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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 852
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Countless images of snakes started to slither around the barrier, all of them are the souls of the snake demon spirits that the ten thousand venomous snake sect have captured.

Upon seeing this, one of Angela’s senior brother brought out his spear, one hundred flood dragon appeared above him.

The pressure of the flood dragons cause the snakes to tremble in fear, upon seeing this, the eyes of Angela’s third senior brother lits up.

He then charges towards the barrier, with a powerful impact, the ground trembles and the green barrier started cracking.

Angela got down from her mount, she also joins her fellow disciples, a golden ape appeared above her roaring towards the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! With another wave of attacks, the barrier finally couldn’t bear it and broke, Qi Nulong’s eyes lits up, she wills her Thunder Leopard and roars “Attack!”

Without hesitation or fear, all the sect members of Martial Beast Sect charge towards the opening.


Angela and the other main disciples looks at each other and nodded, they quickly entered the opening before Qi Nulong and the others could enter.

Their mission is to take care of all Xiantian Kings and Emperors in the sect, regarding the Xiantian powerhouses, the beasts of their sext would be the ones responsible for taking care of them.

They knew that some disciples might die but only after being able to survive such battle would they mature.

What their sect is lacking right now isn’t resources, it is experience, the new sect members were too inexperienced, the only battle they had participated were sparring amongst each other.

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The only ones that have an experience on life and death battles were those that participates in hunting devil practioners in their territory, Qi Nulong and her brother were in this list.

The two of them saw that there were actually no one inside the sect, this situation have stunned them, Angela and her sect brothers and sisters were also confused at this moment.

They look around and saw no one was inside, suddenly Don Don appears above them and with a loud roar, some kind of illusionary array was destroyed, the true situation of the sect was shown to everyone.

There are still devil practioners present, they are now in the middle of packing up, Qi Nulong’s expression changes, she shouted “Quickly attack them! They are trying to escape!”

Angela also realised this, she didn’t stop and charges towards the direction where the strongest aura could be found, Don Don follows after her in silence.

Her sect brothers and sisters also follows after her, Qi Nulong charges towards the fleeing devil practioners, she leaps off from her mount and waves her sword decapitating four people.

The others were busy fighting against their targets, Qi Badao let’s out a loud roar and sweeps his spear towards a group of devil practioners throwing them backwards.

He had been following the footstep of Don Don’s third disciples, his spear weights 150 kg which is absolutely insane for people’s his age.

But he doesn’t complain one bit, everyday, he would obtain large amount of meat coming from high level beasts, not only it increases his Qi, his physical quality would also improve.

Now that his family is considered the richest family in the area, he is now considered a child with a golden spoon, his loving sister would order large amount of pills and other treasures for him almost daily.

Such great condition would of course raise his strength exponentially, not to mention, he is also hardworking, together with the care of his sister, his strength is only below Don Don’s disciples and might even comparable to his older sister.

He also trains the Beast Swallowing Technique but he had no idea about it’s special ability nor he had managed to learn it’s devour ability.

“Die you d*mn inhumane b*stards!” He roars as he stabs his spear ten times that in just one second, ten devil practioners were immediately killed, he shows no mercy towards them.

Before they attack or hunt a devil practioners, they would investigate the sect or the person, they knew that the ten thousand venomous snake sect used human lives to experiment on their venoms.

They have massacred at least two towns and five villages, that is why, the kind and a bit naive Qi Badao shows no mercy to his enemy.

Seemingly realising that they cannot escape, the remaining devil practioners became crazy, they no longer fled and started retaliating.

“Take this, serpent strike!” One of them screams as he attacks, his quick stabs hits his target, the expression of the martial artists became pale as he realised that his body was feeling weak.

Before the devil practioner could celebrate, Qi Nulong appears behind it and cut off his head and rushes towards another sect member in danger.

Just like she had expected, the members that haven’t experienced any real battle that involves life and death were now feeling the pressure, their enemies have also noticed this.

They became excited but their expression became ugly, just as they were about to kill their target, Qi Nulong would arrive and save her sect members.

There are also Qi Badao and fourteen other disciples that were mowing down their members, unlike the rest of their sect members, they move like experienced soldiers that have gone through countless of wars.

The devil practioners looks at each other and saw the desperation in their eyes, they gritted their teeth and started transforming.

Their skins started to wriggle, then scales started appearing, their eyes have also transformed into that of a snake, their aura have become more menacing.

Seeing this, the expression of Qi siblings change, they knew that their inexperienced sect members wouldn’t be able to defeat these cultivators, without hesitation, both of them shouted at the same time “Retreat!”

Meanwhile, in another location, Angela have transformed into her perfect steel form, her entire body have become black, they shines with metallic glow, other than her eyes, every part of her body have become metallic.

“Take my punch!” With a roar, she punches her opponent in the stomach.

Boom! The snake like human spat out blood, the scales that he was very proud and confident of was destroyed in just one punch, the powerful force cause him to fly backward at incredible speed.

He smashes and destroys every tree that he collided, he only stops after smashing into an hill, he was embedded deep inside it.

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Angela wasn’t finished yet, he chase after her target and leaps towards the hill with her feet raised high.

Boom! She and her target broke the hill and they passed through the other side, her two feet broke the ribs of the devil practioners, crushing his lungs in the process.

The person she had killed was one of the tope Xiantian Emperor elite in the ten thousand venomous snake, because her natural immunity towards poison and her strength, she is in total advantage against him.

Don Don looks at her fight and nodded, in his hand was the ancestor of the ten thousand venomous snake sect, the old was already dead.

His Saint cultivation is much more complete compared to the Saints of this world, it is also known that most people of their family is much stronger compared to powerhouses of the same realm.

He looks at the remaining Xiantian Kings and emperors, he commanded, “Kill them and plunder their spiritual root, after you finished your mission half of you immediately return to Martial City.”

His words stunned every member of ten thousand venomous snake sect, they then realised, every member of their sect that was killed have turned into a husk.

This scene was too shocking, after all, the Beast Martial Sect is known for its benevolence and their martial arts that were derived from beasts.

At this very moment, they no longer look like the benevolent upright cultivators, they now look like cold bloodied devil practioners, this was too unbelievable.

Angela grabs her target and use Beast Swallowing Technique, her body felt invigorated, she started frowning, she looks at their eldest sect brother and started complaining, ‘The people here doesn’t help that much’

He knew what she meant, he also sighed, they are having trouble of finally training the completion of Beast Swallowing Technique, all of them dream of finally being able to practice Earth Swallowing Technique.

With his Saint cultivation, Don Don managed to return to Martial City in just a matter of minutes, he looks at the entire area using his spiritual sense, an evil smile crept on his face.

He knew for a fact that their plan was now in the state of being complete, the surrounding kingdoms have already started moving.

Most battles between Saints would take a long time, they had already calculated how long he would be dealing with the ten thousand venomous snake sect.

What they did not know is that, the strength he had shown is still just a tiny portion of his true capability.

‘Hahaha, please hurry up, I will be the first person in this world to build a true functioning kingdom for my big brother, those beastmen in the plains wouldn’t be able to compare to my territory!’ He thought smugly.