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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman-Novel

Chapter 429
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Raon walked to the center of the audience chamber alongside the Light Wind squad. The executives were lined up on both sides. The members of the direct lines were especially glaring at him, but he ignored them and stood in front of the platform.

“Greetings, my lord!”

He went to his knees and lowered his head after seeing Glenn’s cold look in his eyes instead of the usual vanity.

“Stand up.”

Glenn’s voice was also heavier than usual. Judging from the cold atmosphere inside the audience chamber, he could guess that something bad had happened.


Raon stood up after his squad leader, Rimmer.

“I’ll need to start by greeting our guest.”

Glenn’s gaze passed over the Light Wind squad and was directed at the Sword Demon and Mustan at the end of the line.

The Sword Demon realized that Glenn was talking about him and stepped forward before lowering his head.

“I’m honored to meet the king of the north. I’m a swordsman called Rector.”

He humbled himself and praised Glenn as a courtesy of a guest.

“I often heard of your aloof nlike the northern wind. I feel enlightened to see the first seat of the Five Great Swordmasters.”

Glenn’s speech was also respectful because he was dealing with an important person.

Raon furrowed his brow while looking at the two swordsmen greeting each other.

They were definitely saying nice things to each other, but their gazes looked as sharp as a blade.

“In my knowledge, Sir Rector doesn’t visit the Six Kings and the Five Demons unless there’s a special reason. Can I hear the reason for your visit to Zieghart?”


A dark glow could be seen in Glenn’s eyes. The Sword Demon looked at Raon, who was standing next to him, instead of responding right away.

“I move around throughout the continent because I love traveling. Since I encountered many people, I have seen many with talent. However, I’ve never seen anyone like the swordsman Raon. Might, willpower, talent, and personality—he isn’t lacking in any of those aspects.”

It was difficult to believe that the friendly pressure around him cfrom a man with such sharp eyes.

On the other hand, Glenn’s narrowed eyes beceven colder.

“I also have a disciple for myself, but I think he has a long way to go in terms of personality even though I’m satisfied with his skills. I was curious about who managed to raise him into such a monster, and that’s why I call the way here.”


Glenn covered his mouth with his hand while listening to the Sword Demon’s praise of Raon.

The Sword Demon was the famous first seat of the Five Great Swordmasters, and he was an extremely powerful warrior who was rumored to be equal to the heads of the Six Kings and the Five Demons.

And the might he’d witnessed was true to the rumors.

“I-is the Sword Demon really saying that right now?”

“I heard that he never compliments anyone even though he sometimes teaches people.”

“Yes, he is supposed to be a cold-hearted man…”

The Zieghart executives swallowed nervously upon hearing the high praise from the Sword Demon.


Glenn fiddled with his sleeve with his left hand. His frozen heart melted because a warrior who was famous throughout the continent complimented his grandson from the bottom of his heart.

Rimmer had mentioned that the Sword Demon looked like Raon’s real grandfather, but Glenn could tell that the Sword Demon cto Zieghart in order to improve his disciple’s personality.

“Ahem! I see.”

He covered his lips that were rising into his smile, and he was about to authorize his visit when Raon stepped forward.

“Sir Rector bestowed many lessons uponand the Light Wind squad. Everyone managed to achieve a drastic improvement because he trained with us every day.”

Raon told him about what the Sword Demon had been doing for them. The way he said the Sword Demon helped them with swordsmanship every single day as if they were disciples almost sounded like he was taking his side, and Glenn’s heart skipped a beat.

“…He helped you with swordsmanship?”

“Yes. He didn’t exactly teach us, but he gave us advice about the sword’s principles.”


Glenn’s fingers trembled as he listened to Raon.

Since there was no way a great warrior like the Sword Demon would teach him anything incorrect, it was a nice opportunity for him.

However, it reminded him of that line from Rimmer’s letter. It made him upset, as if he were having indigestion.

The Sword Demon’s eyes had favored Raon from the beginning, but it looked even more blatant.

Raon was also looking at him with a faint smile on his face. He seemed to trust him and follow him from the bottom of his heart.

He had no way of stopping the Sword Demon’s visit at that point.

He figured it was necessary to cancel the gift he’d prepared for Raon and get snew ones ready.

“Thank you for helping our children.”

Glenn suppressed his thoughts and forced himself to nod.

“It was nothing. It was enjoyable forbecause all of them were such talented children.”

The Sword Demon shook his hand while smiling faintly.

“I can’t possibly refuse when you helped us so much. Welcto Zieghart, Sir Rector.”

Glenn allowed the Sword Demon’s visit while hiding the impatience that made him feel like his heart was tightening.

“Thank you.”

The Sword Demon bowed with Mustan and returned to the back.


Raon scratched his temple while watching Glenn and the Sword Demon meeting each other’s eyes.

He couldn’t understand why he felt chilly when the Sword Demon had helped them.

He must be hungry.

Wrath yawned from above his head. He didn’t seem interested in the situation.

“Light Wind squad.”

Glenn looked away from the Sword Demon. It felt like the heavy pressure from his eyes was crushing their shoulders.

“Your mission should’ve been over a long tago. You are rather late.”

“I apologize.”

Raon acted as the representative and bowed because Rimmer wasn’t saying anything.

“You should report next tif you are going to be late. Being late is fine, but lacking the report is a problem.”

“What? But our squad leader said that he contacted…”

“Contact? He mentioned that you were heading to Habun Castle, but never said that it was going to take that long.”

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“Ah! I forgot!”

Rimmer smiled awkwardly while scratching the back of his head.

“Habun Castle was unexpectedly great for slacking around. I forgot to send a letter.”

He licked his lips, murmuring that it wasn’t a big deal that could happen from tto time.


The audience chamber fell silent despite having so many people inside because of how ridiculous that was.

Raon swallowed nervously while looking at Glenn, whose veins were bulging on his forehead.

“You should be careful next time.”

However, he simply nodded instead of getting angry.


Even Rimmer didn’t seem to have expected that reaction, his eyes widening.

Raon fiddled with his fingers while looking at Glenn, who was supporting his chin on his right fist.

Glenn quietly caught his breath instead of shouting at Rimmer or attacking him with lightning. It was probably because the Sword Demon was around as a guest.

“I’ll overlook this matter since I know why you were late. Report what the Light Wind squad did at House Arianne.”

“Yes. When we first arrived at House Arianne…”

Raon started with how corrupt Arianne's executives were and how much danger the people were exposed to, and then told him about the sudden tidal wave coming from the swamp and the battle against the Specter.

Once he finished telling the story of what happened at House Arianne, the audience chamber fell silent.

“Did he just say that they defeated the Specter? Are we talking about the sSpecter I’m thinking about?”

“H-he’s at the srank as a grandmaster!”

“I know, right? Is it even possible for the Light Wind squad to win against a higher executive of Eden, even if he was careless?”

“Moreover, he was even using a strange bead with the energy of death…”

“This is strange in many ways.”

Because Karoon and Balder raised the suspicion and the direct lines joined them, even the other executives started to argue about it in disbelief.

“Leader of the Shadow Agents.”


The leader of the Shadow Agents, Chad, cforth upon hearing Glenn’s call.

“Was the Light Wind vice squad leader telling the truth?”

“According to the information the Shadow Agents have obtained, his story is 100% true.”

Chad nodded firmly and confirmed the undeniable truth.


“The leader of Shadow Agents acknowledged it…”

“It must be true!”

“Even the grandmasters didn’t manage to catch the Specter…”

“They deserve way more than becoming a division with this feat.”

“I heard they were called Mad Dog Squad instead of Light Wind. I can understand it now.”

The executives lined up left and right in the audience chamber were unable to hide their surprise as their jaws dropped. Even though Glenn was sitting right in front of them, they kept whispering to each other.

Many of the executives were admiring his feat, but many of them were unable to smile.


“Damn it…”

“That’s not even a big deal.”

The direct lines—including Karoon and Balder—frowned while picking their ears as if they were trying to pull out the dirty thing they’d just heard.

Their cold gazes were saying that they wouldn’t recognize Raon no matter what he did.

Glenn slowly raised his hand, and the noisy audience chamber fell as quiet as a library.

“Light Wind squad.”


Raon nodded and responded as their representative.

“Do you know what I originally wanted the Light Wind squad to achieve?”

“It was to save House Arianne from corruption.”

Raon responded with what he’d learned in House Arianne.

“Then do you remember what your mission was?”

“The mission was to investigate the reason for the increased number of undead in the swamp of death and resolve the issue.”

“Is the issue you resolved different from my mission?”

“No, it’s the same.”

Many things had happened, but he managed to eliminate the undead filling the area and the lazy executives. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he perfectly completed the mission he was given.

“Indeed. Since you got rid of the sewage sullying House Arianne and added clean water to create a new well, you’ve completed your mission.”

Glenn slowly closed his eyes before opening them again.

“That’s how division missions are. Unlike squad missions that give you precise instructions, you need to investigate all kinds of information and decide by yourself what must be done. The Light Wind squad proved themselves fully capable of performing a division mission. Therefore!”

He stood up from the platform and extended his hand.

“The Light Wind squad will be promoted into the Light Wind division from now on!”


“Light Wind division! Congratulations!”

“We’ve gotten another competitor.”

“I’ll be looking forward to your continued course in the future!”

“We will definitely catch up!”

The collateral executives and an extremely small number of direct line executives cheered and applauded for them. The Warring Steel division was nowhere to be seen, probably because they were on a mission.

“Thank you!”

The Light Wind squad bowed at Glenn and the executives one after the other.

“Could I have a word?”

Raon lowered his head before raising it again and walked one step closer to the platform.

“Is it possible to change an armed division’s name?”

“Do you wish to change the Light Wind squad’s name?”

“Yes, instead of the Light Wind, I’d like it to be the Mad Dog—cough!”

He was about to continue, but Burren and Martha covered his mouth from behind and strongly poked his sides. The other Light Wind members also ctowards him and pinched his thighs and arms.

“Shut up!”

“I’m really going to leave if we end up being called the Mad Dogs! I never want to be called Miss Rakshasha from the Mad Dog squad!”

“Stop spreading your insanity! Please!”

The Light Wind swordsmen rapidly shook their heads in unison while saying that they didn’t want to be called Mad Dogs no matter what.

“I like Mad Dog.”

Runaan was the only one who murmured that she liked it.


Glenn shook his head while scratching his chin.

“You shouldn’t decide the non your own accord. You should ask again after discussing it with them.”

“Ah, yes…”

Raon nodded while rubbing the pinched parts of his body.

“That’s it for the name. What are you planning to do about the division leader? Do you want to stay like this?”

Glenn frowned while looking down on Rimmer, who was standing there like a hoodlum.


Raon followed Glenn’s gaze and looked at Rimmer. A faint yet cheerful smile appeared on his face.

“Honestly, our squad leader isn’t exactly trustworthy most of the time. He is lazy, he is a gambling addict and a money grubber, and he is suffering from a serious case of protagonist syndrome.”


Raon thought about the old times while looking at Rimmer’s widened eyes, which revealed that he wasn’t expecting him to insult him.

When he used to be a trainee, the notebook Rimmer used as a pillow contained the strengths and weaknesses of all the trainees—numbering over a hundred—and plans to improve them.

Since Raon had seen those notes, Rimmer was still the best teacher and squad leader for him, and he would remain as one in the future.

“However, the Light Wind division needs Sir Rimmer as the division leader. We still need to learn a lot from him.”

“He is right. I don’t like the idea, but having him as the division leader puts us at ease!”

“I agree.”

“We don’t want to change it yet.”

Raon wasn’t the only one. The other swordsmen of the Light Wind division also declared that they wanted Rimmer to be the division leader.

“I see.”

Glenn nodded with a slightly reluctant expression on his face.

“Since the division members want it that way, Rimmer will continue on as the division leader.”


Rimmer turned back to look at the Light Wind division and exclaimed. His trembling lips revealed his joy.

“I didn’t know that you likedso much! Alright! I’ll show up at the training ground three days a week from now on!”

He grinned while saying something that deserved a beating, but Glenn simply averted his gaze without saying anything.

* * *

* * *

“Let’s move on to the next topic.”

Glenn looked at Raon once again. Raon had the impression that his red eyes were sparkling like a constellation.

“Like I said earlier, everyone in the Light Wind squad did more than enough in the promotion exam. House Arianne would’ve fallen if it wasn’t for you, and the truth about Eden’s involvement would’ve been buried in the swamp. Since this is a great achievement, I’m going to reward you accordingly.”

He snapped his fingers, and a golden flburst into the air and a small bookshelf emerged.

“I’m also ready.”

Roenn stood next to Glenn while holding a plate covered with black silk.

“First of all, the first team leader of the Light Wind division, Martha Zieghart, shall step forward.”


Martha bowed and went onto the platform.

“Your hasty actions sometimes result in dangerous situations, but many people gained courage thanks to you. Good job.”

Glenn took out a golden-colored book of martial arts from the bookshelf and gave it to Martha alongside the silver tablet on the plate.

“This swordsmanship matches your tendency. You should check it out before learning it.”

“Thank ywou!”

Martha accidentally bit her tongue while she happily bowed. She went as red as a beetroot.

Raon smiled faintly, and a laughing sound could be heard from the executives.

“Martha, you are so cute!”

It was coming from Denier Zieghart, who was Martha’s father and Glenn’s third son. He was one of the few people among the direct lines who’d applauded for the Light Wind division. His bright smile looked like he really cherished his daughter.

“Next up is Runaan Sullion.”

Runaan’s blank eyes didn’t change even though Glenn called her. She casually went up to the platform.

“The gentle atmosphere around you offers relief to others. Good job.”

He patted Runaan’s shoulder and gave her a silver tablet and a book of martial arts.

“This swordsmanship has a rough nature, contrary to your personality. It should be useful to you since it’s sometimes better to be a different person.”

“Thank you.”

Runaan accepted the silver tablet and the book of martial arts before she nonchalantly nodded and returned to her place below the platform.

“My daughter is the prettiest of them all!”

Rokan Sullion raised his fist and loudly shouted.

“The third team leader, Burren Zieghart.”


Burren went on the platform after shouting loudly enough for the entire audience chamber to tremble.

“I heard that your composure and judgment were a great help for the Light Wind division. I’ll be looking forward to your continued care for the members like another vice division leader.”

Glenn gave a big nod of satisfaction and gave him a silver tablet and a book of martial arts, just like the others.

“Thank you!”

Burren shouted his head off once again. He met his father Karoon’s eyes for a moment before returning under the platform.

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Starting with the team leaders, every single member of the team received a silver tablet and a book of martial arts that Glenn had prepared for them before descending from the platform.

“Last is Raon Zieghart.”


Raon quietly responded and went on the platform.

“You’ve carried out your mission and fought the war from the beginning to the end instead of the Light Wind division leader. Thank you for your hard work.”

Raon was slightly moved because it was the first the was appreciated for his hard work, unlike the praise for the excellent or amazing job he’d done.

“Saving House Arianne and slaying the Specter in the end is nothing short of being called a great achievement. I’m going to reward Raon Zieghart with a golden tablet for his new great achievement.”

The audience chamber becnoisy at the mention of a golden tablet.

“G-golden tablet…”

“Another golden tablet?”

“How many is it now?”

“I don’t think he deserves a golden tablet for that.”

“No, he absolutely deserved it. He managed to defeat the Specter after all.”

“Yes, it’s a feat that even the division leaders were unable to achieve.”

A few executives murmured that Raon was getting way too many golden tablets, but no one could complain because even the direct lines like Karoon and Balder remained silent.


Glenn gave him the golden tablet with slightly trembling lips. He looked like he was unsatisfied with something.

He closed his lips tightly while glancing at the Sword Demon under the platform. His expression looked like he was determined to do something.


Raon narrowed his eyes while looking at the bookshelf next to Glenn.

There were still three books remaining on the bookshelf. It looked like Glenn had prepared a book for him just like the others, so he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t giving it to him.

“As for your reward, I’ll give it to you later.”

Glenn snapped his fingers to return the bookshelf and shook his head. Raon wasn’t sure about the reason but figured that Glenn changed his mind about the reward.


Since something similar had happened before, Raon simply bowed and went below the platform.

Glenn stood up on the platform and looked around the Light Wind division and the executives.

“You should’ve heard the recent news about the new factions rising in the continent. They are called the Five Divine Orders, and they are increasing their influence in the gap between the Six Kings and the Five Demons.”

He suddenly started talking about the situation in the continent, but everyone listened carefully while looking at him.

“The Six Kings are trying to nurture their own power, and the Five Demons are prevailing in the darkness. It wouldn’t be strange to call this a turbulent period. Since you are most likely going to face unexpected opponents in your future missions, you should analyze the situation realistically to decide what you should do and what you shouldn’t, just like the Light Wind division did during their mission.”


The executives and the Light Wind division bowed at once upon receiving Glenn’s teachings.

“Today’s promotion ceremony is over.”

He shook his hand, signaling that he had finished saying everything he wanted.

The executives were the first ones to leave the audience chamber, and Raon and the Light Wind division bowed to Glenn for the last tbefore leaving the audience chamber.


Rimmer didn’t leave alongside the Light Wind division. He walked up to the platform where Glenn’s throne was located while rubbing his hands.

“Am I not getting anything? I played an important part in this mission.”

He started to blabber that he’d made a grand entrance when the Specter was about to mess the Light Wind division up and saved everyone.

“I see.”

Glenn nodded gently.

“I know. I heard you played an important part.”

“Yes! Raon and the Light Wind division all would’ve died if I wasn’t there.”

Rimmer took the opportunity and quickly nodded.

“Well, I’m not really interested in a golden tablet. I’ll be satisfied with money.”

He grinned while making a circle with his thumb and his index finger.

“Don’t worry, I have thoroughly prepared it for you.”

Glenn went ahead and left the audience chamber after telling him to follow.

“Wow! That’s so unusual!”

Rimmer glanced at Roenn with a happy grin on his face.

“I wonder if the sun will rise from the west tomorrow.”


Roenn laughed like always with an innocent expression on his face.

“Ah, I think the head of house finally learned his lesson. He must’ve realized who is the important person here.”

“Huhuhu, you should follow him for now.”

“Ah, indeed.”

Rimmer nodded and followed Glenn outside. He left the lord’s manor and went to the training ground reserved for the head of house located behind the building.

“A training ground? Why did we chere?”

Rimmer tilted his head while looking at the neatly cleaned training ground. He couldn’t understand why he cto the training ground when he was supposed to give him smoney.

“This is the spot.”

Glenn pointed at the ground while turning his wrist.

“What spot is this? I don’t see any money here.”

Rimmer looked around while licking his lips, and he couldn’t even see any silver or copper coins, let alone gold coins.


Glenn snapped his fingers with a frightening smile on his face. Thick smoke appeared in the air, and a huge sphere of lightning spread around in all directions.


Before Rimmer could dodge or defend himself, the crimson lightning separated into countless streams and rained down on him.


The majestic sound of an explosion resounded, and a dark crater was created in the formerly-clean training ground. It was as if a storm had passed through.


At the center of the destroyed training ground that looked like a ruin, a red-haired elf’s body was trembling on the ground while steaming from his mouth.

“Wh-what kind of spot is this…?”

Glenn’s lips parted as he prepared the second lightning strike.

“This is the spot for your grave.”

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