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The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 332: Mislead
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It wasn't long before several hours had passed.

At this point, Minos had dispatched several orders to secretary Mia to make some preparations regarding this matter of military exercises.

It was decided that a week before young Stuart left for the Kingdom of the Waves, 75% of the Black Plain Army Sergeants would participate in a battle against the local sovereign.

This exercise would be carried out on the outskirts of the city, in an unbuilt part, within the wall's perimeter. Given the scale of this event, it would not be appropriate for the local government to hold this event in the headquarters arena nor the City Arena.

After all, this would be a fight with power equivalent to a battle of Spiritual Kings, something beyond what the current Dry City arenas could handle.

The defensive arrays of those places were not yet ranked as well, as there was no budget for such a thing. But not only that, there weren't people that strong in the army either, so having such infrastructures that well equipped wasn't necessary.

Even though the Black Plain was already earning millions of low-grade crystals monthly, this place had many areas under development.

The payment of wages to farmers and government employees, including soldiers, was not light and already took more than 20% of the income from locally grown products!

And given the fact that the Black Plain was developing, creating new services, and improving old ones, it was not possible to invest unconsciously. Having suitable items and locations for Spiritual Kings was a good thing. Still, at the moment, only Dillian and Eda could reach that level in a short time.

Apart from these two, even Minos, the fastest cultivating spiritual energy in this place, would still take over two years to reach level 50!

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In this case, investing in such highly rated equipment would only make more sense when the rest of the soldiers got closer to this level!

Because of that, Minos had chosen one of the empty places within the area protected by the wall.

At present, the Dry City had just over a fifth of the total area protected by the wall. This even considering the area under construction, there were no people living or services functioning.

Therefore, there was ample space available for Minos to organize this event without causing any commotion in the city or destroying already built sites.

In fact, this area of the city that still had no buildings was just a large vacant lot where anyone could see a piece of the old Dry City, a lifeless place, with a gray and flat terrain, with few slopes.

The local government would not use this space for agriculture as there was already a plan to build buildings throughout the area protected by the wall. In this case, working on something that would be destroyed in a short time didn't make much sense.

So, agriculture was taking place elsewhere, outside the main city wall, in a region protected by some of the region's few geographic features.

There were other constructions to protect the crops in that place, but the main one was still the geographical factor. This factor favored the view on land in that area, and only when people came from inside the city or through the sky was there the possibility of that place being seen from afar.

Anyway, in addition to choosing that sterile place to fight, the consequences of the battle could still help the Dry City!

The presence of rocks in the ground was not uncommon, even at shallower depths. And given the fact that buildings needed to be constructed in such a way as to fit these natural structures, all built-up land would first have to be turned over.

With this, with high-level fights, which could turn the ground up and even destroy some obstacles to urbanization, this could favor the local community.

That could already be used for the city to expand its sanitation services to this area where the battles would take place. Thus, planning for future streets and buildings could be facilitated by creating a water and sewage system on such a place, connected to the city's network, even before the occupation of this place!

In any case, there were positive points in doing this in the area protected by the wall.

As for the fights between the groups of soldiers and Eda, well, that would start right after Minos and Abby left for the Kingdom of the Waves. These battles would take place at the army's headquarters, as Eda was unable to fight alongside many soldiers due to her power being limited to the 5th stage of cultivation.

For these events, the great military exercise of Minos against the soldiers, there would be a unique scheme for that to happen. After all, this would be an event that could likely cause damages to the people involved.

And even with the presence of a top-notch doctor, Dillian, the fighting soldiers would have to have some time to recover.

They couldn't just fight a monster like Minos and then go to the wall, work as nothing happened!

Therefore, on days when there were large-scale military exercises, the entrance gates to the Dry City would be closed, with small groups of soldiers. The city would be in a state of alert. All the remaining forces, the soldiers from the 4th stage of cultivation and those who were not going to fight from the 5th stage, would be directed to guard the wall.

That was critical for the soldiers going to fight Minos. It allowed them to return to their duties only when they were in peak condition.

Not everyone would be worn out in the same way, and those more fit could come back in the first shifts, after the 'rest day.'

As for Eda's fights, such a thing would not be necessary, as there would not be many fights, nor many soldiers would be involved simultaneously.

This event could become very relevant for the soldiers of the local army since they could also earn merit points with it in addition to being able to improve their teamwork.

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Soon Minos would leave for the Kingdom of the Waves. When he returns, there will undoubtedly be many resources added to the Reward's Hall.

In this case, this would be a golden opportunity for them to earn more merit points!


While plans for the Black Plain Army's military exercises were being made, Elena and Elen were at a crucial moment in their trip to the Black Plain right now.

They had traveled to the capital of the Kingdom of the Waves in the past few days, having been constantly pursued by spies from the Allen family. Even after they arrived at that place and started doing business as usual, these individuals had watched them closely.

However, after a few days of acting, or rather doing their activities without showing any rush or concern, Elen had finally made them let their guard down!

She had only met people she already knew, from business partners to local subordinates, just as she had caught up on regional news. And by observing Elen's daily life in this state's capital, the Allen family spies had finally slipped into Elen's trap.

While the two young women visited a place where Elen often went in this place, a restaurant on the south side of town, everything had finally happened.

That place was not far from one of the exits from the capital of this state, where Elen had already prepared a big spiritual beast for the trip to the Black Plain.

They used their bodyguards to distract those spies by making them leave that restaurant while being accompanied by two other women.

Elen and Elena had dressed carefully in the past few days, always wearing a veil over their beautiful faces. And with that, it wasn't challenging to find doubles for them!

And by the time the two doubles and the girls' bodyguards left the restaurant, Elen and Elena had already arrived at one of the city's exits, where they mounted a large white bird and flew south.

Seeing the capital of the Kingdom of the Waves getting smaller and smaller, Elen and Elena finally sighed in relief. "Phew, I thought they would never give us that chance!"

Elen then nodded in agreement, feeling the strong wind on her beautiful face. "Well, it shouldn't be long before they figure it out. However, hehe, it will be too late."