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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 330
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Chapter 330: Wake!

“This is impossible,” walked the Sage in anger, “-is that how royalty is supposed to act?”

“What’s the matter?” stood with a tablet atop Roth, Serene held a smile of which was suspicious.

“Tis our queen,” sighed the Sage as he gently sat to have his feet dangling off to one side of the building. “Something is very wrong with her.”

“Heart trouble?” asked Serene who came closer. Below, the people seemed as if ants wandering from point A to point B. With a bit of effort, one could also see the training of the guilds. Carriages filled with items guarded by armored men headed to Town Eden. Mild and lesser hot, the sun calmly kept watch over till the horizon.

“I’ve been with Shanna since her arrival onto this plane. Her heart has always been cold and shut to the world. Today, I saw a side that was never meant to be. A visage filled with sadness and regret, it’s as if she’s forcing herself to act as the worst person,” turned to Serene, “-thus my visit. I’ve come to ask the help of the Nightwalkers, especially you, Serene. I know how loyal you are to our King. I’ll do what I can on my side to stop any winds of trouble.”

“If it’s for my King, then I’ll do what is needed,” earnestly staring, the sage had shivers down the spine.

“Keep an eye Ryul, I’ll have a few of my disciples on the lookout to any malicious plots. Queen Shanna is planning something big, I’ve no idea what it may be. The likely target is the king.”


“Before everything,” stood with an enigmatic face, “-I’ll assist with one condition. How does her majesty feel about her husband.”

“You dare doubt her vows of which she has sworn to him?” angered, he stood with a spark.

“There’s no need for being belligerent,” she said with a finger touching his heart, “-the world around isn’t that good a place. Arda is the same, no one is safe. I thought that for a while until I came to meet our King. To this day I have no idea what he thinks. A bloody murderer to then a merciful hero – I’ve absolutely no clue.”

“That’s a simple matter,” smiled the sage, “-they’re made for one another. Our Queen reads people’s mind and he reads people’s emotions. Together, they could take over the world if so wanted. Yet, if apart, they’re one another’s weakness. Imagine two stone-cold individuals slowly growing love for one another, have you seen it?” paused to give a moment for her to reply, she shrugged unknowingly. “I have, a bond of proportions I’ve no words to speak of.”

“I suppose so,” she smiled, “-what is this plan around, care to go into more details?” Heavy and loud breeze served to muffle what was spoken. The sage knew but one thing, Arda could stand to suffer if not careful whilst Serene had another thought in mind, the safety of her ruler.

“Adete,” walked through the portal into the mansion, Staxius glanced blankly with dulled eyes.

“What is it, vampire?” she hovered waiting for what was to be said.

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“The first progenitor, I know that it might be overstepping if I say a thing, however, could thee grant thy heir a favor?” asked in the humblest way possible, she found it hard to refute.

“Tis a dire situation I suppose, what is it you want?”

“I want but one thing, information. In return, I’ll have an assortment of blood as recompensating for thy trouble.”

“Blood,” watered, she wiped the growing thirst, “-thou know the way to mine heart.”

“Thank you,” caressing her cheeks with a cold index finger, she gasped for it froze.


Ignoring her yelp, “-I’d like for you to go as a spy. Monitor and investigate the ins and outs of the palace. Blood-arts should allow thee to become one with the environment. The All-seeing eye, now evolved into one that has the mana of a god flowing through, will be more powerful. I’m sure I don’t have to explain the possibilities.”

“Yeah, I know,” rolling her eyes to the portal, “-not only is it undetected; the user can now control the mind and body of the victim. An undercover operation with blood as a reward. Count on me, Vampire,” hovered till his shoulder, *bite.*

“Again?” he said without much interest.

“Tis good luck,” after a wink, she disappeared into Arda.

“Well then,” *click,* lit brightly, Courtney stood beside the switch behind which stood the ladder to the first floor. “The attic isn’t that dusty as I thought.”

“Compliment?” said in dismissal, she frowned.

*Ding,* a notification had her jumped in embarrassment, “-my bad.”

“What is it?” they stared at one another.

“Job request from Phantom,” she grinned nervously with raised eyebrows, Staxius shrugged.

“Go,” he gestured, “-I’ll be fine from here, see you later.”

“See you,” jumped onto the ladder, she climbed with her upper body still, one could have mistaken it for her sinking.

Alone in a rather large attic, Staxius sat with legs crossed in the middle of a circle. ‘Arda’s dark side,’ the thought kept on pestering. ‘Find allies, what will come of this.’ Paused at few intervals, ‘-focus, this isn’t time to think of things out of my control. Intherna, Gophy, and the soul of a nameless god. Limited to one every six months, the transmutation of a goddess into a puppet will be delicate. A miss placement and...’

*Summon forth, Box of Souls,* materialized in a blackish glow, a chest with a massive skull on top.

*Summon forth, Box of Alche,* in a similar fashion, two Relic-class items hovered shy of his head. Stood with the puppet placed inside a convoluted circle mixed with pentagons and hexagons; the writings took most of the floor-space. A total of four hours was spent in settling the prerequisites.

‘Nevermore,’ hands on chest, ‘-Death Element. I’ll have to unlock the seal to the A-gate. Controlling Intherna’s power and soul will require a lot of mana. I’ll have to utilize Nike’s Wings to compensate since the A-gate gives the power to a Demi-god. I need the E-gate. I’ve yet to reach the sufficient strength – another breakdown of my element would knock me out for more than a week. The risk of not being able to conjure magic exists. Best keep to the lower three levels. Step by step, let’s begin.’

*Death Element: Unleash Aura,* slow and gentle, mana from the element flowed outwards of the body. A warm-up of the cycle of lifeforce into energy. Eyes closed, the room lit with lines of white, the puppet was but a meager figure.

*Deep slumber, deep rest, awaken for the chance at retribution. Gate of which stands before mine way, open for thy master has come: Nevermore – Hell’s Gate.* Slowly oozing mana to a growing tempest, the air around the mansion grew haunting. Eerie as it sent shivers to all who might cast a careless gaze. No visible change in the body, Staxius’s mana capacity increased, the purity was one of an Apostle. Not hard on the body, the power increased gradually.

*Span across the ages, fear is what held peace, fear is what caused War, fear is the root of evil. I, the harbinger of the ultimate fear, have come to spread and reclaim what is mine of right: Nevermore – Terror Gate.* Invisible a few minutes ago, the mana changed into the color of amber, relaxing for it resembled the sunset. Mildly, the power of an angel was granted. With it came a surge of swirling wind around the host.

*Unbound by the laws of Heaven to Hell; unshackle mine power: Nevermore – Annihilation Gate.* Burst with a thump, the mana had the veins bulge, opposed to the few times prior, the veins soon grew to settle. Twirling winds with an amber glow turned into a dark-grey which seemed to create a shield on the skin itself. Triggered, the symbols of power reacted with the pressure unleashed.

*O’ goddess forgotten by the ages, o’ goddess who spread victory and peace over the souls of true warriors. I, humble vessel for thy Symbol, plea to have a sliver of thy strength.*

‘It came to me in a dream,’ hands pressed as if to pray, ‘-the symbols of power aren’t only a mere tool to use. They are the souls, emotions, and experiences of the respective gods. I mustn’t fight to control their power; they have a conscience. Forgive me for I’ve been deaf for so long, thinking of how to grow strong without heeding to thy warning.’

“Child of Death, I hear thy plea,” came a voice in the form of an orb of light, “-thy misgivings have been forgotten. I, Nike, shall grant thy wish. Be strong and be humble for if one exists without the other, the carnage will sure cloud his mind.”

No pain, no hurt, the Symbol flew to gently take command over the forehead. Spread to connect with the eyes; her golden glow turned the right-eye from red to gold.

“Thank you, goddess,” eyes opened, the world around seemed to have lit ever-so-gently. The puppet stood with heat emanating. Each fingertip felt tingly, the body light, and the mind clear. ‘Let’s begin.’ *Snap,* a barrier surrounded the attic. Box of Alche hovered to spew a golden substance over the would-be vessel. Gracefully, the hand moved to conjure his mana into physical form. Carved and sculpted, the Puppet soon took the shape of Intherna. Another three hours later, dusk wandered its way into the continent as the sun headed to sleep. Focused, the influx of power made it all the difficult to be accurate. Moved as if a talented artisan, Staxius worked tirelessly to sculpt.

Deep in the night, time was midnight; the mansions around were dark for many slept. All but one, one of the bigger and greater properties in the noble district. The attic lit ever so often; the light would peer out of transoms.

‘At last,’ dropped to his knee when the clock struck 02:00, “-an immortal vessel worthy of a goddess. One that will grow alongside her power, I had to model it after my body. No fear of imploding or exploding if she goes beyond her real power.”

*Box of souls,* called forth, *-soul bound to forever be under my service, Intherna, come forth for thy master demands it.* Transmuted into an alternate dimension, sparks flew, jolts of electricity lashed out at the walls and floor. An apparition of a lady who slept hands intertwined as if to pray floated towards the vessel. “AWAKE,” *CLAP,* shook, her eyes opened menacingly, “-you...” mumbled without sound, her memory remained intact. *Soul Transmigration.*

Dim to an eruption of sun-like flares had him hold out a hand for it was too bright. Fingers twitched; the toes followed suit. Naked, her face, an exact copy, red flame hair flowed with matching eye color. Sharp nose with a resemblance to a doll, her figure soon grew to be petite. Small in stature with a blazing aura. Blinked to carefully scan the place, her face locked onto Staxius. The latter, moved as a conductor, meticulously crafting and sculpting her vessel had the Wing’s of Nikes lessen in glow. A total of thirteen hours. *Shackle mine strength: Nevermore – Full Restraint.* Released, the body dropped lifelessly, “-I did it,” he stared at the ceiling and laughed.

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“What do you mean,” angered, the girl jumped with killing intent.

“Stand down,” a downward gesture had her face crash onto the floor.

“What did you do?” muffled, she struggled to gaze Staxius for an unknown force held her down.

“Let me gather my breaths,” panting, he gave a nonchalant glance.

“ANSWER!” fiery wings burst out her back, an insatiable thirst for fighting.

“Calm down,” he breathed with a look of disappointment.

“DON’T LOOK DOWN ON ME,” her power grew ten-fold.

Floorboard scorched, *Full-power restraint,* a snap had her fire extinguished.

“Don’t mess with the mansion,” glared, a feeling of powerlessness whelmed inside.

“Stand,” commanded, the body moved on its own. “Approach,” coldly, he watched without an ounce of regret, the body truly was a puppet. “Sit,” cross-legged, she sat facing her creator.

“Now then,” held onto her cheeks with the middle finger and thumb, as if he were about to eat an apple, “-do you have questions?” emotionless, what stared her was the definition of fear.

Abled to only use her mouth, “-let me go,” asked in a gentle voice. He gestured upwards, the control lessened.

“FOOL,” she laughed and reached for his neck, a sudden gesture to the right had her slammed into a table.

“Intherna,” stood and looking down, “-I’m not that big a fool. Have you forgotten who I am?” *Release,* a snap had her regain control.

“Why are you setting me free now?”

“I’ve made my point clear through actions,” extending a hand for her to stand, Staxius held an alluring posture with a charming aura. “Intherna, we fought without restraint against one another. It was the best time of my life, and I think it goes the same for thee. You, who was a candidate for the Eipea Empire was asked to be killed by the Supreme God himself. An uncontrollable raging tempest is what he referred thee as,” grasping her attention, “-I’ll give you two choices. Either give up thy will and be a mindless puppet or be my companion. War is soon to come; all gods and goddesses who were killed unrightfully will be given another chance. The choice is yours, Phoenix, daughter of the sun, what will thee choose?”

“Another chance at living,” mumbled underneath her breath, she stared left to right to then accept his hand. “On one condition.”


“I’ll swear my loyalty after I’ve spent a few months in thy company.
