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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 364
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Chapter 364: Royal Family

Among those he spoke were a few of rather suspicious nature. The never-ending cycle of give and take. Many peered in envy as the king went around speaking to all. To his surprise, as he thought the celebration was at the castle only, a festival for the inhabitants began when he arrived. A big festival with multiple artists performing day and night at the town square on the second floor. Dancing, ale, food, a moment of bliss, and harmony. Long were the troubles of Kreston and its mind-games.

Having entertained the guest as was per his responsibility, Staxius excused himself from the crowd in the pretext of fatigue. In reality, the body was yet to give. The mind was it who felt tired, tired from keeping upfronts and barriers. A never-ending battle for it was here in a conversation that people fought. Words of weight to a feather, words of weight to a boulder, tone, and facial expression mattered.

“What were you up to?” said Staxius as he headed towards the royal-chambers. Two ladies stood with an open doorway leading into the hot-springs. They waited ominously with untied hair and what seemed heads. The steam and warmth of the stream made waves into the corridor. Many changes had happened, most notably, the pathway to the springs.

“Some uninvited pest made their way inside the castle,” replied Intherna of which her face changed from deadly to friendly.

“I suppose I went overboard,” said Gophy with the ashes of her victims.

“Any idea on who they were?” asked he with a step forth.

“Oh...” gazed Intherna downwards, “-it was act first then ask questions later. Why does it really matter?” she shrugged.


“Does it matter?” paused Staxius, “-why does it matter says the goddess,” turned to Gophy, “-what of you?”

“Hmm...” her long eyelashes blinked to where rested the springs, “...”

“I suppose there is naught we can do,” he sighed. “Go on, head to the yard, and have some food. It’s been a long journey to now, have a rest, the war is over.”

“No need to say it twice,” hovered Adete. “It’s been quite a trip, hasn’t it,” the door behind closed with the steam gathered atop the liquid.

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“We managed to come out on top thanks to you and the nightwalkers,” said he who undressed without care for who stared. Intherna and Gophy were long gone leaving him alone.

‘My head feels like a rock, I’m so tired,’ the feet gently pierced the surface of the water. Breathing a smile, he sat with Adete atop his head. ‘Let me rest, I’m tired.’ The clock moved steadfast – time passed and he succumbed to the ravages of exhaustion.

Arda as a Kingdom benefited more in the end. The Argashield Federation, in the first year of its founding, focused on arms and war. This, in turn, made them stronger than most. It made careless invasions, not an option. The ever-looming shadow of Phantom and the Dark-Guild scared many o’ folks away. Those wishing for a quick buck found themselves paying more. The capital in of itself, after the fight to retake control of the province, was damaged. Duke Mundy by the time he came into power was left helpless. A trap of an indebted Kingdom on the verge of civil war. The pressured applied by the Saints, of which, the record discloses not, were triggered by an untraceable organization. Till the day of Kreston’s falling, none ever knew who pulled the strings. Or so what was thought. Shadowed by many, many personas and traps calculated in collaboration with Cake, Phantom, as is now revealed, most specifically, Unit Rec, led secretive missions around the globe. The assassination of a Saint at Town Eden was done none other than said unit. The forces compromised of Yves, Courtney, and Elliot. Yves as the escape artist, Courtney as a one-woman-army, and Elliot as a back-up. The three paired under Shadow’s leadership and many were bound to fail. In said manner, without credit given, Phantom performed elemental tasks around the province till as things stand now.

Kreston with the Pope ousted joined the Federation. The fanatical beliefs weren’t changed, Sharon the apostle did visit the masses to spread the word of Syhton. Nonetheless, her attempts were usually met with disaccord. Not that many rejected her idea, it was just that the likelihood was rare.

One must applaud the efforts of she who had formulated the plan. It surpassed the realm of human, a single lady, managed to fool a whole continent into declaring war. The mere thought said in a pub would have the speaker thrown or viewed as an imbecile, tis was how profoundly insane the prospect was. Still, it happened. Emotions of revenge for the slaughter of who she deemed to be a part of her life. In the end, Staxius chose to spare her life. Not out of humility nor pity, it was out of respect. She was placed in house-arrest under Phantom’s watch. Not that it matters ever since that day she never said a word. The listless gaze of a mad-woman spoke volumes. Who knows, it might well have been another ploy, thus, the decision to not have her taken lightly. As for the pope, the carcass of a man was killed on the day they visited Kreston. Everyone else, saints included, were killed with none the wiser. Angel Hamael sought to the higher plane. Archangel Erna after her defeat returned to her master’s side. Hence was the province’s end. New rulership under Queen Gallienne’s direct supervision was instated. The borders were opened. The inhabitants were still seclusive, yet, the rebuilding process resumed.

“Staxius...” a gentle pair of hands tapped the cheeks; it left a singular annoying droplet. It rolled off to hang near the jaw, not wanting to fall, it remained as a sore thumb.

“Tsk,” he brushed off the droplet and opened to a sight not suited for many. Xula’s green hair covered her chest with the lower-half under the water.

“What brings you here?” he said with eyes firmly on her face.

“Have you forgotten?” she quietly stared away, her cheeks were flushed presumably by the heat, “-you asked to speak to me earlier.” The awkwardness tightened the atmosphere, five years of not talking, five years of a relation same to saying hi to a neighbor. The Queen of Arda when she turned to be enemy of the populous went into hiding. In hiding at Staxius’s mansion in the company of her babe. He didn’t hold grudges nor distrust, he wanted Lizzie to have a mother by her side. The romance which was but a shameful shadow of what it was, stood vaguely as the couple stared one another.

“Hey,” he said slightly tilting the head, “-how are you?”

“How are you?” she chuckled with her hands covering the laugh.

“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing much,” she smiled, “-it’s been far too long,” she leaned closer to rest against his chest, “-you knew, did you, you knew.”

“Yes, I did, and I’m sorry,” his fingers slowly caressed her head. Her reaction was but an idyllic smile and eye shut. It felt comforting.

“What now?” she asked, “-I’ve been meaning to have this talk,” her heart pounded, “-are you seeing someone else?”


“Say it,” she sat upright with her eyes of a woeful blue, “-I would not be surprised if you had another romantic interest. Especially since all I cause is trouble. Isn’t this what this conversation is about?”

The words left a sour taste, to that, the response was but a glare. “Honestly,” he shook his head, “-why do you have to be so adorable now. The chat I referred to earlier was on how to celebrate our marriage. Are you that dense?”

“Our marriage?” she paused, “-what do you mean, August is far gone.”

“I know,” he laughed, “-that is why I wish to celebrate it once more. I missed Eira’s birthday too, let’s host something big to celebrate.”

“Are you alright?” she paused in bewilderment, “-what of the Queen of Elendor, is she not thy lover?”

“Are you stupid?” he facepalmed, “-Elina is but a friend. I said it the first time, didn’t it, you’re the only one I love. Idiot, the smart queen reduced to naught but doubt.”

“No need to voice it so arrogantly,” her eyes turned yellow, “-so, you don’t have another lover?”

“Do I have to repeat myself?”

“What of us then,” she pressed on yearning for assurance and confirmation, “-what are we?”

“Husband and wife, king and queen, mother and father, lovers, what else?”

“Do you mean to say that you still harbor feelings for me after the five years of distance?”

“Obviously, else why would I went through the trouble of abducting a failing queen so many years ago. Xula, understand this, my priorities changed. I care not for what people think, I’m done playing house, that much is true. However, I never once said that I disliked you. By stop playing house, I mean that I wanted something more real, a bond that’d never falter. The five years was a test, a test to see if thou were worth the trouble of trusting. I wanted to see if my wife would still love me or go after another,” without warning, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled tight to a warm and passionate embrace toppled with a kiss. Time came to a stop; the only sensation was a warmness of the racing heart. “-I can say with pride that you never once dared to look at another. I’m grateful.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Are you serious?” face drenched, none would have made out that she cried, “-you acted distant for five years, for a fucking trust TEST?”

“Now there’s the Xula I love,” he laughed as she harmlessly punched his stomach.

“I’m glad,” she smiled, “-I’m glad I trusted you too.”

“Aren’t we just happy that this is over,” close to one another, the door suddenly opened with Eira catching a glimpse of what was forbidden.

“Seriously?” she paused with a cold expression; “-you chose to do this now?”

“Come on,” glanced Staxius, “-get in too, consider this a family bath.”

“No, I’ll pass,” she turned with her mind scarred.

“Eira,” he spoke before she left the room, “-are you going to drop the rebellious phase or not. If not, then, do as thy wish, go get married. I don’t want any excuses. I approve of the Emperor being my son-in-law, however, if the boy does but made the cry.”

“Father,” she said coldly, “-I made the decision on my own. Even if the boy makes me cry, I’ll wipe my tears and move forward. That much is what I learned from you, to never stop despite the troubles. If my marriage brings you an advantage, I’ll gladly do so for thou art the one I admire.”

“Princess Eira Haggard,” he stood abruptly, the waters crashed against one another, “-face me this instant,” the voice strict, she obeyed with a tensed face. “I have but one thing to say, thou have grown into a beautiful lady. I’m proud to have had the privilege of you as my daughter. I’m grateful for you’ve mended my heart plenty o’ time. Free thyself for the shackles of debt, I, Staxius Haggard, clear thee of any debt thou might own. Go and live, be free, and most importantly, be happy,” he held out a hand to Xula to which she stood. “Just know,” she added, “-that we’ll always be your family.”

No words, her slight raise of the head sufficed. A smile with sniffles, “-father, mother,” not caring for tact, she leaped onto the duo who soon crashed into the water. “-I’M SO HAPPY,” she sobbed with her head borrowed in-between her father and mother.

“I’m relieved,” smiled Staxius, “-I thought that you’d have gone to hate me.” No reply, she kept on crying with the door opening anew.

“PAPA, MAMA!” yelled young Lizzie accompanied by Rosetta.

“Go on, highness, go bathe with thy father,” said the head-maid with a smile.

“PAPA, MAMA, BIG SIS,” she scurried over and jumped.

“Oh Lizzie,” said Xula who caught the tiny splash square on. A long-awaited reunited, family members who were once distant came to be as one. Smiles and joy, the 5th of December was truly a day of bliss.