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The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 183 Destruction Without Violence?
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"What in the world is this?" Xia Ying asked with her eyes wide open, her gaze glued on the small metallic black ball with pores on its exterior that Xia Tian had just taken out.

Xia Tian took out a handful of similar shiny black balls, that Zhou Zhizuan watched with equal parts curiosity and apprehension.

She couldn't sense what was inside but the aura around them was undeniably complex.

Without warning, Xia Tian handed one to each of the girls and commanded them saying, "Throw them on the left and you on the right." in the same moment, he swiftly took out more balls and threw them in the middle.

The guards on patrol had noticed the suspicious items falling within their vicinity, and their suspicion grew. One of them frowned, muttering, "What is this now?"

As he was about to pick them up, the pores on the balls released an entrancing pink-colored gas that instantly pervaded the atmosphere, intoxicating everyone in its radius.

Within moments, the entire location was submerged in a thick, mystical, pink fog that had just been released from the seemingly innocent looking balls.

Suddenly an weird music started to play from those metallic balls.

"This-? why is going on there?" muttered Zhou Zhixuan in horror. 

The people who came in contact with fog and heard the tune coming from metallic balls, just started to walk around randomly. 

She can't fanthom what was happening or what Xia Tian motive was? 

Xia Tian chuckled, "Do you know of sccubuss race?" he asked, to which both the girls nodded. 

"One of the main abilities of Scubuss is their voice, it is capable of charming men and women alike. But there is an catch, as an person cultivation increases his normal voice and aura, also starts to have an soothing effect on people around them, have you wondered why?" 

Both women shook their head, clueless of the corelation.

Xia Tian next words shock them to the core. 

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According to his theory, the hypnotic effect of succubus and immortal cultivator voices share a common principle - a complex and intriguing concept in its own right. 

Picture the human brain - a mere three-pound organ that's less than 2% of our total body weight. Yet, this tiny powerhouse consumes nearly 20% of our energy, leaving us fatigued and craving rest. 

This mismatch in energy and size leads to an phenomenon called 'Cognitive Overload', where the brain is in constant need of rest.

Now, enters the enchanting voices of succubus and immortal cultivators - magically tuned to soothe the mind.

The sound waves emanating from their perfectly situated vocal cords produce a calming vibration, caressing the listener with a velvet touch.

You can almost feel the brain tensions ease away, like a heavy weight being lifted from your head. 

It's comparable to speech - the more complex the language, the harder the brain has to work to comprehend it.

In this case, it's more than just words.

The tone and frequency of the voice itself impacts the brain, creating a psychological state conducive to manipulation. 

Humans struggle with decision-making naturally; however, if one makes them feel safe, secure, and trusted, they can redirect their thoughts and sway their choices - a powerful tool, indeed.

Under the right conditions, the human brain becomes the ultimate puppet for manipulation. 

In some extreme cases, people can be enslaved, controlled like a programmed robot through this manipulation.

There has been some smiliar techniques among the mortals, but these techniques have been oftentimes ridiculed, laughed off as pure myth - the stuff of horror stories and movies.

Yet, these methods are proven to work - a realm beyond human knowledge and reasoning.

Zhou Zhixuan's intrigue was piqued, so she asked, "What did you instruct them to do?" She couldn't even begin to grasp the full extent of the situation, but the outrageous pink gas and bizarre music haunted her thoughts relentlessly.

Zhou Zhixuan knew that somehow, they were manipulating the minds of everyone inside.

Xia Tian noticed her confusion and handed both girls earplugs to isolate the music. "See where he's going?" he then questioned, an ominous tone in his voice.

The girls' eyes widened as his maddening plan dawned on them.

The toxic fumes corroding their spiritual energy had transformed even the most skilled cultivators into ordinary humans.

And the strange hypnosis only affected the men, and drove them all to walk to one another's wives.

With each passing moment, Zhou Zhixuan saw just how vicious Xia Tian truly was.

No amount of loyalty or unity could save the people inside from a cruel awakening, and they'd soon realize everything horrific they'd done.

It was a ticking time bomb. The damage ran too deep for anyone to prevent a catastrophic war.

'So this was his plan all along...' admired, Zhou Zhixuan. 

Xia Tian was completely set on making them all kill each other – there would be no stopping him.

He would destory this whole place without even actively using voilence...

"Ahhh! Brother Hazang, get away from me!" cried a woman, before more pained and distorted voices filled the air, followed by what sounded like some women moaning in pleasure – an incomprehensible tragedy that left Zhou Zhixuan feeling sick to her stomach.

Xia Tian peered surreptitiously at Xia Ying, and instead of a worried expression, he saw her grinning with an eerie intensity - almost as if she relished the grisly scene unfolding before them.

"Just as I thought," he murmured to himself, his brow furrowing with concern.

He had always suspected that there was something off about her, something bordering on the macabre, and this exchange only solidified that notion.

Xia Ying's body quivered with barely concealed excitement as she took in the grotesque spectacle, her eyes shining with a manic glee as she derived pleasure from the anguished screams that echoed around them.

Suddenly, she caught Xia Tian's gaze and blushed a deep crimson, speaking hesitantly with bated breath, "B-Brother, it's not what you think..."

Her voice trailed off into a guilty chuckle, but Xia Tian only shook his head in disgust, his heart heavy with an unspoken resignation.

Without another word, he produced a gleaming knife from within his jacket and pressed it firmly into Xia Ying's palm.

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"There are more men than women here, and the excess ones are just wandering around aimlessly. We need to thin out the competition. Go and kill them," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Xia Ying recoiled in horror, her eyes flitting over the wicked edge of the knife with a sense of unease, but her brother's unrelenting gaze left her no choice.

"K-Kill them?" she stammered nervously, her grip tightening involuntarily on the knife's hilt.

Xia Tian merely nodded tersely, his eyes alight with a ruthless determination.

Without another word, Xia Ying stormed off into the shadows, her twisted smile illuminated like a beacon of madness.

Zhou Zhixuan watched in stunned disbelief as Xia Ying proceeded to butcher the unsuspecting men with a sadistic glee, her laughter growing louder and more frenzied with each passing second.

The shrill sound of metal against flesh was almost too much for her to bear, but she couldn't look away - not when Xia Ying was unleashing her inner demon right before her eyes.

The men were like zombies, entranced and wandering aimlessly through the maze-like corridors of the dimly lit complex.

Xia Ying watched their aimless wandering with a growing sense of disgust, her fingers itching with the desire to put an end to their existence.

As she crept closer, her twisted smile illuminated by the flickering torchlight, she could hear the ragged gasps of the men as they tried to catch their breath.

Without warning, she lunged forward, plunging the knife into the nearest man's back with a savage force that left him writhing in agony.

He let out a blood-curdling scream, a sound that only seemed to fuel Xia Ying's sadistic pleasure as she darted towards her next victim.

The other men turned to face this new threat, their expressions a mixture of fear and confusion, but Xia Ying was relentless.

Her maniacal laughter rose with each thrust of the blade, growing louder and more frenzied as she reveled in the violent act.

The sound of metal against flesh reverberated through the night like an unholy symphony, sending shivers down the spines of anyone within earshot.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is so fun, Brother Tian!" she cackled, her fingers and hands trembling with excitement as Xia Ying's innocent persona faded away.

The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood as she continued to slash and stab, her laughter taking on a haunting quality that echoed through the halls like a demented choir.

Xia Tian produced a metallic ball, reserved specifically for his in-laws, and hurled it towards their chamber.

He walked confidently through the chaos swirling around him, the deafening sound of Xia Ying's laughter and the screams of her victims barely registering in his mind.

As Zhou Zhixuan followed in his wake, her steps were shaky and unsteady, her mind reeling from the sheer shock of what she had witnessed.

Grateful for the warning from the little qilin girl, she couldn't help but imagine what might have happened if she hadn't been forewarned.