer to the King without her knowledge.

Therefore, he did not know what to think of this matter.

"Her suggestion of keeping this show free of cost was also a brilliant idea."King Ophire's words brought him out of his thoughts.

"Free? Wouldn't that make us incur huge losses?" Draco frowned, not on the same page with his brother on this matter.

'What brilliance? Our Royal treasuries would be drained if we have to keep paying the actors for these free shows.' He scoffed, though an overreaction as the Royal treasuries could never be depleted for such a small reason.

King Ophire chuckled when he noticed this and was sure that his brother had jumped to conclusions just now.

"The entry to the show is free but not the snacks." He smirked when recalling the explanation he had heard from Marquess Samed which he was sure from the little girl as well.

"Since entry is free, the people do not mind buying snacks during the intermission and this was how the troupes made their money." He revealed the marketing strategy that Yvonne had given to her tutor.

The people would be lured to watch the show since it was free of cost.

During intermission, they would again be lured by the delicious fragrance of the snacks made by the chefs he had sent with these troupes.

"Duke Brodie reported that for some shows, the troupes made more money by selling snacks than they would have if they sold the tickets for the show." He chuckled at the thought process of some people.

They got sucked in to watch a free show but ended up spending more money than they would have done for a paid show.

"This was also the girl's idea?" Draco inquired with wide eyes as it was an amazing strategy to attract people and also earn money.

'Though I cannot deny that it is a sly method to earn a profit.' He felt conflicted at his thoughts.

"Yes, it was! That girl keeps surprising me with her brilliance each time!" The King exclaimed, overjoyed that such a brilliant mind was born in his Kingdom.

'Why does she keep attracting so much attention to herself?' The Prince sighed at her strange behavior.

Draco sat in silence as he observed his brother's face and smiled when their eyes met.

'Would you still be this happy if you discover that she was the reason why the etcher could not come back?' He wondered what might happen if his brother ever heard of this information in the future.