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The Prodigies War-Novel

Chapter 1520: Sin and Evil
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Little Silver was so angry that he gritted his jaw so tightly that his teeth almost broke. He finally squeezed out, "Fairy Ruowu, I'll call Little Sky over, so how about we work together to kill those bastards?"

Ruowu shook her head, "Let's wait for Lin Xun to cup with a plan. I suspect that a drahas been set near the abyss. Don't act rashly."

Little Silver frowned, but in the end he sighed, "Fine, I can endure a bit longer."

In fact, he had no idea that Ruowu could hardly control the murderous intention in her heart at this moment either!

In the end, the two of them suppressed their anger and returned to the underground palace secret realm.

Outside the great abyss.

Le Xuexiu said calmly, "Since Xue Qingyi said that we need to kill that bastard and bitch no matter what, then we can only stay here and wait for the moment."

The other six suprSaints naturally had no objections.

However, someone asked. "But what if they keep hiding in it and won’t cout?"

"Then fill up this great abyss with the corpses of those two-legged sheep," Le Xuexiu said calmly. "I don't believe they can remain indifferent."

After saying that, he ordered, "Let all of our forces know that in the future, all two-legged sheep who have been captured in the Blood Demon Territory will be sent here."


An expert from the Black-Striped Demon Wasp Clan then left to spread the news.

"In addition, we should also make spreparations, such as setting up a large formation here in case something unexpected happens."

Le Xuexiu then muttered, "Also, instruct the experts of all of the clans to seal off the Spirit Refinement Forest to prevent any powerful experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain from coming to the rescue."

Everyone nodded and began working.

Xue Qingyi had issued a death order. This time, the two experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain must be killed no matter what. Thus, no one would dare to neglect this task.

Although Xue Qingyi had yet to beca Saint, in the Blood Demon Territory, he was the leader and had absolute say over what was to be done here.

"I have a feeling that if we can kill this couple this time, it will definitely cause a heavy blow to the Ancient Wasteland Domain!" Le Xuexiu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Everyone else agreed with his assessment.

The Ancient Wasteland Domain had been in decline for a long time, and the younger generation who had set on the suprpath were only a small subset of people. Therefore, peerless figures like Lin Xun and Ruowu must be considered pillars. If they died, then the powerful experts of the younger generation of the Ancient Wasteland Domain would most likely becleaderless!

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In the vast wilderness, a group of experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain were fleeing with panicked looks on their faces. Behind them, a group of cultivators from the Hawk Kite Demon Clan were chasing after them in a leisurely demeanor with cruel smiles on their lips.

Stpassed, and a battle broke out. The experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain all ended up in a bad spot. Seven people died immediately, and thirteen others were captured alive.

"Leave this girl here first; I need to blow off ssteam.”

The leader was a powerful man from the Hawk Kite Demon Clan, and he looked lustfully at a woman who was beautiful and had a graceful figure. He then strode over.

Soon, screams of anger and pain echoed across the wilderness. The woman was struggling furiously before her horrible death, while the enemy experts laughed uproariously.

A fierce battle broke out above a lake.

Not long after, a Saint from the Ancient Wasteland Domain was pulled out from the bottom of the lake and fell to the ground like a dead dog.

"Not bad, we finally caught a big fish."

The Saints from the Blood Demon Ancient Domain who had taken action all revealed smiles of satisfaction.

A Saint ordered, "Imprison this big fish and send him to the Spirit Refinement Forest."

Immediately, someone stood up, tethered the head of the Saint from the Ancient Wasteland Domain with a chain, dragged him to the ground like a dog, and flew away into the distance.

In a bloody wasteland, a tall and thin man stood in a battlefield littered with corpses and said calmly, "Those dead people cannot be wasted. Collect their skulls. In the future, the City of Protection will continue to expand. These skulls are the best materials for building city walls."

A group of experts instantly began to harvest the heads of the corpses on the ground one by one, as if they were collecting the flesh and blood of livestock. They were very skillful, and it was obvious that this was not the first tthey had done this.

Scenes like this happened in all of the different areas throughout the Blood Demon Territory.

Following Xue Qingyi's order, all the experts from the Blood Demon Ancient Domain began to fully cooperate with Le Xuexiu and the others. They launched a bloody chase and began to capture the cultivators from the Ancient Wasteland Domain.

Attempts at resistance were all in vain.

Bloody, brutal, and tragic scenes were constantly occurring.

Sin and evil were intertwined together.

In just three days, hundreds of captured experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain were sent to the vicinity of the great abyss deep in the Spirit Refinement Forest.

Among them were several Saints! In the Ancient Wasteland Domain, these Saints were considered all-powerful and divine figures and were deeply respected by countless experts. But now, every one of them was in a state of desolation. They were injured and miserable and had becprisoners.

Le Xuexiu had a cold expression on his face as he raised his hand to make a grabbing motion without even looking at them.

There was a terrible explosion, and a hundred experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain were immediately wiped out and died suddenly on the spot.

Following that, their flesh and blood were swept away and thrown into the abyss.

From a distance, it looks as if a heavy rain of flesh and blood was occurring above the abyss. The smell of blood was overwhelming and nauseating.

Seeing this, the other captured experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain shivered out of shock, and many of them fell limply to the ground. Scursed and roared angrily, and swailed and begged for mercy…

Not everyone had the courage to die bravely, and not everyone was strong-willed. It was inevitable for sto plead for mercy from the foreign experts.

But all of their efforts were doomed to be in vain.

Le Xuexiu and the other seven suprSaints remained indifferent from the beginning to the end.

To them, the cultivators from the Ancient Wasteland Domain were indeed no different from livestock. Otherwise, why else would they call them two-legged sheep?

Only at the end did Le Xuexiu say, "This is the flesh and blood of a hundred two-legged sheep. If you two can continue enduring, then more of these two-legged sheep will die because of you next time."

His voice was cold and resounded throughout the heavens and earth. It also passed into the abyss.

"They’re doing this again!"

Little Silver was so angry that his face was full of murderous intent, and he could hardly hold himself back.

"If you rush out, you will fall into their trap." Ruowu took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said, "Remember, don't act without permission until Lin Xun wakes up."

After saying that, she sat cross-legged on the ground, sealed off her hearing, and meditated quietly. She was worried that if she continued to listen to what was happening, she would be unable to resist taking action first.

Little Silver's expression was ashen and uncertain, but he finally held back, punched the ground hard, gritted his teeth and said, "These crimes must be repaid a thousand times over!"

In the distance, Lin Xun remained motionless and silent. He had been in this state, like a rock, in the past few days.

Tpassed, and before they knew it, a month had passed.

During this period of time, batch after batch of powerful experts from the Ancient Wasteland Domain were killed cruelly, and their mangled bodies were thrown into the abyss.

Le Xuexiu wanted to force Lin Xun and Ruowu out in this bloody and cruel way. But until now, they still hadn’t revealed themselves.

Thousands of corpses had already been thrown into the abyss. Among them were descendants of sgreat sects of the Ancient Wasteland Domain. Swere regarded as heroes among men, and swere proud women with outstanding beauty…

There were also Saints who had been considered all-powerful.

But no matter who it was, their end was no different from that of mere livestock. After being bloodily slaughtered, their corpses were thrown into the abyss!

For a month, the inexorable smell of blood remained near the abyss, dyeing the entire void with a blood-red color.

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If there really was karma in this universe, then Le Xuexiu and the others would have suffered from its backlash a long tago.

Unfortunately, the concept of karma was just a delusion that the weak used to comfort themselves!

In the Nine Domains Battlefield, every tthere was a Conflict of the Nine Domains, millions of corpses would be buried there, and rivers of blood would flow.

As for Le Xuexiu and the others, those who died were all cultivators from the Ancient Wasteland Domain, so it was naturally impossible for them to feel anything.

"It's certain that Ruowu must have gotten her dao foundations damaged, so there’s nothing to worry about from her."

A man in green had a gloomy look on his face as he continued, "Only that Lin Xun is a bit hard to see through. He has the ability to kill Saints even before he has beca Saint. What if he becomes a Saint?"

"Haha, do you think that boy can beca Saint in this abyss?"

Le Xuexiu snorted, "This is absolutely impossible. Even with Xue Qingyi's background, he can only go to the Absolute Hell Secret Realm to seek the opportunity to beca Saint. That boy is trapped here, so he is destined to be unable to enter the Absolute Hell Secret Realm. As a result, he is also destined to miss the opportunity to beca Saint!"

Le Xuexiu then couldn't help but sneer, "Now it seems that the boy is hiding under the abyss, leaving us helpless, but at the stime, what he has lost is an opportunity to beca Saint. This is more than enough!"

The other suprSaints thought about it for a moment and all agreed.

Even if the kid couldn’t be killed now, it was still very cost-effective to trap him here and make him miss an opportunity to beca Saint.

After all, that youngster was a top leader of the Ancient Wasteland Domain. Therefore, how terrifying would it be if he were to beca Saint?

But now, that was destined to be impossible!

Tflew, and another half a month passed.

Blood Demon Territory, the City of Protection.

A dazzling glow that was a streak of light rushed out from where Xue Qingyi had been in closed door cultivation, pushing away the clouds in the sky and shining brightly.

On this day, Xue Qingyi had a breakthrough and issued an order to set off today to lead a group of peerless figures from the Blood Demon Ancient Domain to the Ancient Wasteland Domain’s Territory.

Because in half a month, the Absolute Hell Secret Realm would descend!

As soon as the news cout, the City of Protection began to bubble with activity, and the peerless figures from all the major clans who had been preparing this entire trushed towards where Xue Qingyi was.

These peerless characters had all been hiding in the City of Protection, waiting for the opportunity to enter the Absolute Hell Secret Realm. Now, they are about to set off!

However, before setting off, Xue Qingyi learned a piece of news, which made him frown. A hint of displeasure appeared between his brows.

"Even now, a group of suprSaints have not been able to kill those two youngsters? They are just a bunch of losers!"

His voice was indifferent and he did not hide his dissatisfaction.

"Pass my orders down. If Le Xuexiu and the others are still unable able to kill those two by the tI return from the Absolute Hell Secret Realm, don't blme for being rude to them!"

After that, Xue Qingyi led the team and left.

Along the way, a group of suprSaints accompanied them to protect them, the peerless figures of the Blood Demon Ancient Territory.