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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 780
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Chapter 780: CHAPTER 749 VISITING FD ll

FD brought Shadowslash and the three kids to his mansion, the servants started moving at rapid pace just to prepare the banquet for their lord and idol, FD’s children were awestruck when they heard that their idol have visited their home.

Shadowslash looks at the arrangement in FD’s mansion and couldn’t help but praise him inwardly, he knew that his friend wasn’t the one who had arranged the decorations buf still he couldn’t deny they are great.

He looks at his jovial friend and said “You have great taste, I can’t believe that you don’t go home that often, Old man emerald isn’t even half as great as you in this matter.”

Hearing this, FD let’s out a boisterous laugh, he and his old friend might have stop comparing in strength because of their attribute and style but this doesn’t mean that they had stop competing at all.

The two of them still competes at things like fame and face, hearing that he had better taste than his old friend made his heart happy, he decided to brag about this when the two of them meet once again.

Shadowslash looks around and became confused as he only saw servants moving about, he doesn’t use his spiritual sense because for him it is quite disrespectful to scan the entire mansion.

After looking around some more, he still doesn’t see any family members, he started frowning, sensing his confusion, FD also became confused, he couldn’t help but ask “What is it young friend? Your expression tells me you have something in your mind.”


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Shadowslash smiles and looks at his three children and said “I brought my three children to meet yours but I don’t see them anywhere, I don’t even see your lovers, are they on an another place?”

FD was stunned, he realised that he and friend have been chatting for a bit now and yet his family isn’t even present, this was quite rude of him, he started coughing in embarrassment.

He then stood up and clapped, the maids started bringing out more food, he then smile and said “I’ll get them, they might be in their room or training, in the meantime, please enjoy the food that my chefs have prepared for you.”

Swoosh! With that he use his ability as a Saint of this world to blink out of the room, Shadowslash and his children looks at each other and shook their heads, they decided to just eat while they wait.

Meanwhile, in an another room, FD was standing menacingly in front of a couple of kids and beautiful ladies, he was exuding an aura of a furious general, he asks in a deep voice “Why didn’t any of you join us?”

One of the girls inside the room stood up and harrumphed, she looks extremely domineering, even though she look so young, her body exude a temptation that is irresistible for most men.

FD looks at her but his gaze doesn’t contain anything but love, not as an opposite gender but a caring gaze that seems to belong to a parent, the girl spoke “How could we just meet the hero of our homeland without any preparation.”

Hearing this, FD was given a great shock, he nearly falls down because of this, the girl continue “Why are you the one mad at us?! We should be the one mad at you! You didn’t even told us to prepare and just brought the person that all of us look up to.”

FD started stepping back, he realized that he could never go against his daughter, he had spoiled her too much but what she had said truly have merits on them, he couldn’t help but cough awkwardly to hide his embarrassment.

He then said “I should have informed you but my friend have visited me rather abruptly so how could I inform you in advance? Just please prepare yourself and I’ll be waiting at the dining room.”

He then disappears, he doesn’t want to receive the glares that his family were giving him, he knew that he was at fault being angry at them even though it wasn’t their fault, the people that were left behind looks at each other and immediately started scrambling.

They started competing for the best dress and outfit, they also started taking out treasures to gift for their idol, FD returns but his expression is rather unnatural, only Shadowslash and Feng Shin were able to notice this.

Shadowslash knew that his old friend might have some trouble with his family, just as he was about to ask him, a person suddenly enters the room wearing an outfit that is the same as the generals training alongside FD earlier.

The person bows to him and with great confidence and an aura that seems to draw people around him, he introduced himself “I am Huolong Xinxing, the oldest son of the Houlong Clan.”

Shadowslash was quite shocked, he looks at his friend and looks at the person once again, he saw the resemblance, especially now that they have a smug expression in their faces, Feng Shin on the other hand looks at Houlong Xinxing with hostility, like a person seeing his rival.

Just as he wants to greet him back, more people enters the room, they started introducing themselves one by one, FD kept on nodding as if appreciating just how grand his family’s entrance was.

Shadowslash couldn’t help it anymore, he decided to introduce himself also, being praised repeatedly by his friend’s family members made him feel a bit shy, he use his spiritual sense to magnify his voice.

“I am Shadowslash, a good friend of your father, I came here to invite all of you to come to my kingdom to celebrate my return, while we are on this topic, I’ll also introduce my children to you.”

It was there cue, Mei2, Yan2 and Feng Shin stood up, Feng Shin’s introduction is short because he and the Houlong family knew each other already “I am Feng Shin, as all of you know, I am great venerable FD’s disciple.”

Mei2 and Yan2 also introduced themselves but their introduction made Shadowslash’s eyebrow twitch, because of the family name they used, also the name that they are currently using.

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“I am Mei2”

“I am Yan2”

“We Shadowslash’s daughter, our family name is Feng but in the future it will change, we will carry our father’s family name and will bring honor to it.” (The twins spoke at the same time)

Shadowslash couldn’t help but think on obtaining a family name but he cannot use the name on his old world, he decided to ask his mother about this, as a virtuous son, he has to follow his mother’s decision.

He then looks at the people that are present in the room, he and FD looks at each other and they seem to be able to read each other’s thought, the FD decided to be the person who took the initiative to challenge.

“All of us have gathered here had to be something to celebrate, let us eat and later battle, as beastman, we are now known to be a warring race, so fighting amongst each other with friendly intent would increase our connection.”

The people on different side looks at each other with rising battle intent, Shadowslash let’s out a laugh and said “They really are your children, they immediately lose their nervousness when the topic is battling.”

FD also started laughing, the other people on the other hand looks at the two and how they interact, the Houlong family couldn’t understand why someone as great as Shadowslash get along with someone with a crazy addiction to fighting.

On the other hand, the children of FD looks at their idol and their hearts couldn’t help but beat at a much faster rate, those that were intending to gift some treasures realised just how naive they are.

Their treasure isn’t worth anything in front of their idol, FD’s daughter continue to look at her idol with lovestruck gaze, as a daughter of a battle maniac, the man she is looking for must be stronger than her at least, the man she dreams to marry should be known by the entire world because of his strength.

Who is more qualified than the person in front of her, he isn’t only the ruler of the strongest power of this world, he is titled the strongest being of this world, someone that is beloved by most people of this world.

Talent, charisma, strength, riches and looks, he has it all, many women on this world wanted to marry him, even the fairies of the fairy clan and the beautiful kitsune in the Demon Fox clan are attracted to him, her pupils seems to transform into hearts as she continue to look at his handsome face.

The two twins looks at the girl that was staring at their father with such lust on her eyes, her very existence ticks them off, they had already decided that after they eat, they’ll challenge this b*tch.