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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 433
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Chapter 433: Lord Elon

The easeful dawn’s morning chirping of birds and warm light shuddered. The sound of engines came rumbling from the entrance. Rare was it for people to come so early and indeed stood a few wanting audiences with her majesty. When asked, the response came, ‘-Guards from Elon’s Empire, we’re here as overwatch for the meeting.’ The message flooded the castle as if a broken dam. The maids were envious of such a high-profile guest. If it had been a duke or someone of lower nobility, their reaction would have been tamer. The name ‘Elon’ was very much respected by the people of Elendor.

Dawn’s dimness was replaced by the sun who took his mantle in the skies – the empty courtyard was filled with heavy black vehicles.

“King Haggard,” said a lady dressed very lavishly, “-the day has come.”

“Indeed it has,” returned he with a rivaling outfit, “-Elina, how much do you esteem Lord Elon?”

“Very much,” replied she with a smile, “-he’s closer to a Grandfather figure, a mentor I should say, than the fearful Lord Elon. I forgot to ask, why is it you want to meet him?”

“To ask questions,” replied he strongly, “-is it wrong to wish to speak to a wise man?” ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙʏ ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

“No, I didn’t mean it that way,” her lips tightened, “-I wasn’t expecting him to respond so quickly.”


“We’re the 25th of May, tis been quite a long time...”

“Wrong,” replied she raising her brows, “-I heard of people waiting years to meet him. Even in those cases, the people are taken to his secretary instead.”


“I could say the same thing about you,” giving a pat on his shoulder, “-good luck, King of Arda, go and do what thee came to do,” she left on those parting words.

Amidst an army of cars; came another line of faster-looking metal steeds. The gates, always shut, were opened for the man without asking questions. The slow pace made it very so stressful. The once white-staircase got layered by a red carpet. Such care for a man without a title of nobility, nothing more need be said. In the blazing sun, the main car pulled to the carpet; guards rushed to open the door. First exited a lady with a display in hand that soon stood beside. Then, at last, putting a foot forth, Lord Elon stepped with his very well decorated, meticulously crafted robe. Aided by a dark-brown walking stick toppled in gold, he paused to glance about.

“Lord Elon,” voiced Malta trimmed and proper, “-welcome back to the palace. I hope the journey wasn’t troublesome.”

“The master says it’s fine,” said a blond-hair lady with dignified features. Her spectacles seemed to accentuate the roundness of her nose. A few, unnoticeable wrinkles formed whilst she spoke, “-shall we head inside?”

“Let’s,” he led the way. Often, Lord Elon would gesture Alison, his secretary, to come close and lend her ears. She would bend to be at his height and listen. After understanding his message, she’d nod and stand straight – none knew what they spoke nor did they ever reveal what was said. The long walk across the palace was rewarded by the artwork and esthetics put into decoration. Going from hallway to hallway, they arrived onto one very much dressed. Walls filled with tapestries recounting the tales of old. He would glance to peek through the ever-narrowed eyes. A slight raise of the white less filled brows hinted at him being pleased. Reaching the end, rose a massive double-door with edges of bronze and silver.

“Greetings Lord Elon,” said the Queen in her formal apparel.

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“Greetings, Queen Elina,” spoke the Lord softly while Alison nodded. Domed roofed with angels extending their wings, naked figures posed melodramatically – a work from a famed local artist.

“Greetings, Lord Elon,” came a soothing voice from a towering figure.

“Greetings, King of Arda,” said the Lord carefully lifting his head.

“I wish I could say and partake in conversation,” interjected Elina, “-I’ve duties to attend, please, make use of the retainers as you would your own.”

The room, circular but not obvious, hosted curved white-framed windows with smaller and more frequent panes. Hidden by a light curtain, one could see the restful garden outback.

“Do you mind if I ask some questions first?” inquired Alison stood beside her master.

“No, please, go on ahead,” replied Staxius sat and staring at Elon.

“Why did you wish to speak to my mast-” he rose his hand, “-what is it, master?”

“Alison, thank you for being attentive. I’ll take over the conversation, please, go have a tour of the garden,” a long-extinguished flame rekindled, he hadn’t been so assertive since a few years ago.

“Yes, my lord,” nodded she with a grin. Her heels clopped till the door where it echoed into silence. The room, amber and warm, emptied with both.

“It’s been a long time,” said he gradually opening the narrowed eyes.

“Yes, we’ve not met since the auction,” replied he.

“I knew the day would come where we would meet once again. So, King of Arda, what is this about?”

“There are things I need to know,” said he wearing the glasses, “-things perhaps meant to never see the light of day.”

“Go ahead,” intrigued, the man gave the aura of a bear exiting hibernation.


“Excuse you?” no reaction came forth.

“Overlord, Godfather Renaud, Godfather Stanley, the Dark-Guild, and the war in Alphia, how involved are you?”

“What do you mean involved?” the hands clenched onto the walking stick.

“I mean what I say,” returned he strongly, “-Lord Elon, I’ve spent a few days researching thy company. A few things came up that weren’t, let just say, ‘normal’. In no way is this a threat, perish said thought, I but want one thing, knowledge, and advice for the man who’s been in the shadows well before I came into the world.”

“Speaking in riddles, vaguely pointing at things that thee are sure – creating fear into another’s heart. Very good conversational skills” said he unbothered, “-I have the bad habit of clenching my stick when confronted with hard questions. My old age is very much trouble, my guard isn’t as it used to be.”

“Might I presume tis why lady Alison speaks on thy behalf?”

“I knew it,” said he with pride, “-I had the feeling that you were special, and indeed you are.”

“It’s true then,” voiced Staxius coldly.

“Yes,” replied the other, “-before I go into details, please, give me thy thoughts on who I am, really.”

“As you wish,” taking deep breaths, “-Lord Elon – thee are the man people refer to as the Overlord. You’re the one who stays in the Shadow of the Dark-Guild, the pinnacle of power.”

“How do you conclude?” inquired the man with a neutral expression.

“The first time we met, thee said, ‘give regards to Godfather Renaud’. The words deliberate, you wanted someone to find out who you were. Tracking thee was a challenge; I did decide to contact since I needed help with the situation in Alphia. Tis then the idea hit me – why did my plan fail; how did they know what I was doing? It felt more of a test. The meeting with the Patek’s surely, the Dynasty would have taken no risk in revealing their involvement. They were forced into risking being exposed, a higher being stood presiding over their choices. The puppet master who’s been testing us ever since the auction. It made sense, especially when Godfather Renaud became right-hand to the Overlord. I have eyes on powerful people, and Godfather Renaud fits the role too well. Lastly, the guards, the way they move and act, the glares, it’s all reminiscent to the underworld.”

“Bravo,” the brows lifted the sullen cheeks into a smile, “-I’m indeed the Overlord of the Dark-Guild. I doubt you’ve spoken of the whole-method used to find my identity. It’s true, I wasn’t only testing you, but the whole organization. There have been very peculiar incidents with the family being killed or killing one another. Tis something I refuse to allow, fratricide. In no way will I sit and watch the family be destroyed. The Lerado incident is something I can’t personally be involved. Stanley sure was quick to throw a fit, I know he’s working with another organization. The Patek’s or rather known as Cimier was one of the branch family of the DG. They split around a century ago and grew strong with each passing year. The situation is dire...”

“Lord, isn’t the DG powerful?”

“We are powerful, don’t get that mistaken. Renaud is my right hand and heart of the DG, if it wasn’t for the money brought by the sale of narcotics, prostitution alone would not have had us go anywhere. In a way, I’m grateful for Phantom. Stanley is my sword, he controls the Assassination Sect, the DG’s best fighting force. I fear the man has been led astray by the tales from Cimier. That damned geezer Rowley was always a man of charisma.”

“That’s the reason why thee aren’t acting?”

“Yes, if Stanley leaves our care – I predict the DG falling in less than a year.”

“...” The information needed a second to assimilate. Lord Elon said things known to him, only, out loud. A recompense to the man who discovered his identity.

“Lord Elon,” said he with a threatening expression, “-it’s not wrong to assume the worst. There may be alliances being made between Cimier and other ‘lower’ gangs to wage war against us. The Dark-Guild are too prominent, tis both a boon and a curse.”

“The damned youth of today know nothing of our code-of-conduct. If only I was back in my prime, the situation would have not gotten so bad,” regret slowed his speech. “What is it you want, Shadow, I know you called me here to discuss another matter.”

“Actually,” he laid back with fingers touching one another, “-our goals may not be so different. I was defeated by the five-conglomerates; It’s not hard to assume them being linked to Cimier as sister-family and such. Phantom was ordered to leave Alphia. The Lerado’s, mainly, the lady, is being held by the neck into selling narcotics for lesser the market-value.”

“Poor girl, her husband had so much promise...” the cheeks twitched.

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“Lord Elon,” smirking, “-I have an idea. As opposed to breaking Cimier from the shadows, let’s take to the main stage. Their conglomerates are nothing more than facades for their inner-workings. I say, let’s fight them head-on without tricks. Thee assured me the Dark-Guild is strong.”

“Are you referring to the Elon Empire?” the face froze on the verge of hysterical laughter, “-my boy, I’d have never thought of such a possibility. I’ve been in the shadows so long I forgot how to see the light. How do you propose we go about the plan?”

“How big is Elon’s influence in Alphia?”

“If we’re talking business,” a press on his phone had Alison enter the room.

“Thee summoned me?” asked she taken aback by the familiarity in the two.

“Staxius Haggard is better than we thought,” laughed he with coughs.

“Lady Alison, might I ask a few questions?” stern and unforgiving, she quickly turned to Lord Elon for what to do. The response was a nod.

“Yes, how can I help?”

“How influential is Elon in Alphia?”

“Quite significant – of their electrical products, the majority of the factories are owned by Elon’s Empire. I’d say we manufacture most of their use.”

“How about revenue?”

“Money isn’t an issue, combined, we made around 10.6 Billion last year. Why what is this about?” asked she with a shrug.

“That’s from legit businesses, right?”

“Yes, obviously,” she paused, “-what do you mean legit businesses?”

“Don’t worry, Alison, he knows of my identity,” mumbled Lord Elon.

“What’s happening here?” her pitch rose.

“We’re going to war,” said Staxius nonchalantly, “-a war of buying and trading. The battlefield will be the world of commerce. Shadow against shadow, none shall win, however, if light goes against shadow, we might stand a chance.”

“...” facing her master for answers, he facepalmed.

“Alison, does thee not understand what he means? We’re going to war using the Elon Empire, and not the DG.”

“Really?” her confusion broke into excitement.
