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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 449
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Chapter 449: Heaven, Hell, and The Mortal Realm

*Yahhh,* a last upward stroke slit the bishop’s chin. The shock traveled to the brain and he fell. Staxius stood with injuries, dried blood, sweat, the face half-covered in ashes. The suit was torn beyond recognition – the army that once stood vanished. The symbol of Nike reduced, ‘I beg for the apology, my child, tis time for I to rest.’ Naught but a dormant symbol. The triangle of the death element burnt vividly.

‘What a battle,’ coughing deeply, the man laid face up onto the dirtied floor.

“King of Arda,” said Fiene back to conscience, “-you’ve bested me,” said he readied to go another round. “-I’m impressed,” he moved to sit back to back, “-and also disappointed. If this is the power you hold, then there’s no way thee art to win in the coming battle. Those who are coming will not hold anything. My Lord has told me of a coming age of terror. You should flee. Tis the only advice I can give to the victor.”

“Heir to Lucifer, you sure are a peculiar individual.”

“The same can be said of you, I sensed the same amount of power as a high-tier god during that last strike. There’s more than meets the eye, yet, the overwhelming weakness that rises is unforgivable.”

“You’re strong and put in a position of power, in some way, we’re the same.”

“I agree, King of Arda, if not for our differing position – I might have had you as a close rival and friend. Fate is a lady we can’t but obey.” The words he spoke were close to identical to what Staxius used to say. There was a definite connection.


Over yonder, a portal emerged with differing figures. The weather changed into one dark-grey and thunderous. The entirety of the area grew morguelike silent.

‘There he goes.’

“My lord Lucifer,” bowed the heir atop the hill, “-you’ve come,” said he with the utmost respect.

“My child Fiene, you’ve done well to exhaust the God of Death,” complimented he with a heartwarming soft tone.

“Over there,” pointed Zeus, “-Qhildir, that’s the boy. He’s tired from what I see.”

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“Master, might I ask where we are?” marched Eira out the doorway.

“Hold a moment!” implored Qhildir, “-please, hold on a moment,” moved to block sight towards the defeated man, “-think back to the spell, I need the utmost focus.”

“What’s wrong with him?” whispered Lucifer to Zeus.

“The Librarian of Nexsolium and King of Arda are father and daughter. We mustn’t allow them to know one another is involved.”

Warning or not, Staxius stood somewhat rested from the battle. The strong figures in front were intimidating. Three gods and a girl who seemed clueless. ‘Eira...’ he thought slowly and deeply, ‘-you’ve gone and became a demi-goddess. I’m proud,’ he smiled, ‘-I guess the lady with ‘white hair’ was you.’ The inside tore into a rampant mess of anxiety and fear. ‘My defeat is here...’ *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* using the lost blood, a scarlet mask materialized to cover his face. *Slash,* he cut the red color out of his hair. Medium-sized, it tied into a small pony-tail. ‘I can’t allow her to see me.’

“Qhildir, are thou ready?” asked the Supreme god with a stab-like glare.

“Yes, my lord, the preparations have been made.”

The wind blew, Staxius approached, the mana grew close to exhaustion. Many o’ things activated. “-éclair, begin protocol Death.”

“Roger,” the robot-like tone seemed to carry woe, a passing moment of crying. Protocol Death activated – a will in simpler words.

‘Tharis, Orenmir, this is our last battle.’ No words need to be uttered, *Void Aspect: Mana Cancellation Variant,* the pistol charged to fire a massive beam.

“How foolish,” refuted Zeus conjuring a thunderbolt shaped sword, “-die!” the shot dispelled with lightning relentlessly striking the unknown man. The body fell onto his knees then rose once more.

“Zeus,” voiced Lucifer, “-if this continues...”

“I know, I know,” he sighed, “-Librarian, cast the spell Arkeo upon that man there!”

“As you wish, my lord,” her palms held out with confidence. The incantation of which she formulated went unnoticed by even the higher-beings. “ARKEO.” Tis the only word they heard.

A needle embedded inside his forehead. Electricity generated to force him onto the ground, no amount of gritting could counter the pain. It broke him from the inside out, the spell targeted the brain and heart. Emotions and wit, during the battle, either one was the originator of power for those on the losing end.

‘I need to protect the Shadow R-Realm,’ he shook in pain. Lucifer jumped into the fray with a sword in hand. Unsheathed, he proceeded to beat the already fallen man. No pity, no emotions, the assault broke arms, legs, ribs, neither of which regenerated. At that moment, the powers of hell, heaven, and the mortal plane allied with one another. Zeus’s lightning imprisoned, Lucifer’s unsheathed sword paired with the demon magic attacked relentlessly, and lastly, the power of a human turned demi-goddess, had cast a spell to break the Godhood of a deity.

“NOW, DO IT NOW!” screamed Lucifer.

“I have to protect THE SHADOW REALM!” simultaneously, Staxius called forth the remainder of his power. *By my name as the Ruler of Death and Time, HAVE MINE REALM BESTOWED WITH THEIR DOMINION.*

‘Listen to all who have been trapped by me,’ the voice echoed around the dominion, ‘-I will be slain in a few seconds. Miira, Intherna, and Gophy, I know not what is to happen to my soul and body, however, make me this promise that thee will set to find me wherever I am. Miira, the Sickle of Kronos is what’s holding the Shadow Realm in place. I knew the day would eventually come. Thank you for being with me, I shall take my timely leave.’


*ARTK* the other spell called forth a giant palm. The impact upon the dying god was similar to a meteorite.

In the distance, jet fighters flew to drop a bomb atop the General’s headquarters. ‘Check-mate,’ thought he standing, “-Lucifer, Zeus, Qhildir.”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” screamed the Prince of Hell.

“I will find you, and I will kill you. Death can’t be killed nor will it be defeated, try as hard as thee might; tis but a prelude of the coming age of chaos.” *Death Element: Xenosious.* A black-hole levitated to swallow all that stood around.

“Not today,” smirked Zeus, “-By the power of the sword granted to me by Hephaestus, thee who art naught but the weakling of the mortal plane, art to die a thousand deaths.”

*Thud* in an instant, the sword impaled he who had stood strong, “-the God of Death has been slain. Second most powerful entity art naught but a shame.”

“Zeus,” coughed Staxius to gently rest his head against the killer’s shoulder, “-I’m grateful you saw fit to allow my child to kill me in the end.” *crack,* the mask broke, “-the world of gods has always been a mystery to me. I was nothing more than a boy brought up on a battlefield. I found most and lost even more, tis the curse I bear as the wielder of death element. I know not what thee have sought for,” he smiled, “-the Sickle of Kronos, Wings of Nike, and, Scythe of Death, have been distributed. None must hold the power I once wielded, this is check-mate supreme god for I’ve won.” A push sufficed; the emotionless body of the King fell in slow-motion. Lucifer and those gathered around held discontent. Eira caught a glimpse of the man to suddenly break. Th???? link to the origin of this information r????sts in nov????l(f)ire

Connection to éclair broke, the Death Protocol went live and the body dissolved into dust. What remained was the crest of Undrar, the platinum guild-tag, the wedding ring, and the very same glove which marked their marriage.

“The scoundrel managed to hid the symbols before we stole it...” gritted the prince with dark-black hair.

“No need to fret, I shall have Hermes dig around the mortal realm. Let’s leave, the godly realm awaits us.”

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“My lord Qhildir...” she held onto his collar, “-WHO WAS THAT MAN?”

“The ruler of Death and inheritor of Time, Staxius Haggard, your father...” said he with a smile.

“YOU KNEW!” she ran towards what remained.

“Any problem?” asked Zeus readied to strike the girl.

“No, my lord, she’ll come to reason soon. Besides, she aided in us slaying her father, did she not?”

“I suppose your right,” they returned to whence they came.

A message soon flashed across her phone, *My Will*.

“Hello everyone, if this message ever goes out it means that I’ve been defeated and killed. I doubt anyone to read this however, we know not what fate has in store. I’m a proud husband of the best wife one could want, proud father of three angelic children. My wealth will not be distributed equally, I’m sorry to say that only the estate will have an inheritor. Phantom and the other companies will be taken over by lady Elvira. She’s the only one who can carry the burden of such proportions. Don’t cry over my death, it’s natural, I rather have a happy send-off. What happens next is up to you, I don’t want revenge – promise that thee will be happy.” An additional message went across with details on the inheritance. However, amidst it held private messages.

“Dear Xula, I guess our time together has come to an end. I don’t want to make it sound dramatic but I love you. I’ve done and always will. Free yourself from me and live an earnest life as the true Queen of Arda. I promise, my legacy will come to aid in the coming months.”

“Dear Eira, I’m sorry we didn’t have time to adventure together. I’ve always seen you try your best to stand by my side. You were always stronger; I couldn’t have been prouder.”

“Julius, come on Heir to Creation. Are you that dumb to still be in the mortal realm after I’ve died. I’m glad we met, you’ve become part of my family and I view you as my own blood. Keep doing what thee want, and if the day comes when you return to the godly realm, do come by to say hi.”

“My angelic princess, Lizzie. In a few years, you will regain memories of a time that was pretty harsh on us. I want you to forget it and continue living. Strive to become the best pianist, I’ve heard the songs – yes, I had Rile secretly record them for me. Be safe, and be lovely, I love you.” In that manner, multiple messages went from person to person around the kingdom. From Queen Gallienne to the Queen of Elendor. Even Lord Elon received the details. Lady Elvira was she who was most affected. Her face changed into utter murderous intent. Serene of the Blood-king faction went forth to meet Elvira, the newest addition to the nightwalkers, lastly, the old companions – Undrar and the others.

The Shadow Realm also received the messages in letter form. The dimension became it’s own and lived alongside the ‘mortal plane.’

“Lady Courtney,” voiced Goddess Gophy watching as the lady stood atop a cliff.

“...” no response came forth, “-did Master really die?” asked Intherna not wanting to believe.

“Yes,” said she showing the symbol of death, “-I’ve inherited the Death Element. My brother is a damned fool, who the hell would be so foolish as to give away their only source of power in a moment of trouble.” Tears flowed, “-and he always said he wasn’t a hero. THE FOOL WAS THE DEFINITION OF BEING A HERO. ONE WHO SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS, IS, IN EVERY SENSE, A HERO!”

Far, far away from Elendor, inside Hidros, most precisely, beyond the Azure wall. The ground had grown grass with rocks and trees at scarce intervals. The enormous behemoth stood on high without stopping.

“It’s time to wake up,” said a mysterious voice.

The galloping of horses had the ground tremble, the pebbles onto the dirt path shook. A bell rang on loud with ‘MONSTER INVASION’ being screamed by the man. Date: Monday 1st December XX99.