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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 817
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JL didn’t go out, he started to use this opportunity to recover, this was his idea but the entire area exploded and he was blown deeper into the ground with a powerful force, his she’ll was destroyed, he look extremely pitiful right now, his green blood continue to pour out.

He use his incredible will to surround himself with sand once again, he force himself not to faint, meanwhile, the minotaur was gasping for breath, that powerful blow earlier took a toll on his body, he was actually quite flabbergast.

It thought that it all out attack would finish off its opponent, it miscalculated, it’s vision started fazing in and out, it’s mind was now dizzy, it seems that after using all of it arsenal, it could no longer muster any strength, it was now exhausted.

It quickly flew towards a spot where there are no sand and crashed into the ground, it finally fainted, the monsters continue to pour out of the passageway, the soldiers felt despair, that is untill, they saw the most horrifying thing that they could see in their life.

Beings that are on Xiantian King Realm were turned into skeletons with ease and such speed, they then saw the myth of the empire, the creatures that made the entire world tremble before them, the Thousand Race Empire secret weapon, the scarabs!

Toxic finally recovered, he had to use his poison to break free of the strange monster’s curse, he flew towards the scarabs and let the others search for the monster parts that were scattered around fierce beast world, the soldiers volunteers to become scouts for this mission.

They rather become menial labor than participate in this chaotic battle, they are too afraid, they also have no loyalty towards the empire, most of the soldiers came from other continents or land, not only their strength is low but also their mentality.

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JL is still forcing himself to go on, he felt his soul being ripped apart, fortunately, he had absorbed large amount of blood before the scarabs arrives, he doesn’t want to leave his enemy to others though, he swore he’ll get his turn.

Above the ground, the passageway released a powerful Saint beast once again, this time, it was a white dragon with golden horns that seems to be a crown, what was strange is that, the white dragon doesn’t exude any hint of fierce Qi.

Toxic was amazed by the following scene, the white dragon opens it’s mouth and let’s out a loud roar that causes the scarabs to be blasted away, it then spoke, “This world dares to use these wretched creatures, it seems that this world needs to be cleansed!”

Toxic became furious hearing this, even though he doesn’t speak that much, he loves this world very much, he summoned his poison armor and bow and fires multiple shots towards the white dragon.

The dragon sensed the power coming from the arrows and spreads it’s wings, blinding lights glows and the poisons were weakened, it then fires a dragon breath, Toxic also fired his own elemental breath.

The two breath attack collided and causes a powerful explosion, the area that were affected by their shockwave were destroyed, even the sands have disappeared because of the explosion, JL was affected and fainted because of it.

The minotaur was also sent away by the blast but because it was already fainted, it didn’t experienced pain that much, the soldiers that were in the area were either been blasted away or blown to bits, even the scarabs were scattered by the force.

Toxic was a bit surprised, he hadn’t thought that his enemy also have the same idea as he has, they both use their Saint Qi to increase the power of their breath attacks, the two locks on each other gazes and once again continue on their battle.

Toxic summoned his poisonous dragons and his centipede slave, they charged towards the white dragon, the dragon wasn’t fazed, it let’s out a loud roar and lizardmen with a full suit of armor riding a group of large dragons without wings came out of the passageway.

They look like the cavalry of the enemy, Toxic was shocked, he knew that he cannot defeat such large group of extreme Xiantian Emperors by himself with the white dragon eyeing him, he needs reinforcement, JL isn’t available.

Shadowslash who was inside his palace frowns, his instinct is telling him that something bad would happen or gonna happen, this irrational thought of his get stronger by the second.

He realised that, the trouble that fierce beast world have brought is much greater than he expected, he gritted his teeth and told his subjects, “Everyone, I’ll be leaving, while I am gone, initiate war mode on the entire empire.”

The ministers were shocked but all of them follows his orders, his orders are absolute, all the adventure guilds scattered on the empire immediately reacted, in war mode, the adventurers would become soldiers, of course, they also obtain benefits if they earn merits.

The people of the empire were shaken by this, the schools quickly started preparing to receive any evacuees if necessary, Shadowslash knew that he cannot leave the empire for too long, he transformed into his fox form and zips through the sky.

Inside fierce beast world, the scarabs have become helpless against a group of lizardmen that were skulls and bones in their body, they are using some kind of flute that creates sounds that are unbearable to the scarabs, the white dragon was busy with Toxic.

It laughed, it’s attribute actually counters it’s opponent, of course he was happy, his holy attribute suppress Toxic’s poison, it didn’t knew that it was fighting it’s fighting a being that rivals it’s species, a Rune Beast, the rival of all divine beasts.

Toxic was now developing a poison that counters holy attribute, he was having a hard time, in terms of strength, his is weaker, fortunately, his technique and speed surpasses that of his opponent.

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The white dragon smirked and it’s blue eyes seems to have enlarged on Toxic’s vision, he froze, using this opportunity, it uses it’s tail to hit him head on, it started mocking him, “I don’t know how you managed to tame this abominable insects but our world have developed a counter for them!”

Toxic have already realised this, he didn’t say anything and once again summoned his poison gas dragon and orders them to surround his target, the white dragon felt disappointed, it had thought that it had encountered a powerful foe.

But at this moment, it started to become bored, it’s opponent have been doing the exact same move since earlier, it once again released it’s holy aura but it was given a surprised when it saw the poison gas dragons managed to breach through it’s barrier.

Toxic have been waiting for this, he kicks the air and appeared besides the dragon and kicks on its face, the scales broke but Toxic’s poison gauntlet was also destroyed by the his opponent holy aura, he couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

He was truly at an disadvantage against a divine beast just like this dragon, the kick have infuriated the white dragon, it’s body started glowing in white holy light, it’s golden horn then fired a beam towards Toxic.

Seeing the incoming beam, Toxic immediately retreated but the golden beam follows wherever he goes, he also have to look after the white dragon, he decided to take the blow and orders his servants to stall the white dragon.

The golden beam didn’t hurt him but it did seal some of his strength, he realised that he had miscalculated, sensing an incoming danger, he quickly turned into gas but the blow sent his body crashing down numerous rocks.

The white dragon who had half of it’s face destroyed was extremely furious, it flaps it’s wings and it disappears leaving only an afterimage, it appears above toxic and use it’s powerful claws to attack him.

Boom! The ground caved in creating a large crater, it continue punching down on it’s target, Toxic even in his elemental form couldn’t dodge the attacks, it seems that his opponent have also transformed into it’s elemental form.

He released all of his poison and the entire surrounding was covered in colorful gas, the white dragon was unaffected because of his holy energy, but his opponent was stronger than it’s expected, even though it had an advantage on attributes, it was actually losing in terms of physical battle.

Toxic started flying around it, with the cover of his gas, his elemental body is practically invincible, the white dragon’s eyes glows in bright blue light and it attacks in great fury, Toxic wasn’t shocked by this, he use his gas body to wrap himself around the hand.

He managed to dodge the attack but the holy energy still burns his body, the pain no longer faze him, he arrives in front of his opponent’s face and summoned his poison blade, the expression of the white dragon became scared.