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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 859
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Chapter 859: CHAPTER 828 DEMON WORLD

Red shook his head and explained, “Master, you might not know this because our homeworld (Gaia) is a low grade world.”

“Worlds could only contain True Saint Level, only high level worlds could contain a Saint King and there are also requirement or limit enforce to them.”

Blacky added, “Saint Kings could only freely exist on higher plane of existence, Saint Emperor would already be force to ascend, the rulers of countless worlds were the top 100 strongest Saint Kings, Chaos Lord is on the list.”

Shadowslash became confused, if Saint Emperors would be forced to Ascend, then, how did the demon god stays in this lower realm, after all, it had already surpassed Saint King Realm.

As if he could read his mind, Gulli spoke, “The demon god is a fallen divine, that meant that he came from the Divine Realm and have died only leaving his divine soul, because this is the lower realm, his soul cannot use possession that easily, if he did that, he’ll be destroyed by the joint effort of hundreds of worlds’ consciousness.

Shadowslash have a look of understanding, he then became solemn, he might be able to take down one True Saint with Gulli and the others’ help but, no matter what he do, he will not be able to defeat three True Saints.

They quickly went into other locations, since, their location have already been seen by the demon god, they cannot stay there any longer, Gulli then entered the sub world where they have been hiding for a long time.


This is the only place they could stay where the demon god couldn’t find them, if it weren’t for the fact that this sub world is actually a broken part of the dead world making it almost inhabitable, they would stay here for a long time.

Once they entered the sub world, Shadowslash was taken aback, such desolate world, this was the first time he had seen such a world, even the Underworld would still have undeads existing inside but this world truly has nothing.

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He became excited, he opens his mouth and his slaughter image have appeared, silently, his three source stars started fluctuating but he asked Amethyst to block it, he doesn’t want them to devour this world.

He wanted to use this world to finally to complete his Dantian World, the next scene shocked everyone, they saw that the world started becoming smaller and smaller until it finally broke down and all of them were thrown out of it.

Shadowslash on the other hand felt great, he had finally managed to create a second Safehaven Paradise and this is much more useful than the one back on Gaia, this sub world is something that he would always carry.

Because of his foundation when he built Safehaven Paradise, his Dantian World is much more complete compared to others, he then saw Gulli looking at him with shock evident in their faces.

He looks at them and said, “Don’t worry, I have acquired a much better home for us than that broken world.”

He then opens the entrance of his Dantian World, without hesitation, everyone entered, the entrance became less visible and it would reject anyone who tries to enter.

Once they were inside, they were stunned, they saw the familiar place that they have once called home, the place that gives them warmth and protection.

Other than Kudos who have his emotion severed heavily to control his bloodline, the others started tearing up without them noticing it.

Seeing them like this, Shadowslash sighed, after all, their lives in this world were truly harsh, not only they have to adapt with the gravity and the harsh environment, after they obtain strength, their lives were endangered almost every single day.

After they calm down, he finally decided to asks the question that was bugging him since earlier, “By the way, I couldn’t help but noticed this but this world is much different from the demon world I have expected.”

Gulli and the rest didn’t answer, they was still mesmerized by the sight before them, it was Kuros that answered his inquiry.

“Master, it is because our former world was devoured by this current world, the broken world that you have devoured were actually a part of our world, the demon god devours the lifeforce of other worlds to restore it’s strength.”

He nodded, he understood this, after all Gaia devoured other worlds’ vitality, as of this moment, it was now in the process of evolving into a medium grade world.

While he was deep in thought, Amethyst’s voice rang out on his head.

[Big brother, the system will now undergo in a process of connection, Safehaven Paradise will be connected into this world.]

[Calculating distance... Calculating World’s law... Calculating World’s grade... Final result.]

[Five years, the process of connection will last five years, during that time, system will go offline.]

He was shocked, he then asks, ‘Would this mean that you’ll be offline for five years?’

[Negative, now that big brother have evolved your Nascent Soul, I wouldn’t need to worry going offline but some of the system’s function would be unavailable during this time period.]

He heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, Safehaven Paradise back on Thousand Race Empire started fluctuating but the people weren’t surprised, according to the past, this was just the process of it going some changes or upgrade.

Back on demon world, Gulli and the others went to sleep, for more than a decade, this was the first time they have slept so soundly, the time they spent on this world is too nerve wracking.

They continue to sleep up until the third day, when they open their eyes, their aura became more steady, Shadowslash who was strengthening the soul of the five girls was taken aback.

He could still use Amethyst’s ability to see through one’s status, he could see that each other than Kuros and Gulli, the others have actually improved one cycle, their strength have increased slightly.

He then nodded, he commanded Gulli, “Bring me five bodies that have great potential and have affinity to both spirit Qi and demon Qi, also pick those that have great bloodline.”

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Hearing this, Gulli became excited, the others also congratulated him, without any hesitation, he flaps his wings but before he could go out, he was stopped by the demon clone.

Shadowslash massages his temple, he looks at Gulli and asks, “Are you going out with this form and without any preparation, you should know more than me what your current situation in this world is.”

The expression of everyone changes, they have realised because they have experienced the familiar warmth of their home, they have let down their tense nerve, also because of the sudden happiness, they had forgot about their current situation.

Upon seeing them finally recalling their current situation, he could only sigh and summoned his six clones and have them transformed to each of their appearance.

“I’ll have them cause chaos to a place far from our current location, Gulli, use this opportunity to build our strength to this world, I’ll have my demon clone accompany you.”

“Red, Blacky and Kuros, the three of you would have to compile everything you knew about this world and all the demon skills and techniques you have learned.”

“Triple C, use your ability to split and at least one of you guard the entrance of this realm daily, I’ll continue to strengthen the souls of these girls.”

They quickly followed his command, Gulli transformed into a different appearance with the help of Shadowslash’s illusion, meanwhile, Triple C splits into three figures, Chew got out and have integrated itself into his surrounding, guarding the entrance dutifully.

Gulli looks around and he couldn’t help but be nervous, he knew that he cannot fail this mission, the lives of his lovers is on the line, he cannot be careless like earlier.

The clone follows him without any sound, they arrive at a city, countless demons with varying appearance started going in and out, Gulli took out two cores and the guards let them enter.

The demon clone looks at the surrounding memorizing everything that it saw, it had already been informed of what’s it’s mission in this world.

World domination but with the current situation, it seems quite impossible, after all, they are fighting a divine spirit which have True Saints as servants, it probably has Saint King servants on its territory on the higher planes of existence.

Gulli went to one of the most expensive restaurant in the city, unlike outside, inside the restaurant, the demons seems to be the same.

Gulli took a sip of wine and use his powerful spiritual sense to invade the upper part of this restaurant but it was blocked, he knew that places like this would definitely have a rune formation to stop any spiritual sense invading it.

Shadowslash took over the clone, he looks at the serious Gulli, he doesn’t want to surprise him and waited.

A couple of hours later, Gulli sighed in disappointment, Shadowslash took this opportunity to speak with him, to not startle him, he spoke via spiritual sense.