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The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 681: Technique Fusion!
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Quickly, the sizeable red blade, which seemed to create sparks of the same color wherever it passed, sliced through the air towards the necks of those three men so fast that the people there could barely see it.

Such a thing was huge, with a radius of more than 10 meters. But, at the same time, it had a terrifying amount of power, capable of cutting through even a small mountain!

As a result, despite the fact that the people present could barely see this attack before it hit its target, everyone present had goosebumps due to the unrivaled destructive power of this attack.

None of them had ever in their lives witnessed such a thing!

'Shit!' Wallace thought to himself as he understood that he would not have time to react to such an attack.

He had barely given the first step to his sacrifice, but Minos' attack was already just inches away from his neck!

'Damn, that miserable bastard! Am I truly not going to take him down with me?' He wondered nervously, as time seemed to pass differently in his mind.

He could feel his mind working like never before, at a speed that he would probably be matchless in this region if he could use it to his advantage... However, such a thing was not on a par with his physical capabilities!

It was as if he had transcended mentally at this point but was trapped in a weak, slow, and heavy body that prevented him from acting according to his mental capabilities.

It was frustrating to see things so clearly and not be able to do anything about it!

But while he and his companions could not react, this gave them time to think about everything around them, to wonder if this was the end for them, and how this opponent could do such things...

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At the same time, their energies were still slowly circulating through their bodies, following the specific commands that one would have to follow for the sacrifice to take place.

Sacrifice was not just something of the being but something of the world itself, which depended on a specific natural law. Hence, if the ritual were not followed, it would be impossible for anyone to sacrifice themselves, using the particular Natural Law to create chaos.

However, as Minos' attack drew closer and they felt the suppressive effects of the Spatial Sword, these men felt their energies were moving too slowly. As such, they had failed to 'fill' their respective organ responsible for spiritual cultivation, that gland at the base of their nape.

That was the focus of the explosion generated by the sacrifice, and without it being wholly inflated, nothing would happen...


Therefore, while their minds were working at full potential, they felt their sights dim and then found themselves in a dark scenario, devoid of any sensations.

But the illusion of being in this 'nothingness' didn't last long, lasting only as long as it took for their heads to be severed by the attack sent by Minos!

Soon after this, the sounds of flesh falling to the ground were heard in that place, amidst the breathing of the onlookers, who had just seen the death of three influential regional experts.

Such a thing had happened all of a sudden, and while they had barely been able to see the effect of Minos' techniques, the heads of those three had been cut off at the level of their mouths.

Such a thing had utterly exposed the white contents of their heads, while a grotesque image could be seen there, as blood spurted at the height of their tongues!

"Hah... Hah... Hah... Hah..." After seeing that it was all over, Minos knelt on the ground, feeling as if his heart wanted to jump out of his chest.

He was breathing heavily, feeling every fiber of his body trembling as his eyes seemed to gradually darken as if he would pass out at any moment.

At the same time, he was experiencing a burning sensation at the nape of his neck, as he felt as if he was completely drained of energy.

"Hah... Hah... Hah..." He was breathing irregularly, already struggling on the ground, as those onlookers ran toward him.

"Young Minos?"

"Hey? Hey? Are you okay?"

"Young master? Fast, help bring the young master to the base!"

Several shouts sounded throughout that place as those viewers began to put aside the fear they had felt a few seconds ago. After seeing that Minos seemed to have suffered a severe blow, those people quickly rushed towards him, putting aside their doubts for the moment.

"What happened here? What was that red flash? Is that some technique?" One of the Spiritual Kings of the Miller family who was in this place escorting that spiritual judge asked aloud as he looked in the direction of the older people there.

"That..." One of the Hayes elders was about to say, looking at his companion and then at the patriarch Paul.

Paul then said in a tone full of admiration. "That must have been a fusion!"

"Fusion?" People in the surrounding area asked when someone was almost close enough to Minos.

"Yes, when one learns many techniques, sooner or later, a cultivator may reach the point of being able to fuse the effects of two or more techniques!" So he said with reverence in his tone as he finally saw young Stuart stopping trembling but still breathing as if he was severely oxygen-deprived.

"Is that truly possible?" One of them asked in doubt, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Hmm, yes. And the effects of such a thing are terrifying!"

"At the very least, the force of that blow that young Minos sent out was two to three times stronger than it would have been if he hadn't fused them."

"But that's not easy to do... Especially at our stage of cultivation!" One of the Hayes elders said, complementing Paul's speech.

"That's right. Such a thing is difficult to control, and once used, it consumes all energy in its user. Therefore, technique fusion requires a deep understanding concerning the laws of the fused techniques and a high level of energy. That serves to lessen this uncontrolled consumption, for a cultivator to endure such a thing without great loss."

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"Otherwise, the person who tries to use such a thing might even lose some of his strength!" The other elder Hayes said as he looked at young Stuart, who was being supported by Ernest while drinking a bottle containing Spatial Kingdom water.

Glub! Glub! Glub!

"At best, someone would still have to be in a weakened state, which could last from hours to days." Finally, Paul said this as he finished explaining the basics of technique fusion to those younger Spiritual Kings.

And they were not wrong. Such a thing was a possibility, something that any cultivator with sufficient understanding and power could accomplish.

However, without one having deep energy reserves or knowledge of the workings of the Natural Laws, such a thing would be as challenging to accomplish as normal humans breathing underwater!

As such, these individuals there could not use such a thing.

As for Minos, he had only more recently, after reaching level 50, achieved the minimum to use this kind of possibility. Before that, even if he wanted to, he would not be able to do so since his energy reserves were too low!

However, he already had enough understanding to do so.

After this recent breakthrough, by combining the understanding he had achieved on his own and the things he already knew given Henricus Longus' memories, he could use such a thing without risking so much.

With the necessary understanding, he was able to limit the fusion's energy expenditure to the point it did not affect his cultivation level, leaving him only in a state of severe exhaustion.

But although bad, such a thing could be resolved with rest, and in a few days, he could be as strong as he had been before using that!

"Hah... Hah... That's right... Hah..." Minos finally said something when he managed to improve his condition slightly to the point he was no longer in danger of fainting.

"Young Minos? Can you do such a thing?" One of those experienced old men asked this with looks of reverence on their faces.

He was in awe that Minos could use such a thing at level 50, something that even they, people of higher levels, couldn't do. But, on the other hand, the fact that this young man was only severely exhausted was awe-inspiring!

"Hah... Yes, those guys would sacrifice themselves, so I had no choice. Hah..." He commented while feeling sensations of pain all over his body....