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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 329 Gundrid
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"Stop! Beyond this point, you will enter the territory of the elf alliance!" shouted an elf atop a Mutated Horse, adding tension to the situation as the two groups met. The monsters remained silent and complied with the elf's command, stopping their mounts and waiting.

Although the elf spoke in the elven language, the valkyries had previously cast a translation spell on the other monsters. So, now, apart from the asura with the inner eye, the other monsters also understood what the elf said.

The elf was taken aback when the monsters obeyed like obedient children. Prepared for a fight upon seeing the green creatures emerging from Bog Forest, he had assumed they were savage and difficult to negotiate with, especially after hearing about Raiden The Necromancer's death at their hands.

When the monsters actually followed his words, he found himself unsure of what to do next. However, as a member of the elite Terramore royal army, he couldn't tarnish his king's name in this situation.

"I am Gundrid, leader of Forest I unit. We have been waiting for your arrival," he scanned the green creatures in front of him, looking for those who might want to fight him.

But the monsters merely stared back with innocent expressions, silent and unresponsive. They had already heard Ez's instructions: "When we meet the elves, do not say anything until I step out of my carriage."

Seeing no response from the green beings in front of him, Gundrid felt awkward. He had rehearsed multiple times what he should say when meeting them in front of a mirror. However, the response he received was entirely different from what he had imagined.

If the green creatures had acted arrogantly, Gundrid wouldn't have felt this awkward. Alternatively, if they had come with guilt, he could have controlled the conversation flow later. But they came with blank faces, seeming innocent as if they were out for a stroll and got stopped by traffic police.

Their expressions clearly said, "What have we done wrong?" which irritated Gundrid. Yet, he still remembered his king's explicit order before being assigned to this task: Do not show any aggression unless the other party initiates it.

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"How dare you come here after what you've done to our friends! Surrender Raiden The Necromancer back to us before the elf alliance declares war on you!" This time, Gundrid attempted to threaten.

He hoped to see some change in the green creatures' flat expressions. But he found them unchanged. The green beings looked back at Gundrid with blank faces, and some even tilted their heads in confusion at what was happening.

This left Gundrid truly unsure of what to do. The thought that the green beings before him might not be the ones who attacked Raiden started to surface. Perhaps there was some truth to it.

Similar to the elf alliance, which consists of several elven races, perhaps the green beings in front of him are also divided into different groups. And this particular group of green beings is not the same one that attacked Raiden and his troops. So, his earlier words could be entirely misplaced.

However, Gundrid could defend himself in this matter. How could he distinguish between one group of green beings and another? They all looked the same to him. He recalled the first time he saw humans and couldn't differentiate between human females and males.

Despite that, Gundrid couldn't back down now; the words had already left his mouth, and the arrow had been released from his bow. He had to follow through, even if he had targeted the wrong group.

"Are you all deaf? Why is no one answering? Do you think the elf alliance can be underestimated so easily?" with a face flushed, whether from embarrassment or anger, Gundrid shouted.

However, the green beings remained silent and expressionless. Gundrid quickly drew his axe from its sheath. Simultaneously, the other elves also unsheathed their weapons.

"How dare you underestimate me! Can't you hear me? If you can't hear the words from my mouth, maybe you can hear what my weapon says!"

Though he threatened them thus, the green beings in front of him remained still and did nothing. If things continued this way, the only option left was to attack them outright. Gundrid couldn't bear the shame of resheathing his weapon after this.

But before the situation could escalate further, a voice sounded from the only carriage in the line of green beings.

"Wow, I never expected this to be the way the elf species welcomes their guests. I am truly surprised. After being invited here, we are greeted with drawn swords. I thought you were a cultured species, but it turns out you're just barbarians."

The voice spoke in a language Gundrid hadn't heard before, but the translation spell he had cast earlier deciphered it. Hearing the mockery in those words, Gundrid was truly enraged this time.

"Who is that?! How dare you mock the elf alliance? Do you think you're in a safe place right now? Show yourself! Don't be a coward and hide! If not, I will behead your guards!" Gundrid shouted.I think you should take a look at

As usual, there was no reaction from the monsters, but the sound of the carriage door opening could be heard. Stepping out was someone else with green skin but dressed more lavishly than the others. As he walked, his authority and composure were evident. His chin lifted, showing his higher status compared to the others.

Behind him followed a beautiful green-skinned woman with her long black hair tied into a bun. Her attire, made from animal skins, enhanced her elegance rather than looking shabby. Despite being a different species, all elves acknowledged her beauty.

Ez continued walking past the other monsters and approached Gundrid. Rada followed behind him, never overtaking Ez, her face lifted with wide strides while maintaining her grace.

No other monster accompanied Ez. He walked only with Rada until they stood right in front of Gundrid's horse.

All the elves watching were stunned. They didn't sense any magical fluctuations within Ez's body, but they could feel a mana flow that hadn't been fully awakened. That meant Ez wasn't a mage, and the only mage present was the beautiful woman behind him, whose power was equivalent to that of a Level 1 Constellation Mage.

From his attire, gait, and presence, all the elves realized that the green-skinned man before them held a high status among his kind.

But why was he so daring to walk alone to this place?

Did he think that the Level 1 Constellation Mage behind him could protect him?

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Then why did his guards let him walk alone like this?

Did he believe the elves wouldn't dare to harm their lord?

Various questions arose in the minds of the elves, but they vanished when Ez stood right in front of Gundrid. Despite Gundrid being on a horse, Ez's tall stature made them eye level.

Staring directly into Gundrid's eyes, Ez spoke, "I'm standing before you. What do you intend to do?"

Hearing that, Gundrid reflexively gulped down his saliva loudly. He was a Level 5 Constellation Mage; how could he be intimidated by a non-mage like this? However, being accustomed to speaking with a king, he understood that his fear didn't stem from the man's strength but from the royalty he exuded.

His king, Grimhammer, once said that power wasn't just acquired through fighting ability but could also be sensed through authority. The authority carried by someone bearing the lives of millions on their shoulders, the authority of a great king.

Understanding this, Gundrid no longer felt afraid and even felt relieved. At least he wasn't being intimidated by a non-mage but by someone who carried the authority of a king.

"Forgive my brashness, your majesty. But what happened to Raiden The Necromancer has strained our relations, so I had to be a bit stern with you. If you permit, I'd like to know who you are," Gundrid said with a slightly softened yet undiminished tone.

Never would Gundrid have imagined that the person he addressed as "your Majesty" and whom he considered to hold royal authority had trembling knees beneath his cloak. If Ez hadn't been wearing moisture-absorbing undergarments, the scent of nervous sweat would already fill the air.

"Hmm... How audacious of you to ask about my identity while you yourself haven't introduced yourself," Ez scoffed with an air of arrogance.

Gundrid simply nodded, seeing nothing unusual in Ez's behavior. If he were royalty, he wouldn't introduce himself first even before a Level 5 Constellation Mage. As a royalty, he carried not only his own name but also the honor of his kingdom on his shoulders. Thus, he couldn't demean himself in front of anyone in public.

"My name is Gundrid The Red Axe. I am the leader of the elite team of Terramore Kingdom, The Red Butterfly. Currently, I am leading this unit, stationed to welcome your arrival outside the Bog Forest," Gundrid introduced himself with a proud tone.

Ez merely nodded. "Oh... At least I'm not talking to an ordinary soldier. My name is Ez The First Diplomat. I am the Prime Minister of Wilwatikta Kingdom," he said briefly.