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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 88 The Death Of Brother
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"[Earth Spike]!" Dozens of spikes came out and pierced the orcs above them. Some of them were injured and thrown away, but many of them managed to get out unharmed and continued to attack.


An orc manages to circle Bon and hit the back of his head but the earth armor blocks the attack and only irritates Bon even more.

He turned around and hit the orc in the chest but the orc didn't budge and Bon felt like he was hitting a rock. The orc retaliated with a kick to the knee that made Bon wobble and fall on his back. Out of nowhere 3 orcs came and sent blows from above with their wooden maces.


Bon felt like he was being pounded by a giant and the ground he was lying on cracked. Once again the earth armor covering his body saves Bon from death.

Bon's annoyance escalated, he threw his slap on the ground and chanted "[Earth Spike]!". Dozens of spikes shot out and aimed at the orcs above them, but the orc swiftly flips backward until the spikes could no longer reach them. Bon was frustrated by the orcs.

When the orcs stop him from escaping Bon gets annoyed but he believes he can finish them off quickly and escape from this place. Or at least Jon could defeat the orcs that surrounded him quickly and then help Bon finish off the other orcs before escaping from this place together. However, everything that happened was outside his expectation.

The coordination and timing of the movements of the orcs were very good, they seemed to fill each other's empty spaces and gaps in each movement. It did not provide any opening for Bon to exploit. As a result, Bon becomes a punching bag for the orcs and only survives because of the earth armor that protects his body. Then Jon, who he had hoped to be able to escape from the 'lesser' orcs' siege and help him, was overwhelmed. The orcs toyed with him like a bull that kept butting at the matador's red flag.

Bon intends to use a reinforce spell faction to be able to forcefully break out of the orcs' siege but the trees that turn into treants make him undo that. When Mana Child is fighting seriously, the surrounding mana will be more unstable and interfere with the spells of a mage with a constellation level below him. Reinforce is a spell that is inspired by the power of warbeasts so that even though humans can use it, this spell has side effects that are harmful to the human body. This spell is like a steroid used by the fake fighters in Moku's previous world.

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So Bon doesn't want to use it especially when his surroundings are being disturbed by the Mana Child spell. Bon doesn't want his body to explode due to the excess use of mana.

In the end, Bon can only use spells from the earth faction which is also his forte. However, as a level 1 constellation mage Bon has a weakness for using earth spells...

Bon stands but still keeps the lower stance. He was vigilantly searching for which direction the orc's next attack would come from. The spikes still filled the ground around him so the orcs couldn't attack from the ground, Bon thought, then he prepared to await an attack from the air.

When Bon looked up at the sky, from behind the spike an orc appeared and lunged at Bon. He managed to hide among the spikes due to his flexible body, which was unusual for an orc body which filled with tough muscles.

Bon was surprised for a moment but his lower stance body made it easy for Bon to touch the ground and cast his spell "[Earth Spike]!", A spike rose from the ground and stabbed the orc's chest, but the orc shifted its right shoulder back and made the spike miss.


Even so, the Earth Spike still crushed his shoulder and entire right hand. Gritting teeth in pain, the orc rammed its mace into Bon's chin and sent him flying upwards.


Yagnar fell with a pale face. Blood gushed from his severed right shoulder. Olru pulled back his brother who had almost lost consciousness. Yagnar will take a long time to regrow his arm back but to stop the blood and seal his wound he only needed a few minutes of rest and herbs from the alraune.

Not only Yagnar who lost body parts from this battle. Many orcs lost their legs but still returned to the battlefield despite having to jump on one leg. There were even orcs whose heads turned 180 degrees and whose collarbones broke when facing bulldozers like Jon but he returned to the battlefield after turning his head back to its original position and nailing it with wood.

Orcs are like the Undead who kept coming back to battle even with no legs or arms. If they lose both hands then they will hold the weapon with their mouth, if they lose both legs then they will jump with one hand and the other hand holding the weapon. They would sacrifice any limb —which wouldn't kill the orc immediately if it lost it— to deal one blow to Jon and Bon.

If any of the orcs were injured then his other companions would pull them back for treatment and he would return to battle once the wounds were covered. That way the fight turned into an attrition battle, victory would be won by those who were able to survive longer, the orcs with their medicinal plants and body resistance while Jon and Bon with their spare mana capacity.

Even so, the Orcs still focused their attacks on Bon. They believe that if Jon's earth armor is destroyed, his soft human body will be easily defeated. However, Jon's spike attack was very dangerous and caused many orcs to be injured in the face of it. The Orcs could not anticipate where the spike would be sticking out of the ground when they saw it was already too late. The Orcs could only shift their bodies slightly and sacrifice body parts that wouldn't kill them immediately to avoid Bon's spikes.

Until Boku told his discovery to Goku. He says every time Bon wants to cast his spell he has to touch the ground with his palm first. Based on Boku's discovery, the orcs devised a strategy to make Bon no longer able to touch the ground. Yagnar volunteered himself as the frontline to do that.

Yagnar manages to make Bon fly by sacrificing his entire right hand. The other orc does not just stand still and together they keep sending Bon to the air.

The weakness of a level 1 constellation mage was not a weakness but only a limitation of the power which mana gave them. To use the spell, the level 1 constellation mages are required to touch the object and connect their mana.

This was because a level 1 constellation mage didn't have a strong affinity with the mana in nature yet. Not like Mana Child, mana in the object does not recognize the mana inside level 1 constellation mage's body

As a result, Bon is forced to touch the ground with his palm before he can cast his earth spell faction. Actually, mana can be channeled through the entire surface of the mage's body so Bon supposes can channel mana from his soles but unlike orcs, Bon wears shoes to protect his weak legs.


The orcs seemed to be playing badminton with a mace as their racket and Bon's body as a shuttlecock.

Crack after crack began to form in Jon's earth armor which seemed impenetrable.

Jon began to feel the pain from the impact on his body. He knew that his earth armor wouldn't last much longer. He had to do something before he actually became a broken shuttlecock but the orcs didn't give Bon a chance to touch the ground at all.

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His hopes of using the reinforce spell faction were also useless because of the orcs' high ability in using their weapons. Bon couldn't even counterattack before his body bounced back high in the air. "JON!! Help me!!" Bon tries to call Jon for help but the orcs siege him and make Jon can't get close, is so tight that his brother can't even move a meter.


The cracks in his earth armor grew bigger. The blows after the blows that his body received hurt more and more. Blood began to drip between his lips.

"BON!!!" Jon screamed and threw a rampage but an orc used songket to tie his legs and make his huge body fall. Together with the other orcs they grabbed Jon's leg and threw him away.

Bon returns to his role as the orc shuttlecock which leaves him no room to breathe. A hit from an orc would make him soar high and see the clear sky of the Bog forest before falling back to earth and receiving another orc's hit and soaring again.


Blood spurted out of Bon's mouth. All of his muscles ached and his bones cracked. His earth armor could only prolong Bon's life, not save him from the torment of pain from the orcs' blows. The [Health Potion] in his pocket was shattered before he could even drink it. Even if he could drink it then the potion would only prolong his suffering.


Bon's consciousness slowly disappeared along with more and more wounds on his body and his earth armor getting thinner and thinner.

When he was about to completely lose consciousness Bon gritted his teeth and cursed "Fucking hell you pest!!! If you want to kill me then I'll take one of you to death with me!!"

Bon patted his cracked earth armor. The mana in the earth armor followed its master's wishes and turned into the biggest earth spike Bon had ever made. Bon threw the spike with all his might towards the orcs that were waiting for him below. "Die you pest!! [Earth Spear]!!!"

The earth spear shot out swiftly aiming for the chest of the orc who didn't expect to receive the attack. The smile on his face faded, he couldn't dodge, he wasn't ready, and was too carried away by the orc's advantage. He could only see the spear getting closer and closer.

And the orc is Swa.