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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 434
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Chapter 434: Qhildir, God of Philosophy.

14:30 displayed onto the digital clock centered at the front of the lecture room. Curved in shape with descending heights, most of the seats remained empty. Differing diagrams and notes on Magiology were shown on the holographic display. The lecturer, a man in his olden years, carefully glossed over theories and possibilities. As for the students, there but a few, 7 in total, most of which being girls.

“That’s it for today, we’ll resume next week,” said the man exiting. The silent room broke into mild chatter.

“Ysmay,” gestured Eira, “-want to grab something to eat?”

“No, I’m sorry,” returned she with a more matured body, “-there’s preparations I need to make for my engagement,” her face held utmost joy.

“Oh yes,” said she remembering what was forgotten, “-I still can’t believe you and Timothy had that sort of relationship...” the face lowered to the slightly bulged stomach.

“Things happen,” her face flushed, “-father wasn’t happy,” the fear portraited as if an open-book, “-the only way the family isn’t shamed is if we get married. I mean,” she paused with an evil glare, “-it was my intent.”

‘Bearing the child of who she loved to not be married to another, the shy Ysmay has grown a lot.’


“What about you?” picking her display, “-how’s the would-be Empress of Alphia doing?”

“Don’t tease me like that,” they giggled to head outside.

The somber sky of Rotherham made it ever more reclusive. A car stood at the ready with a smartly dressed man.

“Princess Eira, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” said the man taking off his glasses.

“Timothy,” said she nodding, “-I never thought you’d come to pick Ysmay.”

“I had free time,” both embraced as if birds cuddling, “-she’s under my care and the engagement approaches.”

“You better take care of my best friend,” said Eira in a menacing tone.

“Don’t worry,” grinned Ysmay, “-he’ll be good to me.” The love in her eyes kept on dowsing Timothy’s face with sweetness.

“I suppose we should get going.” Thus, the couple headed off the compound onto the relatively quiet road. The desolate trees in the desolate campus with desolate leaves on the lonesome pavements were amplified by the cold-breeze.

‘Would-be empress said he,’ the brows fixed into an expression of discontent. The car door slammed.

“There’s no need to be so rough,” said Red-Fury.

“Oh, shut it,” replied she, “-I’ve a lot on my mind, could you take over the drive?”

“Yeah, no problem,” the car began its journey towards Arda. “Shall we take the portal?”

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“Do whatever,” returned she coldly with the seat reclined, ‘-the Emperor broke our courtship. Here I thought he’d be the man with who I could entrust my will. What a disappointment. Father was ousted from Alphia, things have gotten out of hand. He seemed so distraught the last time. I wonder what Mother has to say about that?’

Following the incident in Alphia, mainly, the ending of the courtship – a message was delivered by an ambassador of the Alphian Empire. He brought the news that his Imperial Majesty ended the courtship. No further details were given – the queen of Arda was more than angered. Filled by ire at the potential heartbreak of her daughter, a strongly worded letter was returned to the Emperor. From 14:30 to 17:30, Red-Fury drove along the outskirts of Rotherham into the main-roads over which passed the railway. After a certain village upon turning towards the north – the hue changed from red into a blueish green to then disappear into the nothingness of the roads amidst the rainforest.

“Lady Eira, wake up,” said the car strongly.

“What?” her sleep broke with the setting sun’s ray flashing across the insides. The trees and foliage-covered a private road. No start, only end, for it led to the castle. Access was to royalty only, and so, emerged the red-steed from the tree-filled cave.

‘The place sure has changed,’ said she taking over the wheels.

“Highness,” hailed a guard stood before a tall shadow gate.

“Open the portal towards the underground parking.”

“As thee wishes,” he reached for his collar, “-Overseer, please link the portals towards area E3.” *Bling,* it swapped for a blueish hue.

“Please,” motioned the beastman.

“Thank you,” replied she rolling up her window.

She arrived at a massive underground space with nothing but cars. The latter wasn’t of poor quality, some military, some comfort, and some sport. Divided into a few sections, Eira pulled into a vacant spot. “Have a good day, my lady,” said the spirit as the door closed. ‘Why do I still use Red-Fury despite the other cars around,’ shaking her head, said section was her private lot of transport. It contained more than a few sport-cars of which a few were unique and made for her especially. Tis were gifts from her father, the king, who spared no cost in pampering his family. ‘I won’t be surprised if he gets me a jet next.’ She continued to a portal in the middle.

“Greetings Highness, I hope the journey wasn’t tiresome,” said a cat-lady behind the counter.

“No, it was rather pleasant,” replied she courteously. The portal-room had grown exponentially, “-where is my lady-mother?”

“Her Majesty is in a meet with a few nobles. She’ll be done in a few minutes. Prince Julius has also come to visit, shall I open a portal to him?”

“Yes, please do.”

“As thee wishes,” *cling.*

Blond hair changed to green mixed with white, “-what happened to your hair?”

“Sister,” said he stopped to turn on the lights, “I didn’t expect you to come so quickly,” he took the work-goggles.

“Had nothing else to do, say, what happened to the hair?”

“Nothing much, I reverted to my natural hair color,” oil on the spotless cheeks, dirt-covered the fingers, the griminess of the workshop the King once used was plastered atop the shabby clothes.

“Why are you here?” asked she entering the room, “-are you not working with Scott as an assistant?”

“About that,” he moved to rest against the workstation, “-Lady Elvira asked us to have a break. There are things they need to settle – I don’t know the details, something to do with Alphia.”

“On vacation then?”

“Yeah, I suppose,” he touched his nose turning it black. “Do you know why mother called us?”

“I have no idea,” she shrugged, “-what are you working on?”

“Watches...” said he nervously, “-for some reason, I had the urge of wanting to tinker with gears.”

“You’re the exact copy of father,” laughed she,”-always getting side-tracked by things that pique thy interest.”

“Sister, we both know you’re more of his copy. The emotionless persona doesn’t come instantly.”

“No, you got it wrong,” she sighed, “-I saw people die during the war. It made me numb to most.”

“Whatever you say, sister,” he resumed working, “-Lizzie was looking for you earlier, she’s at the study, I think, Rile’s there with her.”

“Thanks, see you later, little brother.”

“You too, big sister, later.”

Sweet notes mixed with a whiff of sorrow came out a certain door. The piano played with each note resounding with the listener. *Click,* “-big sister,” the piece stopped with little Lizzie dashing for the Princess.

“Woah there,” she bent to cuddle, “-I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” said Lizzie giving a peck to her cheeks, “-want to hear my song?”

“Sure,” on her feet, the shorter princess scurried to the very big piano. A behemoth compared to her size with her legs dangling off the seat. The song resumed; each note evoked emotions.

“Princess Lizzie has gotten very dexterous with the keyboard,” commented Rile.

“How so?” asked Eira listening with eyes closed.

“I might insult her hard work by saying this, but I think princess Lizzie is a prodigy. It’s been close to a year and she’s mastered a few pieces that require skills. The teacher said she has perfect pitch and can assign notes to any sound she hears.”

“I’m not that versed into classical music,” said Eira, “-her way of play sure is an emotional ride. Happy at once then woeful the next.”

“How was it,” said the young princess.

“It was excellent,” came another voice from behind.

“Mother!” exclaimed she.

“Lizzie, how are you?” quick to hold her child, they conversed.

“Good evening, mother,” said Eira.

“Good evening,” said she reaching for another hug, “-I’m glad to see you both well.”

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“It’s good to see you as well, mother.”

“Rile, where is Rosetta, have her tend to Lizzie. And Eira, I want thee to change as well, we’re having a formal dinner later – there are things we must discuss,” the words came across strongly.

“Yes, mother,” bowing her head, the study emptied with Eira being the last to leave.

The soothing sound of water landing, steam rose, Eira’s long hair rested against her back. The shower felt closer to cleaning, the tiredness of the few days gone down the drain.

‘Why do I feel so hopeless,’ she sat with back against the wall, ‘-what is the feeling of rejection. Everyone in my family is talented or strong-willed. What about me, what have I accomplished? I’m a strong enough mage – still, it wouldn’t amount to much on the evolving battlefield. Lady Gergusser hasn’t spoken to me ever since the incident with the ancient dragons. Father is awesome, Mother is strong and confident, Julius is charming, and lastly, Lizzie is talented and prodigious. The world of music will be shaken the moment her performance goes live. She’ll be an instant hit; people love children who are ‘geniuses’. What have I accomplished? My journey took me to the field of Magiology, tis here I found how intelligent the founder of the subject is. However hard I try, there are boundaries humans can’t cross. I suppose I’m lucky to be brought up by...’ *Crack,* the water froze, “-HOW FRUSTRATING!” The ice melted almost immediately, ‘-what a pathetic mess of a daughter. Here I thought getting married to the Emperor would assure a lasting alliance between our countries. I was going to do my job as princess... will the gods not allow me that chance either?’ tears flowed to merge with the running water, ‘-am I useless? What should I do, my friends all have families, ambitions, and room to improve. Me, I’m nothing but the side-character, there’s nothing I can do but wait and watch.’

“Wrong...” echoed the room in a tremor, “-CHILD!”

“Who is it?” she stood with an icy-sword summoned.

“I’m the medium to Qhildir, God of Philosophy.”


“I’m it who controls the knowledge of all that existed. Child, do you desire power?”

“Power?” asked she lowering her guard, “-what does thee wish in exchange?” Th???? link to the origin of this information r????sts in (f)ir(e).nᴇt

“Nothing,” said the voice, “-I desire nothing for I know all and experienced all. Child, I but wish for one thing, and tis an apostle, an heir to what I’ve worked for so long. Does thee accept to know the truth?”

“What truth?” her lips tightened.


“Truth about everything. Eira Haggard, daughter of the God of Death, heed my voice, tis an opportunity to become a being higher than human. Thee will be granted the title of Librarian, the Guardian of my knowledge, she who knows all!”

“The Librarian?”

“Nexsolium, does thee accept?”

‘The Librarian, guardian of knowledge... does that mean I be useful to father?’

“Yes, thee will be known in the divine realm – knowledge is the ultimate strength; thee wishes to fight beside the God of Death?”

“Why me?”

“For the reason that thee knows of what it means to be weak. Lord Death once took my love, I held a grudge for centuries until my lover returned as a fragment to say she held no regret. What sort of being would I be to hold a non-existent grudge? In such a way, thee are closest to how I felt, lost, and surrounded by far superior people.”

“How will becoming the Librarian affect my life?”

“Not much, you will forever be Eira Haggard with the added difference of being my heir.”

“Qhildir, God of Philosophy, I accept!”

“WISE CHOICE!” the room froze instantly into a world of letters, numbers, symbols, and more. The body teleported to a realm beyond ‘reality’. A black and blue robe ended at her thighs. A pointe shoe styled footwear materialized with wings at the sides. Her right- shoulder was wrapped in a shawl with multiple writings. A halo of symbols rested as if a crown.

“Eira Haggard, welcome to Nexsolium,” said a soothing voice.