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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 795
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The soldiers immediately prepare to engage, the shield division grabs their giant shields and braced for impact, the gigantic mammoth fallen fierce beasts collided with the shields, the soldiers couldn’t help but grunt a little after experiencing such a blow.

The archer division released their arrows, multiple amount of arrows were thrown towards the incoming beasts, but most fallen fierce beasts have powerful defence, they are able to fend off even after suffering from a barrage that came from elite archers of the Thousand Race Empire.

The mages started releasing their spells, one explosion after another continue to rang out, the arrows also started breaking the defense of their targets, the assault division immediately jumps into the fray seeing the situation.

The archers and mages have become supports for them, some mages started chanting for powerful long distance spell to help the scarabs take down their targets, they knew that their spells are useless against them.

Scarabs wouldn’t be affected with energy type spells, only soul and physical type attacks would work against them, some scarabs might have mutate to counter their weakness but their ability to devour have actually weakened in the process.

Amethyst is still researching on how to improve or at least break their limitations, only the Lunar and Solar Rune Scarabs have a chance to step into Saint Realm and this is only because of Shadowslash’s presence.

Without him as the source, they are unable to advance, because of their potential to break through Saint Realm, Amethyst have been giving them preferential care, unlike her almost demonic experiment to the normal scarabs.


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But because the scarabs low mental capacity, they aren’t able to become functional weapons that could be release to protect this world, they have to be guarded or supervise by an individual like Toxic.

If they were left to their own devices, they’ll drive this world to the ground to the point that everything in this world will disappear, this is their natural trait, they wouldn’t be able to develop their intelligence no matter how much they wanted or their owner wanted.

Shadowslash on the other hand was already in front of the gate that connects this fierce beast world to the real world that fallen fierce beasts exists, there is even abyssal beasts existing on the other side.

Actually, after sensing the aura coming from the passageway that the nine abyssal dragon door is exuding, he faintly sensed that the world behind the door is much more terrifying than their world current enemy, chaos world.

His spiritual sense caught something and he immediately transformed into his battle form, but the figure that came out of the door made him stop, he quickly spreads his tails and caught her, he then summoned his sword and prepare to engage combat.

But there are no one who had came out, he looks at the beautiful fairy wrapped around his tail and couldn’t help but feel anxious, the person he had saved is Yshelia, she and Banjo have went to the true fierce beast world and yet here she is, unconscious and injured.

He summon one clone and have it carry her back to his empire, he looks at the portal and decided to wait, he slightly twitched, he summoned two more clones and have them chase after his first clone.

He received a message telling him that the first clone is now being attacked by fallen fierce beast, it was trying hard to protect the unconscious Yshelia, he became furious when he heard this.

Those that dares to harm his family should be prepared to die, he cannot leave his location right now but he is confident that his clones would be able to deal with the problem, there is also his scarabs, since the fallen fierce beasts have become too much of a threat.

He decided to hunt all Xiantian King and Emperor fallen fierce beasts, he would leave the weaker ones alive, not because he is feeling merciful but because these fallen fierce beasts would be used as training partners.

He would be building a military base here, the soldiers would definitely become cold bloodied if they train in this place, he will have to chose specific individuals to create the military base, he cannot throw those that were kindhearted in this place.

He suddenly have an idea, if he couldn’t throw normal soldiers in this place where their lives would be threatened all the time, he’ll throw prisoners, a couple of soldiers from Sans’ group and a couple of individuals from the secret organization that Lisa and Allicia have created.

He will pick only the ruthless ones so that the prisoners would behave, the soldiers would train the prisoners and as long as they continue to brainwash them to be loyal for the empire, they will become killing machines for the empire.

They would be freed from all their crimes and their identity would change from prisoners into soldiers, of course regarding to how much crime they have committed or how heinous they were, each prisoners would receive different treatment.

Suddenly Amethyst spoke [Big brother, how about you throw some of the unforgivable prisoners in this place and watch their progress, you can also build a teleportation array on the military base you are building here.]

Shadowslash agrees to her idea, especially the teleportation array, he’ll put the a law here or a rule for his soldiers that they’ll have to return to the empire every month, they will be put in supervision for two weeks.

Being cautious isn’t a crime, besides he knew nothing about the effect of fierce Qi to normal humans, he already knew the effect towards beastman judging from how beasts were affected but he doesn’t know how it affect humans.

There was a commotion in the empire after the higher ups received the news about Yshelia’s return, especially for the Hope Family because for them, she is a part of the family, also, she is considered one of the strongest powerhouse of this world.

The elf queen use her ability and she and the other elves work together to heal Yshelia, they are now besides the sacred artifact of the elves, Leafinia’s soul main body, the Luminous Tree Of Life.

Mary and the others arrive, their expression are extremely anxious, the others have realised that they have been underestimating the danger that the other worlds presents, after a couple of hours, Yshelia let’s out a cough.

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Black blood could be seen scattered everywhere, Yshelia quickly stood up but before she was able to, Mary and the others moved to restrain her, not because they wanted to harm her but they are afraid that she would hurt herself.

Mary quickly calms her down, realising that she is in the safest place possible, she smiles and fainted once again, it seems that she was exhausted and because she felt safe, her body automatically shut down.

JM spoke “It seems that the danger that the fierce beast world possess is extremely great, I’ll have to inform big bro about this, I will take Russel and JL with me in this mission.”

Mary nodded, Russel has the golden Qi a higher form of metal Qi, he is also immune to the effect of the fierce Qi because all the energy that tries to infect him would turn into his golden Qi but there is still a limitation to this.

JM is quite intelligent for a beast, he also has the innate ability such as ‘heart of earth’ with this, he would be able to use the energy from the ground to help him keep the fierce Qi at bay, JL is different, he is already considered a fierce beast, fierce Qi wouldn’t harm him that much.

The three of them set off to Fierce Beast World, with their speed, it only took them a couple of minutes to arrive, when they entered the passageway, they are greeted by an all out war against fallen fierce beast and soldiers of the empire.

Russel let’s out a loud trumpet and his body started glowing brightly, just like the sun descending, golden rays started shooting everywhere, he started charging with great momentum, each step would cause the ground to tremble.

John Mark dug underground and rapidly dug towards the cluster of fallen fierce beasts, John Loyd also followed his action and dug underground, they arrive in front or in the center of a group of fallen fierce beasts and with one attack they killed more than a dozen enemies.

The soldiers couldn’t help but feel awe, John Mark shouted “Me and my brothers will go to the passageway to inform our eldest brother, continue protecting the passageway!”

The three continue to kill while advancing towards the nine abyssal dragon door, the scarabs wanted to attack them at first but after sensing their aura that contains Shadowslash’s aura, they stop.

The soldiers became more motivated, the assault division even started to slowly advanced deeper into fallen fierce beast world, Toxic saw this and commanded the scarabs to fly deeper to the territory of the kings of fallen fierce beasts.