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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 843
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The devil practioners were stunned, they then started running away, the other martial artists and cultivators started chasing after them, Angela was having a great time, each time he caught up with one of them, she punch them into bits or put a hole in their body, her brutal display of overwhelming strength causes everyone to be both afraid and excited.

Maolong killed a devil practioner, he quickly turned pale, his expression was awful, Angela who killed three more enemies saw this and approach him, he patted his back and told him via spiritual sense that, it is okay to vomit, nearly everyone would feel sick after their first kill.

Seeing how his crush treats him like a little brother, he felt ashamed, he took a deep breath but seeing the corpse of the person he had killed, he nearly vomited, he continue to repeat the same thing on his mind, it is to act tough, he wanted to show his manly side in front of his crush.

There are actually quite a lot of men that developed a crush towards Angela and Qi Nulong but the two were quite unapproachable in terms of romantic advance, the two girls are now known as the two most beautiful women in the city, their appearance were both top notch.

What is the most attractive is that they are both capable and exude an aura that temps many men, at this moment though, after seeing how Angela easily destroys her enemy, many of them started thinking twice, after all, in this world, martial might is supreme, if they are weaker than their female companion, then they would feel inferior.

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The ego of most martial artists in this world is very high, they don’t accept that females are much stronger than them, for cultivators, this situation isn’t exactly the same, there are more women cultivators than their martial art counterparts, especially, since most martial arts were buff looking men.

After killing every devil practioners in the region, their group returned to the city, the expression and aura of the martial artists and cultivators that came with Angela have changed, they were now much more steady and mature but because of what they have gone through, they still exude a cold chilling vibe laced with killing intent.


Angela saw all of this and claps her hand, she then gestures for them to wait, she run back to the Qi family estate and told her bestfriend her plan, without hesitation, Qi Nulong told her staff to prepare for a feast, even though she look extremely calm right now, she is actually feeling anxious.

She worries for her brother, a middle aged man appeared behind her, looking at her face, he felt gratified, he was the remaining guardian of the Qi family, he spoke, “Calm down young miss, this might be your little brother’s first mission but he still has the Qi family bloodline running through his veins.”

She could only nod, she also knew that her best friend wouldn’t let her little brother got hurt badly, after a while, everyone that came with Angela returned to the Qi family estate, they were greeted by large amount of food and drinks, meanwhile, some of them started looking around with shock written in their eyes.

This is the first time they have entered the Qi family estate, they have visited the old territory back on Heavenly Taste City but this is the first time they have entered the territory inside Martial City, to live in this place, you need to have money, reputation or talent, after all living in this place is a luxury.

Not only the spirit Qi in the area is more than twice as thick and pure as in Heavenly Taste City, there are also a lot of establishment that is built for training, you definitely have to spend money to continue living in this type of environment, most money would be used to buy spirit stones and the stones would be dissolved to continuously improved this city environment.

The spirit stones would be thrown to the rune array that the scholars have created to be turned into pure spirit Qi that would be trapped inside the city, that meant that living inside the city would let you inhale large amount of pure spirit Qi daily, as more and more people lives in this place, the greater the quality the city would become.

Most transactions used spirit stones, those from the outer part of the city would pay gold, large amount of them but those in the inner part would pay spirit stones, those that are on high grounds would pay medium grade spirit stones, those in the core part would pay high quality ones, such expenditure isn’t achievable by most populace.

But the scholars told Qi Nulong to not change this rule, the Qi family estate is located in the core part of the city, the young men were of course shocked by this, they started cultivating almost immediately but Angela stops them, she then said via spiritual sense, “I didn’t brought you here to cultivate.”

Her spiritual sense have spread widely so that everyone would hear what she was saying, she then raised her cup and downed her drink in one go, she then started eating the food in front of her, after a satisfied cute little burp, “This place is quite different to other places, as of this moment, only the Qi family are the ones able to lived in the core part of Martial City.”

The people listening to this were shocked, the servants that were serving the food froze, that hadn’t thought that they would be quite fortunate for this opportunity, Qi Nulong came out, the two girls smiles at each other, she continue the explanation, She knew that her best friend have a much harder time explaining with the fact that she could only speak via spiritual sense.

“This place is the perfect spot to cultivate, not to mention, you’ll be able to find variety of building that increases your combat prowess.”

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She couldn’t help but feel emotional, their family whom were struggling to continue have now become the strongest and richest family in the area, she owe all of this to Don And his group.

“Angela have invited all of you here to celebrate but also show a greater path for your future, with your current identity, all of you have the chance to reside in this location.”

She wasn’t lying, the people who have the best potential in the batch of disciples that Don Don have recruited were in front of her, the Martial City would continue to send mission for them but this mission could only be accepted by people that are living on inner part of the city.

Most low level missions were posted on the former territory of the Qi family in Heavenly Taste City, the estate have now turned into Adventure Guild, the first plan have already commenced, there are countless refugees that would go to the guild to find some jobs suitable for them.

Most jobs posted there were labor missions and scouting missions, meanwhile, the missions in the inner part of the city, which was also a branch of the Adventure Guild were connected with the devil practioners, Angela took a large mission to train the disciples of their Beast Martial Art Sect.

Looking at each other, they immediately started wolfing down their food, their expression quickly changes, seeing this, Qi Nulong smiles, the beasts reared inside the city have changed into a much powerful beasts, their flesh have also become much more delicious.

They provide excellent nutrition for both martial artists and cultivators, Qi Maolong have already been ravenously devouring his food, he had already experienced the life in this new city, he had become addicted to it but he felt that he had to become strong to feel that he is worthy of living in this place.

There are countless sect members that have been dissing him, they were talking about how he owe everything to his older sister, he couldn’t deny this, he himself knew that this was the truth, that is why he is working hard, he had swore that this time, he’ll be the one protecting their family.

In another location, a person wearing a majestic outfit with a crown atop his head read a letter, his expression became solemn, he then calls for some people, he gave the letter to these group of people, their expression changes, one of them look at him and asks, “My king, is this the truth?”

The king nodded, he then commanded, “Have some spies go there and investigate, I wanted to know if that so called Martial City is as great as the letter says, also collect some information regarding Saint Adonis, for such a powerful individual to just magically appear out of nowhere, it is extremely suspicious.”

The people inside the room nodded, inside the city lord mansion on Heavenly Taste City, the city lord was feeling nervous, he had sent a letter to the nearby kingdom, with the Sword Sect out of the picture, he now have no powerhouse protecting him.