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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 925
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Shadowslash raised his eyebrow hearing the order of the owner of the carriage, he smiled and complimented the person inside, he then use his illusion and took control of the horses as they disobey the command of the driver and ran towards the direction of his group.

Scarface and Merlin prepares for combat so does the children, they didn’t hear what the owner have commanded so they thought that they are about to be used as bait.

Shadowslash spoke, “The two of you don’t need to worry about the carriage, I am responsible for their current action.”

The slaves were startled but they put their weapons down and waited for the horses to arrived, when the horses were finally in front of Shadowslash, they stops and bows to him.

He nodded and patted them, he looks at the bandits that were chasing the carriage and use his affinity towards earth element to make the ground uneven.

The horses that were being ridden by the bandits falls down, he could control them but he decided not to as he wanted to use their lives as nourishment for his subordinates.

After the bandits falls down, they quickly got back up and pulls their weapons, just as he was about to deal with them, Scarface spoke, “Great lord, can you keep one of them alive? I want to prove my strength to you.”


He appreciates a person like him, he would be a great general, both him and Merlin would be perfect for each other, one is a general and the other is an advisor.

He nodded, he then grabs a couple of rocks and threw them into the bandits, like a bullet, it pierces through their heads, only one bandit survive.

The bandit was shaking in fear, he quickly begged but Shadowslash shook his head, “I will let you go if you manage to kill my subordinate.”

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Scarface nodded, he wasn’t offended by the stakes, he wanted to show that he is strong, before he was captured and turned into a slave, he was actually a great hunder in a mountain.

Unfortunately, he had encountered a powerful beast that have injured him and he was then captured by slave traders, without food or energy, he couldn’t escape the bandits, besides the slave mark prevented this from happening.

After regaining his strength back and actually becoming stronger, he had filled with excitement and anger at the same time, the bandit in front of him might not be the same bandit that have abused him but he still couldn’t let go of his hatred.

Shadowslash waves his hand and the two fighters were given a sword, Scarface prefers an axe but since no such weapon is present, a sword would suffice.

Gripping the sword tightly, he charges towards the bandit, his opponent was still shaken on what had happened but after seeing him approaching, he realised his current situation and his eyes became bloody red.

He screams as he also charges towards his opponent, he was experienced in fighting but because his cultivation is only at Muscle Tempering Rank 3, his status is quite low.

His fights only consist of fighting against non ranked individuals, Scarface is different, he faced deaths countless of times, he was given a second chance, if he fails to achieve the expectations of his lord, then death is perfect for him.

The twi clashes, Scarface is stronger in terms of strength, the bandit who was two level higher than him keels, he gritted his teeth and let go of his sword and pulls a dagger.

Scarface isn’t surprised, he had seen how these bandits fights and each time they are close to losing, they would either begs for mercy or use dirty tactic.

He head-butted him and grabs the hand holding the dagger before using his knee to hit his head.

Scarface then cuts the bandit’s head in one clean cut, Shadowslash nodded while at the same time disappointed at the fighting strength of the bandit.

He waves his hand and all the corpses became dried up, he distributes all the essence to his subordinates, most went to Scarface, promoting his strength.

He ponders for a bit and said, “Drastically improving your cultivation rank would leave a bad effect, I suggest for you to carry heavy objects to have your body tempered at almost every ticking seconds.”

Scarface agrees to this sentiment, Shadowslash then went into the luxurious carriage and knocks, the driver was looking at him with fear.

He had seen how the corpses transformed into dried up ones when Shadowslash waves his hand, such scene have made his heart turn cold.

He thought that he is one of the devil practioners, the carriage door have opened and two people came out, one was pretty girl and the other was a dashing young man, the two of them seems to look alike.

Shadowslash instantly knew that they were twins, he asks, “Hello, I am The Unknown, I ask of you, do you have any armor that weights at least 100 kilograms?”

Scarface who was listening shivers but he doesn’t back down, the twins looks at each other and shook their heads, he could only sigh, “That’s regretful.”

Their group then leaves, seeing that they are truly leaving, the twins looks at each other and nodded, the male twin quickly stops the group and introduced himself, “Before you leave, benefactors, please let us repay your grace.”

Shadowslash shook his head, “That is unneeded.”

“I insist, my Marcley Family would definitely satisfy your request, I Eugene would definitely assure you of that.” Merlin was shocked.

“The Marcley Family!” Her voice made everyone focus on her, knowing that her outburst is extremely rude, she quickly apologized.

“Apologies great lord, it’s just that, the Marcley Family is a powerful force that is famous in this entire continent, the branches of their shop is scattered throughout all the famous cities.” The twins felt proud hearing the description of their family.

Shadowslash was not bothered, “I don’t care, our objective must come first.”

Their group nodded and they continue to advance towards the toxic swamp, the twins were left dumbfounded, they hadn’t expected to have their family disregarded like nothing.

Shadowslash cannot be connected by such famous power, he cannot be discovered since this world isn’t connected to Thousand Race Empire, he had made the rule and yet he is the one breaking them.

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He wasn’t thinking of truly conquering this world, he’ll just steal a bit of its fate, he could then received feedback by creating a kingdom on this place, he needs to create it in an another continent.

The toxic swamp is a place that should be unbearable for even Crimson Gold Rank, it should be perfect to become his secret base on this world.

They continue their journey, Scarface was now encased in an iron armor, on top of it, he was carrying a boulder that is the same sized of him.

Merlin and the children were also the same as him, they were carrying heavy objects, they have been traveling for a whole month now, they had encountered a couple of bandits and beasts during their journey.

Their group have even became greater in numbers, other than Merlin and Scarface, they have obtained another seven adults that dares to go on their journey into the toxic swamp, the number of children have also multiplied.

Fog looks at their group and sighed, he enviously looks at the mark on the shoulder of Merlin, he wanted to obtain that mark also, unfortunately, he still haven’t proven himself, he doesn’t have any area of expertise.

Rock spoke, “Great lord, according to our speed, we would arrive at the location in two months, do you want us to scatter and search for any bandit lair to increase your subjects?”

Shadowslash have been going in and out of this clone, he was very busy so most of the time, he would be on Gaia.

Hearing the question, he shook his head and said, “I have no interest on this, if we met them on our path, then, it is fate, we must not destroy this world’s heavenly destiny, we must first establish ourselves so that we have the strength to go against the wrath of this world.”

The slaves nodded, for them, his words are the path of salvation, basically, he is their god, they have decided to devote themselves to him.

Monkey, a lanky looking man suggested, “My lord, why don’t we carry you, please do not deny this request as I felt that this is the only thing we could do for you at our current strength.”

Shadowslash thought about it and accepted the proposal, he is acting like a cult leader at this moment, it is normal to be carried by his believers.

Monkey became excited, he was the one that presented this idea, making his value much higher than the rest of the group.

Shadowslash created a seat, he then sat on it as four men carries him, looking at them, he said, “This is also a form of training, I shall increase my weight, you must endure this.”