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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 479
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Chapter 479: For love

“Lady mother, what a pleasant surprise?”

“Igna,” her melancholic posture rose above his shoulder, her heels made her taller than normal, the hair flowed ever-so-gently. No tie, nothing, she left it to the wild, “-thank you for lunch.”

“I’m grateful you came,” replied he solemnly embarrassed, such a refined lady had no right to be associated to the likes of him. A day didn’t escape when he thought of if he was a burden to the lady. She’d return the same phrase, ‘-you’re my son, there’s no doubting it.’

A whiff of perplexion blew on their face, each gazed for answers to no avail. Lady Courtney’s arrival brought the friendly atmosphere to a stand. She watched through her grey pupils yearningly.

“Lady Courtney,” came a familiar voice, “-please, over this way.”

“Alright, Igna, I’ll see you in a moment. Enjoy the day with your friends,” she grinned to casually engage Lady Yuki and her gloomy husband. The prior incident had yet to be forgotten. Being reprimanded so thoroughly and witnessing such heavy bloodshed, left not much to be desired.

*Click,* opened the back-door, Lady Syndra took the lead and greeted the still resting Joe. They made their way to the main hall where a single table held multiple plates of the food being served outside.


“Lady Yuki wanted us to have meals readied for the guests.”

“Madia,” cried he in surprise, “-didn’t think I’d see you again.”

“I’m sorry,” she bowed,”-I heard all about the-”

“-Shh,” whispered to stop, “-water under the bridge,” thus, Group C sat in the company of Syndra. The singular lighting of the chandelier overhead came across as eerie, the same feeling associated with an interrogation room. Save it didn’t hail from the actual décor or the layout – the strenuous silence of wanting to speak. Words laid at tongue’s end; no noise spawned apart from the mundane semi-mute chewing paired against the ringing of cutlery against plates.

“This is hard,” exclaimed Rena, “-please, Igna, I need answers,” she gestured towards Leonard and Jen, “-rather, we need answers.”

“Yeah, you haven’t replied to my question on the ‘lady mother’ mentioning earlier,” gawked Jen.

“Fine,” he sighed to use a handkerchief, “-the lady with wife’s hair is my mother. I found out per a certain dangerous situation,” Syndra gasped, “-I didn’t know at first. Honestly, I figured I’d come here to help and make some additional money. There’s not much use for it now. It was pretty weird; the queerness of speech and mannerism threw me at odd’s end. We met, rather suddenly, and was rendered stun at her proclamation. Imagine being called ‘-son,’ when you have no memories nor anything linking to her past. She showed me a photo and further proof. What I hold dear is mine, and what she holds dear is hers, that’s the way I see it,” dried from speaking, a sip of water and the tale resumed. “Allbeit I was cautious at first... it only lasted a few hours. I was happy to know I had a family, I found my mother, and she gave sufficient reassurance. Lady Courtney Haggard, my very young-looking mother, she’s older than she looks and is more refined as far as I can tell.”

“You speaking of me?” approached a redundant clopping, “-Igna, what’s wrong with you?” she cheerfully held his shoulder,”-I’m thy mother, not a lady, please, bear it in mind,” turned to Leonard, “-you the son of lady Goldberg?”

“Yes,” he gulped, “-Leonard Goldberg.”

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“Drop the formalities,” she laughed, “-I sense you have understood the standing my son has now, do you not?”

“Yes,” he nodded slowly,”-the Haggard’s are one of the more, if not, the most prominent family in the entirety of Hidros. They own Phantom, which in itself has defused into other business ventures and even joined with the ever-fortunate Elon Empire.”

“Hold on,” interjected Lampard, “-are you referring to the royal family of Arda, the founder of the Federation... those Haggard?”

“Yes,” they all but turned face, “-my lady, please, what’s Igna’s standing?”

“Fret not,” a laugh escaped, “-Igna isn’t that special. He bears the Haggard name, that’s about it. I’m afraid he’s cousins don’t even know of him existing. After all, this boy here was the product of my many romantic ventures. He came to the world when I was confused, I regret my actions and the family was rather intent on being pure. Thus, we had to separate. He was entrusted to a now-destroyed monastery not far off the Azure Walls. I found no records of him growing, and after many years, we meet per fate’s providence. My long-lost son.”

“What about you, my lady,” voiced Jen, “-who are you?” Thᴇ link to the origin of this information rᴇsts in NoᴠelFɪre.net

“Courtney Haggard, the older sister of the Blood-King of Arda, Staxius Haggard.”

“So close,” glared Leonard, “-this means he has a direct blood connection to the Hero-King.”

“Please,” added Igna, “-my family line doesn’t matter. Mother said I won’t be involved in politics and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful. I’ve decided to forge my path as Lyoko Igna, though my given name is Igna Haggard.”

“The Kinless adventuring name...”

“A part of me, Kinless will always be my nickname.” On that, the long conversation continued further with Syndra and Rena adding their thoughts. Lady Courtney left midway after an important phone call. They laughed until Chef Joe stomped into the room.

“Igna, it’s time to get ready,” said he tying his apron.

“Yes, Chef.”

“You going already?” asked Jen holding Leonard’s hand.

“Yes, it’s time for my shift to begin. Everyone, thank you for visiting. I’ll return to the academy after the Winter Festival. On another note, what of the message, the Dungeon. Anyone going?”

“No, I don’t think so,” added Rena ignorant of the other’s feeling, “-go to work already, we’ll leave.” Thus, they parted ways, Igona, Emma, and Emmy returned holding a full-filled expression. The stations changed to Lady Yuki, Igna, and Chef Joe. The flame blazed and the food readied, the crowd increased and the music played.

“Look at him,” whispered Leonard, “-Igna’s awesome, don’t you think?”

“In what way?” added Rena not impressed.

“He was abandoned as a child to then find the original parents. I’d be fuming and ready to curse out her actions. Not him, he’s calm and collected, accepting the fate and moving forward. We ought to take an example.”

“I guess,” mumbled a reluctant Lampard. One person noticed his demeanor, he’d been going through a tough time ever-since coming here. Doubt, stress, none knew. Rena contented on watching from a distance, the sullen expression of he who she cherished was painful.

The sunset ambered into the idyllic expression of the guests. Sweat and tears flowed off the singers on stage, the merchants were hard at trading. Group C headed to the mansion, the heavy load of the affairs of the heart took its toll. Meanwhile, as lights flickered to aid in sparkling the night; Loron graciously added lanterns to the décor, the overall esthetic was pleasant and comfortable. A step back from the noisy center of town. Orders came without rest, Jola swapped for Igona.

“You fancied the Jen girl, didn’t you?” mumbled Joe dicing onions.

“Whatever do you mean?” he coughed.

“Shut it,” he laughed, “-I can smell love just as clearly as the fragrance of spices. You had and still have a lingering sense of affection for her. A crush, how very youthful.”

“No, that’s not it,” the mouth meant one, and the action said another. Syndra overheard the conversation to fall into a somber state of mind.

‘That pest,’ gritted she, ‘-how dare she!’

“You’re wrong,” voiced he, “-I did have some affection for her, not the romantic type, rather, it’s more of a sisterly feeling. She’s the first friend I made at the Academy and was by my side through the thick of it. Can’t help do anything about it? Anyway, let’s get to work.”

16:00 to 22:00, the crowd all but increased. They didn’t lie about the night shift being the more tiresome. People kept on coming from work, school, tuition. Orders stacked faster than they could prepare, the flowing line halted.

“Igna,” voiced Lady Yuki, “-do it.”

“As you wish,” a fourth stove was brought, the single-handed method broke into the staple ambidextrous show of skill. Joe didn’t falter either, he kept the pace without much trouble. Lady Yuki was amazed the most, she truly took a nobody and turned him into a diamond.

“Young man,” spoke a deep voice, “-we’ve been expecting you,” the gate opened to a hardened solitary figure.

“What are you doing here?” fired Leonard covering Jen, “-I thought I said the mansion be left at my disposal.”

“No, young master,” said the butler stepping into moon-light, “-as long as the relationship is maintained, you’ll have no right to the Goldberg’s or their estate. It’s the condition thy lady Mother has added.”

“I’m sorry for this,” whispered Jen, “-Leonard, losing your title as noble isn’t worth it. Please, let’s just part. I’m at fault for the picture, it’s a given I ought to take responsibility.”

“Are you dumb?” he yelled; “-I resolved to stay at your side even if I lost my title of nobility. I said to Lampard long ago that I’d let go of everything to be at the side of she who truly loves me, and not my name or influence.”

“Master Leonard, I’d refrain from going against the Goldberg’s. The lady did foresee such a situation,” a sword unsheathed, “-she also said to kill those who may want to take away the young lord. I see no reason to disobey,” he glared at Jen.

“This is bad,” added Lampard, “-we don’t have our weapons. Fighting him here is a death sentence. Leonard, Jen, there’s only one way out.”

“Please, Lampard, don’t tell me you’re going to tell them to part... it’s too cruel!”

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“I think Lampard is right,” added Jen, “-even if I’m to die for the sake of love, it better be me alone, and not my friends. Leonard, this is the only choice we have. Love can be rekindled anew...”

“Oh, shut up,” exclaimed Lampard, “-I didn’t mean anything like that,” he pulled away the coat exposing few metallic items, “-run, we RUN,” smoke grenades paired with flashes aided their escape. The trio barged out the front door and headed up-hill.

“What do we do?”

“Go after them, kill everyone except the young master. Nobility mustn’t be sullied, especially not by the hands of weak commoners.”

“Understood,” countless shapeless figures melted into the night.

‘Young master, why run, it’s a pointless effort.’

“We’re being followed,” panted Lampard. The tranquilness of Juei turned out to be a nightmare. No public safety officers, none to reach for help, they went aimlessly up towards the capital walls.

“We can’t escape,” said Leonard, “-my damned mother sent her assassins after us. We’ve got around an hour at best before they catch up.”

“You should have STAYED WITH THEM.”

“Jen!” screamed Rena, “-do you want to be separated from him so badly. Earth to idiot, we’re doing this because of your love for one another. Death, nobility, and stature be damned, we’ll get you to safety if that’s the last thing we do.”

“We can’t run till Juei,” added Leonard, “-if only we had weapons,” they came upon a steep slope – stamina dropped to a laughable attempt at climbing.

“We’ll need to take a stand here,” said Rena.

“Impossible,” voiced Leonard, “-the assassins are not that easy to beat. There’s a reason why mother keeps them around, the kill off any stragglers or opposition. They have no human emotions and can kill a Tier-4 Bronze Ranked adventurer without trouble. Former Silver ranks. We’re dead if we stop.”

“So what, do we give up?”

“No, far from it,” added Jen, “-what time is it?”

“Why?” asked Rena checking her phone, “-22:45, I don’t know how it’s relevant.”

“Means that Igna is coming home from the Festival,” they hid behind a building atop the hill, “-he’ll help, I’m sure of it.”

“And get killed in the process,” mumbled Lampard,”-are you dumb?”

“It might be the only choice,” added Rena, “-if we use him as bait...”

“No. We can’t get him involved,” voiced Leonard, “-he’s just and found his family. We can’t.” The steps closed on both sides, “-we’re surrounded,” said Jen jumping into Leonard’s arms, “-I’m sorry our love turned to this.”