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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 80 We Born To Fight
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Moku held back his anger and saw his friends were waiting for orders from him.

Swa had stopped laughing and stood up straight, but the grin on his lips showed that he was just holding it in. Laya looked back at Moku seriously.

Goku and Boku can't wait to fight and test their strength. Nerphyl and Hoddurt looked so worried they didn't expect the mage to come when they were just preparing to run away.

Meanwhile, Nezena was still fast asleep on the grass. The other four girls who hadn't had a chance to catch up with Nevare who was running so quickly could only stand stiffly.

"Nerphyl tell me in more detail what the sylph saw" Moku ordered.

At a critical time like this, he must maintain his authority so there is no confusion in formulating strategies or decisions later.

Nerphyl gulp loudly and began to explain "One of the sylphs who returned to his hiding place to get ready to go to the Dawnmist Tribe found human footprints on the ground. He was scared but dared to follow the trail. After that, he found that there were five humans walking across the Slave Road and moving towards this place."

Moku pondered over the explanation from Nerphyl.

The footprints on the ground show that the culprit doesn't really care about those who follow him by sight. Most of the mutated animals are color blind and have poor eyesight, they prefer to use their sense of smell or hearing to find prey.

So that the perpetrators are not afraid of being followed by other humans. This shows that he has a high enough influence on human society to make others reluctant to harm him.

Then they entered the Bog forest with only five people. Indeed, the number of group members who are too many can invite danger and make their smell easy for mutated animals to smell.

So that most adventurers who enter the Bog forest have a maximum of 20 people. This is because it will be very dangerous if they enter the forest with less than 10 people, the monsters or other predatory animals will have the courage to attack them.

However, if all of the members are mages, the number of members of more than 10 people will actually invite mutated animals to attack. Mana that is concentrated due to the presence of mages will make other mutated animals around them feel disturbed and will look for the source of the disturbance.

So five people in one group of mages are the right number to enter the Bog forest. They won't bother dangerous mutated animals but can keep other wild animals away. As for the monsters who couldn't sense mana... they didn't care what the pest thought.

Then what Nerphyl meant by Slave Road was the road used by slave traders. They caught the adventurers off guard and took them through the Slave Road to be sold as slaves in other cities. So that the road is very safe for ordinary humans to pass and no monsters dare to approach the Slave Road.

The orcs understand the Slave Road very well because that is where they have the opportunity to capture human women who can give birth to their children. As was the case with the young orc group's mothers, Nevare, and the girls.

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So it can be ascertained if there is a slave trader among the five mages. They know the ins and outs of the Bog forest even more than adventurers and are almost on par with monsters.

From all this information Moku concluded that the ones who were approaching were five mages, were among them was a person who had high influence or rank, then they had several slave traders as guides.

Now Moku only needs to find out how much power they have, "Nerphyl can you explain what their appearance looks like? Claire, Lina, Widya, Vivi, can you help us listen, if you know these mages please tell me" Moku ordered.

The girls are shocked when Moku asks them to help the monsters kill the human mages. But they just nodded and walked closer.

Nerphyl began to recount "There were two men walking in the front and three men walking behind them.

One of the men who walk in the front has a thin body and he wears a white shirt with lace on the cuffs. The other one is tall and fat, and his clothes are in tatters--"

"That's Bon and Jon!" Lina screamed in surprise. The figures of Bon and Jon who traumatized them immediately appeared in their minds when Nerphyl explained the appearance of the two people.

"You know them?" Moku asked, and was replied with a nod by Lina and Vivi.

"They were the slave traders who caught us before. If I'm not mistaken, Bon, the skinny man, has a spell to control the earth, while Jon, the fat man, has a spell to make his skin black and become as hard as iron." Lina continued to explain.

"I also remember Jon is the one who killed a lot of goblins when we kept him from getting close to our cave. hmm.. are you guys those teenagers? I'm sorry for killing two of your friends, we're just trying to survive in the cruel Bog forest." Hoddurt lowered his head slightly towards Lina and Vivi, but there was no guilt in his heart. In the Bog forest, there are only predators and prey.

"We understand" Lina and Vivi also lowered their head. They are no longer the young teenage girls they used to be, they understand that preying on each other does not only occur in the Bog forest, but also in human society.

They are almost devoured and sold into slavery by the stronger Bon and Jon. Because of that, they wanted to become stronger like Anna.

"Then do you guys know how strong they are?" Moku asked.

,m "Hmm... Bon is able to fight on par with a red bear who is a silver tier danger mutated animal, so he might be a level 1 or 2 constellation mage. As for Jon, maybe he has the same strength as Bon" Lina thought and analyzed.

"I think so too, that fat man named Jon's hardness is like steel. We can't penetrate it with our iron weapons."

"Alright, Nerphyl please continue" Moku nodded.

"Hmm.. three other men behind Bon and Jon, wearing uniforms that have the same pattern and motif. There's an eagle crest on their front chest and a dragon's head crest on their back—"

"That's the Military Academy uniform!!" Nerphyl had not finished explaining the characteristics of the three men one by one but Claire cut off and shouted in surprise. Her eyes widened in disbelief at what she heard.

"Nerphyl, is there any other crest you can see?" Claire hastily asked.

"Hmm.. it wasn't me who saw but one of the sylphs who saw, I only saw what he saw.. eee.. forget it if you don't understand.. I didn't see any other symbols, I didn't dare ask the sylph to come closer. However, I saw that the man in the middle tied his right arm with a cloth" Nerphyl said.

Suddenly Claire and Widya's bodies shook like they were shivering from cold "Oh no! Moku we need to run! That's the teacher of the academy, they have their own sigil on their upper arm.

He hides it with a cloth so if elves see it they wouldn't 't know if they will fight level 4 constellation mages. Only those who have become level 4 constellation mages can become academy teachers. They have strength equivalent to the Mana Gods in legends"

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense, Claire's fear of the academy teachers seemed to spread throughout every person who heard her trembling voice.

"KuMoku, I'm sorry! but I have to go back to the goblin cave immediately to share this news with the others. The Slave Road is close to the goblin cave, if their goal is to the Dawnmist Tribe then they will pass through our cave! I'm sorry but I have to go back soon to my tribe" Hoddurt said quickly with a ragged breath.

"Moku I also have to go back to the sylph cave to help the other sylphs hide. They will be calmer if I'm with them. I'm sorry but it looks like we can't meet again, but I make sure that the other sylphs will continue to support your cause" Nerphyl already wanted to kill herself again to save the other sylph.

Moku understood what Hoddurt and Nerphyl were feeling. Mana God as the name suggests they are someone who has god-like power. There must be a reason why humans at that time were willing to worship them.

Moku didn't know how strong they were but from Claire and Widya's fear, Moku knew that the level 4 constellation mage was much stronger than Stugo.

This is because Claire and Widya know that Moku has the power to kill a golden tier danger mutated animal, but they are still so afraid because Moku's achievement is nothing in front of a level 4 constellation mage.

Moku doesn't know if he can defeat a level 4 constellation mage or not, but...

Moku saw that Hoddurt and Nerphyl were so frightened, their passion and desire to fight against mages and mana species just disappeared when they heard that a level 4 constellation mage with the power equivalent to Mana Gods was approaching.

Moku can only take a deep breath because for the third time he has to speed up the plan he has prepared.

"Hoddurt, Nerphyl, I agree if you want to go back to your respective caves. But I don't approve if you want to face this alone. Didn't I say that if we are one tribe? your life and death is our life and death!" Moku smiled calmly and looked at Hoddurt and Nerphyl.

"KuMoku what do you mean?" Hoddurt didn't understand, while Nerphyl stared at Moku wide-eyed.

"I mean? hehehe.. ORCS ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT?" Moku's voice was so loud it could be heard throughout the tribe.

"YES KU!!" all the orcs answered in a loud voice.

Then, don't know when she woke up, the sound of Nezena's prayer sounded so loud it caught all the attention of those who heard it.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Oh... Warrior hear me out and pray within your heart!

We are a fighter race! We were born to fight! We wake to fight! We eat to fight! We train to fight! We fuck to fight! We will die in battle!

Thousands of creatures will scream the name of our race in fear! and believe me, when we die, The One will welcome us to his paradise with open arms! He will smile and swear in his own name that the orcs are the only fighter race!"

All the orcs bowed their heads and prayed solemnly.

Moku couldn't help but stare in awe, he wasn't wrong to choose Nezena as the Holy Queen. He felt like he had said those words before but he forgot when and where he said them. Looks like Swa told those words to Nezena when they spent the night in the alraune's lair.

"Well.. I really want to try fighting god" Moku whispered to himself.

After Nezena finished reading her long prayer, Moku refocused his mind on devising a strategy so that they could at least come back alive through this situation.

"Goku gathers all the orcs and leads them to the goblin cave, I want you to be there before noon. Do you understand!" Moku's orders.

"Yes Ku! We will run as hard as we can and arrive at the goblin cave before noon!" Goku agreed.

"Hoddurt, Nerphyl, we don't have much time. We'll be moving towards the goblin cave first!" Moku pulled Hoddurt and carried him on his shoulders like he was carrying a sack of rice. Nerphyl immediately flew up to Moku's shoulder.

"Nerphyl, you will fall if you perch on my shoulder. Get into the gap of my clothe and protect yourself from the wind" Moku ordered.

Nerphyl could only nod even though she didn't understand why. With its wings, the sylph can even fly in the middle of a storm.

"Claire, Tam, please look after Nevare while we're gone. If we don't come back until the sun comes up tomorrow, you guys should get out of here and hide... Claire told Nevare if I don't come back please take care of our son, at least until he can feed himself." Moku said in a pleading tone.

"Don't worry Moku, a mother will never leave her child. Anna's love for her baby is beyond what you think" Claire looked at Moku's red eyes with confidence.

Moku just nodded, he took a stance to jump. "Are you guys ready?" Moku asked.

Nerphyl who was hiding under Moku's clothes nodded, and Hoddurt said "eee.. KuMoku, can you carry me in a different way?" he had a bad hunch.

But Moku didn't answer Hoddurt's question, he activated Bhimasuta Form, and suddenly golden tribal tattoos filled his body quickly.

"eee... KuMoku, did you hear me—"

Before Hoddurt could finish his sentence, Moku used his skill "[Padakacarma: Rocket]!".

The ground where Moku was standing cracked and his body shot up into the sky in the blink of an eye. Only a flash of gold was seen and Hoddurt's screams "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"