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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 386
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Chapter 386: New Year

“The price is justified by the brand, Meldorino is well-known.”

“Being popular doesn’t equal it being good or anything remotely to that. Take Kale the cruel, the man was popular for having invading villages, skinning the men, impaling the woman, and assaulting the children. He’s very famous, ask anyone with a vague fragrance of history knowledge, and the name is bound to come. Therefore, being popular or famous isn’t worth 100,000 Exa.”

“Fine, what of the numerous branches around the globe, do those not mean anything?”

“Are you referring to the closed showrooms, might I remind thee, Meldorino is but opened in Alphia.”

“What of the goods, the products, surely, the clothes and accessories are sure to amount to something.”

“Heritage, should I bother to give another example?” paused to check her reaction, “-I’ll do so either way. Heritage, what a scam, don’t get me wrong, there are examples to be loved – in our context, heritage of Meldorino, the products might I remind are outsourced to rather low-costing factories. Being the first to invent a concept might be a selling point. The idea of owning an item of relic is enough to have thy mouth water, sadly, the truth of old being better is wrong. Innovations happen every minute, hour, day, around the globe, discoveries are being made. Meldorino’s heritage compared to other famed brands is but a pebble on the road.”

“What then,” she said angrily, “-are you implying Meldorino is worth naught?”


“Frankly,” stared coldly, “-Meldorino is worthless. Tis but a name, a plastered onto attire and accessories of which are made by others. I do understand the reason for cutting cost and such. Don’t take me a fool,” said he fluently, “-I’ve done my research and so has my team. The sole reason we’re after Meldorino is it has nothing that makes it, it. Tis another luxury brand for people of wealth to spend their money.”

“What of you,” said she, “-what of Phantom, thou made a big speech on originality and such, what have thee done to follow said ideals?”

“My lady,” he smirked to lit a cigar, “-Phantom is an arm’s dealer, we were the first to consider the business of warfare and bloodshed. The five-year war had us climb at an unprecedented rate. The DD2-Armored variant was bought from Midas, a company under Phantom. Like them we have GateSix, specializing in guns and much more. We do outsource simple parts to other factories, that much isn’t to be lied about. Nevertheless, the engine, technology, come from our research, from our scholars working day and night. We could overengineer products, I mean, we’ve already done so during the war. Not for retail products, profit, and ease of replacement if ever there is damage.” Her stance faltered from the continuous flow of confidently spoken words, no response came to mind. Puffed, “-I’m not opposed to stand and debate. There’s a difference between leading a continent and a conglomerate. You worry about losses, I worry about the population. A misstep and the whole kingdom could be destroyed. Not that I doubt thy skill and ability, it’s obvious you’re a lady of utmost competence and young of age. A strong persona, fierce attitude and not wanting to back out of a deal, it’s good traits for a leader, very good traits,” leaned closer, “-there’s also Cimier,” he whispered to then relax against the chair, “-you in the underworld are bound to secrecy. You must have heard of the Dark-Guild, surely you must, for there was a massacre not a few days ago, the Lerado Tragedy.”

“What are you implying?”

“Nothing of relevance to this negotiation,” extinguishing the cigar, “-the price, my lady, how much art thee going to sell?”

Her face flushed in embarrassment; the fingers trembled, “-thou art quite the negotiator,” said she with a tone of defeat.

“Nothing of the sort,” said he with a smile, “-I all but said facts and figures. Since there’s naught to discuss, I’m willing to buy Meldorino and their assets.”

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“How much,” her eyes flared with a hint of mischief.

“I do want you,” said he, “-I’m expecting for thee to have thy vindictive nature kept under wraps. My name isn’t often associated with good deeds, the Blood-King title doesn’t come to any old chap inheriting a kingdom, no, not in the least.”

“Are you threatening me?” she smiled nervously, “-I’m backed by Cimier.”

“Cimier,” he frowned, “-the cowards who aren’t willing to show themselves. It matters not who backs thee – I don’t mind taking to the battlefield personally,” a ball of white flame twirled around his opened palm, *snap,* a sudden burst along the arms to levitate in a circle around his head. “The bodyguards assigned to survey this room are asleep, in no way is the conversation reaching the outside world.”

“Resorting to violence?” said she keeping a strong front.

“No,” the flames vanished, “-tis but parlor tricks. An accurate show of strength might have thee fall unconscious and even die; I wish not such a fate upon an acquaintance.”

“Fine, fine,” stood near the window, the warm breeze of a coming new year brushed her hair sweetly, “-how much are you willing to pay?”

“75,000 Exa for 1%”

“Isn’t it a bit cheap?” said she.

“The annual earning of Meldorino has fallen to a mere three million. I’m offering to buy the remaining 75% for 5,250,000 Exa, a good deal considering the trying times.”

“80,000 Exa for 1%.”

“Don’t push your luck,” said he.

“Didn’t thou say my personality being a very good trait? 5,600,000 seems like a good deal to me.”

“To you, it’s a good deal,” he paused, ‘-her chopper is the same price as the damned company. How the times have changed.’

Simultaneously, the celebrations came in form of fireworks lighting the night. A private show organized by Dorino stared the duo who negotiated, start to finish, the display was of utmost beauty. “I’ve confirmed the amount, 5,600,000 for the rest of Meldorino.”

“Are you agreeing to my demand?” she said with a blank expression, a look of shock in most cases.

“I could lower the price if that is what thee wishes?”

“No, no,” quick to backpedal, “-consider it a deal, Majesty,” they shook hands.

“What of the method of payment?” asked she.

“A direct transfer to thy account should be sufficient. Why, is that an issue?”

“N-no, five million isn’t easy money to have lying around, not in one’s personal account.’

“Oh,” he returned her gaze with a look of disdain for the phone showed, 55,800,000 Exa. “Who in their right mind would have so much cash lying around,” said he avoiding the topic, “-let’s go over the trade, what will it be?”

“Could you come over to the office tomorrow, I’ll have the papers and transference readied tomorrow. To whom will it be, thy name or Phantom?”

“Phantom,” said he proudly, the New Year’s began on a high note.

“Now this is a matter of personal choice, as the coming new owners, what will happen of Meldorino?”

“We’ll leave the Gaso Group and focus on rebuilding relations and brand as a whole. It wouldn’t be fair to remain in the Group after my speech on uniqueness. That’d be hypocritical, don’t you think.”

“A king has to stand by his words, guess the saying is true. The words given by a king is worth its weight in gold.”

“Only if the king is of a good repute – still, action speak louder than words,” checking the clock,”-let’s return to the party.” Follow current s on (f)ire

“Let’s, the negotiations lasted far longer than expected,” said she in relief.

“May I offer an arm,” he said at the door, “-an escort to a very lovely dressed lady?”

“Quite an amazing change in persona. From threats of deaths to now a gentleman,” a tender grin escaped the tight expression, “-it’s not often one gets to be escorted by a king,” giving a curtsy, “-I accept the offer.”

“Business, social, and personal lives must be split. The negotiation is over, we’re speaking as people united by the common thread of birth and death.”

“A very good sentiment,” said she, “-I must say I had a lot of fun. Such pressure during a negotiation, it was a battlefield.” Their steps echoed against the marble staircase leading into the hallway. People returning from the washroom stopped before crossing their paths. Arms in arms, the walk soon had them in the ball-room. An unknown close to one of the essential figures in the world of business. Speechless, the Directors stood to only sit back down.

“Thank you for the escort,” said she with a nod.

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“The pleasure is mine,” a quick bow followed by a kiss on her hand, he turned to vanish in the crowd.

“How does a man who referred me as Casanova earlier explain this development?” asked Lucas a little flushed from drinks. “You caught the biggest fish of all.”

“No,” stood at the same spot, “-there’s nothing of sorts. I found her personality likable, her unrefined way of dealing with people forced action on my part. Well, who is to care of such technicalities, how was your night?” a glass of whiskey rocked back and forth, the ice made a ting with each rotation.

“Pretty eventful,” waved Lucas to a crowd of ladies eyeing him flirtatiously.

“The one in yellow was she who bit thee?”

“Are you psychic?”

“No, I so happened to notice her lipstick on thy neck. How was it, did you cross the point of no return?”

“Not in a million years, I’ve yet to find the one. Old fashioned or not, I’m saving myself for the special occasion.”

“Pure yet playful, what a strange combination.”

Meanwhile, in the distance, Dorino’s arm moved strongly pointing to an argument with Lady Gaso on the receiving end. Her head shook in dismissal to which he turned and beelined for the window.

“Mr. Haggard,” said he enraged, “-what is the meaning of this?”

Taking a sip, “-Mr. Dorino, whatever I say this moment will go through one ear and out the other. Have a cigar and relax,” he offered, “-let the fresh breeze carry the thoughts of fury. Deep breaths, calm thy mind.”

The soothing nature had him follow each instruction, “-the wind is pleasant.”

“Now, to the matter of Meldorino, I’ve bought the whole company. It will belong to Phantom starting tomorrow.”

“B-but,” he tried to argue but couldn’t follow.

“I’m not that cruel a man,” giving a reassuring smile, “-I’ll have thee as new Director, the employees will retain their jobs. I’m a giving man, let’s toast for tomorrow.”

“Friend,” said Lucas, “-tis already tomorrow,” laughter followed.

Soon, as celebrations were over, people took to the door one by one. Staxius was last to leave for he stayed to speak with Dorino and Lucas. The latter would stay the night, to which they exchanged goodbyes.

‘What was there hard about buying Meldorino. I guess working over phone is less effective than face to face. Manipulation, tis astounding how easy it is to force a person into thinking what I wish them to think. I led her to believe Meldorino being worthless as a company. I shudder for tomorrow, who knows what she might do. Until tis on paper, there’s nothing to prove the negotiations, well, that is before I sent her money with the statement being for purchase of Meldorino. She has to follow through – I made sure the news of Phantom being the owner spread. If she backs out, her credibility will plummet with the company she so dearly wants to keep. Check-mate, Gaso Group; the next phase of the plan begins at last .’

On the flight home, Lady Gaso’s mind was filled with the details of the deal. She was at a loss, in the bigger picture, the deal seemed fair. The added pressure of the directors congratulating on the deal left a bad taste. Thus, a new year began. A new year with Alphia as a target for ventures in both the business and underworld.