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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 796
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Chapter 796: CHAPTER 765 JOHN LOYD

He is responsible for training the scarabs, he is forbidden to make a move, he is also busy digesting all the powerful poisons that he had absorbed, he is still pondering on what type of poison or venom he would create.

He then summoned one of his poison and a giant green snake appeared besides him, this is an offensive skill that he had created, the green snake is full of poisonous gas and would definitely be a force not to be reckoned with.

But he was informed by Shadowslash that he needs to learn or create a defensive type skill, his body might be extremely tough but compared to experienced Saints, he is extremely weak, after all, unlike other rune beasts, the body he possess right now isn’t entirely his.

Toxic is extremely obedient towards Shadowslash, as a rune beast, he had an innate desire to serve his master, rune beasts are extremely hard to tame to the point that it is impossible, that is why no one knew about this knowledge.

Actually Shadowslash doesn’t know this, he only thought that the reason why his summoned monsters were loyal to him because of Amethyst, he blame most of his achievements to her.

It isn’t wrong but at the same time right, back to the present, the green snakes that Toxic have summoned started devouring a corpse of a purple python that the soldiers have killed, other than devouring the soul of the phyton, the green snake also absorbed it’s poison.

Toxic smiled as he saw his snake getting stronger, he couldn’t help but praise “As expected of my master’s idea, with the ability of my poison snake to devour snake and dragon type souls and poison, it wouldn’t be long for it to become a poison dragon soul.”

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He looks at the lifeless carcass of the phyton and thought that leaving such valuable item would be such a waste, he then sunmoned another soul but this time it looks like a centipede, he orders it to devour the carcass.

The centipede is actually something that he had spared during his binge eating inside Amethyst’s poison jar, he had decided to tame it and flooded the centipede’s entire body with a hypnotic poison that would make it loyal to him.

The poison have already eroded the mind and soul of the centipede after a prolonged exposure to it, even if he orders it to commit suicide, it wouldn’t go against it, the hypnotic poison gas is one of his favorite masterpiece.

The centipede started eating the phyton carcass, suddenly it froze and it’s body started expanding, it actually achieved an evolution, but it had started to resemble that of a fierce beast, it seems that after devouring a carcass of a fallen fierce beast, it was also affected.

Toxic became ecstatic, he wanted to immediately look for his master but remembering that he still have to supervise the scarabs, he could only stay put, inwardly he was grumbling and wanted to personally make a move.

Meanwhile, the trio of the Hope Family had advanced towards the deepest part of the fierce beast world, they took more time than expected because of the resistance of the fallen fierce beast, they hadn’t use their Saint Qi because for them, it would be such a waste.

Fortunately, they are beasts, just their physical body as beast Saints, they are already powerful enough to bulldoze large amount of Xiantian King fallen fierce beasts, especially, Russel who easily destroyed all the blockade that his opponens made.

John Loyd on the other hand started devouring any insect type fallen fierce beasts that he encountered, he is a fierce beast but he wouldn’t be affected by the side effect of the fierce Qi because of the cultivation technique he is now practicing.

He could turn all fierce Qi he had absorbed and convert it into poison Qi, because of this ability, he learn a technique devised by Amethyst to absorb spirit Qi and Mana and turn them into his innate Qi which is fierce Qi.

He had been training this technique after he received it from Shadowslash, he is now building his foundation, he had been advancing too quickly, during the ten years when he had no cultivation technique to train, all he did was fight.

Fighting was his only way to release his pent up stress, this was his only method to release the fierce Qi inhabiting his body, if not, he would turn into a fallen fierce beast due to how much fierce Qi he absorb daily.

He had actually succeeded in training multiple offensive type abilities and skills because of this but his personality became irritable, he started avoiding the others since he is afraid of harming them, most of the time, he would go to a place filled with remnants of chaos world army or go to fierce beast world and battle.

At the present, he no longer need to do this and calmly convert his fierce Qi into Saint fierce Qi, in terms of Saint Qi conversion, he is the lowest in all Saint cultivators but in terms of strength, he is one of the top ten.

If he could convert at least 80% of his Qi to innate Qi or Saint Qi, his strength would be comparable to a True Saint, probably, the three of them weren’t holding back their physical strength and many places in fierce beast world were destroyed.

The three of them were actually having fun, especially Russel, he hadn’t been in a great battle after the chaos world army remnants started hiding themselves, he was now having a blast crushing his enemies, he is an unstoppable force of destruction.

John Loyd would leave deep green marks everywhere he goes, the deep green marks are his innate venom, he could excrete his venom around his body creating a poison armor that would even cause Saints to tremble.

John Mark is different from the two of them, he would travel underground and would kill his targets without alarming them, he doesn’t destroy that much but he would absorb all ores he found.

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The three of them saw Shadowslash sitting in front of the nine abyssal dragon door, they saw that there are countless corpses of fallen fierce beasts scattered around him, the three of them knew that these fierce beasts didn’t came from the nine abyssal dragon door because of their life aura.

John Mark heaved a sigh of relief, the first thought that he had in mind that these fallen fierce beasts came from the nine abyssal dragon door and there is a breakout in the passageway, fortunately they weren’t.

Shadowslash have already discovered them, he then asks “Why have the three of you came here? This place is no longer safe, I am confident that you could survive if there is a breakout but still being cautious wouldn’t hurt.”

John Mark spoke “Yshelia’s condition have become better but judging from her reaction, it seems that she had encountered something or someone terrifying from the other side.”

Shadowslash couldn’t help but frown, he knew just how powerful Yshelia is but for her to react that much, that only meant one thing, she fought someone or something much stronger than her, there is a high chance that it was a True Saint or maybe even something more terrifying.

He became more determined in building a military base in this location, he then ordered “Russel everyone to prepare, John Mark pick some of the beast builders and tell them that I am building a military base here.”

Russel and John Mark nodded, the two of them then quickly left, leaving only John Loyd from their group, Shadowslash spoke “Since I am building a military base here, someone need to take command and your the only one suitable to stay in this location for an extremely long time.”

JL nodded, he answered “Yes, other than big bro Banjo, I am the most suitable in this place, do not worry, my strength continue to increase with the help of the cultivation technique that you have given me, do not worry, I would be able to contend against multiple Saints.”

Shadowslash nodded, he believed this, he then warned “I know you could but we still don’t know what is on the other side, we’ll have to wait for Yshelia to explain the situation, I only hope Banjo is okay there.”

John Loyd knew this, he is confident in his strength but there is still a disparity between him and Yshelia, if she was hurt that much then he wouldn’t be able to fare better, he might even be killed.

Shadowslash read his mind even though he didn’t use any skills, he knew that JL might look haughty or arrogant but actually he is quite smart and cautious, now that his irritable personality have been solved, his cautious and cunning attitude have returned.

With him guarding this passageway, he is at least confident that their world would become much more safer, too bad he couldn’t seal this passageway even if he wanted to.