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The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 236 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 39
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Chapter 236: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 39

Broken chain.

It was very apparent now why the Assembly of Freedom uses this drawing to sign for help. It simply means that freedom is broken and requires immediate aid from their comrades hiding in their enemy's rank.

"I didn't expect them to be well-versed in the art department," Gilbert said jokingly. "So, what do you plan on doing next now that we know where the rats are hiding,"

"We go there!" Kayn pointed toward a warehouse that has a huge symbol of a broken chain. The symbol was completely unlike the others, because other than the broken chain, there's a small drawing of a gate that's similar to the one he sees in every canal, as if implying to every member of the Assembly of Freedom that sees it that their remaining allies are currently hiding and living in the canal underneath the warehouse.

"They are good, but once you know about it, they are as good as dead," Gilbert said in a remark.

Those unaware of the significance behind the drawings would never suspect anything unusual about it. However, once they grasp the meaning, every aspect connected to the artwork would be thoroughly searched.

"The operation will start soon. Go ahead and inform the others about it as we would need the help of every man that's loyal to the Green Horn City to completely clean the Dream Village," Kayn ordered Gilbert.

With the discovery of the secret mode of communication between members and allies of the Assembly of Freedom, it has now become very easy to differentiate loyal men from traitors.

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In that way, hundreds of traitors were captured in just a span of the afternoon until evening. And looking at the remaining number of men that Friedrich's team had escorted this morning, only a quarter of them remains as almost everyone turned out exactly as what Old Mayor George believed, with the majority being assigned to the higher position.

Fortunately, there were only a few on the side of the men that they have brought along to fight the battle yesterday, which made them see a bit of rainbow in the dark clouds.

Nevertheless, it was a very unbelievable situation, to say the least.

"This is absurd," Jericho expressed his disbelief. Now that there's only a quarter of men left, how can they expect him to finish all the tasks needed to complete as fast as possible?

"Settle down, Jericho," Kayn comforted Jericho who is stressed because of his new status as the newly appointed Chief of the Dream Village. "Friedrich will definitely return tomorrow with a new batch of sheep ready to be slaughtered,"

"Was that written in the letter?" Jude wonders.

"No," Kayn shook his head. "I just feel it,"

"We'll see about that tomorrow,"

Everyone can only hope that's going to be the case because they like their job now of just standing on the sideline and watching people in order to determine whether they are loyal to the cause or not.

The next day quickly came.

Just like what Kayn expected, a new batch of reinforcement came from Green Horn City's base.

This time, instead of Friedrich, it was Emmet and the third squad of Green Horn Knights who escorted them to the Dream Village.

"I am glad to see you again, Kayn," Emmet greeted.

Unlike Friedrich, Emmet acts very respectful and reserve in front of Kayn. This was because he made a bad first impression on the latter and he plans on winning it back. I think you should take a look at

"Likewise," Kayn shook Emmet's hand. "Are these the new batch of sheep?"

"I guess they are," Emmet smiled. "Ready for your men to clean and dry,"

"Mind if I do," Kayn accepted with open arms.

After Emmet left, Kayn assigned Jericho and Jadiel to manage the new batch of reinforcement.

Contrary to the first batch, the majority of men in this group convey an aura that's expected from members of the Assembly of Freedom.

"Are they perhaps not putting any effort into hiding this time?" Gilbert felt curious about it.

"Something might have happened in the base yesterday,"

To tell the truth, they've actually sent some men to report to Old Mayor George about their discovery with the paintings on the wall. The latter should have used it well to find more traitors within the base.

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"Would this become a problem?" Jericho became slightly worried. After all, there is still the problem with the rats of the Assembly of Freedom hiding in the sewer and canal of the Dream Village. They decided not to clean them yet as they would serve as the best bait to lure out the remaining members of the Assembly of Freedom in their group and from these people of the new batch of reinforcement.

"We already found a few batches of men we can trust ourselves, so we should be alright," Kayn was confident that with their current number, they can handle what this batch of hiding traitors is going to offer to them.

"I hope so,"

Everyone split up and return to the tasks they were assigned yesterday.

However, this time, a few of the elite men of the Green Horn City and some assassins from the ordinary men that they've already thoroughly checked yesterday came along with them.

Kayn started briefing the new recruits on their respective tasks before allowing them to go on their way to start executing them.

"The Shepherds are ready," Kayn gave Jericho and Jadiel the signal using hand signs.

Seeing the signal coming from Kayn who is hiding on the roof, Jericho responded using hand signs as well. "Barn is opening,"

With that signal, Jericho and Jadiel allowed the new batch of reinforcement to start helping them in dealing with the tasks needed to complete around the Dream Village.

As the new batch of reinforcement started moving around the Dream Village, the people who were codename Shepherds soon started seeing the traitors in the group separating from the others and doing exactly the same thing that their predecessors did.

Although this time, in exchange for the traitors giving the rats a basket full of necessary supplies to survive, the latter would then inform the former of the extermination that took place yesterday.

Unfortunately, it is already too late for them to get to know such an important piece of information since their identity has already been recorded by the Sheperds hiding under the shadows of the buildings nearby the alleys.

Later that night, the traitors fell into the same fate that their predecessors experienced yesterday evening.