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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 773
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Shadowslash looks at the blood red dragon and ignores his taunts on him, he couldn’t help but frown, he spoke “To think that you are able to fool my little brother, well it doesn’t matter, I’ll take your soul and give it to one of my subordinate.”

The blood red dragon started laughing as if he heard the funniest thing in the world, he mocked “Who do you think you are to threaten me? You are just an ant in my eyes, once I devour you, I will return to that place and devour that space dragon!”

Shadowslash anger immediately reach it’s peak when he heard the blood red dragon threatening his little bro, this dragon is actually one of the Abyssal Dragon, Banjo’s information about it was wrong and it actually managed to disguise itself as an treasure for Pride to take.

He mocks it “Says the being that turned into a rock just to escape the detection of my little bro, such pathetic being such as you isn’t worth his time, I’ll deal with you and end your life once and for all.”

The blood red dragon became enraged and opens it’s mouth and fires a dragon breath, Shadowslash responded with his very own dragon breath, the two powerful dragon breath clashed causing an explosion.

But the blood red dragon’s dragon breath isn’t comparable to Shadowslash, it received it on it’s mouth and it’s head exploded but a shocking scene occured, the blood that scattered everywhere after it’s head exploded started gathering.

Then the bones started generating before forming into it’s head, it had regenerated it’s head without any fail, Shadowslash was startled, he then use his powerful spiritual sense and finally sense something.


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He looks at the smug red dragon and said “So that dragon core in your heart is capable of regenerating any of your body parts, it seems that I am in luck, not only I would obtain your soul, I would also be able to obtain that dragon core and heart.”

The expression of the red dragon Immediately changed when it heard what he had said, it knew that it had underestimated it’s enemy, just from the first collision, it already knew it was facing a powerful foe.

It let’s out a loud roar that stunned Pride and made him faint, Shadowslash noticed something and quickly appeared besides him, he use his dragon aura to seal him and thought that bringing Pride with him was a bad idea.

The enemy have already done some early preparation, Pride wouldn’t be able to move not because of his weak will but because his body is already modified by the red dragon making him helpless against it.

The red dragon curse inwardly seeing that his plan to control Pride is no longer available, it’s expression changes when it saw its opponent disappear, it summoned a rain of blood but before it could finish its move, a powerful force hits it’s body and slam it to the ground.

Shadowslash looks at the fallen red dragon and transformed into his battle form with his slaughter image present behind him, the powerful momentum shocked the enemy but before it could register what was happening he appears on top of it’s head and punch down.

Boom! The entire area was destroyed with just one attack, the red dragon once again lost its head but it’s body moves as if it still had eyes, it slashes with it’s sharp claws but it wasn’t able to pierce through.

‘Your heart is mine!’ Shadowslash made a claw gesture and attack the heart of his target but before he was able to grab the heart, the red dragon exploded into tiny bits of blood together with it’s heart.

‘Tch’ Realizing that his opponent isn’t just a normal dragon but something that had lived for countless of centuries, he couldn’t help but become serious, the blood in the area started to transform into tiny sharp spears that flew towards him.

‘Their lethal!’ Sensing the power that is coming from the blood, he brought out his sword and was about to swing but quickly realised that Pride would definitely be affected by his sword style.

He could only change his form and decided to seal Mayonaka no tatsumaki for now, he then covers himself with his flame and use Metal God Technique to increase the defense of his body.

Laughter started ringing everywhere, then a hoarse voice sounded out “You are both unlucky and lucky at the same time, you have brought my sheep here preventing it from causing chaos outside but it is now holding you back.”

Sensing the mockery from it’s voice, Shadowslash rolls his eyes and said “This blood contain such powerful energy but it seems that it also contains vitality, interesting indeed.”

Hearing his murmur the red dragon’s laughter once again rang out, it mocked “Praising my ability wouldn’t turn your situation around, now die under my domain! You lowly creature!”

Shadowslash started laughing and sneered “You are truly stupid, as a fallen fierce beast, don’t you think you are too idiotic, can’t you see the slaughter image behind me? You also knows it’s function right?”

The red dragon was taken aback, he then realised that it was true, he sneered and said “I have to give you praise for being able to create your very own slaughter image but even if it has the ability to devour vitality, it wouldn’t affect my blood.”

Shadowslash could hear the confidence on the red dragon’s voice, so he answer him with just one sentence “Let’s just see then”

He then use his peak mastery of Heaven Swallowing Technique and started absorbing the blood in the area, the red dragon sensed the powerful pulling force, it was taken aback before realising that it’s life is in danger.

It decided to use this chance to threaten it’s opponent but before it was able to, the entire area became dark, chaotic sounds could be heard, the entire area around them have turned into a dark nightmare.

Despair Domain Activate!

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Shadowslash smirks, he hadn’t use the full strength of his domain for quite some time now, but he knew that the red dragon soul isn’t easy to bewitch, fortunately he has a powerful card to deal with souls.

‘Grim, I’ll leave this to you’ Hearing this, Grim came out of his spiritual world and summon countless chains and pulled the soul of the red dragon into the spiritual world.

Grim sent a message to him that the red dragon soul have some uses, the only problem is that it’s soul must be cleansed off of all it’s fierce and blood Qi, he was greatly surprised.

He was planning to deal with the red dragon soul already, he had a perfect candidate to gave it to, now that he realised that other than the energy, it’s very own soul still has some use, of course he was ecstatic to hear it.

Especially, if it was coming from a being such as Grim, but he had no one to give the fierce Qi to, he then looks at Pride and a light bulb appeared on his mind, he flashes next to him and started absorbing the fierce Qi in the surrounding and channels them into him.

To not contaminate his soul, he use his spiritual sense to create a barrier that force the fierce Qi aside, this would definitely increase Pride’s strength but the problem on his soul is still worrisome.

‘It seems that I need to teach him the art of soul cultivation, as long as his soul is powerful enough, he would slowly adapt on the fierce Qi, too bad that this would definitely make his temper much more violent’ He started thinking on Pride’s condition and future.

He knew that if he continue in this plan of his, he would definitely harm Pride’s future even if his strength increased exponentially, he started thinking long and hard on how to fix this situation.

His eyes lits up, he waves his hand and pulled the dragon core towards him, he might not have obtain the heart because it burst into pieces but he still obtain the most important part of the red dragon’s physical form.

The dragon core, he recalls his discussion with Banjo, his soul wasn’t that tainted because all the fierce Qi he had absorbed have gather into his space jewel, he could still access the fierce Qi without that much side effect.

He decided to use this dragon just like Banjo’s space jewel, if he was able to fuse it with Pride, his strength would definitely increase but his bloodline would become diluted.

But making his bloodline purer and fusing them into another kind of bloodline is not thaf difficult, the Thousand Race Empire is known to be great at this subject.

After all their ruler is the one who had created the method of bloodline fusion, Pride’s future would definitely become much brighter and he might even catch up to Wrath, with the rivalry between the three, their rate of improvement would definitely increase.