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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 855
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Every single one of them started undergoing the thunder tribulation but they realised that they have underestimated this world too much.

They were seemed to be discovered by the consciousness of this world, the power of the thunder tribulation is a tier higher than it should be.

Countless lightning strike descended unto them, each one of them started circulating their body tempering art, Qi cultivation technique and Beast Swallowing Technique.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The thunderstorm was relentless, especially since this world doesn’t want them to survive, meanwhile, Qi Nulong and her fellow sect disciples were finishing up cleaning the remnants of the Ten Thousand Venomous Snake Sect.

None of the disciples have died but most of them were heavily injured, the only reason why they survive is because of Qi siblings and the elite sect disciples of their sect.

The normal sect members have realised why their treatment were vastly different compared to the Qi siblings and some of their fellow sect disciples, it is because they are weak.

They have already seen the difference between the two, they couldn’t help but become disappointed of themselves, if the treatment between the two groups were different from the start they would still feel envious.


Other than the Qi siblins, the other elite disciples were treated the same as them before but their performance in the sect cause their treatment to become better and as time passes by, the gap between them and the rest widens.

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Qi Nulong then stood up, she then started touching the corpses and use Beast Swallowing Technique to devour their essence and the spiritual root, the others didn’t noticed this because they were busy recovering their stamina.

After each successfully devouring a corpse, she would started punching while circulating the breathing pattern of her Heavenly Jade Body, mist started to form around her, these were impurities she had absorbed from the corpses.

Upon seeing this, the normal sect disciples were ashamed of themselves, other than talent, they were even beaten in diligence, Qi Badao saw his sister was training and didn’t say anything, he stood up and said to his friends, “Let’s chase those that managed to get away before we arrive.”

He then took out his beast storage pouch, a horse with three horns on it’s head and scales on some part of it’s body appears, it’s level is only at Inner Core Rank, this was Qi Badao’s main mount.

He and his friends then rode their respective mounts and chase after the enemies, the rest of the sect disciples looks at each other and felt helpless, they also wanted to chase the enemy but they are too tired, not to mention, most of them suffers serious injury.

Qi Nulong have devoured every corpse in the area, she could only use Beast Swallowing Technique on them because their deaths haven’t been that long, she was having trouble upgrading her spiritual root though.

She sighed and chase after her brother, the entire area around them have already become ruins, the Ten Thousand Venomous Snake Sect were experts at using the venoms of the snakes they were raising, the entire surrounding were affected because of this.

The entire place is filled with poisonous plants and beasts that uses poison in either attack or defense, while the sect disciples have finally experienced their first real battle against other cultivators, the army of Beast Martial Artist Kingdom on the other hand have started to be pushed back by their enemy.

It is because of the Xiantian Kings and emperors of the other side, even though their strength is much stronger than people of the same level, they aren’t able to fight people that of a higher realm.

Don Don is also busy, he is now fighting against 4 Saints, these saints were really old men, they were the ancestors of the kings of the four kingdoms around them.

Even though his strength is quite powerful, his enemy were quite prepared, other than their strong coordinated attack, they have also use some type of rune array that increases their strength with the help of the people outside.

‘It seems that I have underestimated this world too much’ He couldn’t help but feel regretful, he had always believed in his strength but at this moment, he was actually being pushed back.

After being cornered by his enemy, he took a deep breath and let’s out a loud roar, he then started laughing, he looks at them and said, “For you four to actually push me this far, I applaud your strength!”

He started clapping but this action made the four old men to become furious, because it looks like Don Don was mocking them, as Saints, this was the first time they were looked down this far.

One of them bellows, “Why are you acting as if you could still win? You think that becoming Saint at your age would make you invincible, such a naive thought!”

Don Don couldn’t help but laugh at what he had said, he shook his head and explained, “I am not underestimating any of you and besides that, I don’t think that I am invincible, if you have encountered my big brother, you would have pisd yourselves.”

“Besides, don’t be angry by this statement but none of you are truly a match for me.”

“preposterous!” “Naive!” “Arrogant!” “Foolhardy!” The four Saints shouted at the same time with an expression full of anger but Don Don doesn’t react to their scream, he only transformed into his true form while taking out his weapon.

The expression of the four old men became stunned, in front of them was an ape with golden fur, on his wrists were red scales that seems to belong to a dragon, his eyes seems to be able to burn them just by looking at them.

On his forehead, tiny horns could be seen if one look clearly, his aura started constricting the air around them, the pressure that the four old men were experiencing cause their foreheads to be drenched in sweats.

“Now let’s begin the real fun.” Smiling Don Don pointed his pole at one of his opponent and it became longer at an blink of an eye, this unexpected turn of events cause the target to be hit in the chest causing him to vomit blood.

He swings his pole and hit the remaining three Saints, the power behind this move cause the entire surrounding to shake, the rune array seems to be in the verge of cracking, upon seeing this, he frowns.

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His face became annoyed, he couldn’t help but complain, “Why is you array so delicate? If it was back on my world, even with it’s main usage, this would be considered as trash.”

He was expecting that he could finally let out but who would have thought that the array of the enemy would already in the verge of breaking with just a swing of his pole.

One of the old man looks at him and shouted, “You aren’t human! No! You aren’t even from this world!”

As one of the strongest powerhouse in the area, he knew more information compared to others, he knew that the beast race of this world is now in the middle of recuperating after the war between this world and the demon world.

He had read many information and not one of the documents and books he had read says anything about a golden ape, it depicted that the strongest ape clan were white apes.

Don Don started laughing, he nodded, he had already swore to kill these people, now that they have discovered his true identity, this only further increase his killing intent.

“Yes, I am not from this world, now all of you could die peacefully after knowing this.” In the end of his words he smashed his pole to one of the old man, the target tried to defend himself but like paper blown by the wind, he was helpless.

Boom! The powerful blow destroyed the entire body of the old man, Don Don opens his mouth and absorbed all the remnant energy of the olda man including even his soul.

Upon seeing this horrifying sight, the remaining three old man became pale, the three of them then vomited blood.

The array that they have laid out were destroyed by that earlier attack, all of them even the people that were powering the array suffered the backlash.

Don Don raised his pole that became huge, it was one of the array that Shadowslash and Yshelia have created for him, he has an ability to become bigger, to compliment this ability of his, his weapon could also do the same thing.

He then smack the Xiantian Emperors that were powering the array earlier, as they raised their heads in despair, they knew that they wouldn’t be able to survive this attack.

Boom! The area around them was destroyed, the expression of the three Saints were now ghastly pale, they have realised that their kingdoms would cease to exist on this day, they became regretful, if they hadn’t been greedy, they would have continue ruling their respective territory.