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The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 579
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Chapter 579: Thumb Up for My Effort!

The next morning, I woke up with a good mood from a good night sleep, then I realized today’s schedule and my mood turned bad instantly.

Today is finally the day that I have to fight Timmy.

Timmy whose real name might not be Timmy is an Aura Master. Something that is stronger than any other Aura user. Including me.

And he’s also a powerful earth mage who has reached a stage beyond master level. Those two combinations made him the strongest man in his time. And maybe even now.

And I have to fight him until one of us die. So unfair. I’m just an Aura user without any real master to teach me, and a weak mage with summoning element and air element. Though my familiars are strong, they are still weaker than me.

I ate my breakfast while thinking of what my advantages and my disadvantages before the fight against Timmy.

Disadvantages? There are many. I don’t need to repeat them anymore.


Advantages? I can outnumber him with my familiars. We’re fighting in the open space, so if I can get him to fight in the sky, I might be able to win.

Although I couldn’t catch him by surprise since he scheduled our fight, I managed to get the venue changed to the outside. Although I don’t know how he fight, without his earth magic, the things he could do will be limited.

Though he hasn’t told me if he has other elements or not. If he has a wind element, I will be doomed. At least I hope it won’t be wind element if he has any.

And the other advantages I have I can think of is our weapons. Thanks to him opening the door, I can see the inside using my Divine Vision. And in there, I can only see one weapon being maintained very well inside that room. A katana.

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Something that Victoria said that it came from his original world, exist in this world. I guess it wasn’t popular enough, so no one picked it as their main weapon. But it exist in this world. The sourc???? of this content is (f)ir(e).nᴇt

For me, it was quite a familiar weapon that I often use because of Victoria. If not for her, I would never know what a katana is.

But other than a katana, Timmy doesn’t have other weapon in his room. And he never asked me to give him some Blobbies. That mean he will only use a katana.

As for me, I am more versatile. And although I can’t say that I’m a master in every technique with different weapons, I can say that I’m quite good at it.

So, it’s a fight between a katana user, against me who is a various weapons user along with my familiars.

If it was before, I would have think that I can just let Victoria protect me all the time. But thanks to the training and the fight here, I learned that if Victoria received powerful damage, she can still be cut even though she was supposed to be immortal. Her size will be smaller because she was cut, but she can recover with time. And the part that was cut will be considered as Blobby and will disappear soon after.

At least I know her weakness. That way, I won’t make a mistake.

After breakfast, I prepared myself while digesting the food in my stomach. And when I’m ready, I left to the lake where Angela, Kayla, Kron, and some other people were riding on the back of Spot who was floating so they can watch my fight.

I told them to keep their distance from me just in case. They will watch me from afar.

“You’re here. Are you re-”

Before Timmy could finish his sentence, I already transformed Victoria into a huge heavy hammer, and swung it down to the ground.

Thanks to the training, my body and Aura has become stronger. And the transformation that Victoria can do, thanks to finally reaching expert level in my summoning, has became much faster. And the maximum weight she can turn into has increased.

Combined with the speed I was falling down, I created a huge web-like crack on the ground. But Timmy dodged it easily.

The ground was shaking so much, and I even see the fainted fishes in the lake are slowly surfacing. They were all temporary paralyzed because of my attack. And the calm lake created huge waves.

But nothing has changed about Timmy. He’s still standing there with calm expression as I turned my Victohammer into a Victokatana, and slashed it toward Timmy.

“It’s been three thousand years since I fought another katana user. Though you’re not really a katana user, right?” Timmy said as we exchanged moves.

Although I said that we’re exchanging moves, it’s more like he’s just playing with me.

Even though I swung my katana with all my strength, infused it with Aura and my will, he could easily block them all with ease. And he didn’t infuse much of his Aura into it. Just a small bit enough to stop my attack.

“If it’s just this much, I don’t even need to use all my strength. Come on! Use that power!” Timmy shouted as he blew me away with just a swing of his katana.

That power? He must be talking about the power that is close to Aura Master.

I have trained in it, but I can’t use it perfectly yet. I’m still too weak for that.

That power, Victoria called it Super Aura. She told me to turn blonde, but I didn’t get her as usual. Just something from her old world.

Anyway, that Super Aura is something that Aura Master can control freely. But for me, I can only use it for five minutes at most in my current strength. This is totally an unfair match with my chance of winning is less than one percent. Why did Timmy think that this is going to help me if he’s killing me?

I need to make use of Super Aura at the right time. Five minutes is too short, while he can use it freely. Or at least that’s what he said when I asked him more about Aura Master. Though he agreed to call it Super Aura.

What Super Aura did to me, is not just giving powerful pressure like what Timmy showed me. It makes me stronger and faster is the simplest way to put it.

There should be other things that Super Aura can do. Something that explains why there’s a huge gap between an Aura user and an Aura Master. Though I don’t know about that, and Timmy refused to tell me. Must be something that I need to figure out myself.

For now, I can be happy that at least Timmy hasn’t used his full power yet. He hasn’t used his magic yet. But that is good. Whether it’s because he’s underestimating me or because he wanted to guide me to be an Aura Master, it’s good that he hadn’t used his full strength yet.

I approached Timmy again, and swung Victokatana downward. Timmy tried to block it, but right before my katana touched his katana, I transformed Victoria into a short dagger so my weapon won’t be blocked.

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The short dagger easily passed Timmy’s blocking attempt, and when I passed it, I transformed Victoria into a katana gain as I thrust it forward. Trying to pierce his brain.

Timmy dodged it just by swaying his head, but I transformed Victoria again. This time, it’s into a sickle. Although it has a blade, it’s more of a farming tool than a weapon. But I also have trained in it because of one of the ancient Aura user that I fought and learned from.

He was a poor farmer but has talent to be an Aura user. He has no weapon, but he was surrounded with farming tools. So, he used a sickle as his weapon. And I learned it from him.

The sickle in my hand has a curved blade. And it’s curved right behind Timmy’s neck as I pulled it toward me trying to cut Timmy’s head off. But Timmy is faster than me.

He shifted his katana so he blocked my sickle. And my attack failed again.

But I didn’t stop. With my free hand that didn’t hold the weapon, I threw a straight punch to his chest. But Timmy stopped it again.

He let go of his right hand from his katana, and stopped my punch by grabbing it.

“It won’t work. You are the greatest Aura user who used various weapon that I have ever fought. Even in my time, you could be famous. But you are not strong enough,” Timmy said as he casually stopped my punch.

But I have predicted everything until now.

In my left fist, I hold a small Blobby that I turned into a small blade.

While Timmy is still holding my left hand with his right hand, I grabbed his right thumb, and sliced it off with the small Blobby blade that I hold.

With this, he won’t be able to use his full strength since I have cut his thumb from his dominant hand. Even if he tried to use all his strength, his grip will be weaker.

I retreated a few steps back while still holding his right thumb in my hand and raised it high.

“Alright! Thumb up for my effort!” I shouted happily.

But Timmy didn’t look perplexed at all. He’s still calm even though I just cut off his thumb. I need to be extremely careful. He still has a lot of power he hasn’t showed me, while I have shown him everything from the battles against the ancient Aura users.

The battle didn’t become easier at all. But this is to be expected from the strongest man in his time. And I’m just lucky so far.

The real battle will start now. Maybe. Though I hope it won’t while he will keep on holding back until it’s too late. But I won’t hope too much for it.