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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 781
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Exactly after they finish their meals, Yan2 and Mei2 stood up and stares at FD’s daughter with dagger gaze, Shadowslash was too engrossed chatting with his old friend that he doesn’t realised this.

Feng Shin knew this so he quickly spoke, even though this might look rude of him “Father, it seems that my little sisters wanted to challenge Houlong Youhuo already, shall we start the sparring match?”

Shadowslash realised that he had been too engrossed, he looks at his two daughters and saw them looking at FD’s daughter with hostility but unlike their older brother, their hostility seems to carry a woman’s anger, which is still unknown area to him.

He then looks at his friend and he nods at him, he then brought them to the training area where he had been training earlier, Feng Shin follows without any change of emotion since he had been used to it.

The two girls were mesmerized by the decorations in the hallway as they went to the training area, they had been escorted to the dining room from an another direction, they hadn’t passed this hallway.

Shadowslash reads all the written documents in the hallway, the words written on them were the words of bravery and the names of the soldiers that have fallen, they had given their lives to protect this world, numerous of their contribution were laid out around them.

He stops walking and brought his hand to his chest as he gave the fallen soldiers some prayesrs, FD who was leading the group also stops and looks at his friend and smile, he started speaking “If my soldiers knew that you are giving them this much respect, they would be overjoyed.”


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Houlong Xinxing also looks at Shadowslash with admiration and respect, he looks at how solemn his idol was and couldn’t help but speak “These soldiers looked up to you, they also wanted to protect this world just like you.”

Shadowslash finish his prayers, even though he doesn’t follow any actual gods, he could use the prayer or incantation that Grim knew to guide and blessed the souls of his targets, he smile and said “I am honored to be admired by these heroes.”

Houlong Xinxing was about to speak but FD patted his shoulder shaking his head, he then asks “By the way, I just noticed this, but you actually pray? I thought you are just like me, you have no god to submit.”

Shadowslash knew that his friend doesn’t believe in divinity, he only believes in the strength, unlike him, Old man emerald is a believer of the beast God which isn’t surprising.

He release his spiritual sense but not to it’s maximum, a giant grim reaper appeared above him, the soul of everyone in the area and even FD shivers in fear and trepidation, they realised that they are too weak against this thing.

Shadowslash quickly disperse his spiritual sense and started explaining “That was a being that I had encountered during my ten year absence, because I was supposed to be dead, it was about to claim my soul.”

He then started laughing shrugging such thing, but FD and everyone knew that it was highly dangerous to him, a being such as that is too powerful, even a Saint isn’t able to resist it, everyone marvels how he is able to survive.

He then continue his explanation “The prayers that I had given earlier isn’t actually a prayer per say but something like an incantation, it would bless the souls of these warriors and guide their wandering souls to the afterlife.”

FD nodded and continue leading the group, once they arrived at their destination, Mei2 and Yan2 quickly jumps into the arena and pointed their swords at Houlong Youhuo, both shouted at the same time “Blazing Rose Empress! I challenge you!”

Shadowslash was stunned, he looks at Feng Shin for explanation, seeing his father’s expression, Feng Shin felt that this was his time to shine and was about to start explaining when Houlong Xinxing spoke.

“Uncle Shadowslash, you have been absent for a long time so you clearly had no idea about this but the geniuses in this continent have titles that were given by the populace, this title would then be carried by the geniuses as long as they live.”

Feng Shin decided to continue the explanation but he was one step too late because FD spoke “Actually the golden dome that you have created was the reason for these titles, it seems that it carries the will of this world increasing the strength of the geniuses that obtain their very own title.”

Shadowslash was shocked, he hadn’t thought that the golden dome would leave something before it disappears, he listens carefully to FD, it seem that the title function as a blessing for each individual, the blessing would only activate when specific requirements have been met.

He looks at his friend and realised a person like him would definitely has a title of his own, he quickly asks “Since the geniuses has these titles, then, the powerhouses would definitely obtain their very own title.”

FD nodded, he then started listing out the powerhouses that had obtain their very own title “Mine is still Fire Demon Dragon King but I have a new ability called (Apocalyptic), Simp Emerald still has the same title but he had obtain a new ability called (Rejuvenation).”

He listed out a couple more individuals, Shadowslash finally realised what was happening, the titles would increase the strength, ability or both when they are on a cultivation level below Xiantian Realm.

For those that had reached Xiantian Realm to Xiantian Emperor Realm, their Qi quality would increase, making them much stronger than those that have the same level as them, finally when they reached Saint Realm, they would obtain a brand new ability.

Feng Shin couldn’t help but feel helpless, he hadn’t had any chance to explain, he looks at his master with a bit of envy, he then look at Houlong Xinxing with hostility, meanwhile, the situation in the arena became awkward.

Shadowslash finally decided to step up and mediate the situation, he looks at Houlong Youhuo and asks “You are the person being challenged, you choose which one do you want to agree, the battle would be conducted as a one on one and not a group battle.”

This is definitely a great boon for the twin’s opponent, they are well known for their ability to work together, they both obtain an individual title and a twin title which was unique in the continent.

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Houlong Youhuo fights like a combat magician, she is at a disadvantage fighting against Yan2, she decided to fight against a more straightforward opponent and spoke “I choose starlight maiden as my opponent.”

Mei2 started bouncing in happiness, Yan2 on the other hand couldn’t help but sigh as she left the arena, Shadowslash asks Feng Shin “So Mei2’s title is Starlight Maiden, what about yours and Yan2?”

Feng Shin: “Mine is Berserk Lion because of my physique, Yan2 is Night Empress, actually auntie Anna has her own title, she obtain the title of Fantasy Fairy, the chosen ones have their own title but they don’t report it.”

Shadowslash decided to ask them when they gather back to his mansion, on the arena, Mei2 quickly transform into her battle phase, she had learn to control her bloodline much efficient than before, with her fight against her brother, her strength increased.

Houlong Youhuo felt the pressure coming from her opponent, her eyes started shining, her battle intent rose, Shadowslash couldn’t help but look at his friend, he realised that he and his daughter truly are similar.

Houlong Youhuo also transformed, she dons on a flaming armor that looks exactly like Feng Shin, the only difference is, she has wings that she was born with, she fires a dragon breath that seems to be incomplete.

Mei2 also fires back, she fires a beam of pure starlight that exploded when it collided with the flaming dragon breath, Houlong Youhuo used this opportunity to increase the distance between the two, she created multiple fireballs and fires them to her opponent.

Mei2 started swinging her giant broadsword, firing one sword Qi after another, but this type of method is too taxing on one’s stamina, she also knew this but she was still charging for her domain.

The more distance she has with her opponent, the better, Houlong Youhuo doesn’t know what her opponent was planning, but due to her inbord battle instinct, she knew that she is in danger, she couldn’t help but frowns.

Feng Shin knew just how terrifying she was, her instinct have made her quite famous, if it weren’t for his father and the ability of his little sisters to become peerless when they team up, her reputation might have precedes them.

Houlong Youhuo’s eyes lits up, she stop moving around, she flaps her wings and use her flame power to increase her speed, she was no longer retreating, she was actually charging towards her target.