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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 328
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Chapter 328: Fallout

*Report of Class 2A’s progression.* Written in bold; a file-stamped and approved by the guild leaders laid on the table. The interface on, the usual amber color changed to one blue and bright. In the company of Serene who had her attention on another matter, Staxius held his breath. A week and a few had passed, the sun rose around two hours ago. Contact with the students was cut for the duration. Focused on gaining the adventuring pass, 2A showed their resolve.

‘Guess the time is here,’ with breath held, a slide of the flowery shaped letter-opener, the papers slid across to land on the table. Individual reports for each, ‘-let’s see.’

[Mage’s Guild:]

Ysmay Mallkin – Pass

Anastasia Whitstar – Pass

Kim Lone Franquet – Pass

Christina Valerie – Pass


Mille Stalin – Pass

Timothy Clark – Pass

[Fighter’s Guild]

Eira Haggard – Pass

Fletcher Vega – Pass

Harold Cumber – Pass

Simone Style – Pass

Tony Parker ??? Pass

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‘They did it,’ he smiled, ‘-not less from A-ranked students,’ on his feet sharply, Staxius reached for the door without speaking to Serene. The latter gazed over her shoulder with a nod to return to work. Climbed down the flight of stairs, the destination in mind was the guilds. Abrupt, the walk had few gazing in awe at the King. A mere gust of wind that blew through the door and out of Roth.

Few steps away stood the Trader’s guild with carriages filled with items.

“Guild Master,” waved a lady with a wink.

“Guild Leader Haru,” nodded, he continued down the street.

“Guild master,” opened with a jingle, the guild assistant held breath for someone of power had come personally. Unusual for nobility would send a messenger or a retainer to carry messages.

“Aimon,” walked towards the counter, “-I’ve come to see the Guild Leader.”

“Sure,” no questions asked, “-Master Ryul is at the training grounds,” he pointed at the back.

Flashes of light, the air charged with volatile Mana, a boom, resulted in the dust flying all over. Caught in a storm, Staxius had his elbow to his face as a way to not breathe the particles. At the center was the students and guild leader, a fight had ended with no apparent victor.

“Good,” from a low stance to the ground, Ryul stood to dust off his robe. “I’m sure, thee, temporary adventurers shall be fine. Go out proudly for I’ve deemed thee all worthy. Try and not die, glory can only be gotten if one is alive.” Limped and some on the floor face down, clothes torn and faces dirtied, the young ladies’ hair, usually of a gentle nature was oily and rough. Their faces, untouched by injuries, held looks of extreme fatigue. One of the most prominent factors were dark-circles underneath the eye. A side note to consider was their ear-lobe, it had darkened due to mana fatigue.

“Thou hath succeeded,” approached a tall figure of a man.

“Majesty,” bowed Ryul out of respect.

“Tis good to see that the students survived thy training.”

“All but naught sire, mine training isn’t a matter of praise for tis was their passion and grit.”

“Acknowledge by Ryul,” from stern, “-good job, Class 2A,” to casual, he held out a hand to Timothy who laid head first.

“T-thank you,” stood with utmost pain, mana exhaustion was palpable, hard was it to have a firm balance as Timothy would lean to one side.

“Majesty,” coughed Anastasia, “-we did good on our promise,” her face, lesser of anger and more of relief, “-I won’t remain silent. Are thou still sure of Eira’s superiority?” flames of which had his inner self shouting in anticipation.

“Thou have proven far more than was due. Congratulations.”

Giving a smile, “-‘m glad,” her head rolled back to which she fell.

*Mana Control: Waves,* with a snap, the mana in the vicinity that all but flowed aimlessly until called upon, rose with a shock. Attracted to a singular point on the battle arena, a bed of which felt fluffy and warm caught Anastasia’s unconscious body.

“Majesty?” on edge, “-what art thou doing?” asked Ryul who stepped away.

“Controlling mana,” said in a reassured tone, “-you need not worry. It shall take but a few moments,” *Mana Control: Spiral,* from waves to now a circle, it went around the students. “Replenish,” mumbled underneath his breath, the mana lost in battle recharged without difficulty.

“Am I to believe that is Mana Control?” asked Ryul, -the mysterious art his majesty created?”

“Yes,” he turned with a nonchalant gaze, “-returning their mana is a must. Else, the effect of fatigue might have adverse effects on the still-growing elements. Thou must know of the trouble.”

“I agree,” nodded emptily, “-tis why I had mana-potions at the ready,” the tone was one of disagreement.

“What is done is done,” he turned to the conscious trainees, “-I’ve but one thing to say. Mana control, though it has been shunned by many fellow-subjects, will still be an Art that I’ve endeavored to follow. My title isn’t only King of Arda, but tis the Blood King. The one who presides over the immortal race of Vampires. If the control of mana has thee on edge, what shall happen, I wonder, per se, mine vampiric powers are to be displayed?”

“I meant nothing of the sorts, majesty, thou art our monarch. Thy word is the law, do as thee pleases, we shall but follow,” to which he dropped to his knee as if to be beheaded.

“Raise thy head, Guild Leader,” shouted, “-it isn’t graceful to lower thine head in the dirt. One must always stick to what he deems is to be right. Arda isn’t a country of mindless followers, thou art smart, logical, and reliable. Mana control is still a subject shunned; of which I apologize. Needless to say, that tis will be soon that mine art will be praised as one being noble.”

“Majesty,” head risen, “-I sincerely hope the quest of knowledge doesn’t send thee into a spiral to ruin.”

Chuckled, “-Lord Ryul, if the time comes when I do fall into said spiral, her majesty will stand at the ready to have mine head,” formal to casual, it ended in laughter. On that, the students awoke to a cheerful sight.

“Guild Leader,” said Kim with a smile, “-we’ve done it,” she proclaimed after which the others cheered.

“My challenge was complete, a promise, I shall give a masterclass on the basics of Alchemy.”

“YES, FINALLY,” yelled Timothy, “-all the hard work paid off,” laughed maniacally, Christina edged closer to slap the back of his head.

“Not immediate,” raising an eyebrow, “-thou need rest,” turned to Ryul, “-would thee kindly escort them to the castle?”

“As you wish, sire,” in line, the mages teleported to the castle leaving a battered ground exposed to the wild.

Back on the street, tis was time for the fighter’s guild. ‘Mana control is still a subject of which most have disagreed toughly. I understand that a miscalculation could rupture the flow of life in Arda. Cut off, the plants would die and soon the capital might crumble. Maybe I shouldn’t use it here any longer. I’ve scoured the Arcane Library for the past week. Another body on which to transmute Intherna’s soul is readied. Should be simpler than before. The Death Element recovered very nicely; I feel great again. There’s a limit to stubbornness. The implication of Mana control has grasped my heart. The faces of Xula, Ryul, the sage among many more, is a sight that can’t be ignored,’ breathing a sigh,’-I’ll digress for now.’

“Guild Master,” spoke Jazl in a raspy voice, “-students are at back.”

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“I appreciate the courtesy,” nodded, he walked down the corridor to the sound of weapons clashing against one another.

“YOU’RE MINE,” in mid-air posited for a downward slash, *Ice element: Zero,* great-sword turned icy white, Eira followed through the attack. Effortlessly, a heavy helm of a battle-dummy of a minotaur broke to explode into smoke. Backed by the others, they panted.

“Nicely done,” complimented Lady Mieshre. “As for you, Simone and Harold, fear has thee in its shackles. A few more close encounters with death shall suffice. Overall, thou art readied as trainee adventurers.”

“Yes ma’am,” a simultaneous salute unbothered by fatigue.

“Highness,” voiced Mieshre with inquietude, “-thou seem disappointed.”

“Tis not it, my lady, I just feel empty. We trained hard and got stronger than before. Yet, something gnarls at me from the inside, I can’t shake the feeling of nonfulfillment. Did we fight for naught?” disrespectful towards the others who face glee in bliss, Eira’s statement had sunken the mood.

“Very presumptuous,” walked a harsh tone onto the field-

“Majesty,” bowed the students and Mieshre alike.

-stood before the princess, “-are you to tell me that the work put in by the others means nothing to you. Thou have completed a regiment of two months into a week, is that not sufficient?”

“No,” stared defiantly, “-I don’t see the point,” the tone harsher than before, “-it’s all your fault. Breaking the law of nature, jeopardizing all who live in harmony. I can’t shake the feeling of regret.”

“I see,” a somber aura emanated from his feet, “-selfish, I don’t have to mind thee being selfish. Tis a basic right, however, I can’t stand by and let you disrespect the hard-work put by lady Mieshre and Class 2A.” *Blood Arts: Blood Blade of the Queen – Orenmir,* summoned in a crimson glow, Staxius stood with sword in hand. Adete, who had ideally remained atop his head soon stood with a smirk.

“MAJESTY,” yelled Mieshre, “-highness is still young. I doubt that she means what has been said.”

*Death Element: Unleash Aura,* glared at the guild leader, she all but nodded and escorted the class out of the fighting zone.

“Unsatisfied you said,” monotonous, “-Eira, my daughter, if that is what you had to say, then this is my resolve as thy father. Pick up thy sword, I’ll show you satisfaction.”

“Whatever,” said in a disgusted tone, “-if it’s a fight you want,” screamed the apparition of a dragon from out her back. Eyes turned red to blue with the hair paired with a crown atop her head, “-then it’s a fight you’ll get,” harsh, “-I don’t care if thou art my father. Matter of fact, you’re not even my father are you, Staxius Haggard. My real parents are the ruling couple of Hidros. Not you, a blood-crazed fiend.”

‘Blood crazed fiend,’ thought Staxius with a tear rolling down his cheeks, “-if that is what you think,” from a few feelings of regret to numb, “-Then I’ll show you no mercy. I’m not related to thee, after all, Eira, not even Eira, nameless child of which I took pity.”

“ENOUGH,” yelled, a blast of icy cold air followed by her jumping straight to strike at his neck. It happened too fast all the others saw was her sword drawn and close to his neck. *Clang,* blocked, *Blood Arts: Crimson Threads,* biting the lips, sharp needles flew for her vital organs. *Pfft,* knocked against her frozen armor, she changed the grip to summon an ice shard that pierced through his stomach and froze for the skin and organs to die. Coughed, blood spewed across her face, “-I’m not thy father,” he smiled, “-I never was your father, how could someone who abandoned you for so long be called a father.” Jumped back, the injuries healed instantly, “-that’s why I won’t show mercy,” lowering his stance, *Click,* faster than a blink, *Click,* he stood behind Eira. She fell to her knees without visible injuries. Staxius had reversed the sheath to that when drawn, the backside of the blade would strike.

Turned without emotion, he walked straight past the unconscious body. “Congratulations Class 2A,” stood firmly, “-I hope that this family quarrel doesn’t ruin thy stay. A bath has been prepared at the castle. Please rejoin the others.”

“Yes sire,” they smiled in relief. The past week was tough. Eira acted in a way unbefitting royalty, arrogance, and pride. It sunk deep onto her comrades that her inability to work as a team was due to overconfidence.

“Are you sure it wise?” asked the guild leader without a clue to what was said.

“Yes, the princess is a little confused,” giving a glance of anger, ‘-the words mumbled today has given me a new perspective. Eira, not even Eira, child of Gallienne. Thou have yet to formally abdicate thy claim to Hidros.’