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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 945
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Emily couldn’t help but chuckle when she heard this, after all, the orc race isn’t new to her but they are known to only reach Saint Rank and that is only when they evolved into an orc emperor.

This means that only one of them would be able to reach Sainthood because there cannot be two orc emperor in a territory, they might be strong but most of them have below average intelligence.

Their race reproduction is also quite rapid, they are feared by powers that have a hard time reaching Saint Realm but for clans like the royal demon family, they are easy target.

Shadowslash knew that his wife doesn’t believe him and he couldn’t help but smile bitterly, actually, the history on Thousand Forest Continent were a bit neglected.

The Thousand Race Empire have always been serious on recording their history but for the people outside the continent, the history written by the kingdoms of Thousand Forest Continent were just too unbelievable.

Meanwhile, the orc race on Gaia have disappeared mysteriously, the forces of Thousand Forest Continent have always been searching for them, especially the Luminous and Elf Kingdom that have some enmity against them.

The next day, Shadowslash spent his time playing with the children, he was also scanning their constitution to increase his own strength, he was also trying to find a method to preserve Emily’s life.


He knew for a fact that she wouldn’t be able to continue carrying their child, this made his anxious but he hadn’t expected that his child is actually much more monstrous compared to the children of the mythical beast clans.

Days passes by and he had spent his time staying inside the Graceful Phoenix Clan territory, he got to meet the branch family of the clan and even made some friends.

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Unfortunately, he still felt that he cannot leave, his instinct told him that the higher ups of the clan wouldn’t let him, if he asks permission to leave and they’ll decline, this would definitely make their relationship awkward.

He felt dissatisfied, he cannot just leave his clone and escape silently, he had been observing and learning about the clan, he knew that the melodious cries of the phoenixes have the ability to destroy illusions and other types of mind offensive abilities.

His clone might not be destroyed but it cannot capture his true essence if his illusions doesn’t work, what he didn’t know is that, the higher ups knew that he was getting dissatisfied with their force hospitality.

But they just don’t want to pass up with this opportunity, the one feeling the most pressure was actually Fenghuang Mei, she is the one tasked on befriending and seducing him.

She had been doing just this but in extremely bad way, she has no experience on this type of method and she have always been pure all throughout her life, she doesn’t have any sort of information regarding relationship between a man and a woman.

It’s not like she is oblivious to it, she just opted not to learn anything regarding this but her current situation made her deeply regret her past attitude.

Since phoenix could undergo nirvana rebirth, they don’t fear aging, Fenghuang Mei is a young and aspiring Descending Divine Rank phoenix, she is to be the next matriarch of their clan, she disdains the thought of marrying another being.

Her mother’s situation is the thing that made her disgusted towards male, her father is actually the current patriarch of the Divine Dragon Clan, unfortunately, he is known to be quite licentious.

He was caught cheating with a woman from the Divine Fox Clan, this made her mom heartbroken, she is quite a proud woman, she doesn’t want to share her man.

Actually the only reason why she had married her former husband was because of young love, she was inexperienced and have fallen to the young and passionate dragon lord.

Mythical beasts are attracted to both bloodline and strength, the former is the most important, since phoenix and dragon Qi were quite compatible, she was easily deceived by flowery words.

After that, she raised her daughter as a single mother and since then, the relationship between the dragon and phoenixes became worse.

The two lovers have become the respective heads of their clan, the dragon patriarch after sitting on the throne immediately started marrying one woman after another, if it weren’t for his strength, he would have been killed by countless males of this plane.

At the present, Shadowslash and a couple of young ladies from both the branch and main family were chatting, they get along quite well because of his disposition.

Shadowslash presented some dress and things that women likes out of his storage, the young ladies instantly took a liking to his items, they would then flocks around him almost daily.

This made the children angry, they like playing with him and the food that he brought were quite tasty, the children also sensed that they get stronger after playing with him.

The constant stream of Qi emitting out of him is actually beneficial for them, not only they would comfortable around him, it also boost their cultivation speed.

He became someone important in tve entire clan, this made the higher ups to become stunned but they became happy because of this development, they had already realized that Fenghuang Mei that have always been successful in their eyes was extremely oblivious in the topic of love.

They only wish that some of the younger generation would be able to attract their target, making him connected on their clan, they are actually feeling anxious.

They cannot force him to stay any longer, this might make him their enemy and they don’t want that to happen.

While Shadowslash was having a deep discussion with the phoenixes, bell started ringing making the expression of everyone to change, they transformed into their true form and flew towards a certain location.

This made Shadowslash who was left behind to be confused but he doesn’t know what to do, the bell ringing might signal for something but he doesn’t want offend the Graceful Phoenix Clan by following the others.

It might be something important, an event that an outsider like him shouldn’t interfere, just as he was lost on what to do, Fenghuang Mei came to him and her expression was heavy.

She said “A large tunnel have appeared, countless outer world creatures have arrived on this plane, this time, they have Descending Divine Rank with them.”

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Shadowslash sucked in a cold breath, his strength might be comparable to a Saint Lord but he knew that he cannot defeat a Descending Divine Rank yet.

He took a deep breath and said “I’m coming with you, with the current situation, the invasion would definitely affect the base of my world.”

Fenghuang Mei nodded, they then gathers outside of the clan territory, they are now using a transmission array, Shadowslash’s eyes glinted as he saw the array.

Because of the degree of the laws present on this plane, making a portal have became difficult, they cannot build a portal just like they did on Gaia.

With this transmission array, he had some hope of building multiple bases on this plane, unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to investigate it because it was protected by multiple elders of the Graceful Phoenix Clan.

He could only sigh in disappointment, suddenly, he could sense that someone was staring at him intensely, he was startled, he looks around and saw a mature looking beautiful female flying above him.

The two of them locks on each other’s gaze, he was actually startled, he could sense that she is much stronger than Fenghuang Mei ‘She might be one of the peak character of this plane.’

He knew that after Descending Divine Rank, the next rank would be Ascending Divinity then, finally Divine Rank.

Now that the laws have been cut off, people could only reach the peak of Ascending Divinity, they wouldn’t be able to reach Divine Rank but this applies the same on the outer world creatures.

It seems that this is the reason why the Divine Realm decided to cut itself apart from the higher plane of existence.

When the transmission array activated, the warriors of the Graceful Phoenix Clan instantly enter, this time, even the branch families have decided to join, even the powerful female that has an Ascending Divinity cultivation have decided to join the battle.

Fenghuang Mei approaches Shadowslash, she spoke “The one that is going to lead our group would be my mother, the current matriarch of the clan.”

“Since you are fighting together with us, it is best that you follow her arrangements.”

Seeing him frowns, she smiles faintly and explains “Do not worry, we wouldn’t restrict you, we just want you to fight without disrupting our chain of command.”

Shadowslash finally relaxed, he spoke in a confident manner “Do not worry, I have quite a bountiful experience in participating on a war like situation, I vow not to hold your clan down.”