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The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 495: Terror
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Quickly the blades created by the gestures of Minos cut the air in that place, heading towards the arms of that assassin.

Upon feeling this, this man, who was almost out of energy due to the Devouring Art, paled as he tried to dodge and protect himself from it.



Unfortunately for him, this fight was already past the point where he could easily dodge Minos' attacks. Consequently, one of those blades had hit him hard in one of his arms, cutting it off by the elbow!

"Bastard! I will kill you!" He screamed in despair at the same time as he fell back on the ground and breathed hurriedly.

At the beginning of the fight, he had managed to dodge many of the attacks from Minos and those two women. However, as the match went on, the accuracy of those three people increased as this assassin lost his energy to Minos' support technique.

And the result of that was a series of injuries that this person had gotten fighting these three, culminating in his current situation.

If someone passed that spot right now, one would see a man appearing and constantly disappearing in one place. It was as if he were an illusion that varied between the visible and the invisible.

Every time his body became apparent, Minos and his companions could see that assassin's swollen face and many cuts and battle marks on the rest of his body.

He was finished, and it looked like he was no longer able to stand up!

"Ah... Ahhh... Kill me. I can't fight anymore." He said in a dark tone, just after realizing he could barely move his body parts.

As an experienced assassin with thousands of murders, this man knew there was no escape for him from this situation.

"Do it, brat! Don't tell me you don't have the balls?" He teased Minos as he turned his head to the side and looked in the direction of those three people.

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Minos was walking towards him, while Mirya and Celeste were standing in the same places as before. Beyond them, Neal's mate's beast was hiding behind its master, with its head bowed, trembling with fear...

"No, I'm not going to kill you..." Minos commented without showing any great emotion as he got closer and closer to that person lying on the ground.

"Hahahaha, that's what I thought. You are afraid of us, right? The Scourges of the Devil is the most powerful organization in the north of the Central Continent!"

"A worm at only level 48 wouldn't have the balls for that, hahaha." He laughed maniacally while his body shook vigorously.

'That's right, come closer, bastard!'

'I couldn't get my hands on that bitch, but since I'm going to die anyway, I will take you with me!' He thought cruelly, noticing Minos continued to come toward him.

At the same time, he was already preparing to initiate his sacrifice and make the last surprise attack of his life. 'I never thought I would die like this...'

'How ironic, I who always ridiculed the weak who used such a thing...'

'But it won't be an unfair death... As long as that brat dies, my death won't have been in vain!'

'After all, taking down a genius while falling is not a disgrace!'

When Minos was only a few meters away from that assassin, that individual suddenly raised his only remaining hand at the height of his torso, then the sacrifice began!

"Since I can't escape this situation, I'll take you with me!"

After he finished saying that, dark energy appeared near the hand of this assassin while his body quickly aged. His skin suddenly darkened, his body decreased in volume, as if all its water had suddenly evaporated, making him extremely thin.

His formerly black hair turned white and then began to fall out, all along with the man's sudden decrease in level. That is, even if he were nearly out of energy before, he would still be recognized as a level 54 cultivator by anyone in that location.

However, after such changes, his cultivation had dropped to level 0 in just a second!

"A sacrifice!" Minos and those two women screamed in shock almost simultaneously as a sense of crisis arose in the hearts of these three.

They all knew how terrible any people's sacrifice would be. However, if such a thing were done by a Spiritual King, precisely one at level 54, the devastation would be exponentially greater than that of cultivators at the 5th stage.

In fact, such a thing could destroy an entire neighborhood of a small town!

'Shit!' The three of them thought about it unconsciously as they turned to run in the opposite direction of where that assassin lay on the ground.


However, not long after they realized what that man was trying to do, an explosion focused on the assassin's location, unleashed in that location.

In a split second, black flames spread across that terrain as if they were an expanding sphere, destroying everything in their path.

Stones, earth, anything that came in contact with those black flames were disappearing with an incredible speed!

Simultaneously to that, those three humans and a beast ran for their lives, already with their defenses fully raised.

They were utterly shocked by the event. Apart from Minos, those two women had expressions of sincere terror on their beautiful faces. They could feel that if they got caught in that explosion, their lives would come to an end.

And it didn't differ for Celeste's beast. Such a being had been the first to realize the assassin's sacrifice, but even though he was further ahead of the others in the trail, he was in a cold sweat right now.

His fur was all raised, and he ran away from that place without looking back, with its eyes wide with fear.



But in just a split second in which all this was happening, the explosion came to an end, creating solid gusts of wind in that area and raising a great deal of dust in the vicinity.

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Celeste and Mirya screamed simultaneously as they each hid behind their arms, with their defenses fully activated.

That had all been too quick.

If someone else were in this place, maybe that person wouldn't be able to see all the details of what had happened, considering the average power in the region. However, this moment was prolonged for those involved in such a situation, as if time had slowed down considerably.

Each of them had felt their energies diminish rapidly as their defenses were activated, and they hoped the explosion would cease before they were exhausted.

However, the reality seemed too hard, and before they could see the end of the explosion, their sights began to darken!

'I will die?' Such a thought passed into Mirya's restless mind just before she passed out in that spot.



Finally, after a few seconds, the black flames created by that assassin's sacrifice disappeared from that place!

With that, a great smokescreen that had formed was slowly diminishing due to the night breeze of this part of the Black Plain, little by little revealing the results of this terrible battle.

There, a crater a few hundred meters in radius was beginning to reveal itself in the smoke. At the same time, a strong smell of blood was in the air, along with the typical smell of burning things.

Finally, in different parts of that crater, anyone passing through that location could easily distinguish three bodies.

One of them appeared to be the body of a beast, another was a woman, and the last one was....