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The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 461: Kyla's New Fun
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Three days quickly passed...

At this time, on the west side of the Dry City, there was an area under construction, from which many people could be seen working on different types of buildings. They came and went from that place with loads being pulled by beasts and other smaller items carried by hand by the workers.

At the same time, in which the many workers performed these manual services, a few people passed by that place watching the surroundings. Some of them were the municipal police officers and professionals responsible for general cleaning, who collected the trash left behind in that area.

But while humans worked in this area and some low-level beasts supported some of them, a unique pair of beasts passed through one of the cobbled streets of that place.

This pair consisted of a giant white tiger and another beast about 2 meters tall and with the fur of three different colors; orange, black, and white.

As they passed through that area, several people who came and went on those streets couldn't help but stare in awe at the extraordinary beauty of these beasts, particularly the one with four tails..

Obviously, this was the young fox Kyla, whom Minos had finally freed to roam the Dry City a few days ago. Besides her was Abby's beast, Ebba.

The young fox was no longer as bored as before due to the change that had taken place in the Spatial Kingdom after the arrival of the Elite Squad soldiers. After all, with the presence of so many people, whenever she didn't know what to do, she could follow and even play with those people.

But even though she felt more entertained there because of the presence of these people, it didn't change the fact that Kyla had never known more than two other places before.

One was the cave she was born in, and the other was the Yellow City mansion, where she and her mother had lived for a few days, just before they moved to the Spatial Kingdom.

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Precisely because of that, a noble Nine-Tailed Fox like her couldn't help but feel like visiting other places and also other beasts like her.

Spiritual beasts could be very different from each other, but generally speaking, viewing them as one branch would not be incorrect. That is because they had similar characteristics, which made them classified into the same group of living beings.

Among those things was the fact that even the youngest and weakest beasts were able to understand and converse perfectly with others of different races!

Furthermore, the relationship between beasts of different races could be far more significant than the connection humans would generally have with beasts. And such a thing made these living beings much more prone to interspecies relationships...

That is why they were classified as 'spiritual beasts' and not just Dragons, Phoenixes, Nine-Tailed Foxes, etc.

In any case, even if some races of beasts had a certain arrogance toward others of lower lineage, they could still socialize and even form bonds with beings of different races. After all, a king would have to have his underlings...

Consequently, powerful or talented beasts liked to have their followers, 'subjects,' who could help them govern their properties.

So, while some beasts had issues with each other, just as humans did, they could also live together as friends, bosses, subordinates, even lovers...

And that influenced young Kyla!

She felt a need to meet other beings like her, spiritual beasts with whom she could socially interact or even fight and command.

It was like an instinct, which was still bothering her sensibly, even though she was already much more entertained in the Spatial Kingdom than before. So, as soon as she had discovered with her mother that she could go out for a tour, this young fox had wasted no time in coming to the Dry City.

In doing so, the one responsible for this young fox had been Abby's hired beast, Ebba, who had already reached the 5th stage of cultivation and could converse with humans.

But beyond that, these two got along very well, as they both had access to the Spatial Kingdom and were practically the same age.

Anyway, while the two beasts moved calmly through the streets of that under construction region, the two beasts were conversing in a common language that Kyla could understand.

"Miss Kyla, a new beast has joined our group in the last few days. Do you want to meet her?" Ebba asked as she lowered her head and looked at the four-tailed fox, who was only slightly smaller than herself.

"Oh? I want! My mother always told me about the beasts of my homeland. I can't wait to meet one more!" She excitedly said as she walked a few steps in front of Ebba.

Both were of relatively distant breeds in terms of bloodline quality. Because of this, Ebba naturally felt that she should respect young Kyla, even if, at the moment, she was stronger than Emlyn's daughter.

Kyla then asked. "What breed is it?"

After that, the two continued to talk about Celeste's beast until they headed toward the place outside the city, where these beings usually stayed.

Kyla truly enjoyed interacting with other beings and wanted to make the most of the next 3 hours she had until Minos took her back to the Spatial Kingdom.

So, she couldn't waste time!


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While the two beasts frolicked around the Dry City, Minos was in his office talking to Abby about matters relating to the invasion of the Maritime City.

The organization of such an event had been under the responsibility of this young woman. That's why Minos had been getting information through her in daily conversations in the middle of the day.

Finally, the two of them were sitting face to face in that office, drinking spiritual tea and talking about it.

"How is the organization of the investigative part of this operation going?" Minos asked, looking into her eyes as he inhaled the fragrance of the tea he was holding in a cup close to his face.

"That will be resolved later this week when the groups will start moving towards that city. But we've already made all the choice of soldiers involved in this and the preparation of the necessary items." Abby answered him calmly.

"Hmm, that's good... And how long do you stipulate it will take us to start the replacement scheme?"

"I think before you reach level 49, it will have already started. As we will send several groups to investigate this matter, I believe that in two months, the first kidnapped individuals will arrive in our city."

"After that, we'll just have to let the soldiers study the history of their respective targets for a few weeks, and then they'll be ready for the mission." She then looked at young Stuart with a confident smile on her face and added. "After that, it will probably be time for you to act personally in that place."

Minos had planned to kidnap the strongest of that city himself so that this whole scheme would draw as little attention as possible. That is so that they could replace the Spiritual King responsible for that place without any fuss.

After all, as strong as the Black Plain Army Spiritual Kings were at this point, they probably couldn't kidnap another individual above level 50 without causing a little commotion.

But with the techniques of this young sovereign, such a thing would be straightforward to do!

Finally, Minos desired to replace the Spiritual King in command of that city with one of his soldiers in order to maintain the appearance that the town was still under the control of the Brown Kingdom royal family.

With that, he would simply surprise such an organization when the time came, giving them a 'grateful surprise,' which might come as a stab in the back...

War would be inevitable, and this young man was already preparing the first trap for his enemies!