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The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 718 Lesson 665: Beginner's Cave
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Mikke said, "It's a really nice cave and even beginners can fully enjoy it." My father was to be judged in front of the cave.

"Well, you're not an adventurer, are you?" Huh? Are you sure you're not an adventurer? "

The vigilante who was investigating my father in front of the cave tilted his neck.

But even if you think so, you can't help it.

After all, my father is wearing a set of adventurer-only gear that is worn by advanced players.

Besides, I can see that it has been used well.

"I'm an ex-adventurer." I'm retired now. "

"Oh, is that so?" Please put your hands here. "

Father puts his hand on the black ball pointed out by the vigilante.

However, there was no reaction at all.

Seems like there's no problem.

I was worried because there was no reaction, but is that good?

"What are you looking at?"

Don't you know that your father looks at the black balls with a strange expression?

"I could check if it was stronger than the monsters in the cave." What a magic item, isn't it? It's a rare item that drops in a cave that only the top adventurers can put in. Well, I can only investigate monsters that aren't that strong.

According to the vigilante's explanation, both Mr. Arias and Mr. Tanras look at the black balls with interest.

"This way, please."

"Thank you."

I was given permission to enter the cave safely, and my father received the permit.

Now we can enjoy the cave as planned.

Anyone who manages a cave in the Okanko Village can enter it at their own risk.

However, there are only five caves for beginners, and they are judged by the vigilante before entering them.

The screening can look to see if someone familiar with the cave is accompanying them.

Even beginners don't know what's going to happen in the cave, so it's a unique Okanko Village rule designed to protect adventurers who aren't used to the cave yet.

This time, I wasn't an adventurer, but my father was judged as an escort.

I thank the vigilante and go into the cave.

I've never seen a cave without Shell at the helm.

When I gently stroked the bag that everyone was lifting from my shoulder, the vibration came out.

A smile comes to my mind.

Yesterday, I decided to go to the cave, so I consulted with Sora and the others.

“What do we do when we go to the cave?”

Of course, I explained that I couldn't get out of the cave or the bag.

Sora and the others thought for a moment, but they came with us.

We're always together, so it's nice to enjoy the cave on our own.

However, Tron is in his room.

I've been asleep all my life and I couldn't confirm my decision, so I can't help it.

It's about time I woke up.

"Tanras leads and Ariras leads." Leah, keep an eye out for signs. "

»» Yes »»

Leah, any sign of the monster?

"Well, three in front and two in front." I wonder if there's still some distance left. "

Yes, there were 5 monsters in front of me.

If I were to go deeper into the cave, would I be able to defeat these five?

Arielus, keep an eye out for the monster moving forward, and let's go deeper.

Arias slowly walked out to the back of the cave, so I followed him.

The monsters that were still ahead weren't aware of our movements, so they didn't move.

That being said, we're getting close, so you'll soon notice.

This time, Arielus-san changed his name and started with a lower adventurer again.

I felt that it was a waste because my previous record disappeared, but Arielus and the others didn't care at all.

I wanted to do it again because it was a track record I had gained from fighting monsters.

It looks like the monster in front of you is noticing. The three of them are coming this way.

In response to Lilia's words, Ms. Arielus stood her sword.

The three monsters that appeared were quickly defeated by Mr. Arielus.

Well, that's right.

They were low-ranked adventurers because they had abandoned the past, but they were medium-ranked adventurers.

I could easily defeat a novice cave monster.

"Arielus, I'll take care of you next!"

In response to Lilia's words, Arielus shook his head to the side.

Can't you do that?

"I'm in front of you, so it'll be difficult."

Of course, the monsters were going to pass by.

If Leah walks in front of you, can't she?

Tanras looks at your father.

"This level of cave won't be a problem." Next, Lilia leads the way, and Arielus is in the middle. "

I switched the order and went deeper into the cave.

After walking for a while, two monsters appeared, but Lilia was able to defeat them without any problems.

Lilia-san was able to fight, too.

Just a little bit. With three of them, it might have been dangerous.

I still envy being able to fight.

I can't do it at all.

"Ivy, do you have the items?"

Show your father what you have in your hand.

This is the weapon your father chose for me to use if he wanted to get into the cave.

I can't defeat monsters with my power, so I'm preparing to use my heavy bags in the woods right away.

However, if you use a heavy bag in the cave, depending on the size of the cave, damage may occur on the side of the cave.

Therefore, it seems better not to use heavy bags in the cave.

Instead of a heavy bag, my dad had a lightning ball in his hand.

I heard that I couldn't defeat a large monster, but I could defeat a smaller medium-sized monster.

"Be careful when you throw."

"Yeah. Okay."

If you bump into someone by mistake, it'll be tough.

People don't seem to die like monsters because they wear armor, but it still hurts if a lightning strike runs on their bodies.

It's a split road, but which way do you want to go?

When I turned my attention to Ars-san's voice, the road was divided from side to side.

“Where do you want to go?”

Your father looks at Arias and the others.

"That's right. If you pick from the signs of the monsters, I think the right is safe." On the left, there's a sign of a monster. "

Certainly, there were several monsters at the end of the road on the left.

But I don't know what's going on in the back, so I don't think I'll be safe on the right.

"If you go from here, you'll be safer on the right." However, there may be monsters stronger than the left where we don't know the signs. "

I knew it.

"In this case, choose the path you care about."


Who cares?

Arielus and the others were surprised by your explanation.

"Surveillance and luck are important in the cave." It's a waste of time, to be honest, to imagine what's in the back of the road. If I don't go, I won't know. "

Of course, it's no use thinking about it here.

"When this happens, I think it's good to trust my own ideas." What do we do? "

Your father looks at Arias and the others.

The three nodded face to face, pointing in the same direction.

"Arielus is on the right, and Tanras and Leah are on the left." Let's go to the left. "

In response to your father's words, Arielus looks at Tanlas and Lilia with a little bit of displeasure.

Why did you choose the one with the monsters?

I knew there were multiple monsters on the left.

"After all, the monster on the left can definitely be defeated." I don't know what's coming out, but don't you think it's safer to know what's coming out than to know what's on the right? "

I see, is there such a way of thinking?

In response to Lilia's words, Arielus nodded with some thought.

Sure is.

"Well, after that, there's a great chance that a monster will appear... I wonder if there's one in this cave?" It's a cave for beginners, isn't it? "

By the way, this was a beginner's cave.

There were only monsters that could be defeated by lower-ranked adventurers.

"That's right. However, there was a cave where strong monsters appeared suddenly." "Brace yourselves."

Everyone nodded to his words, and Mr. Arias led the way on the left.

The sign showed that the monster on the left would move immediately.

Speaking of which, these monsters are supposed to drop little magic stones.

I haven't seen it yet, but could you drop it for me next time?