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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 655
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Chapter 655: Empress of Alphia

“Cat got your tongue, Lucifer’s ex-companion?” a smug smirk had Kion flustered, a horde of ravenous ghouls, never mind the arctic cold, leaped for the white princess’s neck. *Library of Nexsolium,* she spun, pages followed her icy glare, *Purge the undead,* three symbols in a triangle lit ablaze, *Clear Undead.* A beam of white burst out the street upward, a massive flow of light mana healed and cleansed the battlefield of a neighborhood. The corpses warmly burnt to pure-white ash, *Create Barrier – Protection level IX – Undead resist.*

“Is it over?” relief swept many o’ faces.

“Be without fear, my people,” white wings sprouted, her hands clasped in prayer, a halo of divine proportion shone, “-I, Princess Eira, next Empress of Alphia, shall protect thee with all my might.” The beloved princess returned and saved countless lives. The continent didn’t spare a moment’s time – from radio to shows and Arcanum, the news elapsed just about everything.


“Who cares.”

“The sudden invasion of monsters?”

“Another one’s problem.”


“What about the heroes who saved the musical festival?”

“Old news.” The clock struck 18:00, rescue operation reached completion. A complex barrier rested patiently at the creek, no matter how strong the ghouls were, the latter halted just about all. The dragons and other high-ranking entities were gone long before she appeared.

Later in the evening, whereby Igna had dinner in the company of Aceline, and the household, the emperor gave a public speech after quite a long time. At the helm on the majestic castle, a balcony of white and gold adorned with rubies and sapphires, stood the man himself, Sultria VI. Behind which, waited for the Imperial Family.

“People of Alphia,” he confidently grasped the microphone, “-the prior events in our continent, more specifically, at Odgawoan, have been very sad. Aside from the lives lost by the hands of traitors, monsters invaded the town. Alas, we would have been lost, the hero known as Snowflake died a noble death, he jumped headfirst into battle and saved lives. My position prevents my movement. As most know, I was engaged to wed the princess of Arda. Due to political affairs, the matter was placed at a later date. I’m sad to admit, I wasn’t able to forget her face and personality, and to this day... No need for dramatics,” the head shook, “-I wish to say, Princess Eira of Arda, has accepted to take my hand in marriage once again. Her show of power saved far more lives of which I could have done alone. Conflicts between kingdoms and factions always leave a bitter taste. She’s a true heroine, a lady who abandoned her family to stand by my side. With this I say, my dearest people, welcome her highness into our Empire with open hearts.” *Click,* the screen turned off on a single frame of Eira waving at the crowd.

“Why did you do that?”

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“Because,” he ate the last bite, “-her presence here spells bad news.”

“How so?” interjected Aceline, “-wasn’t she your daughter?”

“Was,” said Igna, “-not anymore. The lass is definitely not an ally or relative of mine. She’s the reason I died after all.”

“Igna,” said Thena, “-someone’s here.”

“I can feel it too,” added Nike, “-a presence similar to ours.”

“Obviously,” he stood sharply, “-I know of a single human abled to replicate my mana.” *Knock, knock,* the door opened softly from a friendly maid. The figure crossed the entrance and ambled to the dining hall, silvery-white hair swayed, “-Good evening, cousin.”

“Not so great to see you,” replied Igna.

“Quit with the belligerent attitude,” said Eira, “-oh, we have goddesses in attendance. Athena and Nike, color me impressed,” she sat opposite Igna. Vanesa took a glance and fell into her world of dreams, “-the table is pretty empty.”

“What do you want?” asked he, “-if tis a battle,” he smiled, “-forget it.”

“No, nothing so undignified,” she relaxed, dinner and wine were brought over, “-I came to visit my cousin.”

“Far as I’m concerned, I know of only two cousins. Julius and Lizzie Haggard, and yes, emphasis on the Haggard name, something thee don’t bear any rights towards.”

“Whatever,” said she, “-the food is good.”

“éclair,” hailed Igna, “-could you kindly escort Aceline, Vanesa, Thena, and Nike to the study?”

“As you wish,” a courteous bow emptied the room. The princess watched each figure leave. Briefly paused on Igna, she smiled and took another bite.

“Empress of Alphia, what brings such an elated being to such humble abode?”

“You really don’t like me?” she snickered, “-do you.”

“I wouldn’t go so far, let’s keep it at suspicious.”

“Always with the charismatic speech,” the meal ended, “-very delicious.”

“Care to explain the visit?” The source of this content is novelenglish.net . Fire(.)nᴇt

“Sure, Lucifer ran into trouble, the Blood-King’s faction has overtaken the trade routes. Most adventurers are running for their realm, as such, our rivaling nation has struck a moment of desperation. Duty has forced Lucifer to return to the underworld, the rebellion of Arda has ended.”


“There’s no reason to fight,” said she, “-I’m saying each side to have a truce. And yes, I know you’re doubtful, hence my marriage. We were supposed to have done so per my father’s will long ago. The emperor swore to return, and indeed he has. Once I’m empress of Alphia, there will be none to rule the falling land of Arda. People need not suffer...” Her words, her expression, her aura, they all screamed melancholy, regret and pity, self-pity. It didn’t take much wit to figure her real intent.

“Eira,” said Igna, “-have thee come for forgiveness?” the aura sank to a moment of heavy nausea; ground to the clouds, nature cried. Muscles and hair changed, the visage slightly altered to fully resemble Staxius Haggard, “-Eira Haggard,” he thundered, “-raise thine head and stare.”

“F-father?” her nose reddened; “-I always doubted Igna to be the true reincarnation... now I know...”

“What is this melancholic drama,” he blinked and gave a gentle pat, “-Staxius Haggard is dead, done and gone, the man and the legend forever lost to the vestige of time. I’ll say what I have always said, Eira, you’ve grown into a strong woman, one who doesn’t need others to rely on. Someone who many rely upon, a lonesome babe found on a river returns as the empress of an empire. I’m very proud,” he smiled, “-a job well done.”

“Father?” she spun, “-I’m sorry...”

“Don’t mention it,” the face and body faded to particles, “-you were, are, and always will be, my beloved daughter.”

“I know,” she smiled.

“And there you have it,” said Igna, “-the name doesn’t matter, I know what you’ve accomplished from start to finish. I have to be cautious, Eira, thou art far more dangerous than any I’ve met.”

“Who says that about their cousins,” she chuckled, “-I feel great. Changing sides, becoming strong, trying to defeat you, I tried to stand on equal grounds with father... sadly, my attempt ended in his death. To be fair,” she placed a curled fist onto his chest, “-I can be equal to you, Igna Haggard.”

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“Whatever you say... tell me, why the sudden change of heart?”

“A long story.”

“I have free time.” Not a moment wasted, the Astra toggled and honked, “-how about a drive?”

“You know me well,” the duo smiled in a child-like manner. The observant éclair watched as they ran out the manor, behind, Thena and Nike crouched under the balustrade of the second set of stairs.

Gentler footsteps approached from the washroom, “What are you two doing?” voiced Aceline.

“N-NOTHING!” jumped Thena, “-looking for Nike’s bracelet.”

éclair heard the commotion and smiled, ‘-the greatest pleasure in life is turning the page on tragedies. No matter the outcome, Igna, if Eira becomes friend or foe, you have a loving home to return to.’ The drive made for Konlda’s district; a location higher than the restaurant. The otherwise scenic drive reached a viewing point. “-A very nice view,” said Eira.

“I agree,” they moved a few feet forward onto a wooden bench. Foliage and a natural barrier of trees made the view grander, the lights of the city, the blimps, airplanes, and bustling streets were one to behold.

“I guess I should start my story,” she paused to inhale, “-I’ll say how it comes to mind. No hidden motives nor agenda. After the battle of Glenda, I became frustrated. There, a letter arrived from Alphia – one of motivation and good luck. I thought Lucifer planned for us to ally with Alphia for a political marriage. I thought it to be the smartest choice too. After a discussion, he refused to do anything to Alphia, the reason unknown and unclear, a sort of uneasiness washed his face. The following days and weeks were bleak and mundane, I knew not what to do. The fighting brought no sense of satisfaction, my powers elapsed demi-goddess and reached the realm of godhood. A simple push opened the door to divinity, there, the realm beyond what I’ve known and grew up in was forever altered. Godhood brought a sense of fulfillment and emptiness, the idyllic scape lasted but a mere moment. My mentor, Qhildir, bestowed onto me the power symbol of the ‘page’. So on, he said to inherit the library and vow to be strong. I still don’t understand why he said those very words. Thereon, I returned to realize only 3 hours had elapsed. The overwhelming emptiness sent me to the pits of desperation. I only then figured what it meant to have powers. I somewhat understood the pain and pressure father and you carried. My perspective changed, I wanted to be of help and not elapse another. Should have figured it out long ago, the limits are mine, and mine alone to impose. I measure myself by my standards, no need to compare to another. Such sweet words many others have countlessly repeated, are harder to accept. I know not if it’s fate, Sultria VI said he was ready to face family. Something about a promise made between him and father. He did good, I departed for Alphia not long after – we exchanged words, met his family, and stayed. Lucifer but disappeared and thus followed the church. No one was right, no one was wrong, the Haggard’s did as they must, and so did the church. Tis only after thee loses what one takes for granted,that the importance comes to mind. I took my family for granted, I took having a mentor for granted, I took the process of getting strong for granted. In more ways than one, I took my life at the Academy, the friends I made, and relations I’ve lost, for granted. I was too focused on a single man... all and all, without guidance, I followed and climbed the mountain he conquered. The higher he was, the lonelier it became, I saw friends and family distant themselves all the while I lied and said I would meet him one day, stand as his equal, and go on an adventure together. Quite pathetic for the sworn enemy.”

“You’re an idiot,” laughed Igna.

“What does that mean...” she frowned.

“You’re a lost cause,” he tapped her head playfully, “-have you ever thought of asking for help? No, obviously you didn’t, Staxius didn’t rely on anyone, tis the mentality. There’s a crucial piece of information thee lacks, he didn’t rely on people because he had none to rely on. Phantom, the Haggard Dynasty, the position to marry an emperor, it didn’t fall from the sky, Staxius worked day and night to create a long-lasting dynasty, want to know the reason why?”


“Because he wanted the next generation to rely upon and help one another, he and I know what true loneliness mean, a boy born on a battlefield, shunned for being the son of an exiled mage and bestowed with a curse, let that sink in.”

“What then?”

“Stupid,” emphasis on the ‘p’, “-Aunt Shanna, Julius, Lizzie, mother Courtney, Elvira, and the whole of the Haggard family waits for your return, big sister.”

“Big sister?” the lashes fluttered, pearly tears rolled and fell, her expression melted, the ice princess’s dream came true, ‘-acceptance...’