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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 533
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Chapter 533: Coming Cyclone

*Achoo,* “-I’m drenched.”

“Tell me about it,” added Igna joyfully. Time spent in each other’s company, as little as it might have been, despite the hard-start, a mutual feeling of understanding and respect carved the way for a beautiful relation.

The door stumbled open to the nicely lit interior. The warmness of the inside sent chills. The television played in the distance, some cartoon or whatnot. Thus, the day came to an end. Pluton was inducted in Phantom’s innermost circle. The responsibilities weren’t known yet. A warm shower followed to a warm meal and lastly, the warm bed.

Meanwhile, far away from the city, the meeting of Phantom and Loron was underway. Elvira posed as the leader as opposed to Courtney who stayed as guards. The discussions went over nicely, a plan of action had yet to be drawn, though, they made some progress into the continent. Loron took Mrs. Go under their wing.

News of the takeover wouldn’t reach the other factions for at least a few months. In the public’s eye, as reported by the news; the massacre of the Go’s turned to be a publicity stunt. A video of Mr. Go circulated around Lokka – it defused the growing fear of the underworld. Guards were dropped and life resumed its normality. Whispers of the inside were told as so, ‘-Mr. Go and Mrs. Go had a falling out. She learned of her husband’s extramarital affairs and threatened to expose his libido to the world. Hence, in fear of being exposed, Mr. Go transferred most of the estate to the wife’s name and left Alphia.’ Adding to that was the video shot inside Hidros, Rosespire to be precise. éclair recreated the event, sent fake information, built a false narrative, and brought the scandalized headline to a halt. ᴛhis chapter is ᴜpdated by NoᴠelFɪre.net

The next day arrived at a full-on hurricane. News stations implored people to stay inside. Winds reached up to a hundred kilometers per hour. Granted, the eye of the cyclone laid around a few hundred kilometers off the shore – the predicted trajectory said the eye would pass over Odgawoan. A fear that had the public in a panic. Monsters, murders, or the mob weren’t the only ones who could bring about pandemonium; natural disasters were in a whole other league.

Barely awake at the 06:00 alarm, *-dring,*



“Igna,” came a rather inaudible voice through the deafening sound of a jet, “-it’s me, Elvira, can you hear me?”

“Barely,” said he sarcastically.

“Alright, I’ve got some bad news. The situation in Elendor is growing dire. Queen Gallienne’s called a meeting for the potential of war. The Federation is attending, which includes us as well.”

“What about Celina?”

“Take care of her.” The clamor amplified, “-here, lady Courtney wants to have a word.”

“Igna,” her flirtatious speech left much to be desired.

“Hello, mother.”

“Things are getting interesting. I’m hoping for the conflict to be resolved without bloodshed, if not,” even through the phone, her blood-thirst could be sensed, “-I’m going head first.”

“Ok,” said he, “-take care as well. May the deliberation end peacefully.”


‘A war?’ the phone dropped onto the shelf, ‘-what’s the point of doing that now?’

“Igna,” long gentle fingers back-handed his face, “-Alicia...” Realization hit, ‘-hold up,’ the sleep broke, ‘-why is she in my bed.’ The bedside carpet showed undies, clothes, ‘-oh god,’ he chuckled.

“Sleep some more,” her sleep broke, “-good morning.”

“Alicia,” he sighed, “-did we?”

“I guess,” she wiped her eyes, “-I swear, a few too many drinks. I can vaguely remember... man, you’ve got experience.”

“Are you serious,” he laughed, ‘-why did I have to BLACKOUT.’

“Something the matter?” wondered she sitting upright.

“No, it’s all good,” the voice shook, “-it’s not like I don’t remember anything.”

“Oh,” she chuckled, “-so you don’t remember,” her visage fell into a coy expression, “-I could jog the memories,” and so, the lady crawled over to bind him onto the bed. Her arms and legs straddled as if a cage, a very soft and inviting one. “Let me take you to heaven.”

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“Yeah no,” he stopped her advances, “-don’t get me wrong, you’re very attractive. Still, it doesn’t feel right. I understand the influence of alcohol might have brought about our flesh to bond, still, it doesn’t justify us acting so savagely. I want to see you as the strong-mouthed lady who stops at nothing to get what she wants. Not a plaything for my desires.”

“You say that,” she stared at his waist, “-Igna Jr doesn’t hold the same opinion.”

“Ok enough,” he jumped off the bed, “-Igna Jr has a mind of his own, none shall wield the sword of destruction without consent from gods themselves.”

“Oh please,” she laughed, “-Sword of destruction. Seriously,” the laughter fell into hysteria, “-my stomach,” buckled over, “-I can’t.”

“Anyway,” semi-clothed, “-go take a shower.”

“As you wish,” she walked fully exposed to the bathroom, “-wielder of the sword of destruction.”

“Stop it!” The door shut and the showers dribbled. ‘-Man,’ he sat and exhaled, ‘-what’s the matter with her.’ Contact-lenses materialized, “-Good morning éclair.”

“Good morning, Casanova.”

“Oh please, you need not tease me about what happened.”

“No need to tease?” the tone felt offended, “-my friend, my master, thou art mistaken. I’m certain the other residents have heard the lustful night thee shared.”

“Can we forget it?”

“Whatever, I’d be proud if I were you.”

“Yeah, proud,” he moved to part the curtains, “-what’s the status of today?”

“A cyclone’s making headway to the city. I expect it to be here in two days. Everyone’s getting readied for the coming catastrophe.”

“I see, I suppose we’ll go shopping later.”

“Igna, I took the liberty of purchasing another car. The trip yesterday showed the flaw of going around town on a bike, especially a night.”

“Seriously, what model?”

“An expensive one...”


“About 500,000 Exa.”


“Don’t get angry now,” he laughed, “-didn’t you once spend like 3 million on a car. There’s no room for complaint.”

“Really, 3 million – that’s too much.”

“What do you know,” snickered éclair, “-Lord Staxius didn’t respect money.”

“Whatever, what car did you buy?”

“Oden R9 SST by Yokta.”


“It’s a new brand, independent and local. They manufacture about three per month. Affordable looks incredible and sought-after.”

“Affordable?” he laughed, “-500,000 isn’t cheap.”

“Says he who once overpaid for a piece of shit.”

“Leave the past be.”

“Ok, no more reference to the past. The car’s already in the parking lot. Go have a look later.”

“Purchases aside,” whistling of the wind and mist over the streets felt straight out of a horror movie, “-what’s the status of the conflict in Elendor?” headlights of cars and truck felt as if never-blinking eyes.

“Pretty stable I’d say. Haven’t checked their servers yet. I’ll do so later on today.”

Showers behind stopped, “-Igna,” the door slid open, “-get me a towel, I forgot to bring one.”

“Seriously, are you a nudist?”

“No,” she leaned against the frame, “-just someone who enjoys the fresh air once in a while.”

“Fresh air,” wrapped towels flew across the room.

“Awesome. Aren’t you going to take a bath?”

“I will, just waiting for a certain lady to finish.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she made for the door, “-see you in a bit.” The innocent and gleeful expression gave a feeling of rest. Her methods were a little on the strange side.

The news played in the living room; the broadcast of the coming cyclone had Alicia worried.

“Hey, go wake up Celina.”

“Okay,” scurried she with the broom in hand.

‘Cooking for people I care about feels therapeutic. The moment I think of selling this to a customer or have someone judge it... my arms drop to a numb.’

“Good morning, Igna,” said Celina in Alicia’s arms.

“Don’t carry her,” voiced he, “-she’s not a kid, come on. Besides, aren’t you tired from all the cleaning?”

“What,” stared Alicia, “-am I not allowed to carry her. Celina, do you feel awkward?”

“No,” she yawned, “-take me to the bathroom,” said she monotonously.

“She’s as light as a feather,” chatter and good energy emanated from their exchange.

‘Two victims of Go’s psychotic pleasure. I guess she told Alicia about the past. They’ve got a link, better not get involved.’

Food readied onto the counter. The other two arrived in full to devour the meal. Reporters kept on voicing the coming hurricane as a world-ending catastrophe. An advertisement board broke and fell onto a bystander. The latter at the hospital and is critically injured.


“Igna, any idea about Mr. Sally’s quest?”

“Oh, becoming popular. I don’t know, I need a guitar and amplifier first. Maybe some effect pedals too.”

“You know about guitars?” her face lightened.

“Yeah...” (especially since éclair engraved all the knowledge about the instrument inside my brain).

“Don’t zone-out on me,” added she sternly.

“Sorry, sorry, just a few bad memories.” (He’s very sadistic. Drilling music theory and the different genres into my head. A knockoff of the Arcane Library).

“It looks bad,” added Celina, “-the weather’s going to get worse from here.”

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“Don’t worry,” said he, “-we’re going shopping in a bit. Get ready; better be prepared in case of an outage.”

“Seriously?” their visage flashed, “-not lying right?”

“Problem,” interjected Celina, “-the bike holds only two people. I don’t mind staying home,” sadness filled the otherwise boring voice.

“Igna, let’s go by bus,” demanded she, “-that way we can bring her along!”

“Calm down,” said he washing the dishes, “-I recently bought a car. It’s in the garage. Go get ready, we’ll leave at 10:30.”

“Okay,” the manager made for her changing room.

“Aren’t you going to change?” wondered he.

“No clothes to change into,” said she softly.

‘Shit, I forgot.’

“It’s fine,” the face felt the same expression as before; one of guilt and self-pity.

“Not fine,” ordered he, “-I brought you here on a selfish whim. Be more vocal about what’s lacking.”

“No, no,” voiced she, “-I don’t want to be more of a burden. Being freed from mother and having a place to stay is good enough.”

“Disheartening,” sat at her side,”-come on, the attitude isn’t going to work. Listen to me, I don’t plan on saying anything cheesy or dramatic. You’re a member of this household, we’re not related, I barely know Alicia, however, we stay as one. If you ever need something, come to me. I had thought of sending you to Hidros for studies – looks like it won’t be possible for the coming months. I don’t know what’s going to happen going forth. Tell me, will you take the chance?”


“Chance of staying with us.”

“I don’t mind,” her face darted left and right, “-can’t really go back, now, can I?”

“Yeah, you can’t,” he patted her head, “-let’s get you clothes later, is that alright?”


“Don’t worry,” said he with a beautiful smile, “-money isn’t an issue.”


‘Damn,’ he moved to the living room, ‘-how didn’t I realize this before. She’s an example out of thousands who lost their family by my hands in the past. I never really thought of the consequences, what mattered was my survival, the survival of my comrades. I was so emotionless it’s painful to think. There’s no repentance. The least I can do is take responsibility for her.’

“Igna, I’m ready,” said the manager in a puffed jacket and warm clothes.

“Alright,” he stood in shabby clothes, “-when did you change, Celina?”

“She did it.”

“Had a few clothes lying around. Anyway, let’s go.” The outfits matched, jacket and emphasis on being warm.

The underground lot had muddied ponds at random intervals. The ceiling leaked most of the water. “Where’s the car?” wondered Alicia.


*Beep,* headlight flashed further inside. “Damn,” said she, “-Is that yours?”

“I guess,” he stood and watched. Large, robust and elegant, ‘-pretty nice for what éclair paid.’

“Look, there’s even an angel on the bonnet.”

“Where do you make so much money?” wondered Celina circling the vehicle.

“Rich parents,” said he shyly, “-my family is a bit on the eccentric side. Strong and honorable people. Enough about them, get in, we’re leaving.”