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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 752
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After finishing all the bird, he flew towards the spiked fallen fierce beast, the lion was now heavily injured but because it’s advantage against the spider, it managed to kill it but it left it’s soul heavily injured, so it wasn’t just injured physically but also spiritually.

The spiked fallen fierce beast was getting more excited as it sensed it’s impending victory, but before it could celebrate it’s victory, it was hit by a powerful force that buried it’s head on the ground.

It was Shadowslash, since the lion was now suffering from the injuries that it would have received, it stood there foolishly, meanwhile, the spiked fallen fierce beast struggles intensely but it couldn’t move the hand that was forcing it’s head on the ground.

Looking at the struggling spiked fallen fierce beast, Shadowslash just smiles, with his injuries, his strength have risen, his strange ability is truly a mystery, the longer he battles, the more wounds he accumulated, the stronger he will get.

He doesn’t know what type of ability this was, but one thing for sure and that is, he became more fond of it, even though the ability only increase his physical capabilities, it was still amazing, considering that his physical capabilities is already monstrous to begin with.

Chaos and Harmony were stalling the two bulls, the two knew that Shadowslash was interested in fighting against the two bulls so they had decided to not attack them and only stall them, with their strength, they are able to destroy the soul of the two bulls with ease.

The spiked fallen fierce beast’s head was buried deeper and deeper, even the hard ground wasn’t able to stop Shadowslash’s strength, seeing how helpless it was against him, he decided to end the battle and raises his other hand and bore through the spiked fallen fierce beast abdomen.

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The abdomen part was actually where it’s heart was located, he found it using his spiritual sense, the fallen fierce beast activated it’s berserk type skill but it was still no use.

The spiked fallen fierce beast froze and it’s eyes dims down finally, Shadowslash knew that he had finally finished off his target, he then grabs it before devouring it, but unlike the black bird, he use his slaughter image.

He then approached the lion and raise his hand, his claws sharpened and lengthen themselves, with one swing, he cut off the head of the lion, he use his tail to grab the lion’s body, he looks towards the direction of the twin bulls.

He decided to devour the two first and calms his boiling blood before fighting the two bulls, he would fight then on the ground without any weapon and he would not fly away, if he fights them now on his current condition, then he wouldn’t be able to gauge his ability to get stronger.

He really wanted to know if it truly disappear when his boiling blood calms down, if this was the case, he would be very happy since he doesn’t want to always calculate his strength when he is not fighting.

After three or five minutes of meditation, he realized that his blood had once again calm down, he then get up from his lotus position and punched the ground, it shook but didn’t break, it seems that his assumptions was true.

Seeing that there are still large amount of vitality from the two corpses he was carrying, he decided to throw them into the scarab pit, it would feed the newborns, and because they are now back inside Hentai, their ruthless breeding and cultivation program have once again resumes.

He then stretched for a bit before ordering the two fish to return to his spiritual world, he also sealed his wings, after all if he was too focus on his battle, he would instinctively use all of his means just to kill his target, he would use his wings to dodge with his instinct.

To stop this from happening, he decided to fully seal it, Sans on the other hand was disappointed upon seeing that his lord’s slaughter image didn’t do anything on the lion and spiked beast’s souls.

Shadowslash was also confused on this matter but he realised that Grim cannot use anymore of his abilities not because of his lack of energy but because of the fact that he isn’t an undead, tempering with divine class necromancy on his mortal body would burden him.

His soul might be able to take it but his dantian would be affected, he could only sigh but at least he’ll be able to make it up to Sans after the major powers of this world gather on his empire.

Back on the present, the two bulls that have lost their targets became confused, suddenly with their connection on the earth, they could sense someone or something very powerful was charging towards them in great speed.

They quickly look towards the direction of the source and saw their old opponent charging towards them, their eyes once again return to their furious state, with their cry they charge towards Shadowslash, turning themselves into black blurs.

Shadowslash stops and braces himself for the impact, the two bulls quickly arrived in front of him and this time they are attacking at the same direction and at the same time with the help of the earth energy below them.

Bam! The bulls managed to push Shadowslash backwards even though he had already braced himself, the earth below him cracks and a deep trail was formed as he was being pushed back.

This made him angry, he quickly raises his hand to retaliate but the twin bulls stops and the gravitational force descended on him once againz, he was unprepared, he quickly grunted as he was nearly forced to the ground.

One of the bulls raises it’s legs and stomps, Shadowslash sensed the gravitational force decreasing, he quickly made a move and stomps on the ground before raising one of his foot.

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An earthen wall appeared and blocked him, he snorted and broke the wall anyway, he then use his momentum to spin in the air and kicks the bull’s neck but when he collided with it, he realised something was wrong.

The bull was harder than before, he steps back and raises his hand to guard, the bull did not move and continue to use it’s gravity ability to force him down, the powerful of the gravitational force might halved but it was still considered a burden.

His speed have decreased and because his opponents are able to use the ground to increase their strength, this seems to be a disadvantageous fight for him, but he doesn’t mind, he wanted to know how powerful his physical strength would become if he was pressured by a powerful enemy.

The other bull that have fused with the ground quickly came out but it’s body is now as big as an hill, no, it looks like it was a hill, it no longer have it’s former appearance and have became a bull that was made up entirely rock and earth.

Shadowslash quickly realised that this might be an Active Ability that the bulls have since he sensed that the bull’s aura did not became chaotic, with each step of the bull the earth would shake, he now knew why the other bull kept on using its gravity ability on him.

The transformed bull is just too slow, even though it’s strength and defence have increased, it’s speed have drastically decreased, the two bulls truly rely on each other to fight.

He could kill one of the bulls to decrease their strength to a great degree but he knew that it would make this fight meaningless for him, he then looks at the charging rock bull and he quickly made a punching form.

His slaughter image copies his action and his aura quickly rose, with a grunt he punched out, he took a step forward and the ground beneath him broke, the cobweb like cracks expanded widely clearly showing how much force he puts on his fist.

Boom! His fist hits the giant rock bull and a deafening explosion occured, Shadowslash then flew backwards, the rock bull on the other hand started retreating, with each step cracks would form on it’s rock figure.

It used it’s great earth affinity to recover but the cracks continue expand rapidly, it only managed to stop the expansion after a while, but because of this it’s opponent have now returned and kicked it’s twin, injuring it heavily.

He then charges towards the giant rock bull, he had heavily injured the other bull because he wanted to enraged the giant rock bull, just like exactly what he had thought, seeing it’s twin being injured, it became berserk and charge towards it’s target.

Shadowslash smiles in an excited manner, he then spreads his arms and when the bull got close, he grabs the horns and his muscles expanded, his dragon scale armor still didn’t broke, he wanted to know how durable it truly was.