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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 1155 - 1155 CHAPTER 1124 DON DON’S FIGHT
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Don Don senses a majestic aura descending, he grins as he immediately realises who it was, he raises his giant fist and transforms into a giant ape that has white clouds hovering around his shoulder.

He roars with all of strength “The great and powerful Shadowslash has arrived! Let us welcome his arrival with a powerful demonstration!”

He wasn’t speaking to all the fighters of his world but only to the members of his sect, they also understood his meaning.

All of them use the special ability of their cultivation technique and transform into humanoid beasts, Angela is the strangest amongst their group.

She did not grow any special features like a tail, beast ears, furs or scales, she is still the same, only her aura was different, she now seems to be a wild beast.

She punches the ground and quickly, a powerful explosion occurs below her target, unfortunately, the bird was able to sense it and escape unharmed.

“Where do you think you are going?!” One of Don Don’s disciples, appears above the bird, he looks like a tiger but in a humanoid form, he looks more like a beast rather than a beastman.

Bang! He was slapped away when a giant monkey appeared, seeing this, Don Don became furious when suddenly, another giant monkey appeared, it attacked the first one.

“Wrath!” It was one of the seven calamitous beasts of Beast Continent, all of them had abandoned their names and embodied their sins, since they are from Beast Continent, their merits also affect their homeland.


Shadowslash laughs “So you guys are still punctual, bring the rest of your group here, we are going to make this plane bleed, we are no longer going to conquer it but we are going to devour this plane and make it a part of Gaia!”

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Everyone was shocked by his plan, his next following words made the fighters from the Martial World to be crazed with excitement.

“The fighters that are present today will be rewarded handsomely by the Hope Family and those from the Martial World will become citizens of Gaia, not needing any requirements to enter our world.”

Don Don lets out a loud roar once again “My people, let us bring victory for our world and rise to greatness!”

The martial artists and Qi cultivators no longer care whether they get hurt or even killed, they will obtain victory for their world, no matter the risk.

“I should give a part of this plane to the Beast Plane as thanks for Golden Dragon and his army, I hope that their situation is much safer than ours.” Shadowslash mumbles.

“Don Don, take charge, I will go to the Behemoth’s Territory and wreak havoc, Wrath, Bring the other calamity beasts with you and help the army of Beast Plane, Sea Dwellers of the Martial World, your job is to help the Leviathans take care of the ocean.”

He knows that the most dangerous location currently in this plane is the ocean, since the disappearance of the Leviathans, no one is keeping check of the beasts living in the sea, they certainly have grown stronger, maybe even comparable to that of the current Behemoth Race.

“Lord Shadowslash, let me come with you as I have a personal debt with the Behemoth Race.” Don Don calmly says.

Meanwhile, he is begging Shadowslash using his divine sense ‘Big brother, please let me come with you, I want to beat that bxtch, I am not reconciled with my defeat from her!’

Shadowslash inwardly sighs but he decides that it is best to bring his little brother “Okay, in the meantime, pick two or three candidates to be in charge of the Martial World, my army can take care of themselves, I am not worried about them as I have enough confidence in their strength and capability.”

The royal army slams their weapons and lets out a loud battle cry, the first one to charge out were the beastmen, they were wearing rather barbaric type of armours with spikes all over them.

“Take aim, Fire!” The elf commander does not want to lose, she raises her hand and all the elves nocks their bowstring and when they hear her signal, all of them release their magic arrows.

Shadowslash then flies towards the direction of the Behemoth’s Territory, besides him was Don Don and Karl.

Their speed is incredibly fast because of his newfound knowledge regarding spatial law, after blinking a hundred or so times, they finally arrive at their destination, the constant usage of spatial energy made him a little bit exhausted.

This body might have a much higher physical constitution than most human elites but not as abnormal as his other avatars’ bodies, this avatar’s body purely focused in learning magic and spirit power.

He waves his hand and gathers large amounts of elemental energy and spirit Qi into his body, replenishing his strength.

He exhales, causing a white fog to spread out of his body, he stretches for a bit, trying to disperse the stuffy feeling that he is currently feeling.

He clicks his tongue and says “This body of mine spends too much time dual cultivating and barely trains in its other techniques.”

Don Don laughs out loud after hearing this “Hahaha, if this avatar of yours is in Martial World, you might have become the sect leader of the Ecstasy Sect.”

Shadowslash shakes his head “Nevermind, This body will do, it might not be as strong as my other avatars but, this body’s compatibility with me is second to none.”

He waves his hand and a large flame appears above them, the flame is not a normal fire attack but a Foxfire.

“Burn” He proclaims and throws the giant fireball towards the Behemoth’s Territory, Don Don was now shaking with excitement.

He knows that once the giant fireball descends, the Behemoths will come out, his only target is Arandiel, for the rest, he does not care.

BOOM! A powerful explosion can be seen after the fireball touches the ground, instantly, multiple roars can be heard, Shadowslash is not surprised.

He smirks and says to his two brothers “Do not underestimate our opponents, they are a lot stronger than you guys think, Don Don, your only target is Arandiel so I am not worried but Karl, I am worried about you, you have never fought against one of them, so I suggest that you take care of those that are weaker than you first before going against stronger ones.”

Karl nods, suddenly, multiple figures fly to the sky, all of them were Behemoths, upon seeing one of them, Don Don growls with intense rage, it was Arandiel.

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Upon seeing him, she also frowns, if it was just any normal weakling, she will not remember him but Don Don is different, he is the reason why she and her little brother fought.

She also growls and is about to attack him when the second elder stops her, she looks at him full of grievance but she still follows his command.

“Leave, you are no match against us, we outnumber you!” Shadowslash looks at him and laughs.

“Let us even that number, shall we?” After saying this, he summons ten thousand clones and all of them are as strong as a Descending Divine Ranker, Shadowslash felt his body being drained.

He curses inwardly but his outward appearance did not change, he does not want his opponent to find out his current condition.

The second elder’s expression changes, he roars “Do you really think that you are the only one capable of such cloning skill?!”

The Behemoths behind him also summon their clones but because they do not focus on such skill, their clones are a lot weaker than them.

“Let us end this futile negotiation, there are only two paths for our two forces, either you win and drive us out of this plane or we destroy your race and become the rulers of this plane.” The second elder frowns but he quickly realises that what his opponent has said is true.

“So be it!” He then leaps towards Shadowslash but the clones surges and immediately blocks his path.

“Where do you think you are going you bxtch!” Don Don roared as he blocked Arandiel’s path, his past defeat is something that he cannot forget, he will show her just how strong he had become.

“Step aside weakling! I have no time for you!” Arandiel growls as he swipes her claws towards him but Don Don easily blocks it and counters her with a straight punch.

BAM! The punch directly hits her in the face, unfortunately for him, a Behemoth’s body is tougher than normal beasts.

But this does not decrease his enthusiasm, on the contrary, his battle intent only rises, he roars as he continues punching her.

This also ignites his opponent’s rage as the two of them try to overwhelm the other, Don Don is confident with the toughness of his body, he might not have the natural combat body of a Behemoth but his techniques are flawless, also, he has mastered both the fist and palm intent, together with the law of power.