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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 762
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The crystal ball quickly made the monsters and beasts in the area excited, the only exceptions on this were the white gorilla which was hugging it’s son and the sleeping polar bear, the gorilla seems to have received some kind of advice or reminder from Shadowslash that is why it didn’t immediately approach thr crystal ball.

Skree! A flying snow raven let’s out a loud screech and flew towards the crystal ball, this action seems to have become a fuse for all the beasts and monsters in the area as all of them scrambles towards the crystal ball.

The fastest one of them was a deer and a leopard both of them reach the crystal ball at the same time, the deer rams it’s horn towards the leopard making it fly away, it then hurriedly opens it’s mouth to grab the crystal ball.

Boom! The deer was hit by a giant ice ball thrown by an ice giant, in terms of speed, it was considered one of the slowest, many monsters and beasts started fighting each other for the chance of obtaining the crystal ball.

For those that are considered a bit smarter than the rest, they are waiting for the chance to steal the crystal ball, they knew that if they join this chaotic battle, then their strength would decrease making it easier for others to kill them.

Beasts versus monsters, monsters versus monsters, beasts versus beasts, it was an all out battle and one by one, many monsters and beasts are killed, the white snow in the area was dyed red by their blood.

The white gorilla who had been watching all of this looks at his son and started rubbing it’s head, it knew that if it didn’t encounter Shadowslash, it would have join in this battle and it’s son would definitely be killed if this truly happened.

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Shadowslash returns and looks at the battlefield with amusement, he couldn’t help but anticipate the expression of the beast or monster that would obtain the crystal ball, what would be it’s expression when it realised that the object of its desire is something that it wouldn’t be able to obtain.

He then arrives in front of the gorilla and took out some cooked dishes from Amethyst’s storage and gave it to the pair of father and son, their group then watch as the beings in the area tear each other out.

The one who obtain the crystal ball was a mammoth that has long tusk covered with ice, it use it’s trunk to grab the crystal ball but when it touches it, little by little it’s body started to freeze and it could only watch in despair as it slowly become an ice statue.

All of those on the area that were prepared to snatch the crystal ball froze in their track and looks at the ice statue in front of them, just as they were confused, they saw Shadowslash appearing in front of the mammoth chuckling at it.

He then grabs the crystal ball and use his yang Qi defrosting the mammoth, he then grabs it’s tusk and threw it towards the gorilla just like a rag doll, he then looks at those that are spectating the battle earlier and threw the crystal ball to them.

The ice giant seems to sense something and it quickly kowtows at it, the other elementals also done the same thing causing Shadowslash to raise his eyebrow as he realised that this crystal ball still has some secrets.

But Amethyst was still playing on Thousand Race Empire, she deserves every bit of leisure she could obtain, if he tried to call her to scan the object then she had to wait for a couple of days before she would be able to play once again.

He then looks at the mammoth and told it to submit to him, maybe because of it’s strength but it refuse to bow, he looks at it calmly before throwing it into the sky and each time it was about to fall he would kick it back to the sky.

Seeing how he easily dealt with the mammoth, those in the area quickly shivers in fear, they already fear him from what had happened to the white bear but they didn’t thought that other than the mystical ability he has, he also has astonishing strength.

The mammoth could only submit seeing how helpless it was against him, Shadowslash then looks at those that are present in the area and shouted “Those that understood my language, I Shadowslash ruler of Thousand Race Empire have proclaimed this place mine!”

He then use his powerful aura to freeze everyone in fear, the pressure then dispersed but it had marked the hearts of those that are on the area, they then saw him ride the mammoth together with the seal and they advance deeper into the continent.

Shadowslash decided to make the mammoth his mount because of it’s strength, the polar bear is much faster than it but it was now in the state of transformation, he wouldn’t be able to ride it anymore so he decided to change mount.

The mammoth then advances towards the core part of the continent, meanwhile, Clwyd who was informed by Hentai immediately flew towards the frozen continent, according to his speed, he would be able to reach the place in just a couple of days.

He had the location memorized, besides he and Shadowslash is connected by spiritual contract, he would be able to check the location via the spiritual contract, the teleportation portal needs a couple of days to stabilized.

He had to fly to arrive at the place, a couple of days later, he step foot at the frozen continue, his entire being felt invigorated, as a Saint, he has great control over his element and his main element is water, ice is his secondary element, it wasn’t surprising that he felt comfortable in this place.

He flew towards the location where the crystal ball is, when he arrived at the location, he saw a white gorilla looking at him with fear, it then kneels at him and pointed at a post board that says ‘Clwyd, these three are your new subordinates, By your brother, Shadowslash’.

He nodded at the gorilla and looks at the spot where numerous elementals were kneeling, he looks at the crystal ball and his eyes flashes, he release his Saint aura causing the other elementals to submit to him.

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He grabs the crystal ball and use his elemental energy to stimulate the crystal ball, in just a couple of seconds, the crystal ball broke and came out a cute little fairy that looks at him in curiosity.

The cute little fairy yawns, she then started eating the remains of the crystal ball, Clwyd who was watching her sighed and said “I cannot believe that I would find a higher elemental spirit in this place.”

He then shook his head and looks at the core part of the continent and thought ‘It wasn’t me that found her but my big brother, if it’s him then it is no longer surprising’.

He swore that he would build a great kingdom for his big brother, their empire have always been using their connection and resources to expand their influence to other places of this world, they wanted their empire to conquer this world.

Shadowslash on the other hand is now in the core part of continent, he was looking at a giant ice elemental that looks like a hill, it seems to be the guardian of the core part of the continent.

It would stop anyone that wanted to go to the core part of the continent, only individuals that have pass the requirement would be able to pass through, this type of test made Shadowslash curious about the difference between the core part of the continent and the rest of its part.

Roar! The ice giant let’s out a bellow and punched out, Shadowslash decided to greet it’s punch with his own punch and leaps towards the incoming fist and deliver a powerful blow.

Bang! The arm of the ice giant broke and it nearly falls down, it then looks at him with shock but he suddenly disappears from it’s view.

Bam! A powerful punch hit it’s left face and falls down because of the force, it saw that it’s opponent have unknowingly appeared on its side without it noticing.

Shadowslash wasn’t finished yet, he raised his leg and started spinning, he then crushed half of the ice giant body with that attack, this isn’t a battle but a one sided beating.

The ice giant knew that it wasn’t a match against it’s opponent so it could only let him pass, Shadowslash also noticed that the ice giant was no longer stopping them, he smiles and nodded at it before riding the mammoth and they advanced to the real core part of the continent.

When they passed through the blizzard storm that seperates the core part of this continent from the inner part, they were given a shock from what they saw.